Интервью с членом Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации, Президентом Адвокатской палаты Республики Башкортостан Б.Г. Юмадиловым.: Интервью с Председателем Президиума Саратовской специализированной коллегии адвокатов, заслуженным юристом Российской Федерации, кандидатом юридических наук, профессором Н.П. Царевой: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, председателем Научно-консультативного и экспертного Совета Гильдии российских адвокатов, членом Научно-консультативного Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов РФ, членом Научно-консультативного Совета при Ве: Интервью с вице-президентом Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации С.И. Володиной: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, президентом Гильдии российских адвокатов, ректором Российской академии адвокатуры и нотариата Гасаном Борисовичем Мирзоевым:



Historical experience
Zarandiya I.Ch. Zarandiya A.I., Chagava K.L.
History of formation and development of advocacy of the Republic of Abkhazia
Research of history of formation and development of advocacy profession of the Republic of Abkhazia since October revolution of 1917.
Methodology: Authors on the basis of use of a historical and legal method analyzed a wide range of archival materials, scientific literature, periodicals materials. In work the statistical method of research of advocates activity is also applied. Along with it, authors were direct participants of the events relating to the modern period of formation and development of advocacy profession of the Republic of Abkhazia.
Results: In article stages of formation and development of legal profession of the Republic of Abkhazia are allocated, features of each of stages are designated, the historical and legal characteristic of the main normative legal acts regulating activity of advocacy profession is given, data on members of advocacy associations are provided, the main organizational problems accompanying formation and development of advocacy profession are described, statistical data on work of advocates are considered, the concrete examples characterizing activity of advocates are given, the characteristic and an author’s assessment is given to the main forms of assistance to advocacy of Abkhazia from advocates of the Russian Federation, modern aspects of interaction of bodies of advocates self-government and associations of advocates of these states are considered.
Novelty/originality/value: Article represents the considerable scientific value as the works devoted history of formation and development of advocacy profession of the Republic of Abkhazia were not published earlier in scientific periodicals.
Keywords: advocacy profession, Republic of Abkhazia, formation of advocacy profession of Abkhazia.
Work bibliographic list

1. Galoganov A.P. Formy advokatskih ob"edinenij kak instrument realizacii pravovogo statusa advokata // Novyj juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2011. – # 3.
2. Golos trudovoj Abhazii. – 1923. – # 130 (565) (10 ijunja).
3. Kuznecov A.V. Osobennosti i predely ogranichenija advokatskoj tajny v Rossii (sravnitel'nyj opyt SShA, Francii, Germanii) // Jekonomika i pravo. XXI vek. – 2012. – # 1.
4. Petrov D.V. Pravovye i organizacionnye aspekty obespechenija bezopasnosti lichnosti i professional'noj dejatel'nosti advokata // Uchenye trudy Rossijskoj Akademii Advokatury i Notariata. – 2012. – # 3.
5. Ragulin A.V. Pravo advokata-zashhitnika trebovat' zapreta na vmeshatel'stvo v advokatskuju dejatel'nost' libo prepjatstvovanie ej kakim by to ni bylo obrazom: problemy zakonodatel'noj reglamentacii i prakticheskoj realizacii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2012. – # 47.
6. Ragulin A.V. Pravovaja Reglamentacija professional'nogo prava advokata-zashhitnika na besprepjatstvennost' vstrechi s doveritelem nuzhdaetsja v sovershenstvovanii // Pravo i zhizn'. – 2012. – # 164.
7. Ragulin A.V. Problemnye voprosy pravovoj reglamentacii i prakticheskoj realizacii prava advokata-zashhitnika na oznakomlenie s materialami ugolovnogo dela v processe predvaritel'nogo rassledovanija // Pravo i zhizn'. – 2012. – # 165.
8. Ragulin A.V. Reglamentacija i realizacija professional'nogo prava advokata – zashhitnika na sobljudenie osobogo porjadka ugolovnogo presledovanija //Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2013. – # 1.
9. Sovetskaja Abhazija. – 1934. – 26 nojabrja (# 271).
10. Sovetskaja justicija. – 1936. – # 27.
11. Shajhullin M.S. Pravovoe regulirovanie i formirovanie novyh tradicij vzaimodejstvija advokatury i organov mestnogo samoupravlenija v Rossii //Advokatskaja praktika. – 2011. – # 2.

