Rules of the direction, reviewing and publication of scientific articles

Rules of the direction, reviewing and publication of scientific articles in the international scientific and practical legal journal
"Eurasian Advocacy"


1. Only the materials corresponding to a profile of the scientific periodical, i.e. only materials of legal subject are accepted. They must be actual, new, have the scientific and practical importance, and also theoretical and practical value for representatives of lawyer community.

2. Articles are presented in electronic form (by e-mail to the address ragulin88@yandex .ru, eurasian-advocacy@mail .ru) or in writing to the address of the editorial office with the appendix of electronic option of work on a compact disk.

3. Publication volume – to 0,7 а.л. (28 000 characters with spaces). At need edition reserves the right to reduce material or to return it to the author for reduction. The increase in the volume of work can be coordinated with edition.

4. On the first page (over the name of article) the surname and the author's initials are specified in the left top corner. The name of article is printed after a surname, a name and the author's middle name. Pages are not numbered. The main text, the text of footnotes, the text of summaries and keywords are leveled on page width. After a surname of the author and the name of article through one interval it is necessary to place the text of the summary of article in Russian and keywords. Then through one interval it is necessary to specify a surname and initials of the author and the name of work in the left top corner in English, further – the summary and keywords in English. Article can be also submitted in English, thus the translation of the name into Russian, and also the summary and keywords in the Russian language is required.

5. Quotes in the text and in footnotes are put down in a uniform format in the following look: "". All abbreviations and reductions, except for obviously well-known, have to be deciphered at the first use in the text. Charts, tables, drawings have to be issued in a text editor of Word.

6. Footnotes and notes are located page by page, with through numbering and are made out according to GOST P 7.0.5-2008. At registration of footnotes it is necessary to specify a surname and initials of the author of work, its name, year of the edition, number of the page, other data. All bibliographic elements of foreign sources should be specified in original language, whenever possible avoiding abbreviations. When using electronic resources of the Internet it is necessary to specify heading of the title page of a resource (in angular brackets), the full address of location of a resource and (in parentheses) date of the last visit of the web page.

7. After end of article it is necessary to give a bibliographycal list, i.e. the list of the works quoted by the author in the material presented to the publication. The list does not join Internet sources, regulations, materials of court and investigative practice.

8. At the end of article it is necessary to provide the reference on the author with the indication of a surname, name, middle name, position and place of work (study), an academic degree and (or) rank, and also the full postal address of a place of work. These data are published in the journal. Separately from the above data it is also necessary to specify the postal index, the address, number of contact phone, e-mail in the reference. These data are not published in the journal and are necessary for communication of editorial office employees with the author of article.

9. Presenting the text of work for the publication in the journal, the author guarantees correctness of all data on himself, lack of plagiarism and other forms of illegal loan in manuscripts of work, appropriate registration of all loans of the text, tables, schemes, illustrations. In case article (material) at the same time goes to other edition or was published earlier, the author has to report about it in edition at material representation.

10. It is recommended strongly to check carefully before sending to the journal the general spelling of materials, correctness of writing of the corresponding legal terms and registration of the text of work and references. Edition insistently asks authors to check compliance of the presented material to these rules, and also electronic files – for absence of viruses.

11. The fee for publications is not paid (except cases of publication of article prepared by request of edition and according to the signed contract). The author is given opportunity to receive free electronic option of a copy of the journal, and also printing version of the journal on condition of reimbursement on its transfer for the postal address specified by the author.

12. Authors transfer editions an exclusive right to work use the next ways: reproduction of article (right for reproduction); distribution of copies of article in any way (right for distribution); translation of article (right for the translation). Representation of the material which came to the address of the editorial office is the concludent action directed on emergence of the corresponding rights and duties. The consent of the author to publication of material on the specified conditions, and also on its placement in the electronic version of the journal is supposed. At the direction of article in edition the author has the right to stipulate previously exclusive (special) conditions of use of the work provided to them. The author has the right to refuse the publication of the materials provided to them no later than date of signing of the corresponding number in the press.

13. In case of violation of requirements imposed to registration material can be returned to the author on completion. The manuscripts sent to authors to completion are subject to return to edition to the recommended term. The author has to report about the made changes in the letter attached to the manuscript. In case of non-compliance with qualifying standards by the author edition has the right to refuse to publish the material presented by the author with a motivated explanation of the reasons of such refusal.

14. The manuscript of the scientific article which came to Editorial office of the Journal in printed form or in an electronic form is considered by the head of department of scientific publications of the journal regarding compliance to a profile of the journal, to requirements to registration and is registered in a log-book of the manuscripts which came to edition.

