Content of journals
Historical experience
Savostyanova O.N.
About the discretionary power of the jury in the Russian Empire and the role of lawyers in the formation of the judicial enforcement activities during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Purpose: The article is aimed at the examination of some aspects of the interaction of the jury and the lawyers and their impact on people’s sense of justice of the mass in Tsarist Russia.
Methodology: The authors used the historical and legal method and of the methods and systematic scientific analysis and synthesis.
Results: The article discusses the advantages and the disadvantages of the judicial system in the Russian Empire during the nineteenth and twentieth century.
Novelty/originality/value: The paper has a high scientific value, since it was first discussed especially in the pre-revolutionary Russian justice aspect of the problem of justice, the analysis of the speeches of the lawyers (barristers) in terms of their influence on the legal practice of the courts of the Russian Empire.
Keywords: judicial reform, the jury, legal, judicial speech barristers, legal.
References (transliterated)
1. Berendts Je.N. Svjaz’ sudebnoj reformy s drugimi reformami Imperatora Aleksandra II i vlijanie ee na gosudarstvennyj i obshhestvennyj byt Rossii. SPb.: Senat. tip., 1915.
2. Grib V.V. Vlijanie sudebnoj reformy 1864 g. na pravosoznanie russkih juristov // Rossijskij sud’ja. 2003. № 12. S. 8.
3. Dzhanshiev G. Vedenie nepravyh del. (Jetjud po advokatskoj jetike). Posvjashhaetsja V.I. Taneevu // Sbornik statej. So vstupitel’noj stat’ej akad. A.F. Koni i perepiskoj G.A. Dzhanshieva s A.F. Koni; s prilozheniem portreta G.A. Dzhanshieva. M.: Zadruga, 1914. S. 142.
4. Kak my sudili // Sbornik statej so vstupitel’noj stat’ej akad. A.F. Koni i perepiskoj G.A. Dzhanshieva s A.F. Koni; s prilozheniem portreta G.A. Dzhanshieva. M.: Zadruga, 1914. S. 446, 453.
5. Kistjakovskij B.A. Social’nye nauki i pravo. Ocherki po metodologii social’nyh nauk i obshhej teorii prava. M.: M. i S. Sabashnikovy, 1916. S. 642.
6. Koni A.F. Sudebnye rechi. SPb.: Tip. A.S. Suvorina, 1905. S. 875, 876.
7. Koni A.F. Sobr. soch. T. 4 / pod obshh. red. V.G. Bazakova, L.N. Smirnova, K.N. Chukovskogo. M.: Jurid. lit., 1967. S. 201–202.
8. Koni A.F. Otcy i deti sudebnoj reformy. K pjatidesjatiletiju sudebnyh ustavov (1864–1914). M., 1914. S. 85.
9. Koni A.F. Za poslednie gody. Sudebnye rechi (1888–1896). Vospominanija i soobshhenija. Juridicheskie zametki. SPb., 1896. S. 556.
10. Plevako F.N. Izbrannye rechi / vstupit. st. G.M. Reznika. M.: Jurajt, 2012.
11. Russkie sudebnye oratory v izvestnyh ugolovnyh processah. M.: Jurid. kn. mag. A.F. Skorova. T. 1, 1895. S. 22; T. 4, 1899. S. 488; T. 6, 1902. S. 408.
12. Sudebnye ustavy 20 nojabrja 1864 g., s izlozheniem rassuzhdenij, na koih oni osnovany, izdannye Gosudarstvennoj kanceljariej. Ch. 1. 2-e izd., dop. SPb., 1867. S. 229, 241, 242.
13. Sudebnye rechi izvestnyh russkih juristov: sbornik / sost. E.M. Vorozhejkin; pod red. M.M. Vydrja. M.: Gosjurizdat, 1956.
14. Sudebnye rechi izvestnyh russkih juristov: sbornik / vstupit. st. G.M. Reznika. M.: Jurajt, 2011. S. 251.
15. Ustav ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva / sost. S.G. Shheglov. 9-e izd., ispr. i dop. SPb.: tip. A.S. Suvorina, 1907. S. 15, 16.
Rekhovsky A.F.
Advocacy profession of Japan
Purpose: The complex analysis of the main characteristics of the organization and activity of advocacy profession in Japan.
Methodology: The author mainly used system (complex) approach, formal-legal (dogmatic) and comparative and legal methods were applied.
Results: In article the review of modern provision of advocacy profession in Japan is carried out. Traditional questions of lawyer activity, such as membership, qualification of advocates, forms of legal practice, structure, the financial relations, self-government in lawyer corporation, a disciplinary responsibility of lawyers are considered. In the conclusion the main lines of legal profession of Japan are marked out.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the high scientific value as in it for the first time in the Russian legal science the complex analysis of the main characteristics of the organization and activity of legal profession in Japan is made.
Keywords: advocacy, legal profession, Japan, organization of advocacy profession.
References (transliterated)
1. Basic rules on the duties of practicing attorneys [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
2. Japan Federation of Bar Associative. Brochure, 2014 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
3. White Paper on Attorneys 2013 by Japan Federation of Bar Association [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
4. Sarvarian Arman. Professional Ethics at the Inter-national Bar. Oxford University Press, 2013. R. 49.
Ragulina I.T.
Corporate control of activity of the paralegal assistant and his disciplinary responsibility by the legislation of the Russian Federation
Purpose: Research of the main aspects of corporate control and norms on a disciplinary responsibility of the paralegal assistant in Russia.
Methodology: The formal-legal method and a method of studying of documents were used.
Results: The author formulated a conclusion that in view of the high importance of maintaining the register of assistants to lawyers for lawyer community is obviously necessary to designate the instruction on an obligation of bodies of lawyer self-government (Chambers of Advocates) to carry out maintaining the register of assistants to lawyers in provisions of the legislation. It is also noted that for the purpose of development of uniform control measures behind activity of assistants to lawyers and definitions of a uniform range of the rights of the lawyer-curator fixing of duties of the lawyer-curator in the Provision on the paralegal assistant developed by FPA of Russian Federation is necessary. Also there is a need of distribution of the regulations on a disciplinary responsibility provided by KPEA on the paralegal assistant in this connection specification of some norms of KPEA, is necessary for regulation of an order of application of the appropriate measures to these persons.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the high scientific value as is one of the first attempts of consideration of the main aspects of corporate control and norms on a disciplinary responsibility of the paralegal assistant in Russia.
Keywords: advocate’s trainee, paralegal assistant, advocate.
References (transliterated)
1. Kantjukova I.T. Funkcional’noe naznachenie i porijadok osushestvlenija dejatel’nosti stazhera i pomoshnika advokata po zakonodatel’stvu gosudarstv, ranee vhodivshih v sostav Sojuza Sovetskih Socialisticheskih Respublik // Jekonomika, pedagogika, pravo. 2014. № 1.
2. Ragulina I.T. Trebovanija, pred#javljaemye k pretendentu na dolzhnost’ stazhera i pomoshhnika advokata po zakonodatel’stvu gosudarstv, ranee vhodivshih v sostav Sojuza Sovetskih Socialisticheskih Respublik // Jekonomika, pedagogika, pravo. 2015. № 2.
Kudryavtsev V.L.
The objective party of illegal exemption from criminal responsibility: some criminal law and
criminal procedure issues
Objective: To study the objective aspect of the crime such as illegal exemption from criminal liability.
Methodology: Formal-legal methods.
Results: The article studies the objective aspect of illegal exemption from criminal liability. It is established that the offence can only be committed by actions of a decision on termination of criminal proceedings or a ruling on termination of criminal prosecution against the suspect or the accused. This illegal exemption from criminal liability of the suspect or accused when there is no criminal law or criminal procedure, grounds for excluding criminal responsibility. The offense, under article 300 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation, is formal and consequently the crime is ended from the moment of pronouncement of the resolution on termination of criminal proceedings or a ruling on termination of criminal prosecution against the suspect or the accused.
Novelty/originality/value: Article has a scientific value, presenting a complex analysis of the objective side of illegal exemption from criminal liability through some criminal law and criminal procedure problems both in theory and in practice.
Keywords: criminal law, crimes against justice, the crime, the objective side, illegal exemption from criminal responsibility, criminal proceedings, termination of criminal proceedings, termination of criminal prosecution, the suspect, the accused, judicial error.
References (transliterated)
1. Brilliantov A.V., Kosevich N.R. Kommentarij k stat’e 300 UK RF // Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii: v 2 t. (postatejnyj). T. 2. / pod red. A.V. Brilliantova. 2-e izd. M.: Prospekt, 2015.