Ragulin A.V. Shaykhullin M.S.
Modern problems and tendencies of professional development of advocate
Research of the main directions and tendencies of professional development of advocate in Russia.
Methodology: Authors applied formal-legal method, a method of the included supervision, a statistical method, sociological methods, a method of theoretical modeling.
Results: In article authors revealed and analyzed the main tendencies of such directions of professional development of the identity of advocate as selection and attraction of shots in advocate’s educations, questions of increase in distinctions in legal status of the trainee of advocate’s and the paralegal assistant are considered, problems of improvement of system of professional education of advocate’s and occupation of advocates by scientific and pedagogical activity, assignment questions to the honorary titles and corporate awards of advocate’s profession are investigated.
Novelty/originality/value: In article are generalized the provision of earlier published scientific works on the considered problem and author’s ideas, generalizations, conclusions and the offers directed on improvement of system of professional development of advocate possessing scientific novelty and the practical importance contain.
Keywords: advocacy profession, professional development of advocate, attraction of shots in advocacy profession, the trainee of the advocate, professional education of advocates.
Work bibliographic list
1. Avdeev S. Status advokata tol'ko dlja svoih. Jurist osparivaet v Konstitucionnom sude svoe pravo stat' zashhitnikom // Rossijskaja gazeta. – 2006. – 1 avgusta (# 166).
2. Bojkov A.D. Status advokata: soderzhanie, kvalifikacionnye trebovanija i principy advokatskoj dejatel'nosti: Monografija. – M.: JuRKOMPANI, 2010.
3. Busurina E.O. Prinuditel'noe obuchenie po povysheniju kvalifikacii kak mera disciplinarnoj otvetstvennosti advokata // Evrazijskaja advokatura. – 2012. – # 1.
4. Dehanov S.A. Organizacija advokatury i professional'naja jetika advokatov v Zapadnoj Evrope. –M.: Jurlitinform, 2012.
5. Ignatov S.D. Konceptual'nye osnovy organizacii advokatury v Rossii (voprosy teorii i praktiki): Monografija. – Izhevsk: ID «Udmurtskij universitet», 2006.
6. K advokatu prositsja stazher // Rossijskij advokat. – 2003. – # 4.
7. Libanova S.Je. Advokatura Rossijskoj Federacii v mehanizme konstitucionnogo garantirovanija zashhity prav i svobod: Monografija. – Kurgan, 2009.
8. Lubshev Ju.F. Kurs advokatskogo prava: Uchebnik. – 2-e izd. – M.: OOO «Profobrazovanie», 2004.
9. Mel'nichenko R.G. Advokatskaja dejatel'nost'. Universal'noe pravilo uspeha. – M.: ITK «Dashkov i K», 2010.
10. Mel'nichenko R.G. Advokatura: Ucheb. posob. – M.:ITK «Dashkov i K», 2009.
11. Mel'nichenko R.G., Stepanov P.I. Osnovy uspeshnoj advokatskoj dejatel'nosti: Ucheb. posob. – Jelista,2006.
12. Mel'nichenko R.G. «Zachem mne orden, ja soglasen na medal'»: o korporativnyh nagradah rossijskih advokatov // Advokatskaja praktika. – 2008. – # 4.
13. Mel'nichenko R.G. Advokaturu vycherknuli iz nauki // Advokat. – 2009. – # 6.
14. Pavlov B.B. K voprosu ob advokatskoj kul'ture //Advokatura. Gosudarstvo. Obshhestvo: Sb. materialov IV Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii / Otv. red.: S.I. Volodina, Ju.S. Pilipenko. – M., 2007.
15. Pospelov O.V. Kvalifikacionnyj jekzamen v advokatskih palatah goroda Moskvy i Moskovskoj oblasti v 2003–2006 godah // Advokatura. Gosudarstvo. Obshhestvo: Sb. materialov IV Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii / Otv. red.: S.I. Volodina, Ju.S. Pilipenko. – M., 2007.
16. Revina I.V. Nravstvennye osnovy povedenija advokata vo vzaimootnoshenijah s podzashhitnym i sledovatelem // Advokatura, gosudarstvo, obshhestvo. – M.,
17. Rjazancev V. Komanda Knjazeva// Rossijskij advokat. – 2005. – # 1.
18. Sbornik normativnyh aktov i dokumentov / Pod obshh. red. E.V. Semenjako, Ju.S. Pilipenko. – M.: Inform-Pravo, 2010.
19. Sergeev V.I. Advokat, pomoshhnik, stazher: postoronnim vhod vospreshhen // Biznes-advokat. – 2004. –# 8.
20. Stecovskij Ju.I. Stanovlenie advokatury v Rossii. – M.: Volters Kluver, 2010.
21. Fojnickij I.Ja. Zashhita v ugolovnom prave. –M., 1885.
22. Chashin A.N. Motivacija advokatskogo truda //Advokat. – 2005. – # 11.

