EVENTSThe 8th International Forum on Cryptocurrencies and mining Blockchain Life 2022 was held in Moscow
HISTORICAL EXPERIENCEKovaleva Natalia Vitalievna,Skudarnov Dmitry AlexandrovichOn the role of the state in the training of technical specialists at the turn XIX–XX centuries: historical and legal analysisAbstract: By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the next decade has been declared the decade of science and technology, in connection with which the priority task for the state is to attract young people to actively participate in research and innovation activities, as well as the development of competitive knowledge-intensive production. Regulation of the training of highly qualified personnel is always a difficult task for any state. This is especially important in the era of digitalization, where a technological breakthrough can give serious competitive advantages. The study of the experience of the Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries, when the processes of formation of industrial production of the country took place, are especially relevant at the present stage. The article attempts to analyze the measures taken by the state to form a legislative framework that promotes the training of technical specialists.Keywords: law, state, industrial policy, technical educationReferences1.Kovaleva N.V. Pravovoe regulirovanie promy`shlen-nogo proizvodstva Rossijskoj imperii vo vtoroj polovine XIX – nachale XX vekov: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Kostroma, 2006.2.Loginova V.S. Gosudarstvennaya politika i obshhestvennaya iniciativa v dele professional`noj podgotovki promy`shlenny`x kadrov dorevolyucionnoj Rossii // Izdanie Saratovskogo universiteta. 2015. T. 15. Vy`p. 4. S. 113–117.3.Imperatorskoe vy`sshee texnicheskoe uchilishhe – e`talon russkoj modeli universiteta // Otechestvenny`e universitety` v dinamike zolotogo veka russkoj kul`tury` / pod red. E.V. Oleseyuka [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: N.V. Gosudarstvennaya politika v sfere podgotovki specialistov dlya promy`shlennogo proizvodstva Rossijskoj imperii vo vtoroj polovine XIX – nachale XX vekov // Pravo i obrazovanie. 2008. № 9. S. 121–127.5.Ustav Gorny`j. SZRI. T. VII. SPb., 1893.6.Ustav o promy`shlennosti. SZRI. T. XI. Ch. II. SPb., 1887.7.Ustav o promy`shlennosti. Svod zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. T. 11. Ch. II. SPb., 1893.8.Ustav Stroitel`ny`j. SZRI. T. XII. Ch. I. SPb., 1900.9.Ustav Probirny`j. SZRI. T. XI. Ch. II. SPb. 1887.10.Kovaleva N.V. Gosudarstvennaya podderzhka texnicheskogo obrazovaniya: vazhnejshij aspekt promy`shlennoj politiki i osnova e`konomicheskogo rosta Rossijskoj imperii vo vtoroj polovine XIX – nachale XX vekov // Pravo i obrazovanie. 2009. № 5. S. 146–153.11.Nakaz chinam fabrichnoj inspekcii ot 11 iyunya 1894 goda // Gosudarstvenny`j arxiv Kostromskoj oblasti. F. 1276. Op. 1. D. 2.12.Blavaczkaya Ya.V. Gosudarstvennaya vlast` i obshhestvennaya iniciativa v dele podgotovki rabochix kadrov dlya fabrichno-zavodskoj promy`shlennosti Sankt-Peterburga v konce XIX – nachale XX v. // Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 2. 2012. № 1. S. 162–167.13.Silin A.V. Vzaimosvyaz` nachal`nogo obshhego obrazovaniya i professional`no-texnicheskoj podgotovki // Vestnik Severnogo (Arkticheskogo) federal`nogo universiteta. Seriya: Gumanitarny`e i social`ny`e nauki. 2011. S. 17–22.14.Panina N.V. Reformirovanie sistemy` professio-nal`nogo obrazovaniya v Rossii (1915–1917 gg.) // Yaroslavskij pedagogicheskij vestnik. 2019. № 1. S. 37–43.
PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND DISCIPLINARY RESPONSIBILITY OF ADVOCATEMelnichenko Roman GrigorievichPolitical statements of the lawyerAbstract: Purpose – fix approaches to the legal regulation of the political activities of lawyers. Statistical, hermeneutic and participatory observation were used.The problem of the participation of lawyers in political activities is identified, by limiting the rights of lawyers to public political statements. Three existing approaches to the lawyer's right to public political statements are identified: witnesses of the Constitution, privileged freedom, total ban. Two approaches are singled out in the procedures for assessing the regulatory framework on the issue of a public statement of a lawyer: state and corporate. It is indicated that the corporate approach to date has shown its failure.The introduction of the term "Witnesses of the Constitution" into scientific circulation speaks of novelty, and the classification of both approaches to limiting the freedom of a lawyer's speech and the procedures for assessing this freedom speaks of originality. The scientific value nature of the study is evidenced by the recommendations that the author puts forward based on the classification.Keywords: advocacy, political statement, case of 32 lawyers, witnesses of the constitutionReferences 1.Aristotel`. Politika / perev. S.A. Zhebelyov; pod obshh. red. A.I. Dovatura. M.: Yurajt, 2019. (Antologiya my`sli).2.Mel`nichenko R.G. Ob immunitete ustnogo vy`skazy`vaniya advokata // Advokat. 2005. № 9. S. 29–32.3.Pilipenko Yu. Do segodnyashnego momenta advokatura ostaetsya territoriej nastoyashhej nezavisimosti // Sajt FPA [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: A.V. Traktat ob Obrashhenii 32-x, principax, diskriminacii i demokratii v rossijskoj advokature: monografiya / predisl.: G.B. Mirzoev, posleslov.: A.V. Vorob`ev. M.: Rossijskaya akademiya advokatury` i notariata, Evrazijskij nauchno-issledovatel`skij institut problem prava, 2019.
ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEGarmaev Yuri Petrovich,Polyakov Nikolay VladislavovichTypical mistake regarding illegal withdrawal of money. Disclaimer refitAbstract: Increasing the effectiveness of measures to prevent illegal cashing of funds. Analytical, formal-legal, comparative-legal, situational, classification, practice-oriented and educational approaches are used.Two groups of typical misconceptions and rebuttals to them are singled out and analyzed. These are delusions of performers, as well as customers of criminal cashing out of funds, regarding the illegality and punishability of crimes.Generalization, analysis and refutation of typical misconceptions will increase the effectiveness of comprehensive, interdisciplinary measures to prevent this criminal activity.The originality and value of the proposed approach lies in its interdisciplinarity, as well as in its focus on means of legal education adapted for the population. In the article, typical misconceptions regarding the illegal cashing out of funds are presented for the first time.Keywords: illegal cashing of funds, crime prevention, combating economic crimes, tax evasion, illegal banking, typical misconceptionsReferences1.Lepixin A.V. Otvetstvennost` za nezakonnuyu bankovskuyu deyatel`nost` po ugolovnomu zakonodatel`-stvu Rossijskoj Federacii: ucheb. posob. Kazan`, 2017.2.Polyakov N.V. Osobennosti metodiki rassledovaniya nezakonnogo obnalichivaniya i tranzitirovaniya denezhny`x sredstv: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Krasnoyarsk, 2021.3.Novozhenov A. Pojmany` s obnalichenny`m: otvetstvennost` uchastnikov sery`x sxem // E`konomicheskie prestupleniya. 2009. № 3. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».4.Zaderzhany` chleny` gruppy` «obnal`shhikov», oborot kotoroj dostigal 100 mln rublej [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: suda № 01-0108/2016 ot 11 maya 2016 goda [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: R.A. Osobennosti metodiki rassledovaniya prestuplenij, svyazanny`x s posrednichestvom vo vzyatochnichestve: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Ulan-Ude`, 2015.7.Pis`mo FNS Rossii ot 31 dekabrya 2015 g. № ED-4-2/23367@ «O polnomochiyax nalogovy`x organov, vy`yavivshix pri vy`ezdnoj proverke zavy`shenie doxodov (rasxodov) po nalogu na priby`l` i summ NDS (vy`chetov NDS)». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».8.Pis`mo FNS Rossii ot 20 avgusta 2015 g. № PA-3-17/3169@ «O predostavlenii nalogovoj i buxgalterskoj otchetnosti v e`lektronnom vide v nalogovy`e organy`». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».9.Pis`mo FNS Rossii ot 8 aprelya 2015 g. № GD-4-3/5880@ «O poryadke predostavleniya deklaracii po NDS, a takzhe zhurnala ucheta poluchenny`x i vy`stavlenny`x schetov-faktur za I kvartal 2015 goda». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».10.Pis`mo Minfina Rossii ot 29 aprelya 2015 g. № 03-07-15/24810 «O predostavlenii deklaracii po NDS v e`lektronnom vide so svedeniyami iz knig pokupok, knig prodazh i zhurnala ucheta poluchenny`x i vy`stavlenny`x schetov-faktur v otnoshenii posrednicheskoj deyatel`nosti». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».11.Pis`mo Minfina Rossii ot 15 aprelya 2019 g. № 03-01-11/26624 «O merax, napravlenny`x na vy`yavlenie i sokrashhenie tenevogo sektora e`konomiki». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».12.Pis`mo FNS Rossii ot 3 iyunya 2016 g. № ED-4-15/9933@ «Ob ocenke priznakov riska SUR». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».13.Postanovlenie Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 26 noyabrya 2019 g. № 48 «O praktike primeneniya sudami zakonodatel`stva ob otvetstvennosti za nalogovy`e prestupleniya». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus». ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEIlyin Alexander Yurievich, Tsareva Olga Evgenievna
On the issue of pre-trial settlement of tax disputes with taxpayersAbstract: The article deals with the issue of improving the efficiency of the settlement of tax disputes by taxpayers in an administrative manner.Keywords: tax authorities, taxpayers, tax control, tax authorities, tax administration, tax disputesReferences1.Vzaimosoglasitel`ny`e procedury` pri razreshenii nalogovy`x sporov v dosudebnom poryadke: monografiya / A.Yu. Il`in, A.A. Kopina, I.I. Kucherov i dr.; otv. red. A.Yu. Il`in. M.: Prospekt, 2017.2.Il`in A.Yu., Moiseenko M.A. Konfliktologicheskij podxod k razresheniyu nalogovy`x sporov v dosudebnom poryadke // Finansovoe pravo. 2016. № 7. S. 33–36.3.Kubatko S.A., Sopneva Ya.S. Nesovershenstvo nalogovogo zakonodatel`stva v chasti metodov dosudebnogo uregulirovaniya nalogovy`x sporov // Vestnik Vladimirskogo yuridicheskogo instituta. 2020. № 3 (56).4.Lyudneva S.A., Kubatko A.N. 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S. 25.7.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 4 iyunya 2018 g. № 123-FZ «Ob upolnomochennom po pravam potrebitelej finansovy`x uslug» (red. ot 30.04.2021) // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2018. № 121 (6 iyunya).8.