2. Golodnjuk M.N. Nezakonnoe osvobozhdenie ot ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti (st. 300 UK RF) // Kurs ugolovnogo prava: v 5 t. T. 5. Osobennaja chast’ / pod red. G.N. Borzenkova, V.S. Komisarova. M.: Zercalo, 2002.
3. Emeeva N.R. Ugolovnaja otvetstvennost’ za prestuplenija protiv pravosudija, sovershae-mye sud’jami i dolzhnostnymi licami pravoohranitel’nyh organov: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Samara, 2005.
4. Zelenskij A.V. Nezakonnoe osvobozhdenie ot ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti i voprosy so-uchastija // Ugolovno-pravovye problemy bor’by s souchastiem v prestuplenii: materia-ly Vserossijskoj nauch.-prakt. konf. Krasnodar, 2003.
5. Kondratov P.E. Kommentarij k st. 208 UPK RF // Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij k Ugolovno-processual’nomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii / pod obshh. red. V.M. Lebedeva; nauch. red. V.P. Bozh’ev. M.: Spark, 2002.
6. Kondratov P.E. Kommentarij k stat’e 300 UK RF // Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodek-su Rossijskoj Federacii (postatejnyj) / otv. red. V.M. Lebedev. 13-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Jurajt, 2013.
7. Korobejnikov B.V. Kommentarij k stat’e 300 UK RF // Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu ko-deksu Rossijskoj Federacii: nauch.-praktich. (postatejnyj) / pod red. S.V. D’jakova, N.G. Kadnikova. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Jurisprudencija, 2013.
8. Kuznecov A.P., Sidorov B.V. Nezakonnoe osvobozhdenie ot ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti (st. 300 UK RF) // Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Osobennaja chast’: uchebnik / pod red. F.R. Sundurova, M.V. Talan. M.: Statut, 2012.
9. Kuleshov Ju.I. Nezakonnoe osvobozhdenie ot ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti: problemy teorii i praktiki primenenija // Probely v rossijskom zakonodatel’stve. 2012. № 6.
10. Kurs rossijskogo ugolovnogo prava: osobennaja chast’ / pod red. V.N. Kudrjavceva. A.V. Naumova. M., 2003.
11. Metel’skij P.S. Nezakonnoe osvobozhdenie ot ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti: problemy kvalifikacii i pravoprimenenija // Nauchnyj vestnik Omskoj akademii MVD Rossii. 2005. № 2.
12. Chuchaev A.I. Nezakonnoe osvobozhdenie ot ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti (st. 300 UK RF) // Ugolovnoe pravo. Osobennaja chast’: uchebnik / pod red. prof. A.I. Raroga. M.: In-stitut mezhdunarodnogo prava i jekonomiki: Triada, Ltd, 1996.
Pavlenko K.A.
Disclosure of evidences in administrative legal proceedings: gaps & collisions
Purpose: Identifying key problems in the field of normative regulatory relationship, occurring in the course of discovery of evidence in administrative legal proceedings, introducing offers to improve administrative proceedings law.
Methodology: Comparative-legal and formal-legal methods have been used primary.
Results: The article subjects criticism separation of stages in procedural proof, the impossibility to include these procedures stages to disclosure of evidences is substantiated. Cooperative analyses guaranty of appropriated disclosure of evidences in administrative and arbitration and civil proceedings are executed. The suggestion is to supplement the Code of administrative proceedings in the Russian Federation with norms that will regulate in detail activity of administrative cases’ participants in course of disclosure of evidences.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has high scientific value, as the issues of disclosure of evidence in administrative legal proceedings have been researched for the first time.
Keywords: administrative legal proceedings, proof, disclosure of evidences.
References (transliterated)
1. Arbitrazhnyj process: uchebnik / K.M. Arslanov, D.H. Valeev, R.N. Gimazov i dr.; otv. red.: D.H. Valeev, M.Ju. Chelyshev. M.: Statut, 2010. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».
2. Arhipova Ju.V. Raskrytie dokazatel’stv v arbitrazhnom processe (iskovoe proizvodstvo): dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2011.
3. Baulin O.V. Sud kak sub#ekt dokazyvanija v grazhdanskom sudoproizvodstve // Vestnik grazhdanskogo processa. 2014. № 5. S. 54–66.
4. Grazhdanskij process: uchebnik / pod red. A.G. Ko-
valenko, A.A. Mohova, P.M. Filippova. M.: Kontrakt: Infra-M, 2008. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’-tantPljus».
5. Grazhdanskij process: uchebnik / otv. red. V.V. Jarkov. M., 2001.
6. Diordieva O.N. Podgotovka grazhdanskih del k sudebnomu razbiratel’stvu (v sudah obshhej jurisdikcii pervoj instancii): monografija. M.: Prospekt, 2013. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».
7. Eliseev N.G. Raskrytie dokazatel’stv // Zakon. 2014. № 10. S. 38–44.
8. Koncepcija edinogo Grazhdanskogo processual’no-go kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: odobrena resheniem Komiteta po grazhdanskomu, ugolovnomu, arbitrazhnomu i processual’nomu zakonodatel’stvu GD FS RF ot 8 dekabrja 2014 g. № 124(1). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».
9. Lim A.A. Nekotorye problemy instituta raskrytija dokazatel’stv v arbitrazhnom processe // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2007. № 8. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».
10. Pavlenko K.A., Hamatova E.V. Celi, zadachi i sredstva dokazyvanija: specifika administrativnogo sudoproizvodstva i grazhdanskoj processual’noj formy // Vestnik Voronezhskogo instituta MVD. 2015. № 3. S. 148–156.
11. Treushnikov M.K. Sudebnye dokazatel’stva. M., 2005.
12. Filatova M.A. Koncepcija edinogo Grazhdanskogo processual’nogo kodeksa: o celjah sudoproizvodstva i ego modernizacii // Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika. 2015. № 3. S. 34–40.
13. Fil’chenko D.G. Raskrytie dokazatel’stv v arbitrazhnom processe // Rossijskoe pravovoe gosudarstvo: itogi formirovanija i perspektivy razvitija. Voronezh, 2004. S. 214–228.
Yurkevich M.A.
Procedural irregularity of jurors at the stage of the judicial investigation, entailing the remission of the sentence
Objective: To study the causes of procedural irregularity of jurors at the stage of the judicial investigation, as well as conditions under which such violations result in the remission of an enacted sentence.
Methodology: Statistical, functional and technical methods were used.
Results: The article deals with specific irregularity of jurors at the stage of the judicial investigation in terms of the judicial practice; forms of abusive act of jurors of the right to study the evidence, which are connected with recordkeeping; the analysis of ‘typical’ irregularities of jurors at the pointed stage of the proceedings as irregularity of the procedure of replacing of the juror, receiving information in the out-of-proceeding form. Causes and factors, which contribute to the occurrence of the procedural irregularity by jurors, are investigated. The article contains the author’s concept of integrated procedural irregularities of jurors and the foreman. There is an analysis of the cases when such irregularities result in the remission of the sentence. Considerable attention is given to decisions of the superior courts on sentence cancellation in connection with procedural violations of jurors, admitted in the trial.
Novelty/originality/value: The article possesses high scientific value, it is an attempt of the generalization of scattered theoretical and practical material in a multiple survey devoted exclusively to the issue of the procedural irregularity of jurors at the stage of the judicial investigation, can result in remission of the sentence. In addition, conclusions can be the basis for the reforming of current laws governing the procedural status of jurors, as well as introduction of changes and additions to the resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Russian Federation.
Keywords: jurors, judicial investigation, verdict, remission of a sentence, procedural irregularity, foreman, a replacement of the juror.
References (transliterated)
1. Vedishhev N.P. Prava prisjazhnyh zasedatelej (stat’ja 333 UPK RF) // Advokat. 2012. № 8.
2. Vladykina T.A. Otstranenie sud’ej prisjazhnogo zasedatelja ot uchastija v sudebnom zasedanii: osnovanija i porjadok // Administrator suda. 2013. № 2. S. 2.
3. Docina R. Prisjazhnye zasedateli v ugolovnom processe. M., 2011. S. 156.
4. Nasonov S.A. Aktual’nye problemy sudebnogo sledstvija v sude prisjazhnyh i podhody k ih razresheniju // Aktual’nye problemy rossijskogo prava. 2014. № 6. S. 1215.
5. Hyrhyr’jan M.A., Plotnikov I.V. O zapiskah prisjazhnyh zasedatelej // Administrator suda. 2010. № 4. S. 20.
Popov V.A.
Ways to counter the abuse of criminal procedural rights of participants in criminal proceedings for the defense
Purpose: To determine the possible solutions to the problem of abuse of criminal procedural rights of participants in criminal proceedings for the defense.
Methodology: Author used the analysis, synthesis and formal legal methods.
Results: In the article the basic problems of consolidation of the institute «abuse of rights» in criminal proceedings, the basic features and legislative problems of the institution of criminal proceedings, and identified ways to identify and prevent abuse of rights.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value because it is one of the first attempts to analyze the legal circumstances surrounding the problem of abuse of rights in criminal proceedings, and proposes ways to curb abuse of the right.
Keywords: right to be protected, the abuse of rights, the defense, the prosecution authority.
References (transliterated)
1. Bagautdinov F.M. Obespechenie publichnyh i lichnyh interesov pri rassledovanii prestuplenij. M.: Jurlitinform, 2004.
2. Kalinkina L.D. K voprosu o zloupotreblenii pravami i ih nedobrosovestnom ispol’zovanii v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Advokat. 2010. № 4. S. 5–9.
3. Ozhegov S.I. Slovar’ russkogo jazyka / pod red. chl.-korr. AN SSSR N.Ju. Shvedovoj. 20-e izd., stereotip. M.: Rus. jaz., 1989.
4. Parfenov V.N. Problema zloupotreblenija ugolovno-processual’nymi pravami // Rossijskij sledovatel’. 2014. № 7. S. 23–26.
5. Popov V.A. Ponjatie i priroda pravovogo usmotrenija uchastnikov ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva so storony obvinenija // Uchenye zapiski. Vyp. 11. Razvitie juridicheskoj nauki kak faktor sovershenstvovanija pravoprimenenija: sbornik nauchnyh trudov / pod red. O.A. Kovaljovoj. Orenburg: Russervis, 2015.
Halilova V.L.
Legal regulation and practical issues of providing free legal aid to accused (suspect) soldiers
in international and domestic law
Purpose: The aim of the research is to study the problems of qualified legal assistance serviceman is a suspect or accused in a criminal case.
Methodology: In the research we used comparative-typological, statistical methods of research.
Results: In the article author analyzes the norms of domestic and international law, which establish the right of the accused (suspect), member of the military, to receive free legal counsel. There have been problems that exist in practice regarding the timely provision of defender soldier, suspect or defendant in a criminal case, as well as the question of providing qualified legal assistance to this category of persons.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses high scientific value as it is one of the first attempts to examine and statistically evaluate the quality of protection of servicemen (suspects and accused) within the framework of modern criminal justice.
Keywords: soldier, lawyer, defendant, the right to free qualified legal assistance, the right to protection.
References (transliterated)
1. Evropejskie standarty prava na spravedlivoe sudebnoe razbiratel’stvo i rossijskaja praktika / pod obshh. red. A.V. Demenevoj. Ekaterinburg: Izdatel’stvo Ural’skoj Juridicheskoj Akademii, 2004.
2. Koloskov M.V. Aktual’nye voprosy obespechenija advokatom prava voennosluzhashhego na zashhitu v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Za prava voennosluzhashhih. 2006. № 9. S. 267–270.
3. Strekozova V.G., Kudashkina A.V. Voennoe pravo: uchebnik. M.: Za prava voennosluzhashhih, 2004.
Ragulin A.V.
New bill of advocate`s inquiry is not capable to achieve the objects set in it!
Purpose: The analysis of the Federal Law draft «About modification of separate acts of the Russian Federation regarding ensuring the right of the lawyer for collecting the data necessary for rendering the qualified legal aid» (No. 993553-6) for definition of its possibility of achievement of the tasks set for it.
Methodology: The Formal-legal method and a method of theoretical modeling were used.
Results: In work the negative assessment is given to the presented bill as is noted that the form of legal responsibility, and also the look and the amount of punishment offered in the Bill and urged to provide execution of advocate’s inquiries cannot be recognized sufficient for appropriate ensuring the corresponding right of the advocate. The bill can create additional organizational and legal obstacles in receiving replies to the requests by the advocate, thus, that possibility of their elimination will entirely depend on various public authorities and the organizations, being addressees of advocate’s inquiries. In the offered bill, instead of reduction of the current, already long 30-days term established for the response to advocate’s inquiry the norm on need of legal fixing of double increase in term of the response to advocate’s inquiry is put that, in practice will lead to increase in term of the response to advocate’s inquiry about sixty days. The bill offered to acceptance does not comprise the legal mechanism connected with modification of the industry legislation which would allow to receive to the advocate all information interesting him.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses high scientific value and has the practical importance as is the first attempt to consider the questions concerning the considered bill of advocate’s inquiry.
Keywords: legal profession, lawyer, rights of the advocate, advocate’s inquiry, inquiry.
References (transliterated)
1. Bubon K.V. O tajnah, sekretah i pravah advokata // Advokat. 2005. № 6.
2. Vlasov A.A. Konstitucionnoe pravosudie i pravo advokata na zapros (organizacionnyj i processual’nyj aspekty) // Uchenye trudy Rossijskoj akademii advokatury i notariata. 2013. № 1 (28). S. 10–12.
3. Grudcyna L. V zakon ob advokature neobhodimy produmannye popravki // Advokat. 2004. № 7. S. 33–37.
4. Gusakov Ju.V. O neobhodimosti sovershenstvovanija polozhenij UPK RF v celjah utverzhdenija prestizha advokatury i ustanovlenija spravedlivosti // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2015. № 4 (17). S. 72–74.
5. Ivanov A.V. Advokatskij zapros: soderzhanie i problemy realizacii // Advokat. 2014. № 4.
6. Ivanov A.V. Garantii nezavisimosti advokatov i puti ih sovershenstvovanija // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2014. № 6 (13). S. 57–65.
7. Ivanov A.V. Pravo na professiju // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2015. № 6 (19). S. 38–43.
8. Korobicyn M.G. Neispolnenie advokatskogo zaprosa // Advokat. 2008. № 3. S. 112–115.
9. Kronov E.V. Advokatskij zapros v ugolovnom processe // Rossijskaja justicija. 2008. № 2. S. 43.
10. Lisicin R.D. Udostoverenie polnomochij advokata na advokatskij zapros // Advokat. 2012. № 5. S. 43.
11. Makarov S.Ju. Problemy primenenija advokatami prava po sboru svedenij i dokumentov s pomoshh’ju napravlenija advokatskih zaprosov // Rossijskoe pravo v Internete. 2010. № 4. S. 11.
12. Makushkina E.Je. K voprosu o srokah predostavlenija advokatu zaproshennyh im dokazatel’stv // Jurist. 2007. № 1. S. 59–61.
13. Mahnik O.P. Konstitucionnoe pravo na lichnuju i semejnuju tajnu. Vrachebnaja tajna // Konstitucionnoe i municipal’noe pravo. 2006. № 8.
14. Ragulin A.V. Zakonoproekt ob advokatskom zaprose: kommentarii i predlozhenija // Advokat. 2014. № 9. S. 5–9.
15. Ragulin A.V. Nekotorye problemy reglamentacii i prakticheskoj realizacii prava advokata-zashhitnika na poluchenie otveta na zaprosy // Juridicheskij mir. 2012. № 8 (188). S. 14–18.
16. Ragulin A.V. Osnovnye organizacionno-pravovye
sredstva obespechenija realizacii i zashhity professional’-nyh prav advokata // Uchenye trudy rossijskoj akademii advokatury i notariata. 2011. № 4 (23). S. 12–17.
17. Ragulin A.V. Osnovnye polozhenija sovershenstvovanija reglamentacii instituta professional’nyh prav advokata-zashhitnika // Zakon i pravo. 2013. № 8. S. 75–78.
18. Ragulin A.V. Pravo advokata-zashhitnika trebovat’ zapreta na vmeshatel’stvo v advokatskuju dejatel’nost’ libo prepjatstvovanie ej kakim by to ni bylo obrazom: problemy zakonodatel’noj reglamentacii i prakticheskoj realizacii // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2012. № 4 (47). S. 136–143.
19. Ragulin A.V. Pravovye i organizacionnye sredstva obespechenija realizacii professional’nyh prav advokata-zashhitnika v Rossii i puti ih sovershenstvovanija // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2013. № 5.
20. Ragulin A.V. Proekt Federal’nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel’nye zakonodatel’nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii v chasti obespechenija prava advokata na sbor svedenij, neobhodimyh dlja okazanija juridicheskoj pomoshhi»: avtorskij kommentarij i predlozhenija po sovershenstvovaniju // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2014. № 5 (12). S. 40–55.
Bunin O.Yu.
Criminal legal protection of advocate’s activity it is defined unfairly
Purpose: Consideration of a question of sufficiency and validity of criminal legal protection of advocate’s activity.
Methodology: The author mainly used system (complex) approach and the formal-legal (dogmatic) method was applied.
Results: In article the standards of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation providing criminal liability for crimes against justice taking into account need of ensuring normal implementation of advocate’s activity are analyzed.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses a certain scientific value as in it the analysis of a number of problematic issues of a legal regulation of criminal legal protection of advocate’s activity is made and a number of ways of its improvement is offered.
Keywords: crimes against justice, defender, lawyer, advocate’s activity, justice, sequence, equality of the parties.
References (transliterated)
1. Gusakov Ju.V. O neobhodimosti sovershenstvovanija polozhenij UPK RF v celjah utver-zhdenija prestizha advokatury i ustanovlenija spravedlivosti // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2015. № 4 (17). S. 72–74.
2. Ivanov A.V. Pravo na professiju // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2015. № 6 (19). S. 38–43.
3. Ivanov A.V. Garantii nezavisimosti advokatov i puti ih sovershenstvovanija // Evra-zijskaja advokatura. 2014. № 6 (13). S. 57–65.
4. Ragulin A.V. Osnovnye organizacionno-pravovye sredstva obespechenija realizacii i zashhity professional’-nyh prav advokata // Uchenye trudy Rossijskoj akademii advokatu-ry i notariata. 2011. № 4 (23). S. 12–17.
5. Ragulin A.V. Reglamentacija i realizacija professio-nal’nogo prava advokata-zashhitnika na sobljudenie osobogo porjadka ugolovnogo presledovanija // Evrazijskij juri-dicheskij zhurnal. 2013. № 1 (56). S. 139–142.
6. Ragulin A.V. Strategicheskie principy uchastija advokata-zashhitnika v ugolovnom pro-cesse // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2009. № 3 (10). S. 64–75.
7. Ragulin A.V. Formirovanie nauki ob advokature v Rossii // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2013. № 2 (3). S. 128–140.
8. Ragulin A.V. O sovershenstvovanii zakonodatel’stva v napravlenii ohrany professio-nal’nyh prav advokatov // Uchenye trudy Rossijskoj akademii advokatury i notariata. 2009. № 4 (15).
9. Ragulin A.V. Pravovye i organizacionnye sredstva obespechenija realizacii profes-sional’nyh prav advokata-zashhitnika v Rossii i puti ih sovershenstvovanija // Evrazij-skaja advokatura. 2013. № 5.
10. Stecovskij Ju.I. Zashhita advokata ot ugolovnogo presledovanija // Advokat. 2007. № 9.
Hasanov F.Z.
Ensuring the prinsiple non-discrimination of basic constitutional law in the health sector
Purpose: Explore the constitutional right of citizens to health care through the principle of non-discrimination.
Methodology: The author used the formal-legal technique based on the consistency and comprehensiveness of its holding.
Results: The article concludes that the principle of non-discrimination and equality in the exercise of the right to health is one of the key principles of international law for all states. Discrimination in health care reflects the violation of the fundamental source of law - the principle of justice and related principles of equality and human dignity, in a civilized society is simply unacceptable.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has some scientific value and important practical significance, because it contains a comprehensive study of the legal nature of the principle of non-discrimination, especially in the area of health as an important element of constitutional law.
Keywords: non-discrimination, health, constitutional law, the international community, the state, access to health care.
References (transliterated)
1. Beljakov A.V. Mezhdunarodno-pravovye aspekty: pravo na zdorov’e kak odno iz osnovnyh prav cheloveka // Social’noe i pensionnoe pravo. 2009. № 3. S. 39–42.
2. Belousova A.A. Konceptual’nye aspekty, povlijav-shie na mezhdunarodno-pravovoe zakreplenie prava cheloveka na zdorov’e // Vestnik RUDN. 2014. № 4. S. 314–329.
3. Blinov A.G. Sootnoshenie ugolovnogo i zdravooh-ranitel’nogo zakonodatel’stva v sfere obespechenija prav i svobod pacienta // Biblioteka kriminalista. 2013. № 2. S. 40–45.
4. Postanovlenie ESPCh ot 10.03.2011 «Kijutin protiv Rossijskoj Federacii» // Bjulleten’ Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka. 2011. № 12.
Kanatov T.K.
Concept of copyright of the countries of the Eurasian economic union
Purpose: The complex analysis of concept of copyright by the legislation of the countries of EEU.
Methodology: The author mainly used system (complex) approach, formal – legal (dogmatic) and comparative and legal methods were applied.
Results: In article the concept of copyright by the legislation of the countries of EEU is opened. The analysis of this legal term and views of certain scientific jurists of this perspective is carried out, and also author’s vision on the matter is formulated.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses a certain scientific value as in it the analysis of the legislation of the countries of EEU and opinion of researchers in relation to the content of the concept «copyright» is made.
Keywords: copyright, Eurasia, protection of copyright.
References (transliterated)
1. Bratus’ S.N. O sootnoshenii grazhdanskoj pravosposobnosti i sub#ektivnyh prav // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1949. № 8. S. 32–33.
2. Gambarov Ju.S. Grazhdanskoe pravo: Obshhaja chast’. M., 2003. S. 380.
3. Gribanov V.P. Otvetstvennost’ za narushenie grazhdanskih prav i objazannostej. M., 2001. S. 292.
4. Ioffe O.S. Grazhdanskoe pravootnoshenie. Izbrannye trudy po grazhdanskomu pravu. M., 2003.
5. Ihsanov E.U. Avtorskoe pravo kak sub#ektivnoe grazhdanskoe pravo po zakonodatel’stvu Respubliki Kazahstan: Dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Almaty, 2001. S. 45.
6. Kantorovich Ja.A. Literaturnaja sobstvennost’. S prilozheniem vseh postanovlenij dejstvujushhego zakonodatel’stva o literaturnoj, hudozhestvennoj i muzykal’noj sobstvennosti. SPb., 1895. S. 28–30.
7. Korosteleva S.V. Lichnye neimushhestvennye prava avtorov i osobennosti ih realizacii v Internet. M., 2006. S. 38.
8. Mejer D.N. Russkoe grazhdanskoe pravo. Pg., 1914. S. 117.
9. Mil’grom V. Delo «Betamaks»: dvenadcat’ let spustja // Intellektual’naja sobstvennost’. 2001. № 11/12. S. 59.
10. Motovilovker E.Ja. Teorija reguljativnogo i ohranitel’nogo prava. Voronezh, 1990. S. 43–49.
11. Korneeva I.L. Pravo intellektual’noj sobstvennosti v Rossijskoj Federacii: Ucheb. posob. M.: Jurist#, 2006. S. 92.
12. Rafieva L.K. Chest’ i dostoinstvo kak pravovaja kategorija // Pravovedenie. 1996. № 2 S. 58.
13. Strogovich M.S. Osnovnye voprosy sovetskoj socialisticheskoj zakonnosti. M., 1966. S. 168.
14. Sulejmenov M.K. Ob#ekty grazhdanskih prav: monografija. Almaty, 2008. S. 25.
15. Halfina R.O. Obshhee uchenie o pravootnoshenii. M. 1974. S. 227.
16. Hohlov V.A. Avtorskoe pravo: Zakonodatel’stvo, teorija, praktika. M.: Gorodec, 2008. S. 6.
17. Shershenevich G.F. Uchebnik russkogo grazhdanskogo prava. M., 1911. S. 58.
Zhesterov P.V.
Consequences of strengthening of criminal repression:value of criminological examination for their
Purpose: To analyse the bills on modification of the criminal code of Russian Federation regarding criminalization of new acts which are under consideration of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, archive of the bills considered in 2015 and to find in them legislative collisions. To reveal the objective problems connected with poor quality of bills, their groundlessness, absence of forecasts in them rather criminological consequences of the forthcoming changes of the criminal law.
Methodology: Formally legal method and a method of concrete sociological researches which allowed to study objective problems, connected with an assessment of criminological consequences of criminal repression were used.
Results: In article the problem of criminological consequences of criminal repression is considered. It is established that it is connected with excess criminalization of acts, thus the majority of the last changes in the criminal law are criminological not proved. The sharp need for modernization of the criminal legislation and implementation of the criminological examination preceding any changes in the criminal law is established.
Novelty/originality/value: Scientific novelty of research consists that the author formulated internal reserves of criminological examination for an assessment of consequences of strengthening of criminal repression. The author’s original model of interaction with experts – criminologists, the leading legal higher education institutions and scientific institutions at a stage of development of bills of modification of the criminal code of Russian Federation is offered.
Keywords: criminal repression, criminal policy, criminal law, criminalization, criminological examination.
References (transliterated)
1. Avdeev V.A., Avdeeva O.A. Koncepcija ugolovno-pravovoj politiki Rossijskoj Federacii: osnovnye napravlenija sovershenstvovanija ugolovnogo zakona i optimizacii mer protivodejstvija prestupnosti // Kriminologicheskij zhurnal Bajkal’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta jekonomiki i prava. 2014. № 1. S. 12–24.