Zaborovsky V.V.
Features advocate’s legal status in Ukraine
Research of concept and structure of legal status of the advocate in Ukraine and his fixing in the Law of Ukraine «About advocacy profession and advocate’s activity».
Methodology: The author applied formal-legal method and a method of the included supervision.
Results: In article situation that legal status of advocate represents a combination of the rights, duties of the advocate, responsibility and guarantees of his activity is formulated. The conclusion that the Law of Ukraine «About advocacy profession and advocate’s activity» did not justify the related hopes on increase of legal status of the advocate in society is also drawn, it is noted that a number of the rights and guarantees of activity of the advocate, fixed in the law, has declarative character. Novelty/originality/value: Article represents the scientific value as it is one of the first attempts of the analysis of legal status of advocate in the Ukrainian republic by the new legislation.
Keywords: advocate, legal status of the advocate, right of the advocate, legal aid, guarantees of activity of the lawyer.
Work bibliographic list

1. Bojkov A.D. Status advokata: soderzhanie, kvalifikacionnye trebovanija i principy advokatskoj dejatel'nosti: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. – M., 2010.
2. Grudcyna L. Ju. Garantii nezavisimosti, samoupravlenija i finansirovanija advokatskoj dejatel'nosti // Novyj juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2013. – # 1.
3. Pjatin E.I. Voprosy dostupnosti dlja naselenija Rossii kvalificirovannoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi, okazyvaemoj advokatami // Novyj juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2013. – # 1.
4. Hotenec P.V. Pravovoj status advokata v Ukraine: Avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. – H., 2002.

Timofeeva A.V.
Advocate’s participation in civil proceedings in the Czech Republic
Research of legal and organizational questions of activity of the lawyer in civil process in the Czech Republic.
Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal method and a method of the included supervision.
Results: In article the characteristic is given to the rights and duties of the advocate as participant of civil process in the Czech Republic in relation to the clients and colleagues, and also concerning bodies of judicial authority. Conclusions concerning conditions of providing legal services are also formulated by the «European» and foreign lawyers.
Novelty/originality/value: Article represents the scientific value as it is one of the first works devoted to legal status of the advocate in the Czech republic, published in the Russian scientific periodicals.
Keywords: the law of foreign states, the Czech Republic, the legal profession, the lawyer, the attorney, the advocate, the advocate’s status, the civil proceedings, the Czech Bar Association, the foreign advocate, the European lawyer, the rights and duties of an advocate.
Work bibliographic list

1. Bulín, H. Advokát jako nucený zástupce dovolatele v občanském řízení soudním (K výkladu druhé věty § 241 občanského soudního řádu). Bulletin advokacie, 1996. – # 5.
2. Chudáčková M. Evropský advokát // Bulletin advokacie. – 2002. – # 8.
3. Svejkovský, J., Vychopeň, M., Krym, L., Pejchal, A. a kol. Zákon o advokacii. Komentář. 1. vydání. Praha:C. H. Beck, 2012.
4. Birjukov P.N. Sudy obshhej jurisdikcii Cheshskoj Respubliki // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. – 2012. – # 6.
5. Gritchina A.A. Apelljacija kak institut sovremennogo grazhdanskogo processa // Obrazovanie i pravo. – 2012. – # 6.

Kuznetsov V.N.
About reform of judicial system of Russia
Consideration of topical issues of reforming of judicial system of Russia.
Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal method, a method of the included supervision, a method of theoretical modeling.
Results: In article it is offered to legalize judicial precedent as an official source of the Russian right, to make changes to the Code of civil procedure of the Russian Federation regarding the right of interested persons to appeal against definition of the judge of the Supreme Court about refusal in business reclamation, and also offers regarding real ensuring publicity in a work of the courts and access of citizens to electronic information resources are formulated.
Novelty/originality/value: In article are generalized the provision of earlier published scientific works on the considered problem and author’s ideas, generalizations, conclusions and the offers directed on improvement of system of judicial system in Russia representing the scientific value and the practical importance contain.
Keywords: judicial reform, judicial precedent, interpretation, access to information.
Work bibliographic list

1. Burkov A.L. Status postanovlenij Plenuma Verhovnogo suda v zakonodatel'stve i sudebnoj praktike //Izvestija vuzov. Pravovedenie. – 2011. – # 5.
2. Kuznecov V.N. O tolkovanii vysshimi sudebnymi instancijami stat'i 333 Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii i protivorechivoj sudebnoj praktike arbitrazhnyh sudov i sudov obshhej jurisdikcii po ee primeneniju // Evrazijskaja advokatura. – 2012. –# 1.
3. Mirzoev G.B. Ustranenie sudebnoj oshibki: kompleksnyj harakter problemy // Uchenye trudy Rossijskoj Akademii Advokatury i Notariata. – 2012. – # 1.

Dubrovin O.V., Nikitin S.G., Pominov A.V.
Тhe priority expert system and the self-regulatory organization as the mechanisms, which control the level of qualification of forensic experts in the Russian Federation
Consideration of topical issues of reforming of organizational and legal bases of judicial and forensic expert activity in Russia.
Methodology: Authors applied a formal-legal method, a comparative and legal method, a method of the included supervision, a method of theoretical modeling.
Results: In article the bill «About Judicial and Forensic Expert Activity in the Russian Federation» is analysed and the mechanism of management by a skill level of forensic experts in the Russian Federation, consisting
in use of priority expert system, in the presence of the certificate of competence and the state database of the registered experts is offered. It is also offered to create in the territory of each subject of the Russian Federation of associations in the form of the self-regulating organizations the forensic experts having the existing certificate of competence can be which members.
Novelty/originality/value: Article contains representing scientific and practical importance author’s ideas, generalizations, conclusions and the offers directed on improvement of a number of the directions within system of judicial and forensic expert activity in Russia.
Keywords: Business expertise, legal expertise, qualified forensic experts.
Work bibliographic list
1. Alehin N. Slabye zven'ja sudebnoj jekspertizy // Novaja advokatskaja gazeta. – 2013. – # 12.
2. Belkin A.R. Sudebnaja jekspertiza s gosudarstvennym uklonom // Jezh-JuRIST. – 2013. – # 17–18.
3. Zhizhina M.V. Ocenka dostovernosti zakljuchenija jeksperta kak dokazatel'stva v arbitrazhnom sudoproizvodstve: problemy i puti preodolenija // Pravo i jekonomika. – 2009. – # 3.
4. Mamaj V.I. Sovremennye problemy sudebnoj jekspertizy i puti ih preodolenija // Rossijskaja justicija. – 2009. – # 10.

Isayev P.A.
About some criminal manifestations in activity of power structures of Russia at the present stage
Consideration of actual problems of formation of the negative social phenomenon of criminal bureaucracy for development of the offers directed on fight against this phenomenon.
Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal method and a method of theoretical modeling.
Results: In article the main scientific approaches to definitions «bureaucracy» and «criminal bureaucracy» are analyzed and author’s vision of this question is formulated, factors of existence of social deviations in activity of power structures are considered, problems of an evolution of bureaucracy in more dangerous to society and the state of a form are investigated and the main directions of criminal bureaucracy are revealed: criminal bureaucracy of household character and criminal bureaucracy in a business community.
Novelty/originality/value: Article contains representing scientific and practical importance author’s generalizations and the conclusions directed on improvement of scientific ideas of criminal bureaucracy as about a negative form of deviant behavior of civil officers.
Keywords: bureaucracy, organized crime, management.
Work bibliographic list

1. Alekseev A.I. Kriminologija: Kurs lekcij. –M.: Shhit: KUAOOP RF, 2002.
2. Arutjunov L.S., Kas'janenko M.A. Vlijanie kriminal'noj bjurokratii na jetnicheskuju prestupnost' v RF: Monografija. – Kislovodsk: Izd-vo KGTI, 2007.
3. Golosenko I.A. Tri tolkovanija fenomena bjurokratii v dorevoljucionnoj sociologii Rossii. –SPb., 2006.
4. Dobrieva M.D. O nekotoryh problemah protivodejstvija korrupcii v sudebnoj sisteme // Uchenye trudy rossijskoj akademii advokatury i notariata. – 2012. – # 4.
5. Drozdov Ju., Fartyshev V. Jurij Andropov i Vladimir Putin. Na puti k vozrozhdeniju. – M., 2001.
6. Kuzovkov Ju.V. Mirovaja istorija korrupcii. –M.: Anima-Press, 2010.
7. Lavrent'eva O.S. Kontrol' kak sposob protivodejstvija korrupcii v sisteme gosudarstvennoj sluzhby Rossijskoj Federacii // Obrazovanie i pravo. –2012. – # 11.
8. Minnigulova D.B. Probely pravovogo regulirovanija administrativnoj i ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti gosudarstvennyh grazhdanskih sluzhashhih v Rossijskoj Federacii // Uchenye trudy rossijskoj akademii advokatury i notariata. – 2012. – # 3.
9. Mirzoev G.B. Protivodejstvie korrupcii: pozicija predstavitelja advokatskogo soobshhestva // Uchenye trudy Rossijskoj Akademii advokatury i Notariata. – 2012. – # 2.
10. Romashov O.V., Romashova L.O. Sociologija i psihologija upravlenija. – M., 2002.
11. Spiridonova V.I. Bjurokratija i reforma. – M., 1997.

The dichotomic correlation of public and private concepts of beginning in land legal terms
Carrying out the lingvo-legal analysis of the basic concepts applied in the land right to permission of a problem about a ratio of the public and private beginnings in a method of legal regulation of land legal relationship.
Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal method, a lingvo-legal method, a historical and legal method.
Results: In article the conclusion that the public and private beginning with adoption of the Land code of the Russian Federation with the subsequent transition of private-law regulation of a turn of the land plots for an unlimited circle of subjects to public, generated a dichotomy of terms that negatively affected a land turn in Russia is drawn.
Novelty/originality/value: In article the original method of the scientific analysis of the legal phenomena owing to what author’s generalizations representing the scientific importance and the conclusions characterizing improvement of scientific ideas of a method of legal regulation of land legal relationship were formulated is applied.
Keywords: interpretation, communication, multiobjecting of land legal relationship, land plot, public easement.
Work bibliographic list