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 01 iyulya 2017 g. № 147-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v stat`i 1252 i 1486 chasti chetvertoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii i stat`i 4 i 99 Arbitrazhnogo processual`nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2017. 4 iyulya.9.Prikaz FNS Rossii ot 20 dekabrya 2019 g. № MMV-7-9/645@ «Ob utverzhdenii formy` zhaloby` (apellyacionnoj zhaloby`) i poryadka ee zapolneniya, a takzhe formatov i poryadka predostavlenii zhaloby` (apellyacionnoj zhaloby`) i napravleniya reshenij (izveshhenij) po nim v e`lektronnoj forme» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEVershinin Valentin Valentinovich,Sangadzhieva Klavdia Vasilyevna,Sidorenko Maxim VladimirovichProblems of compensation of negative consequences during withdrawalland plots for the placement of linear objects on agricultural landsAbstract: A brief review and analysis of the current mechanism for compensating the negative consequences to the owners of land plots in connection with the seizure of these plots from them for state and municipal needs indicates the need to improve both legal and economic instruments of this mechanism. Special attention is paid to the consequences of the seizure of land plots for the placement of linear objects. Conclusions and suggestions for solving the noted problems are given.Keywords: ownership of land, losses, losses, lost profits, compensation payments, land seizure, state and municipal needsReferences1. kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii.3.Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii s Kommentariyami 2020–2021 goda (novaya redakciya s posleduyushhimi izmeneniyami), stat`ya 15 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: O.N. Uby`tki v grazhdanskom prave Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: Status, 2009. S. 9, 50–57.5.Ry`nochnaya stoimost` [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: M. Institut iz``yatiya zemel` v tradicii i pravovom regulirovanii mestnogo samoupravleniya // Municipal`noe pravo. 2009. № 14. S. 83–87.7.Belyavskij A.S. Zemel`ny`j vopros i nacionalizaciya zemli. M.: Tipografiya G. Lissnera i D. Sobko, 1906. S. 17.8.Kasso L.A. Russkoe pozemel`noe pravo. M.: Gosudarstvennaya tipografiya, 1906. S. 150.9.Svod ukazov RSFSR. 1929. № 24. 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ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEPakerman Galina AlexandrovnaFeatures of recognition and enforcement of investment arbitration awards in IndiaAbstract: The purpose of the work is to consider the problems of recognition and enforcement of international investment arbitration awards made against India.Recognition and enforcement of international arbitration awards is the ultimate goal of dispute resolution. It should be noted that since initially legal acts were developed and adopted to ensure commercial arbitration, which is clearly predominant in the modern international business world, and the recognition and enforcement of awards in this ca-tegory of cases, a sufficient amount of practice has accumulated in the enforcement of awards of international commercial arbitration in various jurisdictions, which cannot be said about the practice of recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in investment disputes.Keywords: arbitration, India, investment dispute, international investment arbitration, recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awardsReferences1.Krupko S.I. Investicionny`e spory` mezhdu gosudarstvom i inostranny`m investorom. M.: BEK, 2002. S. 16.2.Konvenciya ob uregulirovanii investicionny`x sporov mezhdu gosudarstvami i fizicheskimi ili yuridicheskimi liczami drugix gosudarstv (MCzUIS/ICSID) [rus., angl.] (zaklyuchena v g. Vashingtone 18.03.1965). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».3. J. Delocalisation of International Commercial Arbitration: When and Why It Matters // International and Comparative Law Quarterly. 1983. Vol. 32. № 1. P. 53–61 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: A.A. Fenomen delokalizacii mezhdunarodnogo kommercheskogo arbitrazha // Mezhdunarodnoe pravo. 2017. № 2. S. 7–18 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: A.A. Pravovaya priroda arbitrazha // Mirovoj sud`ya. 2020. № 9. S. 10–15.7.Doklad o mirovy`x investiciyax 2021: investicii v ustojchivoe vosstanovlenie. Obzor. Konferenciya Organizacii Ob``edinenny`x Nacij po torgovle i razvitiyu (YuNKTAD). S. 11 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Additional Facility Rules [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: i privedenie v ispolnenie inostranny`x arbitrazhny`x reshenij v Rossii i stranax by`vshego SSSR / pod red. R.O. Zy`kova. B.m.: Arbitrazhnaya Associaciya, 2019. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».11.Arbitrazhny`j reglament YuNSITRAL (peresmotren v 2010 godu) (prinyat v g. N`yu-Jorke 25.06.2010 na 43-j sessii YuNSITRAL). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».12.Vestnik VAS RF. 1993. № 8. S. 108–113.13.,%202019.pdf.14.Vodafone International Holdings BV v. Government of India [I], PCA Case No. 2016-35 (Dutch BIT Claim) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Group Plc and Vodafone Consolidated Holdings Limited v. Government of India [II], UNCITRAL (UK BIT Claim) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Holdings (Mauritius) Limited v. Republic of India, PCA Case No 2018-50 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: of the High Court of Delhi on India’s Request for an Injunction to Stay the Arbitration Proceedings [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEPilchina Damira ZhangazievnaParticipation of third parties in simplified bankruptcy proceduresAbstract: The author considers the problem of exercising the rights of third parties to participate in simplified bankruptcy procedures, taking into account the fact that bankruptcy legislation does not directly provide for their procedural status in bankruptcy. In some cases, judicial practice denies the possibility of a third person entering into the case or involving him in the consideration of the case on the initiative of the court, guided by a literal interpretation of legal norms. However, the features of simplified bankruptcy procedures, when there is no observation as an "analytical" bankruptcy procedure, indicate the need for participation and consideration of the opinions of third parties, which may include, for example, participants of a debtor legal entity. The article considers court decisions in which third parties were also allowed to participate in simplified bankruptcy procedures. The participation of third parties makes it possible not only to take into account their legal position regarding the fate of the debtor, but also to obtain information about the circumstances of the termination of economic activity, for example, in the bankruptcy of an absent debtor, when the head of such a debtor is actually absent as a participant in the bankruptcy process.Keywords: bankruptcy law, insolvency, bankruptcy, simplified procedures, absent debtor, liquidated debtor, simplified proceedings, third partyReferences1.Statisticheskij byulleten` Fedresursa po bankrotstvu. 31 dekabrya 2021 goda [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:`yanchikova E.N. Uchastniki dela o bankrotstve: kto est` kto? // Rossijskij yuridicheskij zhurnal. 2021. № 6. S. 103–118.3.Paxarukov A.A. 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URL: Arbitrazhnogo suda Xabarovskogo kraya ot 01.12.2021 po delu № A73-16622/2021 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: N.A. Tret`i licza, ne zayavlyayushhie samostoyatel`ny`x trebovanij otnositel`no predmeta spora, kak sub``ekty` sudebnogo priznaniya // Rossijskij yuridicheskij zhurnal. 2021. № 2. S. 132–141.12.Frenkel` A.D. Garantii prav vy`by`vshego uchastnika obshhestva na poluchenie dejstvitel`noj stoimosti doli // Vestnik arbitrazhnoj praktiki. 2021. № 4. S. 37–45. JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEVinogradova Elena ValerievnaThe subject of medical crimes. New facetsAbstract: The article analyzes the relevance of research on the subject of medical crimes. The presence of such factors as the high technological effectiveness of medical services and the backlog of legislation that lags behind in the formation of legal regulators that restrain medical crime, as well as the high degree of latency of this type of crime, and the blanket dispositions of criminal law norms, allowed the author to come to the conclusion about the timeliness, significance and need for research in this domain.Keywords: Medical crime, subject of medical crimes, latent crime.References1.Zaxarcev S.I. Pravo: novy`e idei i prochteniya: monografiya. M., 2021.2.Vinogradova P.A., Tulaev A.N. Polnomochiya organov publichnoj vlasti v usloviyax novy`x e`pidemiologicheskix riskov // Yuridicheskaya nauka: istoriya i sovremennost`. 2021. № 12.3.Vinogradova E.V. Realizaciya konstitucionnogo prava na oxranu zdorov`ya v aspekte migracii vy`sokokvalificirovanny`x medicinskix kadrov // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2022. № 5.4.Vinogradova E.V. Transplantaciya. 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JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACE Galetsky Vitaly SergeevichThe role of the head of the investigative unit of the district department of the Ministry of internal affairs of Russia in organizing the investigation of secret theft of other people's propertyAbstract: Investigation of the current regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the head of the investigative unit of the internal affairs body of the Russian Federation at the district level and identification of problematic issues in the organization of the theft investigation process. Used universal dialectical method of cognition, general scientific and private scientific methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, statistical, document research, sociological, including questionnaires, system analysis.The assessment of the role of the head of the investigative unit in the organization of the investigation process of secret theft of other people's property is given, the main problematic issues in this activity are identified, some practical recommendations are given on the tactics of the theft investigation.The article deals with the issues of analytical research of the current situation in the investigative units of the territorial bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation at the district level, the organization of the investigation process of mercenary crimes against property, tactics of individual investigative actions in this category of criminal cases.The relevance and value of the issues studied in the article is due to the importance of ensuring the quality of the procedural activities of the investigative units of the district level of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation at the stages of initiating a criminal case and preliminary investigation.The article contains information about the author's analysis of issues related to the role of the head of the investigative unit in organizing the investigation of thefts, we note that the system of measures of influence is described, in which its legal, organizational and criminalistic components are highlighted and analyzed, the novelty and relevance of which are scientific and practical.Keywords: the head of the investigative unit, the organization of the investigation process, the tactics of the production of individual investigative actions, the system of measures of managerial influenceReferences1.Vyacheslav Volodin prinyal uchastie v rasshirennom zasedanii kollegii MVD // GOSUDARSTVENNAYa DUMA [E`lektronny`j resurs]. 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The problem of a formal approach to the establishment of circumstances contributing to the commission of these crimes, the determinants of crime in the forest sector and the direction of ideas about the elimination of such circumstances and other violations of the law is formulated. The author suggests the main areas of work of investigators in criminal cases of illegal logging in terms of requesting information and interacting with competent authorities, allowing for a more in-depth analysis of the causes and conditions of crimes in the field of forest management. The article presents arguments about the need for a constant exchange of information with the divisions of the Federal Forestry Agency, in particular, to request and send the necessary information about persons brought to criminal responsibility to the Commission authorized to keep a Register of unscrupulous purchasers of forest plantations and tenants of forest plots. The directions proposed in the article for obtaining information by the investigator allow for more effective prevention of crime in the forest sector, which is one of the priority tasks of law enforcement agencies.Keywords: illegal logging of forest plantations, determinants of forest crime, circumstances contributing to the commission of a crime, forest violations, unscrupulous purchasers of forest plantationsReferences1.Cherdancev V.P. Nezakonnaya rubka lesa kak e`ko-logicheskoe pravonarushenie, podry`vayushhee e`ko-nomiku strany` // Mezhdunarodny`j pravovoj kur`er: e`lektronnoe setevoe izdanie. 2020. № 1. S. 42–46.2.Ugolovno-processual`ny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18.12.2001 № 174-FZ (red. ot 25.03.2022) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 № 63-FZ (red. ot 25.03.2022) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativny`x pravonarusheniyax ot 30.12.2001 № 195-FZ (red. ot 25.03.2022) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. 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JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACE Bagreeva Elena Gennadievna,Ismailov Nurlan Elman ogly,Bobyleva Lilia MikhailovnaArtificial intelligence as a counteraction to fraud in the banking sectorAbstract: The authors of the research consider the problem of fraud in the banking sector and conclude about the necessity to introduce a new mechanism in the fight against this kind of crime – artificial intelligence. After examining the risks of using AI, the authors argue that this tool would greatly increase the effectiveness of counter-fraud with existing anti-crime measures.Keywords: fraud, anti-fraud, unauthorized transactions, card identity theft, artificial intelligence, transaction analysisReferences1.Moshennichestvo s bankovskimi kartami i platezha-mi [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Prezidenta RF ot 7 maya 2018 g. № 204 «O nacional`ny`x celyax i strategicheskix zadachax razvitiya Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2024 goda» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: S.V. 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URL: paradigma transformacii miroporyadka // Samoupravlenie. 2021. № 4. S. 221–224. POLICY AND ECONOMY OF EURASIAVinogradova Elena Valerievna,Namchuk Alexey ViktorovichSanctions as an instrument of international pressure in the post-bipolar worldAbstract: The reality of nowadays implies the possibility of applying international coercion measures against sovereign states. Individual sanctions, the use of which has become very popular in recent years, given that they have become extraterritorial, are among the instruments of international politics that violate the principles of diplomacy and peaceful coexistence between states. The article is devoted to a brief analysis of the economic sanctions applied against Russia.Keywords: economic sanctions; the principle of extraterritoriality; sovereign statehoodReferences1.Vinogradova E.V., Zaxarcev S.I. Suverenitet: gosudarstvo–lichnost`–gosudarstvo // Pravovaya politika i pravovaya zhizn`. 