2. Afanas’eva O.R. Teoreticheskie osnovy kriminologicheskogo issledovanija i minimizacii social’nyh posledstvij nasil’stvennoj prestupnosti: dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. M., 2014.
3. Babaev M.M., Pudovochkin Ju.E. Problemy rossijskoj ugolovnoj politiki. M.: Prospekt, 2014.
4. Gavrilov B.Ja. Sovremennaja ugolovnaja politika Rossii: cifry i fakty. M.: Velbi: Prospekt, 2008.
5. Grigor’ev L.M., Zhalinskij A.Je., Novikova E.V., Fedotov A.G. Problemy sverhkriminalizacii i dekriminalizacii jekonomicheskoj dejatel’nosti // Ugolovnaja politika v sfere jekonomiki: jekspertnye ocenki. M: Fond «Liberal’naja missija», 2011. S. 22–36.
6. Grigor’ev L.M., Kurdin A.A. Jekonomicheskie posledstvija ugolovnoj repressii v otnoshenii predprinimatelej // Jekonomicheskaja svoboda i gosudarstvo: druz’ja ili vragi / pod red. A.P. Zaostrovceva. SPb.: MCSJeI «Leont’evskij centr», 2012.
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8. Zakonoproekt № 887289-6 «O vnesenii izmenenija v stat’ju 151 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii (v chasti ustanovlenija ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za ispol’zovanie nesovershennoletnih dlja zanjatija poproshajnichestvom)» [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
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19. Lopatina T.M. Repressivnaja sostavljajushhaja v ugolovnoj politike Rossii // Biblioteka kriminalista. 2014. № 3 (14). S. 173–177.
20. Makeeva N.V. Pragmatizacija rossijskoj ugolovnoj politiki // Nauka. Obshhestvo. Gosudarstvo. 2013. № 1 (1). S. 96–100.
21. Pobegajlo Je.F. Sovremennaja kriminologicheskaja situacija i krizis rossijskoj ugolovnoj politiki // Rossijskij kriminologicheskij vzgljad. 2005. № 1. S. 23–36.
22. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 31 ijulja 2015 goda № 37 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: http://xn--b1azaj.xn--p1ai/2015/postanovlenie-plenuma-vs-rf/N37-ot-31.07.2015.html.
23. Rarog A.I. Repressivnyj kren rossijskoj ugolovnoj politiki // Kriminologicheskij zhurnal Bajkal’skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta jekonomiki i prava. 2014. № 3. S. 88–95.
24. Struktura i dinamika rashodov federal’nogo bjudzheta 2011–2014 po razdelam klassifikacii rashodov. Oficial’nyj prinjatyj proekt bjudzheta RF [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
25. Struktura i dinamika rashodov federal’nogo bjudzheta 2014–2017 po razdelam klassifikacii rashodov. Oficial’nyj prinjatyj proekt bjudzheta RF [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
Egorova D.V.
Importance of international cooperation for evidential activity in the sphere of criminal proceedings
Purpose: Identify the need for cooperation in the detection and investigation of crime, which goes beyond a single state.
Methodology: We used historical and legal, comparative legal methods and the legal statistics.
Results: This article deals with the problems of legislative regulation of issues of international cooperation in criminal proceedings the country party to the Convention on legal assistance and legal relations in civil, family and criminal cases, 1993 (Minsk Convention). Based on the traditions of domestic criminal justice and international cooperation of the judiciary, this article provides the concept of this form of cooperation in combating national and transnational, international crime, its goals and objectives.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the high scientific value, as is one of the first attempts to consider the need for cooperation between the countries for the early detection, investigation of crimes, exposing the perpetrators and the search in the countries - participants of the Minsk Convention.
Keywords: international cooperation in criminal court proceedings, the concept of cooperation, goals and objectives of international cooperation in criminal matters.
References (transliterated)
1. Doklad Soveshhanija mezhpravitel’stvennoj gruppy jekspertov po voprosam vzaimnoj pomoshhi v oblasti ugolovnogo pravosudija (Arlington, SShA, 23–26.02.1998) // Dokument OON E/CN.15/1998/7.
2. Glumin M.P. Mezhdunarodno-pravovaja pomoshh’ po ugolovnym delam kak institut ugolovno-processual’nogo prava Rossii: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. N.Novgorod, 2005.
3. Guljaev A.P. Kommentarij k stat’e 6 UPK RF // Kommentarij k Ugolovno-processual’nomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii / pod obshh. red. V.P. Verina, V.V. Mozjakova. M.: Jekzamen, 2004.
4. Karaseva E.V. Processual’nye aspekty mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva organov predvaritel’nogo sledstvija pri MVD Rossijskoj Federacii: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 1999.
5. Lazutin L.A. Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo i pravovaja pomoshh’ // Zakonnost’. 2008. № 3.
6. Mazaeva N.N. Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo v sfere ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva Rossijskoj Federacii v stadii predvaritel’nogo rassledovanija: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2004.
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8. Mihajlov V.A. Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo v sfere ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva: monografija. M.: Izd-vo Rossijskoj tamozhennoj akademii, 2011.
9. Moskal’kova T.N. Kommentarij k stat’e 6 UPK RF // Kommentarij k Ugolovno-processual’nomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii / otv. red. I.L. Petruhin. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Institut gosudarstva i prava Rossijskoj Akademii nauk: TK Velbi, 2003.
10. Nalbandjan P.S. Principy mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva v sfere ugolovnogo sudo¬proizvodstva // Vestnik Juzhno-Ural’skogo gos. un-ta. 2012. № 20(279).
11. Spanov B.I. Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo organov predvaritel’nogo sledstvija MVD Rossijskoj Federacii v sfere ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Vladimir, 2004.
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Borzov N.A.
Practice of realization of procedure of mediation in Russia: not studied aspects
Purpose: The complex analysis of the existing scientific researches of institute of mediation for identification of the most important legal and other aspects of this perspective.
Methodology: The author mainly used system (complex) approach, was applied a formal-legal (dogmatic) method.
Results: In article a number of monographs and dissertation researches on various problems of a conceptual framework, practical realization and application of procedure of mediation is considered. A number of the studied questions on this perspective is allocated: definitions of the legal nature of the legal conflicts, theoretic-legal understanding of the nature, the bases and features of mediation, establishment of an order of carrying out mediation, essence and features of the meditative agreement, a role and features of mediation within concrete branches of the right. It is established that today there are no complex scientific researches of questions of subject structure of institute of mediation by the comparative and legal analysis of the most productive ways of practical realization of procedure of mediation used in various legal systems, and also remain not considered and a little studied the legal, social and economic and sociohistorical factors promoting successful application of institute of mediation in other countries and influencing formation of this public institute as the most effective instrument of human rights activity which demand further research.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses a certain scientific value as in it the complex analysis of the existing researches on various problems of a conceptual framework is made, practical realization and application of institute of mediation, and also is reasoned a number of not studied legal and social aspects on this perspective is established.
Keywords: institute of mediation, scientific researches, legislation shortcomings.
References (transliterated)
1. Allahverdova O.V. Mediacija kak racional’nyj sposob uregulirovanija cennostnyh konfliktov // Izvestija samarskogo nauchnogo centra RAN. 2008. № 6. S. 110–117.
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5. Vasilenko A.S. Mediacija i drugie programmy vosstanovitel’nogo pravosudija v ugolovnom processe stran anglosaksonskogo prava: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2013.
6. Vishnevskaja P.V. Mediacija i instituty grazhdanskogo obshhestva. Populjarizacija i prodvizhenie mediacii s pomoshh’ju obshhestvennyh organizacij // Mediacija: teorija, praktika, perspektivy razvitija: sbornik tezisov uchastnikov Pervoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2015. S. 23–27.
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8. Dobroljubova E.A. Mediacija v sisteme sposobov zashhity prav predprinimatelej: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2012.
9. Eliseev D.B. Rol’ mediacii v razreshenii pravovyh konfliktov (teoretiko-pravovoj analiz): dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2013.
10. Eliseeva A.A. Institut mediacii v uslovijah innovacionnogo razvitija rossijskogo obshhestva // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2011. № 9. S. 34–39.
11. Zabuga E.E. Mediacija kak al’ternativnaja forma ugolovnogo presledovanija nesovershennoletnih: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Omsk, 2014.
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18. Kuchinskaja E.N., Gasanov A.M. Aktual’nye voprosy stanovlenija i razvitija mediacii v Rossii // Rossijskij sud’ja. 2012. № 5. S. 23–26.