1. Anisimov A.P., Charkin S.A. Ob"ekty zemel'nyh pravootnoshenij // Rossijskaja justicija. – 2012. – # 2.
2. Apt L.F. O sistemnoj svjazi opredelenij ponjatij rossijskogo zakonodatel'stva // Juridicheskaja tehnika. – 2007. – # 1.
3. Bogoljubov S.A. Zemel'noe zakonodatel'stvo i koncepcija razvitija grazhdanskogo zakonodatel'stva //Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. – 2010. – # 1.
4. Vashhenko Ju.S. K voprosu o definicii «zemel'nyj uchastok» i ego vidah // Tatishhevskie chtenija: aktual'nye problemy nauki i praktiki. – Ch. 2. – Tol'jatti, 2013.
5. Venkshtern M. Osnovy veshhnogo prava // Problemy grazhdanskogo i predprinimatel'skogo prava Germanii: Per. s nem. – M.: BEK, 2011.
6. Egorov N.D. Ponjatie grazhdanskogo prava // Vestnik grazhdanskogo prava. – 2012. – T. 12.
7. Zav'jalov A.A. Gosudarstvennoe upravlenie oborota nedvizhimogo imushhestva. Tendencii i perspektivy. – M., 2007.
8. Kijko A.Ju. Chastnopravovye i publichnye nachala v grazhdansko-pravovom regulirovanii gosudarstvennogo imushhestva v hozjajstvennom oborote strany:Avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. – Volgograd, 2004.
9. Konov V.N. Sovershenstvovanie pravovogo obespechenija oborota zemel' v aspekte zashhity interesov prav sobstvennikov // Uchenye trudy Rossijskoj Akademii Advokatury i Notariata. – 2012. – # 2.
10. Moiseeva E.V. Uchastie publichno-pravovyh obrazovanij v grazhdanskih pravootnoshenijah po razgranicheniju publichnoj sobstvennosti // Rossijskij sud'ja. – 2006. – # 8.
11. Peskova A.A. Mestnoe samoupravlenie: rasporjazhenie zemel'nymi uchastkami, gosudarstvennaja sobstvennost' na kotorye ne razgranichena (po materialam sudebnoj praktiki Dal'nevostochnogo regiona) //Konstitucionnoe i municipal'noe pravo. – 2009. –# 20.
12. Tihomirov Ju.A. Publichnoe pravo. – M., 1995.
13. Tihomirov Ju.A. Teorija kompetencii. – M., 2001.
14. Uvarov A. Nekotorye aspekty regulirovanija zemel'nyh otnoshenij organami mestnogo samoupravlenija //Hozjajstvo i pravo. – 2003. – # 6.
15. Shajhullin M.S. Institut iz"jatija zemel' v tradicii i pravovom regulirovanii mestnogo samoupravlenija // Municipal'noe pravo. – 2009. – # 2.
16. Shajhullin M.S. K voprosu o formirovanii municipal'nyh tradicij v Rossii // Agrarnoe i zemel'noe pravo. – 2010. – # 3.
17. Shajhullin M.S. K voprosu o transformacii tradicij mestnogo samoupravlenija i pravovyh osnovah ih nejtralizacii v sovetskoj Rossii // Istorija gosudarstva i prava. – 2013. – # 5.

