PERSONASocial and economic rights of citizens in the Russian Federation: lawmaking, judicial protection, advocacy.Interview with candidate of legal Sciences, head of Department of agrarian and environmental law of the State University of land management Claudia Vasilievna Sangadzhieva EVENTS«Topical issues of practical activities of lawyers and court experts. Problems, prospects and solutions: from understanding to application»: second scientific and practical conference for participants of professional community «Pravorub» (Moscow, April 20–22, 2018) HISTORICAL EXPERIENCEOlenev A.B.Standard regulation of a professional privilege of the lawyer defender on commission of the actions which are not contradicting to the legislation of the Russian Federation: retrospective analysis PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGMelnichenko R.G.E-jury trials for lawyers ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEMakarov R.V., Gabdrakhmanov F.V.Qualification of the error in the determination of the subjective side of crime and their classificationMatveev S.A.Ways to overcome the deformation (distortion) of the principles of the appointment of punishmentwhen reflected in judicial sentencesBochkovsky A.F.The right to appeal against judicial decisions in the system of guarantees of rights to judicial protectionIgbaeva G.R., Shakirova Z.R.Qualifying signs of entrepreneurial activityHilchuk E.L.Actual questions of representatives of employeesin relations on the resolution of labor disputes PROTECTION OF THE PROFESSIONAL RIGHTS OF ADVOCATEVlasov A.A., Molokhov A.V.To a question of relationship of lawyers and investigators in criminal trial (on the example of St. Petersburg) JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEYankin A.N.The limits of permissible interference in private life in the criminal process in some foreign countriesMurodzoda A.A.Criminal proceedings aS a type of judicial activity that ensures the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizensVinokurov L.V.The principles of consistency of functions, expediency and common goals and objectives of participants in criminal proceedings by the prosecution and the court in their relationship at the stage of preliminary investigation.Kasa I.Innovation in the formation of the arbitration tribunal:can a robot replace a human arbitrator?Yakovlev P.Y.Legal basis of the high courts activities of states in the Republic of IndiaAzhiba I.R.Signs of a subject to reduction in worthlessness of vehicles or means of communication underthe Criminal code of the Republic of Abkhazia ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF LAW SCIENCE AND PRACTICETeplova D.O.The Constitution of Russian Federation: evolution and prospects of developmentMaliy A.F., Solomonov P.N.Application of separation of the authority principle in the organizational structure of the Russian Federation subject POLICY AND ECONOMY OF EURASIASelezneva N.A., Kuznetsov V.V.Production sharing agreement: an investment potential in Russian fuel and energy complex INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHORS