PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGRagulin A.V.Signs of advocacy in Russian law and legal sciencePurpose: Analysis of the state of legal regulation and doctrinal views on the signs of advocacy, systematization of the attributes of advocacy.Methodology: The methods of structural and functional analysis, the system method, the formal legal method, the method of studying documents, the method of observation included were used.Results: Among the signs of advocacy are the following. 1. The advocacy is a community of independent professional legal advisers who meet the criteria established by law and have acquired the status of a lawyer, have equal rights and obligations in the framework of the practice of advocacy, and in the framework of participation in corporate self-government procedures. 2. Along with lawyers, the community of lawyers also includes people who promote the practice of law (lawyer interns, lawyer’s assistants, other persons, employees of law enforcement authorities (corporate governance) and public associations of lawyers). 3. The structural elements of the community, directly provided for by law, are the bodies of advocate self-government (corporate governance bodies), advocate associations, public associations of advocates that have certain structural and functional relationships with each of the advocates as members of the community. 4. Within the framework of the law, the advocacy as an institution has independence, self-government, and corporatism. 5. Lack of belonging of both the whole lawyer community, and the structural units existing in its composition, to the number of state authorities and local self-government bodies. 6. The implementation by lawyers of activities to provide qualified legal assistance, which has both public law and private law value, the purpose of which is to protect the rights, freedoms and interests of principals and to provide access to justice. 7. Institutionalization of the community as a public corporate organization, which is an integral element of civil society, performing a specific public-law function of oversight of state compliance with legal norms. 8. The community fulfills paternalistic, preventive, socio-psychological, mediator, socio-critical and socio-pedagogical functions, as well as corporate protection functions.Novelty/originality/value: The article has a scientific value, since it is one of the first modern attempts to systematize the signs of advocacy, carried out in order to develop a formal legal definition of this institution of civil society.Keywords: advocacy, advocate, signs of advocacy.References (transliterated)1. 6.`.9. S.S. Struktura sovetskogo prava. 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PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGMelnichenko R.G.Regulatory guillotine the AdvocacyPurpose: To identify and problematize the manifestation of excessive rule-making in advocacy, as well as propose measures to respond to this phenomenon.Methodology: The statistical, hermeneutical and comparative legal methods were used.Results: The problem of excessive legal regulation is identified and a mechanism is proposed for overcoming this negative phenomenon in the management of advocacy.Novelty/originality/value: Lack of research on the assessment of the legal administration of advocacy on a scale of «quantity-quality», against the backdrop of legislative euphoria of the bodies of advocate self-government. The author’s use of statistical data in the field of advocacy «rule-making» indicates originality. The scientific and value character of the study is evidenced by those recommendations that the author puts forward, based on the idea of a «regulatory guillotine», to solve the problem of an excess of legal regulation in the аdvocacy.Keywords: advocacy, corporate acts, regulatory guillotine.References (transliterated)1.Medvedev D.A. «Regulyatornaya gil`otina» sush-hestvenny`m obrazom oblegchit zhizn` biznesa // TASS. 2019. 2 aprelya.2.Pokonchili s probkoj: v Volgograde otorvali svetofor na Metallurgov posle popy`tki izmenit` sxemu dvizheniya [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: G.A. Okkam, Uil`yam // Novaya filosofskaya e`nciklopediya/ In-t filosofii RAN; Nacz. obshhestv.-nauch. fond; predsedatel` nauch.-red. soveta V.S. Styopin. 2-e izd., ispr. i dop. M.: My`sl`, 2010.4.Starostin S.A. O podmene ponyatij v gosudarstvennom upravlenii // Vestnik Tomskogo gosuniversiteta. Pravo. 2019. № 32. PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGShavin V.A.Amendments to the law on advocacy: opportunities and risks for a lawyerPurpose: To analyze the amendments to the Federal Law dated May 31, 2002 N 63-ФЗ «On Advocacy and the Bar in the Russian Federation», introduced by the Federal Law dated December 2, 2019 N 400-ФЗ, in terms of the opportunities and risks for each lawyer, attorney community, lawyers chambers and their governing bodies on the example of the Chamber of Lawyers of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.Methodology: We used both general scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction, logical method) and private scientific research methods (comparative legal and statistical).Results: Opportunities and risks were identified and analyzed for the Nizhny Novgorod lawyer, the bar community and the bar chamber of the region. Recommendations are given on minimizing the identified risks and maximizing the use of the opportunities provided.Novelty/originality/value: Amendments to the Law on the Bar are analyzed from the perspective of a specific lawyer engaged in the practice of law. The above recommendations can be used in the development of corporate acts, will help lawyers to apply new opportunities provided by the law under consideration.Keywords: law on advocacy, prohibition of the profession, conflict of interest, website of the bar, success fee.References (transliterated)1.Suchkov Andrej. «Troyanskij kon`» v popravkax // Advokatskaya ulicza [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: «O poryadke opredeleniya razmera gonorara pri zaklyuchenii advokatami palaty` soglasheniya ob okazanii yuridicheskoj pomoshhi fizicheskim i yuridicheskim liczam», utv. resheniem soveta PANO ot 10.01.2018 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 18.07.2019 № 29-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucion-nosti polozheniya abzacza pervogo punkta 1 stat`i 2 Federal`nogo zakona «Ob advokatskoj deyatel`nosti i advokature v Rossijskoj Federacii» v svyazi s zhaloboj grazhdanina O.V. Suxova».4. PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGSovetkina A.S., Karev D.A., Azarkhin A.V.Problems of implementing the principles lawyer activityPurpose: To identify the main problems in the implementation of the principles lawyer activity.Methodology: The authors used the methods of analysis of normative legal acts and sociological and historical methods.Results: This article focuses on the basic principles lawyer activity. The views of scientists, politicians, and lawyers on the essence of these principles are analyzed. The main problems that arise during the implementation of the principles of advocacy are considered. Possible ways to solve the identified problems are also suggested. In the course of studying this topic, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to improve the regulatory framework in the field of advocacy.Novelty/originality/value: The Article has a high scientific value, since in the process of studying this topic, the main problems that arise in the implementation of the principles of advocacy that currently exist in the Russian bar were identified. In addition, possible solutions are presented.Keywords: the principle of law, the principles of advocacy , the principle of independence , the principle of self-government, the principle of legality, the principle of equality of lawyers, the principle of corporatism, the principle of publicity, lawyer activity.References (transliterated)1.Biryulina E.A. Principy` organizacii i deyatel`nosti advokatury` v Rossijskoj Federacii // Nauchny`e gorizonty`. 2019. № 21.2.Vatman D.P. Advokatskaya e`tika. M.: Yurid. lit., 1977.3.Zaxarenkov D.N. 