19. Matkina D.V. Konvencial’naja forma sudebnogo razbiratel’stva: istorija, sovremennost’ i perspektivy razvitija: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Orenburg, 2009.
20. Minkina N.I. Mediacija: obzor podhodov v issledovanii i pravovaja osnova // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2014. № 4 (11). S. 43–46.
21. Nahov M.S. Mediacija kak mehanizm realizacii celi grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Saratov, 2015.
22. Nosyreva E.I. O tendencijah razvitija praktiki mediacii v Rossii // Tretejskij sud. 2015. № 2/3. S. 135–141.
23. Ponasjuk A.M. Uchastie advokata v uregulirovanii juridicheskih sporov posredstvom mediacii: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2011.
24. Ral’ko V.V., Fomin V.A. Notariat v predotvrashhenii i razreshenii juridicheskih konfliktov. Notarial’naja mediacija. M.: Jurist, 2014. S. 160.
25. Semenjako M.E. Uchastie advokata v al’ternativnom razreshenii sporov i primiritel’nyh procedurah: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2010.
26. Smirnova I.G. Social’naja cennost’ rossijskogo ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Tomsk, 2012.
27. Fastova M.A. Mediacija kak faktor, vlijajushhij na sostojanie pravovoj gramotnosti i pravosoznanija grazhdan // Pravovaja kul’tura. 2012. № 2 (13). S. 16–21.
28. Fedorenko N.V. Al’ternativnaja procedura uregulirovanija spora – mediacija // Pravovaja politika Rostovskoj oblasti v sovremennyh social’no-jekonomicheskih uslovijah. 2014. S. 92–105.
29. Shamlikashvili C.A. Al’ternativnye sposoby razre-
shenija sporov i mediacii v sovremennom rossijskom za-konodatel’stve // Sovremennoe pravo. 2015. № 5. S. 88–93.
30. Shatihina N.S. Institut mediacii v rossijskom ugolovnom prave: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. SPb., 2004.
31. Shirkin A.A. Mediacija kak napravlenie razvitija instituta primirenija v ugolovnom processe Rossijskoj Federacii: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Ljubercy, 2015.
Olenev A.B.
Dissertation researches of questions of activity of advocate in criminal trial with participation of jury members
Purpose: Research of theses concerning activity of advocate in criminal trial with participation of jury members for allocation of not studied problems and gaps in the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Methodology: The formal legal method was used.
Results: During research the review of the theses devoted to activity of the lawyer in jury trial is carried out. The conclusion is drawn on existence of «gap» in domestic science which existence negatively influences practical activities of advocates in court with participation of jurors.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the high scientific value as allows to reveal and define not studied questions on this perspective demanding further studying.
Keywords: advocate, criminal trial, jury members.
References (transliterated)
1. Vedishhev N.P. Osobennosti zashhity pri provedenii predvaritel’nogo slushanija v sude s uchastiem prisjazhnyh zasedatelej // Advokat. 2011. № 3. S. 14–27.
2. Karakozov S.A. Uchastie advokata-zashhitnika v sostjazatel’nom processe (na primere suda prisjazhnyh): dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2009.
3. Konin V.V. Rasshirenie podsudnosti suda s uchastiem prisjazhnyh zasedatelej kak odno iz napravlenij realizacii sudebnoj reformy i formirovanija grazhdanskogo obshhestva // Advokat. 2011. № 4. S. 10–14.
4. Panin E.A. Problemnye aspekty realizacii advokatom-zashhitnikom novell ugolovno-processual’nogo za-konodatel’stva i zakonodatel’stva o sude prisjazhnyh // Advokatskaja praktika. 2011. № 1. S. 40–43.
5. Pospelov O.V. Dissertacii po advokature v Rossii i zarubezhnyh gosudarstvah: svodnyj spisok // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2015. № 1(14). S. 54–89.
6. Rezoljucija v podderzhku predlozhenij po rasshireniju primenenija instituta suda prisjazhnyh (prinjata VII vserossijskim s#ezdom advokatov 22.04.2015) // Vestnik federal’noj palaty advokatov. 2015. № 2. S. 50–51.
7. Tashhilina S.M. Uchastie advokata-zashhitnika v ugolovno-processual’nom dokazyvanii po delam, podsudnym sudu prisjazhnyh: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Pjatigorsk, 2001.
8. Homjakova A.V. Osobennosti dejatel’nosti gosudarstvennogo obvinitelja i zashhitnika na sudebnom sledstvii v sude s uchastiem prisjazhnyh zasedatelej: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Rostov n/D, 2002.
9. Jarceva L.S. Dejatel’nost’ advokata-zashhitnika po delam, rassmatrivaemym v sude s uchastiem prisjazhnyh: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Tomsk, 2005.
Igbaeva G.R.
The difference features of individuals bankruptcy
Purpose: Based on the legislation of Russia to definite the difference features of individuals bankruptcy
Methodology: Private-scientific methods of learning: formal, legal, comparative legal, system analysis and others
Results: Identified by distinctive features of the institution of bankruptcy natural persons in Russia, the main advantages of innovations for borrowers and lenders.
Novelty/originality/value: Provides a brief historical background of the institution of bankruptcy natural persons in Russia, identifies key differences from the bankruptcy of legal entities and procedures for debt collection enforcement proceedings
Keywords: the bankruptcy of individuals, the requirements of lenders, standards, duty, citizen, insolvency, debt restructuring, the debtor, the creditor.
References (transliterated)
1. Igbaeva G.R. Probely realizacii norm o bankrotstve fizicheskih lic // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. № 11 (90). S. 125–127.
2. Zakon RF ot 19.11.1992 № 3929-1 «O nesostojatel’nosti (bankrotstve) predprijatij» // Vedomosti SND i VS RF. 1993. № 1. St. 6 (utratil silu).
3. Platonov S. F. Uchebnik russkoj istorii. SPb., 2001.
4. Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF. 2007. № 41. St. 4849.
5. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 14.06.1992 № 623 «O merah po podderzhke i ozdorovleniju nesostojatel’nyh gosudarstvennyh predprijatij (bankrotov) i primenenii k nim special’nyh procedur» // Vedomosti SND i VS RF. 1992. № 25. St. 1419.
6. Bjulleten’ Verhovnogo Suda RF. 2015. № 12.
7. Chernova G.Sh., Igbaeva G.R., Ponomareva E.V. Pravovye aspekty bankrotstva fizicheskih lic // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. № 9. S. 266–267.
Vayshnarovich G.V.
To a question of electoral codes of subjects of the Russian Federation
Purpose: Article is directed on identification of peculiarities and common features of electoral codes of subjects of the Russian Federation.
Methodology: The author applied historical-legal, formal-legal and comparative-legal methods.
Results: The electoral codes of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Altai Territory and the Sverdlovsk Region are studied and the peculiarities and common features of the electoral codes of subjects of the Russian Federation are formulated by the author. The solution of a number of issues arising in the codification of the regional electoral law is proposed.
Novelty/originality/value: The value of work consists in comprehensive comparative analysis of the regional electoral codes and formulation their features and commonalities.
Keywords: electoral legislation, regional legislation, elections, subject of the Russian Federation, electoral code, code, codified act, codification.
References (transliterated)
1. Andrichenko L.V., Bogoljubov S.A., Vasil’ev V.I. i dr. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii: ot obraza budushhego k real’nosti (k 20-letiju Osnovnogo Zakona Rossii): monografija / pod red. T.Ja. Habrievoj. M.: In-t zakonodatel’stva i sravnitel’nogo pravovedenija pri Pravitel’stve RF: ID «Jurisprudencija», 2013.
2. Andrichenko L.V., Jurtaeva E.A. Konstitucionnye osnovy rossijskogo federalizma // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2013. № 6.
3. Anufrieva N.P. Problemy izbiratel’nogo kodeksa Rossii // Konstitucionnoe i municipal’noe pravo. 2011. № 7.
4. Borzunova O.A. Nalogovyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: genezis, istorija prinjatija i tendencii sovershenstvovanija. M.: Justicinform, 2010.
5. Golovin A.G. Jevoljucija sistemy izbiratel’nogo zakonodatel’stva v Rossijskoj Federacii: tendencii i perspektivy. M.: Moskovskoe bjuro po pravam cheloveka: Academia, 2008.
6. Kabrijak R. Kodifikacii / per. s fr. L.V. Golovka. M.: Statut, 2007.
7. Kerimov D.A. Kodifikacija i zakonodatel’naja tehnika. M.: Gosjurizdat, 1962.
8. Knjazev S.D. Izbiratel’noe pravo v pravovoj sisteme Rossijskoj Federacii (Problemy teorii i praktiki): Avtoref. dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. SPb., 1999.