15. The edition carries out reviewing of all materials coming to edition corresponding to its subject for the purpose of their expert assessment. All reviewers are recognized specialists in subject of the reviewed materials and have within the last 3 years of the publication on subject of the reviewed article. Reviews are stored in publishing house and in edition of the edition within 5 years.

16. The arrived manuscript in two weeks is considered by an editorial board and editorial advisory board the Journal and at its approval, goes for reviewing. The choice of the reviewer is carried out by the editor-in-chief of the journal or, according to its instruction, associate editors. As reviewers the members of Editorial council of the Journal, members of an editorial board of the Journal invited by edition scientists, having scientific specialization, the closest to article subject and also, can act as additional reviewers - highly skilled experts experts. The experts working with the author of the manuscript in one organization, and also the research supervisor (the scientific consultant) of the author (authors) are not involved in reviewing.

17. The manuscript is presented to the reviewer in the unpacked form and (or) in an electronic form. The reviewer is notified that the manuscript sent him for reviewing, is object of author's right and treat the data which are not subject to disclosure before its publication. Reviewers are not allowed to make the copy of the manuscript and to transfer her to the third parties.

18. Edition sends to authors of the presented materials of the copy of reviews or motivated refusal, and also undertakes to direct the copy of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation at receipt in edition of the edition of the corresponding inquiry.

19. The term of preparation of the review is established in coordination with the reviewer, but cannot exceed two weeks from the moment of receipt of the manuscript to the reviewer. The reviewer has the right to refuse reviewing within one week since the moment of receipt of the manuscript to it and to notify on it an editorial board of the Journal.

20. The review has to contain the qualified analysis of material of article, the objective and reasoned assessment of its material and reasonable recommendations about improvement of quality of the presented work. The reviewer estimates the main merits and demerits of the manuscript of article, being guided thus by the following criteria: compliance of the contents of article to a profile of the journal, relevance of the chosen subject, scientific and methodological level, use of necessary techniques of research, novelty and originality of basic provisions and conclusions, practical usefulness. In the analysis of the presented materials, the reviewer pays attention to the following questions:

- general analysis of scientific level, terminology, structure of article, relevance of a subject;

- an assessment of readiness of article to the edition concerning language and style, compliance to the established requirements for registration of materials of article;

- scientific character of a statement, compliance of the methods used by the author, techniques, recommendations and results of researches to modern achievements of science and practice;

- a place of the reviewed work among other works on a similar subject: that new in it or than it differs from them, whether duplicates contents of the manuscript of work of other authors or earlier printed works of this author);

- the inaccuracies allowed by the author, mistakes, citing violation of the rules.

In need of the recommendation about appropriate questions are reflected in the text of the review.

21. By results of reviewing the following decisions can be made:

- to recommend to accept the manuscript to the publication;

- to recommend to accept the manuscript to the publication with introduction of technical editing;

- to recommend to accept the manuscript to the publication after elimination by the author (authors) of remarks of the reviewer, with the subsequent direction on repeated reviewing to the same reviewer (at the recommendation of reduction or processing of the manuscript of article it is specifically specified in the review at the expense of what the manuscript has to be reduced that in it has to be corrected to help the author (authors) with further work on the manuscript). In case the author (authors) did not eliminate the remark of the reviewer, the editorial board of the Journal has the right to refuse the publication of the manuscript with the direction to the author (authors) of motivated refusal);

- to recommend to refuse the publication of the manuscript because of its discrepancy to requirements imposed to scientific level (in this case the editorial board of the Journal has the right to direct the manuscript on reviewing to other reviewer or to direct to the author (authors) motivated refusal to publications of the manuscript, with application of a copy of the negative review).

22. In case of disagreement with opinion of the reviewer, the author (authors) of the manuscript has the right to request in editorial office of the journal the direction of the manuscript to other reviewer, with reduction in the address of the corresponding arguments. In this case the editorial board of the Journal directs the manuscript on repeated reviewing or provides to the author (authors) motivated refusal.

The decision on the publication of the manuscript after reviewing is made by the editor-in-chief of the Journal or – an editorial board of the Journal. The decision on the publication of the manuscript is brought to the attention of the author (authors). In the presence of negative reviews of the manuscript from two different reviewers or one negative review of modifed version of the manuscript, to the author (authors) motivated refusal to publications of the manuscript with providing the negative review to the copy (unsigned and indications of a surname, a position, a place of work of the reviewer goes.)

23. The maximum term of reviewing (taking into account repeated and additional reviewing) makes two months from the moment of receipt of the manuscript in edition.

24. Publication of the presented material is carried out according to the plan of work of edition, taking into account need of formation of various headings for each journal number and ensuring financing of issue of the journal.