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PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGЕrbakhaev E.A.The status of lawyers and legal counsel in the PRC and in the countries of Central AsiaPurpose: The comparison of the legal status of lawyers under the law of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the Republic of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Turkmenistan. The research of the legal status of legal counsels in the PRC and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author doesn’t purpose to present to the reader the status of foreign lawyers engage in professional activities in the these countries within the framework of this article.Methodology: Formal-legal and comparative-legal methods were used.Results: In article the conditions for engaging advocate activity and the powers of lawyers in these counties are analyzed. The information on the law firm and other bar associations also of self-regulatory organizations of lawyers in these republics is presented. The author compares the status of legal counsels in the PRC and the Republic of Kazakhstan. 3 types of legal counsels in PRC are compared, namely, basic legal counsels, legal counsels providing legal services by registering as an individual entrepreneur or by establishing a commercial organization and corporate lawyers. The legal status of lawyers and legal counsels in the Republic of Kazakhstan is compared.Novelty/originality/value: This article has methodics and practical importance as is one of the first research devoted to status of an advocates and legal counsels in the PRC and published in the Russian Federation. Also, first time in Russian legal literature, the status of a lawyer in 5 countries of Central Asia is compared.Keywords: lawyer, law firm, procedure for obtaining a lawyer’s qualification, legal counsel, corporate lawyer, powers of a lawyer and legal counsel.References (transliterated)1.Zakon KNR «Ob advokatax» ot 15.05.1996 (v redakcii ot 01.09.2017) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:` po vnedreniyu gosudarstvennogo yurisdikcionnogo kvalifikacionnogo e`kzamena, utv. prikazom Ministerstva yusticii KNR ot 25.04.2018 № 140 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:` nakazaniya advokatov i advokatskix obrazovanij za nezakonny`e dejstviya, utv. prikazom Ministerstva yusticii KNR ot 07.04.2010 № 122 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: E.A., Chzhao L. Institut predstavitel`stva v grazhdanskom prave KNR // Transgranichnaya bezopasnost` i gosudarstvo v sovremennom mire: materialy` mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, g. Ulan-Ude`, 24–26 iyunya 2016 g. 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URL:`-monopolisty`: kak organizovano sudebnoe predstavitel`stvo v razny`x stranax [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEVinogradova E.V., Oganezova A.V.Alternative dispute resolution in The Eurasian Economic Union countries: mediationPurpose: A comprehensive analysis of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) countries national legislation concerning alternative dispute resolution methods. Which includes disputes resolution using the mediation procedure in order to identify their advantages and disadvantages and to use research results in the process of creating an online dispute resolution platform for EAEU .Methodology: Historical-legal and comparative legal methods were used, as well as methods of legal modeling and forecasting.Results: The article considers the main sources of legal regulation of mediation in the EAEU countries: the Law of the Republic of Armenia «About mediation» of June 13, 2018, the Law of the Republic of Belarus «About mediation» of July 12, 2013, the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic «On Mediation» of June 22, 2017 , the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About mediation» of January 28, 2011, the Federal Law «On an Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedure with the Participation of a Mediator (Mediation Procedure)» of July 27. As a result of the study, it was found that the countries are at different stages of mediation development and have their own features, while they have something common - existence of that institute, which appeared in the Russian Federation in 2010 and in the Republic of Armenia only in 2018.Novelty/originality/value: According to the Digital Agenda of the EAEU, one of the fundamental principles of eurasian integration is providing an effective alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. Therefore, the issue of comparative legal research of existing dispute resolution mechanisms in the EAEU countries becomes more significant.Keywords: alternative dispute resolution, mediation, eurasian integration, EAEU, Digital Agenda of the EAEU, dispute resolution, mediator, online dispute resolution (ODR), mediation, conflict resolution, dispute resolution, extrajudicial dispute resolution mechanisms.References (transliterated)1.Borisova E.A. Al`ternativnoe razreshenie sporov: uchebnik / pod red. 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ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICELyutov V.A.Some problems of qualification of embezzlement of money associated with unauthorized access to details of credit, payment and other payment cardsPurpose: The article summarizes data on the Commission of unauthorized transactions using payment cards, information about the damage caused by illegal actions, information about the state of criminal record. The author uses the experience of the people’s Republic of China, which relates both to the technical security of payments using payment cards, and to the legal regulation of liability for illegal actions in this area. Proposals were made to improve the current criminal legislation.Methodology: Comparative legal, formal logical and formal legal methods were used.Results: The article deals with the criminal legal characteristics of crimes involving electronic means of payment, as well as a comprehensive analysis of the current legislation of Russia and China in terms of criminal liability for committing fraud using electronic means of payment.Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, since it is the first time that a comparative legal analysis of the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation and the PRC is conducted in terms of establishing responsibility for fraud committed using electronic means of payment. This study is of scientific interest for the following reasons. First, with the various legal techniques used in the process of rule-making, the content of criminal prohibitions has a lot in common. Secondly, the practice of identifying illegal encroachments and their qualification, with some differences, develops in a General direction, the main vector of which is the prevention of new crimes. Third, the e-payment market in the PRC has passed a rapid stage of development and volume growth, which has not yet been completed in Russia, so the Chinese experience in countering fraudulent theft using electronic means of payment may be useful for adapting to Russian realities.Keywords: crime, theft, fraud, theft, bank card.References (transliterated)1.Obzor nesankcionirovanny`x perevodov denezh-ny`x sredstv za 2018 god. M.: Bank Rossii, 2019.2.O vnesenii izmenenij v Ugolovny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: Feder. zakon ot 23.04.2018 № 111-FZ [prinyat Gos. 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M.: Knorus, 2017.8.Ob``em xishhenij s bankovskix kart vy`ros pochti v poltora raza // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2019. 19 fevralya.9.Kitaj: mobil`ny`e platezhi kak instrument konkurencii // Zhurnal «Plas» (Plus). 