2021. № 1. S. 156–164.2.Moiseev A.A. 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URL: POLICY AND ECONOMY OF EURASIAKostyuk Mikhail Fedorovich, Kunts Elena VladimirovnaSome issues of the institute of compulsory medical measuresAbstract: The legal regulation of the activity of the institution of compulsory medical measures reveals significant gaps in the issues of the concept, legal nature, grounds for it`s application, regulation of the criteria for choosing the type of compulsory treatment, the procedure for the implementation of these measures, etc. The lack of proper legal regulation of these issues adversely affects the effectiveness and possibility of applying compulsory medical measures.Keywords: compulsory medical measures, goals, legal natureReferences1.Kazakovcev B.K., Demcheva N.K., Yazdovskaya Ya.V., Sidoryuk O.V., Nikolaeva T.A. Psixiatricheskaya pomoshh` naseleniyu Rossijskoj Federacii v 2019 godu: Analiticheskij obzor. M.: FGBU «NMICzPN im. V.P. Serbskogo» Minzdrava Rossii, 2020. S. 1–4.2.Nazarenko G.V. 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URL: POLICY AND ECONOMY OF EURASIABagreeva Elena Gennadievna,Avrutin Alexander IgorevichTowards Eurasian cooperation, overcoming obstacles through official explanationsAbstract: The article deals with topical issues of introducing a mechanism for providing official explanations in the activities of the Eurasian Economic Commission. Various ways of optimal solution are proposed to provide explanations of the provisions of technical regulations. The article analyzes the experience of Russian legislation and the search for a new approach to regulating the handling of products supplied to the EAEU market, taking into account the interests of all interested parties.Keywords: EAEU, technical regulations, Eurasian cooperation, official explanations, Russian legislationReferences1.Dogovor o Evrazijskom e`konomicheskom soyuze ot 29 maya 2014 g.2.Texnicheskij reglament Tamozhennogo soyuza «O bezopasnosti pishhevoj produkcii», TR TS 021/2011.3.Postanovlenie Pravitel`stva RF ot 05.06.2008 № 438 «O Ministerstve promy`shlennosti i torgovli Rossijskoj Federacii».4.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 31 iyulya 2020 g. № 247-FZ «Ob obyazatel`ny`x trebovaniyax v Rossijskoj Federacii», st. 14.5.Opredeleniya Verxovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 19 fevralya 2021 g. № 308-E`S20-23978, ot 3 marta 2020 g. № 305-E`S20-442.6. POLICY AND ECONOMY OF EURASIAOlejnik DimitriConstitutional principles as criteriafor the implementation of the administrative procedure in the law of the Federal Republic of GermanyAbstract: Taking into account the fact that in the law of the Federal Republic of Germany administrative procedural law is a concretized constitutional law, the article considers the influence of constitutional principles on the administrative procedure. Constitutional principles determine the development, interpretation and application of administrative procedural law. The Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany establishes the criteria for the implementation of the procedure. In particular, the article explains in more detail the principles of legality, proportionality, equal treatment, protection of legitimate expectations derived from the principle of the rule of law, as well as the administrative procedure's own principles laid down in the Administrative Procedure Act, which correspond to the minimum standard of procedural rights enshrined in the Basic Law.Keywords: principle of the rule of law, principle of legality, principle of proportionality, principle of equal treatment, principle of protection of legitimate expectations, principles of administrative procedureReferences1.Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht von H. Hofmann, J. Gerke, U. Hildebrandt, Verlag Kohlhammer, 11. Aufl. 2016. 482 S.2.Beck`scher Online-Kommentar. Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz mit Verwaltungsvollstreckungsgesetz und Verwaltungszustellungsgesetz (BeckOK VwVfG), Herausgegeben v. Bader J., Ronellenfitsch M, 48. Edition, München, 2020.3.Grundgesetz. Kommentar. Herausgegeben von T. 