Avdeev M. Yu. Grudtsyna L.Yu.
Democracy, The People and Civil society in Russia
Consideration of questions of self-organization of citizens in civil society on the basis of a democratic principle of functioning of the Russian state.
Methodology: Authors applied historical-legal and formal-legal methods.
Results: In article it was proved that civil society cannot be treated as a state antithesis as these institutes represent objectively interdependent social and political and legal phenomena. Point that elimination of the integrating state beginning resisting to individualism of subjects of civil society, is capable to lead to anarchy accession is also formulated. Participation of the state in formation of the Russian civil society should be supervised independent public institutes not to allow a manipulation process of formation of civil society in interests of the state.
Novelty/originality/value: Article has a certain scientific value as contains author’s generalizations possessing scientific novelty.
Keywords: state, civil society, human rights, family, private interest, law and order, democracy, economic crisis, people, nation, population.
Work bibliographic list

1. Afanas'ev V.G. Obshhestvo: sistemnost', poznanie i upravlenie. – M.: Politizdat, 1981.
2. Abdulatipov R.G. Nacional'nyj vopros i gosudarstvennoe ustrojstvo Rossii. – M.: Slavjanskij dialog, 2000.
3. Gegel' G.V.F. Filosofija prava. – M., 1990.
4. Grudcyna L.Ju. Gosudarstvo i grazhdanskoe obshhestvo: Monografija / Pod red. prof. S.M. Petrova. –M.: Jurkompani, 2010.
5. Grudcyna L.Ju. Chastnaja sobstvennost' i grazhdanskoe obshhestvo v Rossii // Advokat. – 2009. – # 8.
6. Il'in I.A. Nashi zadachi. – Volgograd: Komitet po pechati, 1997.
7. Lagutkin A.V. Rossija na rasput'e: kuda pojdem? – M.: Jurkompani, 2013.
8. Mamut L.S. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo i gosudarstvo: problemy sootnoshenija // Obshhestvennye nauki i sovremennost'. – 2002. – # 5.
9. Nersesjanc B.C. Obshhaja teorija prava i gosudarstva: Uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M.: Norma–Infra-M, 1999.
10. Pozdnjakov Je.A. Rossijskoe grazhdanskoe obshhestvo. Illjuzii i real'nost' // Politicheskij klass. –2006. – # 22.
11. Sorokin V.V. Problemy tolkovanija prava v sovremennom grazhdanskom obshhestve // Grazhdanin i pravo. – 2010. – # 6.
12. Speranskij M.M. Rukovodstvo k poznaniju zakonov. – SPb.: Nauka, 2002.
13. Chetvernin V.A. Obshhestvo i gosudarstvo // Fenomenologija gosudarstva. – M., 2004. – Vyp. 2.
14. Chirkin V.E. Konvergencija pravovyh sistem nesovmestimost' nekotoryh institutov v dialoge civilizacij // Materialy sekcionnyh zasedanij X Mezhdunarodnyh Lihachevskih nauchnyh chtenij 13– 14 maja 2010 goda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:

Zhidkova T.K.
To a problem of сriminal activity of participants of illegal paramilitary groups in Russia at the present stage
Consideration of features of modern practice of application of criminal precepts of law about responsibility for activity of illegal paramilitary groups and detection of criminological features, characteristic for these crimes.
Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal method and a statistical method.
Results: The author generalized the conclusions earlier formulated in scientific literature characterizing activity of illegal paramilitary groups, and also modern judicial and investigative practice on this problem is analysed.
Novelty/originality/value: Article contains author’s generalizations of rather criminological characteristic of activity of illegal paramilitary groups possessing by a certain scientific novelty.
Keywords: illegal paramilitary groups, terrorism, crimes against bases of public safety.
Work bibliographic list

1. Brilliantov A.V. Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii. – M., 2011.
2. Kolesnikov M. Nezakonnye vooruzhennye formirovanija: organizacija i taktika dejstvij // Malaja vojna: Sbornik trudov. – 1998.
3. Panenkov A.A. Kriminologicheskaja situacija i nekotorye problemy bor'by s prestuplenijami terroristicheskogo haraktera v Chechenskoj Respublike //Vestnik Akademii General'noj prokuratury RF. –2010. – # 2.