2018. № 4. S. 13–15.10.Big Data from the Supreme People’s Court // Supreme People’s Court Monitor [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEChupilkin Y.B.Proportionality of restriction of the rights of the person with the compulsory withdrawal of samples for comparative studiesPurpose: To Consider the admissibility of taking samples for comparative research from persons participating in pre-investigation checks and participants in criminal proceedings, against their will, and the proportionality of coercive measures in cases of forced restriction of individual rights.Methodology: Comparative legal and formal legal methods were used.Results: The author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to supplement the code of criminal procedure with the provision that the removal of samples of biological origin can be obtained forcibly, only from a suspect or accused, on the basis of a court decision. According to the author, it is also necessary to provide for the legal obligation of the court to check the criteria of proportionality of the restriction of individual rights in the case of compulsory withdrawal of samples for comparative research, developed in the practice of the ECHR.Novelty/originality/value: The article is the one of the first attempts to introduce criteria for the proportionality of coercive measures when taking samples for comparative research from suspects and accused in Russian criminal proceedings.Keywords: samples for comparative research, compulsory removal, privilege against self-incrimination.References (transliterated)1.Galiaxmetov M.R., Tat`yanin D.V. Diskussionny`e voprosy` provedeniya sledstvenny`x dejstvij v stadii vozbuzhdeniya ugolovnogo dela // Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta. 2015. T. 25. Vy`p. 3. S. 109.2.Zhbankov V.A. Obrazcy dlya sravnitel`nogo issledovaniya v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve. M., 1969. S. 20–21.3.Zajceva E.A. 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ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEYaroshik O.D.Issues of legal assessment of causes and circumstances of road traffic accidents and problems of protection of those involvedPurpose: Research into the problem of protection of legal rights and interests of persons in road accident cases.Methodology: Formal legal method hase been used.Results: The article pays attention to the problems of investigative and judicial practice, legal classification of the conduct of those, involved in a road accident. It outlines the distinctive features and deficiencies of nowadays investigation and examination of cases by first instance courts. It attracts attention to the necessity of investigators’ good faith in finding facts forming the object of proof. It underlines the necessity of full and objective investigation and examination of a criminal case, of adequate technical (expert) and, on this basis, well-founded legal assessment of circumstances of road accidents, due examination of motivated arguments of the accused and of his or her defense in the framework of adversarial proceedings and equality of arms which are only declared by procedural law. It features arguments of the defense, which, along with incomplete investigation and other substantial violations of procedural law in a case, entail quashing of a conviction judgment. It notes the significance of the principles enshrined in the Criminal Procedural law of the Russian Federation, right to defend oneself in the first place, which are ignored in contemporary criminal proceedings.Novelty/originality/value: The article, which has serious practical significance, advocates for the necessity of unconditional compliance with the principles of criminal proceedings in road-accidents cases.Keywords: legality, standard of proof, interests of prosecution and defense, technical and legal assessment, motor mechanic expert examination.References (transliterated)1.Sovremenny`e vozmozhnosti sudebnoj e`kspertizy`: metodicheskoe posobie dlya e`kspertov, sledovatelej i sudej. M.: Triada-X, 2000.S. 215, 218.2.Korshukov I.K., Chalkin P.P., Chubchenko A.L. Opredelenie skorosti avtomobilya v moment naezda na peshexoda: ucheb. posob. 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The subject of the research are: legal acts, doctrinal and other sources in the field of the institute of necessary defense.Novelty/originality/value: The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that the necessary defense is one of the main means of strengthening the rule of law, public security and the rule of law, protecting the rights of citizens and preventing crime.Keywords: criminal law, necessary defense, defense, suppression, etymology, concept.References (transliterated)1.Ozhegov S.I. Tolkovy`j slovar` russkogo yazy`ka. M.: Mir I obrazovanie, 2015.2.Ushakov D.N. Bol`shoj tolkovy`j slovar` russkogo yazy`ka. M.: Dom Slavyanskoj kn., 2008.3.Revin V.P. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaya chast`. M.: Yusticinform, 2016.4.Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaya chast`: uchebnik dlya bakalavrov / I.V. Alyoshina i dr.; pod red. A.I. Plotnikov. Orenburg: Universitet, 2016.5.Gladkix V.I. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaya chast`. 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In Russian Federation, international standards in the field of human and civil rights and freedoms serve as a legal guideline for the development of national legislation if they are not contrary to national interests.Novelty/originality/value: The author tries to predict further observance of guarantees of the electoral rights of citizens in the national electoral legislation and inclines to the proposal of scientists to change the approach to making decisions by the European Court to bring the provisions of national legislation into line with international standards.Keywords: elections, state, citizen, law, electoral law, suffrage, international standard, international contract.References (transliterated)1.Analiz izbiratel`nogo zakonodatel`stva v kontekste soblyudeniya obshhedemokraticheskix standartov prav cheloveka. Izbiratel`ny`e sistemy` stran mira // Mezhdunarodnaya monitoringovaya organizaciya CIS-EMO CIS-Europe Monitoring Organization [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: A.A. 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Obespechenie izbira-tel`ny`x prav izbiratelej s ogranichenny`mi fizicheskimi vozmozhnostyami: voprosy` pravovogo regulirovaniya i prakticheskoj realizacii (na primere Zabajkal`skogo kraya) // Gosudarstvennaya vlast` i mestnoe samoupravlenie. 2019. № 4. S. 3−7. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».12.Slepak V.Yu., Trubacheva K.I. Sredstva pravovoj zashhity` pri obzhalovanii ogranichitel`ny`x mer Evropejskogo soyuza // Lex russica. 2017. № 9. S. 127‒133. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».13.Starovojtova E.I. Princip vseobshhnosti izbiratel`-nogo prava v mirovoj praktike: garantii i ogranicheniya // Sibirskij yuridicheskij vestnik. 2013. № 4 (63). S. 114−121.14.Taraban N.A. Vliyanie mezhdunarodny`x pravovy`x standartov na razvitie izbiratel`nogo prava Soyuza SSR v perestroechny`j period 1985−1993 gg. // Istoriya gosudarstva i prava. 2015. № 16. S. 32−38. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».15.Chechulina A.A. E`volyuciya kontrol`nogo mexanizma Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka // Vestnik VE`GU. 2016. № 5 (85). S. 135−146. JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEKostyuk M.F.The role of financial investigations in financial crime preventionPurpose: To determine the role of financial investigations in the prevention of financial crime.Methodology: Comparative legal, formal logical and formal legal methods were used.Results: The article analyzes the concept and content of financial investigations, the factors determining the specifics of its conduct, the subjects of this type of activity. The features of financial offenses and measures of financial and legal liability are reflected.Novelty/originality/value: The article has a certain scientific value, since it reflects the results of research on an actual problem.Keywords: bank, activity, money, information, money laundering, legalization, control, offense, investigation, risk, subject, finances.References (transliterated)1.Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Tolkovy`j slovar` russkogo yazy`ka: 80000 slov i frazeologicheskix vy`razhenij / Rossijskaya akademiya nauk; Institut russkogo yazy`ka im. V.V. Vinogradova. 4-e izd., dop. M.: Azbukovnik, 1999. S. 663.2.Dedkov A.V. Voprosy` formirovaniya instituta finansovogo rassledovaniya // Finansovy`j menedzhment. 