Publishing policy

     The central element of editorial policy of the journal is the aiming at consolidation of representatives of advocate’s community of all states being on the Eurasian legal space, by creation of a platform for an exchange of opinions, scientific knowledge and experience of practical activities.

     Within the «Eurasian Advocacy» journal all main directions of materials are unite: interviews, news, scientific articles, reviews, and materials about results of work of advocates on concrete affairs.

     Interview to well-known scientists, advocates, judges, heads and leading experts of law enforcement agencies, the ministries and departments, the organizations of a legal profile are published in the heading «Persona».

     Materials about significant events in advocacy profession, the bills mentioning the sphere of advocates activity, announcements and reviews of the held conferences and other actions are published within the news block.

       The scientific articles placed are published in such headings as "Historical experience", "Problems of the organization and advocacy profession functioning" "Actual problems of advocacy practice", "Professional ethics and a disciplinary responsibility of advocate", "Protection of professional rights of advocates", "Justice and law-enforcement activity in the Eurasian space", "Human rights in the Eurasian space" and other headings.

       Scientific articles which do not have a direct bearing on advocacy profession, but representing information and scientific and practical value for lawyer community of the Eurasian space can also be published in journal in "Actual Problems of Jurisprudence and Practice" and "Policy and Economy of Eurasia" headings.

      The materials about positive experience of activity of advocates on concrete affairs are published in "Exchange of Experience" heading.

        Reviews of scientific and educational and methodical works and information on novelties of legal literature in journal are also published.