Egorova M.А.
For bread and shows, having armed with the law: complaints of the audience to actions from movie theaters and their legal analysis
Detection of complaints of the audience most often meeting in court practice on actions of staff of movie theaters and elaboration of the general theoretical approaches to permission of such complaints.
Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal method and a method of the included supervision and experimental methods of research.
Results: On the basis of the analysis of the actual and legal side of complaints of the audience most often meeting in court practice on actions of staff of movie theaters, the author drew a conclusion that a ban and the sanctions which fixed in rules of work of movie theaters and have strongly taken roots in practice, often contradict standards of the current legislation. It is noted that the audience in most cases manages to protect the rights on the basis of provisions of the civil legislation and the consumer protection law. In article recommendations are also offered consumers on protection of their rights and interests. Novelty/originality/value: Article contains author’s generalizations of rather legal side of disputes between the audience and movie theaters possessing scientific novelty and the high practical importance.
Keywords: protection of the rights of consumers, return of cost of tickets, ban on film session visit with the food, Governed on population film video service.
Work bibliographic list

1. «Vot budet ob"eden'e!» // Vedomosti Ural. –2013. – 5 aprelja [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
2. «Kino s pel'menjami» // Zhurnal Valerija Amirova. – 2013. – 5 aprelja [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
3. Kinoteatr zasudili za otmenu pokaza fil'ma // Bjulleten' kinoprokatchika. – 2013. – 14 janvarja [Jelektronnyj resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:

Voronov A.A.
Lawyer cybernetics: approaches and analysis
Consideration of a question of existence of advocate’s cybernetics and its structure.
Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal method and a method of theoretical modeling.
Results: In article the conclusion that the advocate’s cybernetics can be considered in two directions is drawn: as the management process realized in the legal profession, in advocates community and as management of information streams and actions of the advocate in the course of implementation of professional activity by it taking into account influence of the third parties. The main elements of advocate’s cybernetics are: analysis of advocate’s system as difficult system; management in advocate’s system; optimization of flows of information in problems of management in advocate’s system; complex assessment of system and assessment of advocate’s system; cybernetic models of advocate’s system; forecasting of development of advocate’s system.
Novelty/originality/value: In article, for the first time in scientific periodicals, such phenomenon as advocate’s cybernetics is analyzed and author’s offers on her concept and system having high level of scientific novelty are formulated.
Keywords: advocacy profession, cybernetics, management.
Work bibliographic list
1. Bellman R. Vvedenie v teoriju matric. – M.: Nauka, 1929.
2. Viner N. Kibernetika, ili upravlenie i svjaz' v zhivotnom i mashine. 1948–1961. – 2-e izd. – M., 1983.
3. Voronov A.A. Problemy professional'noj deformacii i informacionnoj bezopasnosti v advokatskoj dejatel'nosti // Sovremennoe pravo. – 2005. – # 4.
4. Voronov A.A. Teorija sistem v metodologii issledovanija nauki ob advokature // Jurist-pravoved". –2013. – # 3.
5. Vorob'ev A.V., Poljakov A.V., Tihonravov Ju.V. Teorija advokatury. – M.: Grant", 2002.
6. Gavrilov O.A. Kurs pravovoj informatiki:Uchebnik dlja vuzov. – M.: NORMA, 2000.
7. Zalmanzon L.A. Besedy ob avtomatike i kibernetike. – M.: Nauka, 1981.
8. Karahanjan S.G. Formirovanie i sovershenstvovanie informacionnogo komponenta advokatskoj dejatel'nosti: Avtoref. dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. – M., 2012.
9. Kerimov D.A. Pravo i kibernetika // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. – 1964. – # 9.
10. Kopylov V.A. Informacionnoe pravo. – M.:Jurist", 2003.
11. Mesarovich M., Mako D., Takahara Ja. Teorija ierarhicheskih mnogourovnevyh sistem. – M.: Mir, 1973.
12. Rassolov M.M., Jel'kin V.D., Rassolov I.M. Pravovaja informatika i upravlenie v sfere predprinimatel'stva. – M.: Jurist", 1996.