2004. № 2 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: D.N. Finansy` i kredit: ucheb. posob. Penza: Penz. gos. universitet, 2005. S. 24.4.ME`B-grupp: monitoring e`konomicheskoj bezopasnosti [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: E.V. Usluga forenzik kak e`ffektivny`j instrument predotvrashheniya i umen`sheniya riskov moshennichestva // Aktual`ny`e problemy` sovremennoj e`konomicheskoj nauki. 2016. S. 308–310.6.Sujcz V.P., Xorin A.N., Kozel`ceva E.A. Usluga forenzik: professional`noe obuchenie i regulirovanie v zarubezhny`x stranax // Audit i finansovy`j analiz. 2015. № 2. C. 74– Prezidenta RF ot 13.06.2012 № 808 «Voprosy` Federal`noj sluzhby` po finansovomu monitoringu» utverzhdeno Polozhenie o Federal`noj sluzhbe po finansovomu monitoringu // SZ RF. 2012. 18 iyunya. № 25. St. 3314.9.Tolkovy`j anglo-russkij slovar` «Bankovskoe delo». Novaya seriya anglo-russkix tolkovy`x slovarej Economicus (e`lektronny`j variant).10.Pimenov N.A. Finansovy`e rassledovaniya: osnovny`e podxody` // Vestnik Finansovoj akademii. 2003. № 1 (25). S. 25.11.Kondrat`eva E.A., Goryunov A.R. K voprosu o vy`rabotke nauchnogo opredeleniya finansovy`x rassledovanij // Vestnik Finansovoj akademii. 2003. № 1 (25). S. 15–19.12.Efimov B.C., Efimov C.B., Nesterov M.S. Analiz neobxodimosti vy`deleniya kategorii «finansovy`e rassledovaniya» v rossijskoj e`konomicheskoj nauke // Sovremenny`e tendencii razvitiya mexanizma nalogovy`x rassledovanij: sbornik nauchny`x trudov / Akademiya e`konomicheskoj bezopasnosti MVD Rossii. M., 2006. S. 14.13.Lepskij S. Finansovy`e rassledovaniya: ponyatie i pravovoe soderzhanie // Zakon i zhizn`. 2014. № 3. S. 48. JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEKilin A.G., Permyakov M.V., Kotov V.V.Criminal legal problems of combating corruption in RussiaPurpose: To study the main problematic factors contributing to the emergence of corruption in Russia, as well as to develop measures to counter criminal manifestations of corruption.Methodology: Logical, historical-legal and formal-legal methods were used.Results: The article addresses the problems of the modern world related to corruption, which in turn poses a serious and pressing problem for almost all States. The preamble of the United Nations Convention against Corruption notes «the gravity of the problems and threats posed by corruption to the stability and security of society, which undermine democratic institutions and values, ethical values and justice and damage sustainable development and the rule of law», and that «corruption is no longer a local problem but has become a transnational phenomenon that affects the society and economy of all countries.»Novelty/originality/value: The article has certain scientific value, as it is one of the first modern attempts to comprehensively consider the problem of countering criminal manifestations of corruption through the lens of criminal law legislation.Keywords: economy, poverty, social inequality, businessman, bribe, sales, corrupt communication, bribery, mafia structures, official, corrupt, organized criminal group, declaration of income, confiscation of property.References (transliterated)1.Sovremenny`j slovar` inostranny`x slov. M., 1993.2.Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Tolkovy`j slovar` russkogo yazy`ka. M., 1999.3.Kriminologiya: Uchebnik dlya yuridicheskix vuzov / pod obshh. red. A.I. Dolgovoj. M., 1997.4.Kabanov P.A. Korrupciya i vzyatochnichestvo v Rossii: istoricheskie, kriminologicheskie i ugolovno-pravovy`e aspekty`. Nizhnekamsk, 1995.5.Volzhenkin B.V. Korrupciya. SPb., 1998.6.Karagodin V.N. Sovremenny`e predstavleniya o soderzhanii ponyatiya korrupciya: sb. statej. Ekaterinburg, 2003.7.Karagodin V.N. Metody` i sredstva bor`by` s korrupciej // Ugolovnaya yusticiya: sostoyanie i puti razvitiya. Tyumen`, 2003. JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACERakhimberdin K.Kh.Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Probation»:critical marginal notesPurpose: The purpose of the study is to critically examine the Law on Probation for compliance with the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-custodial Measures (Tokyo Rules) and other international legal instruments regarding alternatives to deprivation of custody.Methodology: Historical-legal, system-structural and comparative legal methods were used.Results: In general, the legal basis of the probation institution has been created in the Republic of Kazakhstan, however, it needs to be improved in terms of ensuring the organizational and legal mechanism of probation. 2) It should be noted that in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Probation» there is no adequate legal support for the programs for the re-socialization of convicts and practically nothing is said about the procedural issues of the construction and implementation of such programs. The current Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Probation» pays clearly insufficient attention to the interaction of civil society institutions and probation supervision bodies. This, in turn, does not fully comply with the recommendations of international legal acts and does not contribute to the effectiveness of probationary supervision.Novelty/originality/value: The article is of high scientific value, as it is one of the first attempts to conduct a critical analysis of the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Probation» with a view to its compliance with international standards in the field of criminal justice and alternatives to imprisonment.Keywords: probation, convict, penal system, resocialization, adaptation, law.References (transliterated)1.Geta M.R. Ugolovnoe pravo: predely`, ob``ekty` i sredstva vozdejstviya v bor`be s prestupnost`yu v sovremennoj Rossii. M.: Norma, 2016. S. 303.2.Geta M.R. Konceptual`naya organizacionno-pravovaya model` probacii v Respubliki Kazaxstan. Varshava, 2012. S. 100.3.Geta M.R., Raximberdin K.X., Kuuse R. Model` sluzhby` probacii v Kazaxstane i drugix gosudarstvax Central`noj Azii. Ust`-Kamenogorsk: Media-Al`yans, 2005. S. 40.4.Ol`xovik N.V. Metodika «Portret». Tomsk: TGU, 2005.5.Geta M.R. Opy`t probacii i ego primenenie v RK. Ust`-Kamenogorsk: Media-Al`yans, 2003. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF LAW SCIENCE AND PRACTICEAzarkhin A.V., Kared D.A., Mikhailova M.S.The concept and classification of legal principlesPurpose: Research and disclosure of the concept and essence of legal principles in the theory of law in order to consider the classification of existing principles.Methodology: theoretical methods were used, namely synthesis analysis.Results: This article highlights the concept of the principles of law, which is one of the pressing problems of modern legal science. The classification of existing legal principles from the position of the subject approach is reflected. General legal, intersectoral, sectoral and institutional principles are distinguished. Their selection is due to the consideration of the legal system in a structural context as a hierarchically subordinate legal system in a structural context as a hierarchically subordinate pyramid, where the rule of law goes back to independent legal institutions, which in turn are part of the legal branches characterized by the presence of an independent subject and method of regulation.Novelty/originality/value: The article has value, as it reflects pressing issues regarding the implementation of legal principles with the use of subjective approach.Keywords: principles of law, classification of legal principles, concept of principles of law.References (transliterated)1.Lavdarenko L.I., Rudy`x S.N. Principy` prava i ix sistema // Aktual`ny`e problemy` rossijskogo prava. 2018. № 10 (95).S. 196–203.2.Karev D.A. Kriterii klassifikacii pravovy`x principov: predmetny`j, normativny`j i funkcional`ny`j podxody` // Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta. 2018. № 3. S. 357–361.3.Ganizheva P.M. Principy` sudebnoj vlasti i principy` pravosudiya // Innovacionnaya nauka. 2018. № 3. S. 57–59.4.Demin A.V. Binarny`j podxod protiv otnositel`noj normativnosti: k diskussii o «myagkom prave» // Zakon. 2014. № 6. S. 96–105.5.Ershov V.V. Pravovaya priroda principov rossijskogo prava: teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty` // Rossijskij sud`ya. 2009. № 5. S. 9–14.6.Konstituciya Rossijskoj Federacii (prinyata vsenarodny`m golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesenny`x zakonami RF o popravkax k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 № 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 № 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 № 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 № 11-FKZ) // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva RF. 2014. 4 avgusta. № 31. St. 4398.7.Karev D.A. Principy` municipal`noj sluzhby`: podxody` k klassifikacii // Aktual`ny`e problemy` rossijskogo prava. 2019. № 5 (102). S. 51–59.8.Karev D.A. Special`ny`e principy` instituta Rossijskoj municipal`noj sluzhby` // Vestnik Volzhskogo universiteta im. V.N. Tatishheva. 2019. № 2.S. 60–67.9.Vlasenko N.A. Konkurenciya principov prava // Yuridicheskaya texnika. 2020. № 14. S. 46–53.10.Ponkin I.V. Ponyatie «princip» v prave // Yuridicheskaya texnika. 2020. № 14. S. 281–283.11.Chechel`niczkij I.V. Princip spravedlivosti v rossijskom prave // Social`no-e`konomicheskie yavleniya i processy`. 2014. № 7. S. 100–104. JURISPRUDENCE AND EDUCATIONVorontsova N.L.Ensuring inclusive education in political and legal documentsPurpose: Analysis of the state of the federal level legal regulation of inclusive education, as well as a synthesis of the experience in creating relevant political and legal documents accumulated in the federal subjects Russian Federation.Methodology: The analysis method, systemic, formal legal, as well as comparative legal methods were used.Results: A list of political and legal documents was formed in the process of studying the issues under research. A system-structural analysis of the selected legal acts was carried out, which allowed to identify the features of the content of individual acts and to develop general recommendations. It is established that the problems are caused by the lack of unified scientifically-based approaches to the construction and registration of documents constituting the political and legal basis of state activities.Novelty/originality/value: The article is of scientific value, as it is one of the first attempts to consider the legal support of inclusive education through the prism of its consolidation in political and legal documents. The analysis of the practice of adopting political and legal documents in the field of inclusive education made it possible to develop recommendations on their content.Keywords: educational legislation, political and legal documents, persons with disabilities, integration, inclusive education, concept.References (transliterated)1.Koncepciya razvitiya obrazovaniya obuchayushhixsya s invalidnost`yu i ogranichenny`mi vozmozhnostyami zdorov`ya do 2030 g. / pod obshh. red. N.N. Malofeeva. M.: FGBNU «IKP RAO», 2019.2.Mushinskij M.A. Strategii, koncepcii, doktriny` v pravovoj sisteme Rossijskoj Federacii: problemy` statusa, yuridicheskoj texniki i sootnosheniya drug s drugom // Yuridicheskaya texnika. 2015. № 9.3.Nesterov A.V. O doktrinax, koncepciyax i strategiyax // Konstituciya Rossijskoj Federacii: politiko-e`konomicheskie prioritety`: materialy` Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Omsk, 16 noyabrya 2009 g.). Omsk, 2010.4.Stepanova O.A., Yusupov R.G. Gosudarstvennaya programma Rossijskoj Federacii «Razvitie obrazovaniya» na 2013–2020 gody`: inklyuzivny`j kontekst // Vestnik UGNTU. Nauka, obrazovanie, e`konomika. 2013. № 1(3). REVIEWSReview to the «Code of Arbitration», or Standing Rules arbitration institution «International Arbitration Court of the Lipetsk Region at ANO on rendering legal assistance to citizens and organizations» (compiled by Gershtein G.I., consulting assistance:Rybalko I.P., Galeguzova S.Yu.)References (transliterated)1.`lly` T.A., Timoshenko A.V. Rol` i znachenie tretejskix sudov kak al`ternativnogo sposoba razresheniya sporov // Vestnik YuUrGU. Seriya: Pravo. 2006. № 13.3.Alekseev M.A. Rassmotrenie tretejskimi sudami sporov, vy`tekayushhix iz otnoshenij s nedvizhimost`yu // Vestnik VolGU. Seriya 5: Yurisprudenciya. 2010. № 2-13.4. K.M. Arbitrazh ad hoc i institucionny`j arbitrazh // E`ksport: pravo i praktika mezhdunarodnoj torgovli: per. s angl. Export trade. The Low and Practice of International Trade / otv. red. A.S. Komarov. M.: Yuridicheskaya literatura, 1993. S. 345.6.Ragulin A.V. Traktat ob Obrashhenii 32-x, principax, diskriminacii i demokratii v rossijskoj advokature: monografiya / Predisl.: G.B. Mirzoev, poslesl.: A.V. Vorob`ev. M.: Rossijskaya akademiya advokatury` i notariata, Evrazijskij nauchno-issledovatel`skij institut problem prava, 2019. S. 45.7.Mel`nichenko R.G. Tri voprosa po delu Vitaliya Burkina // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2018. №1 (32) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: G.I., Ragulin A.V. Tretejskij sud – budushhee sistemy` pravosudiya Rossii! Interv`yu s avtorom Kodeksa tretejskogo sudoproizvodstva, Prezidentom ANO «Po okazaniyu pravovoj pomoshhi grazhdanam i organizaciyam» Grigoriem Isaakovichem Gershtejnom // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2019. № 6 (43). S. 7–17.
PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGЕrbakhaev E.A.The status of lawyers and legal counsel in the PRC and in the countries of Central AsiaPurpose: The comparison of the legal status of lawyers under the law of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), the Republic of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Turkmenistan. The research of the legal status of legal counsels in the PRC and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author doesn’t purpose to present to the reader the status of foreign lawyers engage in professional activities in the these countries within the framework of this article.Methodology: Formal-legal and comparative-legal methods were used.Results: In article the conditions for engaging advocate activity and the powers of lawyers in these counties are analyzed. The information on the law firm and other bar associations also of self-regulatory organizations of lawyers in these republics is presented. The author compares the status of legal counsels in the PRC and the Republic of Kazakhstan. 3 types of legal counsels in PRC are compared, namely, basic legal counsels, legal counsels providing legal services by registering as an individual entrepreneur or by establishing a commercial organization and corporate lawyers. The legal status of lawyers and legal counsels in the Republic of Kazakhstan is compared.Novelty/originality/value: This article has methodics and practical importance as is one of the first research devoted to status of an advocates and legal counsels in the PRC and published in the Russian Federation. Also, first time in Russian legal literature, the status of a lawyer in 5 countries of Central Asia is compared.Keywords: lawyer, law firm, procedure for obtaining a lawyer’s qualification, legal counsel, corporate lawyer, powers of a lawyer and legal counsel.References (transliterated)1.Zakon KNR «Ob advokatax» ot 15.05.1996 (v redakcii ot 01.09.2017) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:` po vnedreniyu gosudarstvennogo yurisdikcionnogo kvalifikacionnogo e`kzamena, utv. prikazom Ministerstva yusticii KNR ot 25.04.2018 № 140 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:` nakazaniya advokatov i advokatskix obrazovanij za nezakonny`e dejstviya, utv. prikazom Ministerstva yusticii KNR ot 07.04.2010 № 122 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: E.A., Chzhao L. Institut predstavitel`stva v grazhdanskom prave KNR // Transgranichnaya bezopasnost` i gosudarstvo v sovremennom mire: materialy` mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, g. Ulan-Ude`, 24–26 iyunya 2016 g. Udan-Ude`: Izdatel`stvo Vostochno-Sibirskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta texnologij i upravleniya, 2016.5.Mery` regulirovaniya deyatel`nosti advokatov, utv. prikazom Ministerstva yusticii KNR ot 18.07.2008 № 112 (v redakcii 2016 g.) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:` regulirovaniya sovmeshheniya deyatel`nosti advokata, utv. Ministerstvom yusticii KNR 25.11.1996 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:` regulirovaniya deyatel`nosti yuriskonsul`tov osnovnoj stupeni, utv. prikazom Ministerstva yusticii KNR ot 30.03.2000 № 60 (v redakcii 2017 g.) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Ministerstva yusticii KNR i Upravleniya promy`shlenno-torgovoj administracii KNR «Ob usilenii upravleniya yuridicheskimi konsul`tacionny`mi organizaciyami» ot 15.07.1989 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: KNR «Ob arbitrazhe» ot 31.08.1994 (v redakcii 2017 g.) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Respubliki Kazaxstan «Ob advokatskoj deyatel`nosti i yuridicheskoj pomoshhi» ot 05.07.2018 № 176-VI ZRK (v redakcii 2019 g.) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Ky`rgy`zskoj Respubliki «Ob Advokature Ky`rgy`zskoj Respubliki i advokatskoj deyatel`nosti» ot 14.07.2014 № 135 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: processual`ny`j kodeks Ky`rgy`zskoj Respubliki ot 25.01.2017 № 14 (v redakcii 2019 g.) [E`lek-tronny`j resurs]. Respubliki Uzbekistan «Ob advokature» ot 27.12.1996 № 349-I [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Respubliki Tadzhikistan «Ob advokature i advokatskoj deyatel`nosti» ot 18.03.2015 № 1182 (v redakcii 2017 g.) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Turkmenistana «Ob advokature i advokatskoj deyatel`nosti v Turkmenistane» ot 10.05.2010 № 105-IV (v redakcii 2015 g.) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Bol`shaya rossijskaya e`nciklopediya [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: kodeks Turkmenistana ot 17.07.1998 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:`trapy` Turkmenii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: li proxodit` stazhirovku sud`e, imeyushhemu desyatiletnij stazh raboty`: voprosy` i otvety` v sfere obrazovaniya i special`nosti [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:`-monopolisty`: kak organizovano sudebnoe predstavitel`stvo v razny`x stranax [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEVinogradova E.V., Oganezova A.V.Alternative dispute resolution in The Eurasian Economic Union countries: mediationPurpose: A comprehensive analysis of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) countries national legislation concerning alternative dispute resolution methods. Which includes disputes resolution using the mediation procedure in order to identify their advantages and disadvantages and to use research results in the process of creating an online dispute resolution platform for EAEU .Methodology: Historical-legal and comparative legal methods were used, as well as methods of legal modeling and forecasting.Results: The article considers the main sources of legal regulation of mediation in the EAEU countries: the Law of the Republic of Armenia «About mediation» of June 13, 2018, the Law of the Republic of Belarus «About mediation» of July 12, 2013, the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic «On Mediation» of June 22, 2017 , the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About mediation» of January 28, 2011, the Federal Law «On an Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedure with the Participation of a Mediator (Mediation Procedure)» of July 27. As a result of the study, it was found that the countries are at different stages of mediation development and have their own features, while they have something common - existence of that institute, which appeared in the Russian Federation in 2010 and in the Republic of Armenia only in 2018.Novelty/originality/value: According to the Digital Agenda of the EAEU, one of the fundamental principles of eurasian integration is providing an effective alternative dispute resolution mechanisms. Therefore, the issue of comparative legal research of existing dispute resolution mechanisms in the EAEU countries becomes more significant.Keywords: alternative dispute resolution, mediation, eurasian integration, EAEU, Digital Agenda of the EAEU, dispute resolution, mediator, online dispute resolution (ODR), mediation, conflict resolution, dispute resolution, extrajudicial dispute resolution mechanisms.References (transliterated)1.Borisova E.A. Al`ternativnoe razreshenie sporov: uchebnik / pod red. 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ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICELyutov V.A.Some problems of qualification of embezzlement of money associated with unauthorized access to details of credit, payment and other payment cardsPurpose: The article summarizes data on the Commission of unauthorized transactions using payment cards, information about the damage caused by illegal actions, information about the state of criminal record. The author uses the experience of the people’s Republic of China, which relates both to the technical security of payments using payment cards, and to the legal regulation of liability for illegal actions in this area. Proposals were made to improve the current criminal legislation.Methodology: Comparative legal, formal logical and formal legal methods were used.Results: The article deals with the criminal legal characteristics of crimes involving electronic means of payment, as well as a comprehensive analysis of the current legislation of Russia and China in terms of criminal liability for committing fraud using electronic means of payment.Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, since it is the first time that a comparative legal analysis of the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation and the PRC is conducted in terms of establishing responsibility for fraud committed using electronic means of payment. This study is of scientific interest for the following reasons. First, with the various legal techniques used in the process of rule-making, the content of criminal prohibitions has a lot in common. Secondly, the practice of identifying illegal encroachments and their qualification, with some differences, develops in a General direction, the main vector of which is the prevention of new crimes. Third, the e-payment market in the PRC has passed a rapid stage of development and volume growth, which has not yet been completed in Russia, so the Chinese experience in countering fraudulent theft using electronic means of payment may be useful for adapting to Russian realities.Keywords: crime, theft, fraud, theft, bank card.References (transliterated)1.Obzor nesankcionirovanny`x perevodov denezh-ny`x sredstv za 2018 god. M.: Bank Rossii, 2019.2.O vnesenii izmenenij v Ugolovny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: Feder. zakon ot 23.04.2018 № 111-FZ [prinyat Gos. 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M.: Knorus, 2017.8.Ob``em xishhenij s bankovskix kart vy`ros pochti v poltora raza // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2019. 19 fevralya.9.Kitaj: mobil`ny`e platezhi kak instrument konkurencii // Zhurnal «Plas» (Plus). 2018. № 4. S. 13–15.10.Big Data from the Supreme People’s Court // Supreme People’s Court Monitor [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEChupilkin Y.B.Proportionality of restriction of the rights of the person with the compulsory withdrawal of samples for comparative studiesPurpose: To Consider the admissibility of taking samples for comparative research from persons participating in pre-investigation checks and participants in criminal proceedings, against their will, and the proportionality of coercive measures in cases of forced restriction of individual rights.Methodology: Comparative legal and formal legal methods were used.Results: The author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to supplement the code of criminal procedure with the provision that the removal of samples of biological origin can be obtained forcibly, only from a suspect or accused, on the basis of a court decision. According to the author, it is also necessary to provide for the legal obligation of the court to check the criteria of proportionality of the restriction of individual rights in the case of compulsory withdrawal of samples for comparative research, developed in the practice of the ECHR.Novelty/originality/value: The article is the one of the first attempts to introduce criteria for the proportionality of coercive measures when taking samples for comparative research from suspects and accused in Russian criminal proceedings.Keywords: samples for comparative research, compulsory removal, privilege against self-incrimination.References (transliterated)1.Galiaxmetov M.R., Tat`yanin D.V. Diskussionny`e voprosy` provedeniya sledstvenny`x dejstvij v stadii vozbuzhdeniya ugolovnogo dela // Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta. 2015. T. 25. Vy`p. 3. S. 109.2.Zhbankov V.A. Obrazcy dlya sravnitel`nogo issledovaniya v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve. M., 1969. S. 20–21.3.Zajceva E.A. 