9. Lesin A.V. Struktura konstitucionnogo (ustavnogo) zakonodatel’stva sub#ektov Rossijskoj Federacii // Konstitucionnoe i municipal’noe pravo. 2010. № 2.
10. Marchenko M.N. Istochniki prava: ucheb. posob. M.: TK Velbi: Prospekt, 2008.
11. Nauchnaja zhizn’ (informacija ob obsuzhdenii doklada V.V. Tishenko «Nekotorye teoreticheskie problemy kodifikacii sovetskogo zakonodatel’stva») // Uchenye zapiski VNIISZ. 1969. Vyp. 18.
12. Oksamytnyj V.V. Obshhaja teorija gosudarstva i prava. M.: JuNITI-DANA, 2012.
13. Polenina S.V. Vzaimosvjazi normativnyh aktov v sisteme sovetskogo grazhdanskogo zakonodatel’stva // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1972. № 8.
14. Polenina S.V. Osnovy grazhdanskogo zakonodatel’-stva i grazhdanskie kodeksy. M.: Jurid. lit. 1968.
15. Polenina S.V. Teoreticheskie problemy sistemy sovetskogo zakonodatel’stva. M.: Nauka, 1979.
16. Rahmanina T.N. Kodifikacionnyj akt v sisteme normativnyh aktov Sovetskogo gosudarstva // Problemy sovershenstvovanija sovetskogo zakonodatel’stva. Trudy VNIISZ. 1978. № 13.
17. Rahmanina T.N. Kodifikacija zakonodatel’stva. M.: Jurist, 2005.
18. Ruzanova V.D. Otraslevoj kodifikacionnyj normativnyj akt kak otrazhenie svojstv kodifikacii // Grazhdanskoe pravo. 2009. № 1.
19. Rybakov V.A. Preemstvennost’ v prave i kodifikacija prava // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2007. № 7.
20. Sistema sovetskogo zakonodatel’stva / pod red. I.S. Samoshhenko. M.: Jurid. lit., 1980.
21. Sistematizacija hozjajstvennogo zakonodatel’stva / otv. red. S.N. Bratus’. M.: Jurid. lit., 1971.
22. Sovremennye problemy organizacii publichnoj vlasti: Monografija / ruk. avt. koll. i otv. red. d.ju.n., prof. S.A. Avak’jan. M.: Justicinform, 2014.
23. Sominskij A.S. Ponjatie i formy sistematizacii so-vetskogo zakonodatel’stva // Nauchnaja sessija, posvjashhennaja teoreticheskim voprosam sistematizacii sovetskogo zakonodatel’stva: tezisy dokladov i soobshhenij. M., 1961.
24. Sudakova S.V. Problemy obespechenija edinstva federal’nogo i regional’nogo izbiratel’nogo zakonodatel’-stva: dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2003.
25. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik dlja jurid. vuzov / A.I. Abramova, S.A. Bogoljubov, A.V. Mickevich i dr.; pod red. A.S. Pigolkina. M.: Gorodec, 2003.
26. Tihomirov Ju.A. Teorija zakona. M.: Nauka, 1982.
27. Tuganbaeva M.F. K voprosu o tehnike kodifikacii zakonodatel’stva // Aktual’nye problemy sistematizacii nacional’nogo zakonodatel’stva: materialy nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii 18 marta 2011 g. / pod obshh. red. R.T. Tusupbekova. Astana: Institut zakonodatel’stva Respubliki Kazahstan, 2011.
28. Chuhvichjov D.V. Perspektivy kodifikacii v sovremennom rossijskom zakonodatel’stve // Grazhdanin i pravo. 2009. № 3.
Arutyunyan M.S.
Some aspects of improvement of legal regulation of the mechanism of realization of the housing rights of staff of law-enforcement bodies
Purpose: To analyze the changes of legal regulation and practice of application of normative acts regulating the procedure of granting cash payments for the purchase or construction of residential premises for certain categories of citizens, identify their differences and formulate proposals aimed at improving the mechanism of their implementation.
Methodology: The study used the comparative legal method of ascension to legal abstractions, system-structural method.
Results: The article evaluates individual change implementation mechanism of the single social payments to employees of internal Affairs bodies in connection with the adoption of RF Government resolution from 11.06.2015 № 581 «On amendments to the rules of granting a lump-sum social payment for acquisition or construction of residential premises to the employees of internal Affairs bodies of the Russian Federation», the emerging court practice. The author conducted a comparative analysis of implementation of the scheme in respect of employees of internal Affairs bodies and the Federal state civil servants. Revealed some conceptual differences of the mechanism provided for cash payments for the purchase of premises and formulated proposals for its unification.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a sufficiently high degree of originality and academic rigour, as through the work examines the recent changes of the legal regulation of relations for the provision of payments aimed at improving the housing conditions of certain categories of citizens. Suggestions can be positive in the light of further improvement of the mechanism of social benefits and unification of legal regulation of these relations.
Keywords: one-off social benefits, the improvement of housing conditions, housing rights, housing.
References (transliterated)
1. Ivanova O.A., Telegin A.S. Edinovremennaja social’-naja vyplata dlja priobretenija zhilogo pomeshhenija gosudarstvennym sluzhashhim: analiz praktiki primenenija zakonodatel’stva // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Juridicheskie nauki. 2014. № 3. S. 59–72.
Hismatullin O.Y.
The issue of harmonization of legislation governing payments for the purchase or construction of residential premises to certain categories of officers
Purpose: To formulate proposals for the harmonization of rules of provision of cash payments for the purchase or construction of residential premises to certain categories of officials.
Methodology: The study used the comparative legal method of ascension to legal abstractions, system-structural method.
Results: In article the comparative analysis of the provisions of some provisions of the Rules providing lump-sum social payment for acquisition or construction of residential premises to the employees of the Department of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.12.2011 № 1223, the rules of providing lump-sum social payment for acquisition or construction of residential premises to the employees serving in the institutions and bodies of criminal Executive system, the Federal fire service of the state of the opposite service, bodies for control over the circulation of a lump-sum social payment for acquisition or construction of residential premises to the employees serving in the institutions and bodies of criminal Executive system, the Federal fire service of the state opposite services, bodies for control over circulation of narcotic and psychotropic substances and customs bodies of the Russian Federation, approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 24.04.2013 № 369 and of the Rules for providing Federal civil servants lump-sum subsidies for the purchase of residential premises, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 27.01.2009 № 63. Revealed some conceptual differences of the mechanism provided for cash payments for the purchase of residential premises m formulated proposals aimed at unification.
Novelty/originality/value: The article possesses the high degree of originality and scientific character, as one of maiden attempts of complex comparative-legal analysis of positions of legal acts is in-process undertaken, regulative realization housings rights for some public servants by means of receipt by them cash disbursements.
Keywords: one-off social benefits, subsidy, improvement of housing conditions, living space.
References (transliterated)
1. Vorob’ev E.G., Pechenev I.V. O ravenstve v zhilishhnyh pravah federal’nyh gosudarstvennyh sluzhashhih: skazka-byl’ na juridicheskuju temu // Pravo v Vooruzhennyh silah. 2012. № 10. S. 37–43.
Ryjenkov A.Ya.
Principles of legal regulation of natural monopolies in the framework of the Eurasian economic Union
Purpose: Disclosure of principles of state regulation of natural monopolies in the Treaty on the Eurasian economic Union.
Methodology: Methods of hermeneutics and comparison were used.
Results: The normative content of the principles of legal regulation of natural monopolies based on the analysis of the constituent documents of interstate formations such as the Eurasian economic Union, are revealed in the article, which include: balancing the interests of consumers and natural monopolies; the more effective regulation aimed at reducing in subsequent spheres of natural monopolies through the creation of conditions for competition development in these areas; the use of flexible tariff (price) regulation of natural monopolies; introduction of regulation in cases where on the basis of the analysis of the relevant internal market found that this market is in a state of natural monopoly; reducing barriers of access to domestic markets, including by ensuring access to services of subjects of natural monopolies; application of the procedure of regulation of activity of subjects of natural monopolies, ensuring the independence of decisions, continuity, openness, objectivity and transparency; the obligatory conclusion by the subjects of natural monopolies of consumer contracts for the provision of services in respect of which regulation is applied; ensuring compliance by subjects of natural monopolies of the rules of access to services of subjects of natural monopolies; the focus of the regulation on the specific subject of natural monopoly; ensuring compliance of established tariffs (prices) quality of services in the spheres of natural monopolies subject to the regulation; protection of consumer interests, including various violations by subjects of natural monopolies concerning the application of tariffs (prices) for regulated services; creation of economic conditions under which the subjects of natural monopolies is beneficial to reduce costs, implement new technologies, improve the efficiency of investment.
Novelty/originality/value: Originality of the article lies in the fact that it is the first in the Russian legal literature the study specifically focused on the principles of regulation of natural monopolies in the Eurasian economic Union.
Keywords: monopoly, regulation, integration, efficiency, rate.
References (transliterated)
1. Butorina O.V., Zaharov A.V. O nauchnoj osnove Evrazijskogo jekonomicheskogo sojuza // Evrazijskaja jekonomicheskaja integracija. 2015. № 2. S. 52–68.
2. Skuratov Ju.I. Nekotorye problemy evrazijskoj integracii na postsovetskom prostranstve (teoreticheskie osnovy i sovremennaja praktika) // Evrazijstvo i mir. 2014. T. 1. № 4. S. 4–20.
3. Shljahtin I.S. Garmonizacija potrebitel’skogo prava kak faktor formirovanija edinogo rynka: opyt Evropejskogo Sojuza // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. № 10. S. 58–61.
Halifayeva A.K.
To a question of modern problems of geopolitics
Purpose: Research of geopolitics as phenomenon and geopolitical science in particular; monitoring of geopolitical position of Russia, the North Caucasus, Dagestan.
Methodology: Historical and legal, system and structural and formally legal methods were used.
Results: In article definition of a definition «geopolitics» is offered; the wide range of geopolitical interests of Russia in the Caucasian region is listed. The conclusion is drawn that many problems and threats have global character and therefore cannot be resolved and overcome by efforts only of one state. Plague of the XXI century – the international terrorism – cannot be «cured» by efforts only of one Russia. Without international efforts, assistance of the world community to modernization processes as within the country, and in the Islamic world, it will not be possible to eliminate the regional centers of terrorism. The developing situation in the modern world provides to Russia to strengthen the geopolitical situation and successfully to realize geostrategic objectives by means of active participation in regional projects of integration, use of the scientific, military and technical and spiritual potential for transformation into the authoritative geopolitical center of force.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the high scientific value as is one of attempts to consider geopolitical position of Russia through a prism of evolution of this phenomenon at the regional level.
Keywords: geopolitics, geopolitical science, Islamic ideology.
References (transliterated)
1. Aruhov Z. Geopoliticheskij potencial Dagestana [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
2. Moro-Defarzh F. Vvedenie v geopolitiku. M.: Konkord, 1996.
3. Potehin V.K. Geopolitika v sovremennoj Rossii: Problemy geopolitiki. Osnovnaja zadacha geopolitiki // Gumanitarnye nauchnye issledovanija. 2012. № 5.
4. Mihajlov T.A. Jevoljucija geopoliticheskih idej. M.: Ves’ mir, 1999.
5. Sovremennaja geopolitika Rossii [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
Lukanova A.K.
Konvalidation of transactions with juveniles and incapacitated citizens: some theoretical and
practical aspects
Purpose: The analysis of the main problems of a konvalidation of transactions in the theory and practice.
Methodology: The author mainly used system (complex) approach, legallistic (dogmatic) and comparative and legal methods were applied.
Results: In article the concept of a konvalidation of transactions with juveniles and incapacitated citizens is opened, an opinion of certain scientific jurists is stated of this perspective, and also author’s vision on the matter is formulated.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses a certain scientific and practical value as in it the analysis of the main problems of a konvalidation of transactions in the theory and practice having theoretical and practical value is made.
Keywords: transactions, konvalidation, juvenile, incapacitated.
References (transliterated)
1. Sachenrecht: ein Studienbuch / von K.H. Schwab, H. Prutting Bearb. 28., neubearb. Aufl. des v. F. Lent begr. Werkes. München: Beck, 1999. S. 64.
2. Grazhdanskij kodeks Italii 1942 g.
3. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Sdelki. Reshenija sobranij. Predstavitel’stvo i doverennost’. Sroki. Iskovaja davnost’. Postatejnyj kommentarij k glavam 9–12 / B.M. Gongalo, A.V. Demkina, M.Ja. Kirillova i dr.; pod red. P.V. Krasheninnikova. M.: Statut, 2013.
4. Djatlov E.V. Soglasie kak juridicheskij fakt v rossijskom i nemeckom grazhdanskom prave // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo. 2014. № 1.
5. Kommentarij k Grazhdanskomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii. Ch. I: Uchebno-prakticheskij kommentarij / pod red. A.P. Sergeeva. M.: Prospekt, 2010.
6. Morand’er de la L. Zhjullio. Grazhdanskoe pravo Francii / per. s fr. E.A. Flejshic. M.: Izd-vo inostrannoj literatury, 1958.
7. Tuzov D.O. Nedejstvitel’nost’ sdelok v ital’janskom grazhdanskom prave // CivIs. Vyp. II. M.: Statut,2006.
8. Tuzov D.O. Nichtozhnost’ i osporimost’ juridicheskoj sdelki: pandektnoe uchenie i sovremennoe pravo. M.: Statut, 2006.
9. Tuzov D.O. Teorija nedejstvitel’nosti sdelok: opyt rossijskogo prava v kontekste evropejskoj pravovoj tradicii. M.: Statut, 2007.
Ibragimov A.K.
Actions of the advocate-defender during the first hours after detention of the client: mistakes and their prevention
Purpose: The analysis of the main actions of the advocate-defender made by it during detention of the client.
Methodology: The author mainly used system (complex) approach, the formal - legal method, and also a method of the included supervision were applied.
Results: In article the main actions of the advocate-defender made by him at an initial stage of preliminary investigation of criminal case during detention of his client are opened, the typical mistakes made by lawyers at this stage are revealed and also ways of their prevention are offered.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses a certain scientific and practical value as in it the analysis of actual problems of advocate-defender’s practice is made.
Keywords: advocate-defender, detention, advocate-defender’s activity.
References (transliterated)
1. Ragulin A.V. Pravo advokata-zashhitnika na dopusk k uchastiju v ugolovnom dele s momenta fakticheskogo zaderzhanija // Ugolovno-processual’nye i kriminalisticheskie chtenija: materialy mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. internet-konf., Irkutsk, 16–20 apr. 2012 g. Irkutsk: Izd-vo BGUJeP, 2012. S. 120–128.
2. Ragulin A.V. Ugolovno-processual’nye i takticheskie aspekty dejatel’nosti advokata pri zaderzhanii podzashhitnogo i izbranii v otnoshenii nego mer presechenija // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2008. № 2 (4). S. 73–86.
Zinkovsky M.A.
Problems of proof of an insurance industrial accident, happened in 1991
Purpose: Research of problems of judicial proof of an insurance industrial accident more than twenty-year prescription.
Methodology: Formally legal methods of scientific research were used.
Results: In article the concept of an industrial accident is analysed, practical difficulties of judicial proof of this institute are revealed. The subject and ways of proof of an insurance industrial accident more than twenty-year prescription is defined. The industrial accident is considered through a prism of the fact, the right, the proof, the lawyer line of protection, adjacent legal concepts. Shortcomings of concept of an industrial accident are revealed. Positions of courts of the first instance and a position of the supreme courts on the matter are considered.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses of scientific noveity as the case of proof of the industrial accident, rare for law-enforcement practice which happened in 1991 is investigated.
Keywords: industrial accident, problems of judicial proof, proof of harm to health of the person, labor relations of the worker and employer.
References (transliterated)
1. Bystrova M.A. Neoformlennyj rabotnik smog vzy-skat’ s kompanii kompensa-ciju za neschastnyj sluchaj na proizvodstve // Trudovye spory. 2012. № 10. S. 28–31.
2. Galaeva L. Neschastnyj sluchaj na proizvodstve: vsegda li on javljaetsja straho-vym // Voprosy trudovogo prava. 2010. № 2. S. 63–73.
Filacheva O.A.
How to struggle with «black realtors»?
Purpose: The analysis of the main schemes applied so-called by «black realtors» and a formulation of recommendations about their identification and fight against them.
Methodology: The author used system (complex) approach, the formal-legal method, and also a method of the included supervision were applied.
Results: In article the main schemes applied by «black realtors» are opened and recommendations about their identification and fight against them are formulated.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses a certain scientific and practical value as in it the analysis of actual problems of lawyer practice is made.
Keywords: advocate, advocate’s activity, «black realtors».
References (transliterated)
1. Bushljakova D.V. K voprosu o problemah primenenija nasledstvennogo dogovora v Rossijskoj Federacii // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2015. № 4 (17). S. 50–52.
2. Titova E.P., Rudman M.N. Obespechenie ispolnenija objazatel’stv v dogovorah uchastija v dolevom stroitel’stve // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2015. № 3 (16). S. 44–46.