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ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEYaroshik O.D.Issues of legal assessment of causes and circumstances of road traffic accidents and problems of protection of those involvedPurpose: Research into the problem of protection of legal rights and interests of persons in road accident cases.Methodology: Formal legal method hase been used.Results: The article pays attention to the problems of investigative and judicial practice, legal classification of the conduct of those, involved in a road accident. It outlines the distinctive features and deficiencies of nowadays investigation and examination of cases by first instance courts. It attracts attention to the necessity of investigators’ good faith in finding facts forming the object of proof. It underlines the necessity of full and objective investigation and examination of a criminal case, of adequate technical (expert) and, on this basis, well-founded legal assessment of circumstances of road accidents, due examination of motivated arguments of the accused and of his or her defense in the framework of adversarial proceedings and equality of arms which are only declared by procedural law. It features arguments of the defense, which, along with incomplete investigation and other substantial violations of procedural law in a case, entail quashing of a conviction judgment. It notes the significance of the principles enshrined in the Criminal Procedural law of the Russian Federation, right to defend oneself in the first place, which are ignored in contemporary criminal proceedings.Novelty/originality/value: The article, which has serious practical significance, advocates for the necessity of unconditional compliance with the principles of criminal proceedings in road-accidents cases.Keywords: legality, standard of proof, interests of prosecution and defense, technical and legal assessment, motor mechanic expert examination.References (transliterated)1.Sovremenny`e vozmozhnosti sudebnoj e`kspertizy`: metodicheskoe posobie dlya e`kspertov, sledovatelej i sudej. M.: Triada-X, 2000.S. 215, 218.2.Korshukov I.K., Chalkin P.P., Chubchenko A.L. Opredelenie skorosti avtomobilya v moment naezda na peshexoda: ucheb. posob. 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The subject of the research are: legal acts, doctrinal and other sources in the field of the institute of necessary defense.Novelty/originality/value: The relevance of this topic is due to the fact that the necessary defense is one of the main means of strengthening the rule of law, public security and the rule of law, protecting the rights of citizens and preventing crime.Keywords: criminal law, necessary defense, defense, suppression, etymology, concept.References (transliterated)1.Ozhegov S.I. Tolkovy`j slovar` russkogo yazy`ka. M.: Mir I obrazovanie, 2015.2.Ushakov D.N. Bol`shoj tolkovy`j slovar` russkogo yazy`ka. M.: Dom Slavyanskoj kn., 2008.3.Revin V.P. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaya chast`. M.: Yusticinform, 2016.4.Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaya chast`: uchebnik dlya bakalavrov / I.V. Alyoshina i dr.; pod red. A.I. Plotnikov. Orenburg: Universitet, 2016.5.Gladkix V.I. Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Obshhaya chast`. 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In Russian Federation, international standards in the field of human and civil rights and freedoms serve as a legal guideline for the development of national legislation if they are not contrary to national interests.Novelty/originality/value: The author tries to predict further observance of guarantees of the electoral rights of citizens in the national electoral legislation and inclines to the proposal of scientists to change the approach to making decisions by the European Court to bring the provisions of national legislation into line with international standards.Keywords: elections, state, citizen, law, electoral law, suffrage, international standard, international contract.References (transliterated)1.Analiz izbiratel`nogo zakonodatel`stva v kontekste soblyudeniya obshhedemokraticheskix standartov prav cheloveka. Izbiratel`ny`e sistemy` stran mira // Mezhdunarodnaya monitoringovaya organizaciya CIS-EMO CIS-Europe Monitoring Organization [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: A.A. 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The features of financial offenses and measures of financial and legal liability are reflected.Novelty/originality/value: The article has a certain scientific value, since it reflects the results of research on an actual problem.Keywords: bank, activity, money, information, money laundering, legalization, control, offense, investigation, risk, subject, finances.References (transliterated)1.Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Tolkovy`j slovar` russkogo yazy`ka: 80000 slov i frazeologicheskix vy`razhenij / Rossijskaya akademiya nauk; Institut russkogo yazy`ka im. V.V. Vinogradova. 4-e izd., dop. M.: Azbukovnik, 1999. S. 663.2.Dedkov A.V. Voprosy` formirovaniya instituta finansovogo rassledovaniya // Finansovy`j menedzhment. 2004. № 2 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: D.N. Finansy` i kredit: ucheb. posob. Penza: Penz. gos. universitet, 2005. S. 24.4.ME`B-grupp: monitoring e`konomicheskoj bezopasnosti [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: E.V. Usluga forenzik kak e`ffektivny`j instrument predotvrashheniya i umen`sheniya riskov moshennichestva // Aktual`ny`e problemy` sovremennoj e`konomicheskoj nauki. 2016. S. 308–310.6.Sujcz V.P., Xorin A.N., Kozel`ceva E.A. Usluga forenzik: professional`noe obuchenie i regulirovanie v zarubezhny`x stranax // Audit i finansovy`j analiz. 2015. № 2. C. 74– Prezidenta RF ot 13.06.2012 № 808 «Voprosy` Federal`noj sluzhby` po finansovomu monitoringu» utverzhdeno Polozhenie o Federal`noj sluzhbe po finansovomu monitoringu // SZ RF. 2012. 18 iyunya. № 25. St. 3314.9.Tolkovy`j anglo-russkij slovar` «Bankovskoe delo». Novaya seriya anglo-russkix tolkovy`x slovarej Economicus (e`lektronny`j variant).10.Pimenov N.A. Finansovy`e rassledovaniya: osnovny`e podxody` // Vestnik Finansovoj akademii. 2003. № 1 (25). S. 25.11.Kondrat`eva E.A., Goryunov A.R. K voprosu o vy`rabotke nauchnogo opredeleniya finansovy`x rassledovanij // Vestnik Finansovoj akademii. 2003. № 1 (25). 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JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEKilin A.G., Permyakov M.V., Kotov V.V.Criminal legal problems of combating corruption in RussiaPurpose: To study the main problematic factors contributing to the emergence of corruption in Russia, as well as to develop measures to counter criminal manifestations of corruption.Methodology: Logical, historical-legal and formal-legal methods were used.Results: The article addresses the problems of the modern world related to corruption, which in turn poses a serious and pressing problem for almost all States. The preamble of the United Nations Convention against Corruption notes «the gravity of the problems and threats posed by corruption to the stability and security of society, which undermine democratic institutions and values, ethical values and justice and damage sustainable development and the rule of law», and that «corruption is no longer a local problem but has become a transnational phenomenon that affects the society and economy of all countries.»Novelty/originality/value: The article has certain scientific value, as it is one of the first modern attempts to comprehensively consider the problem of countering criminal manifestations of corruption through the lens of criminal law legislation.Keywords: economy, poverty, social inequality, businessman, bribe, sales, corrupt communication, bribery, mafia structures, official, corrupt, organized criminal group, declaration of income, confiscation of property.References (transliterated)1.Sovremenny`j slovar` inostranny`x slov. 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JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACERakhimberdin K.Kh.Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Probation»:critical marginal notesPurpose: The purpose of the study is to critically examine the Law on Probation for compliance with the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-custodial Measures (Tokyo Rules) and other international legal instruments regarding alternatives to deprivation of custody.Methodology: Historical-legal, system-structural and comparative legal methods were used.Results: In general, the legal basis of the probation institution has been created in the Republic of Kazakhstan, however, it needs to be improved in terms of ensuring the organizational and legal mechanism of probation. 2) It should be noted that in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Probation» there is no adequate legal support for the programs for the re-socialization of convicts and practically nothing is said about the procedural issues of the construction and implementation of such programs. The current Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Probation» pays clearly insufficient attention to the interaction of civil society institutions and probation supervision bodies. This, in turn, does not fully comply with the recommendations of international legal acts and does not contribute to the effectiveness of probationary supervision.Novelty/originality/value: The article is of high scientific value, as it is one of the first attempts to conduct a critical analysis of the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Probation» with a view to its compliance with international standards in the field of criminal justice and alternatives to imprisonment.Keywords: probation, convict, penal system, resocialization, adaptation, law.References (transliterated)1.Geta M.R. Ugolovnoe pravo: predely`, ob``ekty` i sredstva vozdejstviya v bor`be s prestupnost`yu v sovremennoj Rossii. M.: Norma, 2016. S. 303.2.Geta M.R. Konceptual`naya organizacionno-pravovaya model` probacii v Respubliki Kazaxstan. Varshava, 2012. S. 100.3.Geta M.R., Raximberdin K.X., Kuuse R. Model` sluzhby` probacii v Kazaxstane i drugix gosudarstvax Central`noj Azii. Ust`-Kamenogorsk: Media-Al`yans, 2005. S. 40.4.Ol`xovik N.V. Metodika «Portret». Tomsk: TGU, 2005.5.Geta M.R. Opy`t probacii i ego primenenie v RK. Ust`-Kamenogorsk: Media-Al`yans, 2003. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF LAW SCIENCE AND PRACTICEAzarkhin A.V., Kared D.A., Mikhailova M.S.The concept and classification of legal principlesPurpose: Research and disclosure of the concept and essence of legal principles in the theory of law in order to consider the classification of existing principles.Methodology: theoretical methods were used, namely synthesis analysis.Results: This article highlights the concept of the principles of law, which is one of the pressing problems of modern legal science. The classification of existing legal principles from the position of the subject approach is reflected. General legal, intersectoral, sectoral and institutional principles are distinguished. Their selection is due to the consideration of the legal system in a structural context as a hierarchically subordinate legal system in a structural context as a hierarchically subordinate pyramid, where the rule of law goes back to independent legal institutions, which in turn are part of the legal branches characterized by the presence of an independent subject and method of regulation.Novelty/originality/value: The article has value, as it reflects pressing issues regarding the implementation of legal principles with the use of subjective approach.Keywords: principles of law, classification of legal principles, concept of principles of law.References (transliterated)1.Lavdarenko L.I., Rudy`x S.N. Principy` prava i ix sistema // Aktual`ny`e problemy` rossijskogo prava. 2018. № 10 (95).S. 196–203.2.Karev D.A. Kriterii klassifikacii pravovy`x principov: predmetny`j, normativny`j i funkcional`ny`j podxody` // Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta. 2018. № 3. S. 357–361.3.Ganizheva P.M. Principy` sudebnoj vlasti i principy` pravosudiya // Innovacionnaya nauka. 2018. № 3. S. 57–59.4.Demin A.V. Binarny`j podxod protiv otnositel`noj normativnosti: k diskussii o «myagkom prave» // Zakon. 2014. № 6. S. 96–105.5.Ershov V.V. Pravovaya priroda principov rossijskogo prava: teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty` // Rossijskij sud`ya. 2009. № 5. S. 9–14.6.Konstituciya Rossijskoj Federacii (prinyata vsenarodny`m golosovaniem 12.12.1993) (s uchetom popravok, vnesenny`x zakonami RF o popravkax k Konstitucii RF ot 30.12.2008 № 6-FKZ, ot 30.12.2008 № 7-FKZ, ot 05.02.2014 № 2-FKZ, ot 21.07.2014 № 11-FKZ) // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva RF. 2014. 4 avgusta. № 31. St. 4398.7.Karev D.A. Principy` municipal`noj sluzhby`: podxody` k klassifikacii // Aktual`ny`e problemy` rossijskogo prava. 2019. № 5 (102). S. 51–59.8.Karev D.A. Special`ny`e principy` instituta Rossijskoj municipal`noj sluzhby` // Vestnik Volzhskogo universiteta im. V.N. Tatishheva. 2019. № 2.S. 60–67.9.Vlasenko N.A. Konkurenciya principov prava // Yuridicheskaya texnika. 2020. № 14. S. 46–53.10.Ponkin I.V. Ponyatie «princip» v prave // Yuridicheskaya texnika. 2020. № 14. S. 281–283.11.Chechel`niczkij I.V. Princip spravedlivosti v rossijskom prave // Social`no-e`konomicheskie yavleniya i processy`. 2014. № 7. S. 100–104. JURISPRUDENCE AND EDUCATIONVorontsova N.L.Ensuring inclusive education in political and legal documentsPurpose: Analysis of the state of the federal level legal regulation of inclusive education, as well as a synthesis of the experience in creating relevant political and legal documents accumulated in the federal subjects Russian Federation.Methodology: The analysis method, systemic, formal legal, as well as comparative legal methods were used.Results: A list of political and legal documents was formed in the process of studying the issues under research. A system-structural analysis of the selected legal acts was carried out, which allowed to identify the features of the content of individual acts and to develop general recommendations. It is established that the problems are caused by the lack of unified scientifically-based approaches to the construction and registration of documents constituting the political and legal basis of state activities.Novelty/originality/value: The article is of scientific value, as it is one of the first attempts to consider the legal support of inclusive education through the prism of its consolidation in political and legal documents. The analysis of the practice of adopting political and legal documents in the field of inclusive education made it possible to develop recommendations on their content.Keywords: educational legislation, political and legal documents, persons with disabilities, integration, inclusive education, concept.References (transliterated)1.Koncepciya razvitiya obrazovaniya obuchayushhixsya s invalidnost`yu i ogranichenny`mi vozmozhnostyami zdorov`ya do 2030 g. / pod obshh. red. N.N. Malofeeva. 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Traktat ob Obrashhenii 32-x, principax, diskriminacii i demokratii v rossijskoj advokature: monografiya / Predisl.: G.B. Mirzoev, poslesl.: A.V. Vorob`ev. M.: Rossijskaya akademiya advokatury` i notariata, Evrazijskij nauchno-issledovatel`skij institut problem prava, 2019. S. 45.7.Mel`nichenko R.G. Tri voprosa po delu Vitaliya Burkina // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2018. №1 (32) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: G.I., Ragulin A.V. Tretejskij sud – budushhee sistemy` pravosudiya Rossii! Interv`yu s avtorom Kodeksa tretejskogo sudoproizvodstva, Prezidentom ANO «Po okazaniyu pravovoj pomoshhi grazhdanam i organizaciyam» Grigoriem Isaakovichem Gershtejnom // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2019. № 6 (43). S. 7–17.