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POLICY AND ECONOMY OF EURASIAGells Veronika IgorevnaThe position of the Russian Federation on the deployment of weapons in space from the point of view of international lawAbstract: The Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies adopted in 1967 the deployment of any weapons of mass destruction in outer space, but does not stipulate other types of weapons in any way, which creates a significant legal gap.The sufficiently undisclosed principle of using outer space based on «peaceful purposes», which developed in the late 60s of the XX century and is still fundamental in the later applicable part of international space law, leaves States practically free to develop any defensive and offensive military potential that they deem necessary to protect their national security interests in outer space.The arms race that has begun between the largest space-flying powers and the emergence on the world stage of new actors interested in developing their military space potential promise significant threats to the peaceful existence of mankind. During the space exploration, different countries have launched into orbit many vehicles that are counter-space weapons and work in the interests of the military, but the world community can only express its concern and condemn such actions.The article discusses the main approaches to the problem of the use of various types of weapons in space. The author explores various approaches to solving the most significant issues of international law. In this regard, it is necessary to search for new universal ways to ensure national security and regulate the use of weapons placed in outer space. The author points out that there is no differentiation between the limits of the use of outer space for civil and other purposes and other urgent problems in the field of the use of the latest types of weapons.Keywords: legal regulation, armament in space, technologies in space, placement of weapons in space, international legal regulation of space, space lawReferences1.Gricenko A.I. 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A Report by the Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law (CERL): «Why Outer Space Matters for National and International Security» // LAW.UPENN.EDU. 2020 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: REVIEWReview of the monograph of LLD Rakhimberdin K.H.«Overcoming the legacy of the GULAG: from the past to the present of the penal system of Kazakhstan»
HISTORICAL EXPERIENCEKovaleva Natalia Vitalievna,Skudarnov Dmitry AlexandrovichOn the role of the state in the training of technical specialists at the turn XIX–XX centuries: historical and legal analysisAbstract: By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the next decade has been declared the decade of science and technology, in connection with which the priority task for the state is to attract young people to actively participate in research and innovation activities, as well as the development of competitive knowledge-intensive production. Regulation of the training of highly qualified personnel is always a difficult task for any state. This is especially important in the era of digitalization, where a technological breakthrough can give serious competitive advantages. The study of the experience of the Russian Empire in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries, when the processes of formation of industrial production of the country took place, are especially relevant at the present stage. The article attempts to analyze the measures taken by the state to form a legislative framework that promotes the training of technical specialists.Keywords: law, state, industrial policy, technical educationReferences1.Kovaleva N.V. Pravovoe regulirovanie promy`shlen-nogo proizvodstva Rossijskoj imperii vo vtoroj polovine XIX – nachale XX vekov: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Kostroma, 2006.2.Loginova V.S. Gosudarstvennaya politika i obshhestvennaya iniciativa v dele professional`noj podgotovki promy`shlenny`x kadrov dorevolyucionnoj Rossii // Izdanie Saratovskogo universiteta. 2015. T. 15. Vy`p. 4. S. 113–117.3.Imperatorskoe vy`sshee texnicheskoe uchilishhe – e`talon russkoj modeli universiteta // Otechestvenny`e universitety` v dinamike zolotogo veka russkoj kul`tury` / pod red. E.V. Oleseyuka [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: N.V. Gosudarstvennaya politika v sfere podgotovki specialistov dlya promy`shlennogo proizvodstva Rossijskoj imperii vo vtoroj polovine XIX – nachale XX vekov // Pravo i obrazovanie. 2008. № 9. S. 121–127.5.Ustav Gorny`j. SZRI. T. VII. SPb., 1893.6.Ustav o promy`shlennosti. SZRI. T. XI. Ch. II. SPb., 1887.7.Ustav o promy`shlennosti. Svod zakonov Rossijskoj imperii. T. 11. Ch. II. SPb., 1893.8.Ustav Stroitel`ny`j. SZRI. T. XII. Ch. I. SPb., 1900.9.Ustav Probirny`j. SZRI. T. XI. Ch. II. SPb. 1887.10.Kovaleva N.V. Gosudarstvennaya podderzhka texnicheskogo obrazovaniya: vazhnejshij aspekt promy`shlennoj politiki i osnova e`konomicheskogo rosta Rossijskoj imperii vo vtoroj polovine XIX – nachale XX vekov // Pravo i obrazovanie. 2009. № 5. S. 146–153.11.Nakaz chinam fabrichnoj inspekcii ot 11 iyunya 1894 goda // Gosudarstvenny`j arxiv Kostromskoj oblasti. F. 1276. Op. 1. D. 2.12.Blavaczkaya Ya.V. Gosudarstvennaya vlast` i obshhestvennaya iniciativa v dele podgotovki rabochix kadrov dlya fabrichno-zavodskoj promy`shlennosti Sankt-Peterburga v konce XIX – nachale XX v. // Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 2. 2012. № 1. S. 162–167.13.Silin A.V. Vzaimosvyaz` nachal`nogo obshhego obrazovaniya i professional`no-texnicheskoj podgotovki // Vestnik Severnogo (Arkticheskogo) federal`nogo universiteta. Seriya: Gumanitarny`e i social`ny`e nauki. 2011. S. 17–22.14.Panina N.V. Reformirovanie sistemy` professio-nal`nogo obrazovaniya v Rossii (1915–1917 gg.) // Yaroslavskij pedagogicheskij vestnik. 2019. № 1. S. 37–43.
PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND DISCIPLINARY RESPONSIBILITY OF ADVOCATEMelnichenko Roman GrigorievichPolitical statements of the lawyerAbstract: Purpose – fix approaches to the legal regulation of the political activities of lawyers. Statistical, hermeneutic and participatory observation were used.The problem of the participation of lawyers in political activities is identified, by limiting the rights of lawyers to public political statements. Three existing approaches to the lawyer's right to public political statements are identified: witnesses of the Constitution, privileged freedom, total ban. Two approaches are singled out in the procedures for assessing the regulatory framework on the issue of a public statement of a lawyer: state and corporate. It is indicated that the corporate approach to date has shown its failure.The introduction of the term "Witnesses of the Constitution" into scientific circulation speaks of novelty, and the classification of both approaches to limiting the freedom of a lawyer's speech and the procedures for assessing this freedom speaks of originality. The scientific value nature of the study is evidenced by the recommendations that the author puts forward based on the classification.Keywords: advocacy, political statement, case of 32 lawyers, witnesses of the constitutionReferences 1.Aristotel`. Politika / perev. S.A. Zhebelyov; pod obshh. red. A.I. Dovatura. M.: Yurajt, 2019. (Antologiya my`sli).2.Mel`nichenko R.G. Ob immunitete ustnogo vy`skazy`vaniya advokata // Advokat. 2005. № 9. S. 29–32.3.Pilipenko Yu. Do segodnyashnego momenta advokatura ostaetsya territoriej nastoyashhej nezavisimosti // Sajt FPA [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: A.V. Traktat ob Obrashhenii 32-x, principax, diskriminacii i demokratii v rossijskoj advokature: monografiya / predisl.: G.B. Mirzoev, posleslov.: A.V. Vorob`ev. M.: Rossijskaya akademiya advokatury` i notariata, Evrazijskij nauchno-issledovatel`skij institut problem prava, 2019.
ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEGarmaev Yuri Petrovich,Polyakov Nikolay VladislavovichTypical mistake regarding illegal withdrawal of money. Disclaimer refitAbstract: Increasing the effectiveness of measures to prevent illegal cashing of funds. Analytical, formal-legal, comparative-legal, situational, classification, practice-oriented and educational approaches are used.Two groups of typical misconceptions and rebuttals to them are singled out and analyzed. These are delusions of performers, as well as customers of criminal cashing out of funds, regarding the illegality and punishability of crimes.Generalization, analysis and refutation of typical misconceptions will increase the effectiveness of comprehensive, interdisciplinary measures to prevent this criminal activity.The originality and value of the proposed approach lies in its interdisciplinarity, as well as in its focus on means of legal education adapted for the population. In the article, typical misconceptions regarding the illegal cashing out of funds are presented for the first time.Keywords: illegal cashing of funds, crime prevention, combating economic crimes, tax evasion, illegal banking, typical misconceptionsReferences1.Lepixin A.V. Otvetstvennost` za nezakonnuyu bankovskuyu deyatel`nost` po ugolovnomu zakonodatel`-stvu Rossijskoj Federacii: ucheb. posob. Kazan`, 2017.2.Polyakov N.V. Osobennosti metodiki rassledovaniya nezakonnogo obnalichivaniya i tranzitirovaniya denezhny`x sredstv: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Krasnoyarsk, 2021.3.Novozhenov A. Pojmany` s obnalichenny`m: otvetstvennost` uchastnikov sery`x sxem // E`konomicheskie prestupleniya. 2009. № 3. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».4.Zaderzhany` chleny` gruppy` «obnal`shhikov», oborot kotoroj dostigal 100 mln rublej [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: suda № 01-0108/2016 ot 11 maya 2016 goda [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: R.A. Osobennosti metodiki rassledovaniya prestuplenij, svyazanny`x s posrednichestvom vo vzyatochnichestve: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Ulan-Ude`, 2015.7.Pis`mo FNS Rossii ot 31 dekabrya 2015 g. № ED-4-2/23367@ «O polnomochiyax nalogovy`x organov, vy`yavivshix pri vy`ezdnoj proverke zavy`shenie doxodov (rasxodov) po nalogu na priby`l` i summ NDS (vy`chetov NDS)». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».8.Pis`mo FNS Rossii ot 20 avgusta 2015 g. № PA-3-17/3169@ «O predostavlenii nalogovoj i buxgalterskoj otchetnosti v e`lektronnom vide v nalogovy`e organy`». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».9.Pis`mo FNS Rossii ot 8 aprelya 2015 g. № GD-4-3/5880@ «O poryadke predostavleniya deklaracii po NDS, a takzhe zhurnala ucheta poluchenny`x i vy`stavlenny`x schetov-faktur za I kvartal 2015 goda». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».10.Pis`mo Minfina Rossii ot 29 aprelya 2015 g. № 03-07-15/24810 «O predostavlenii deklaracii po NDS v e`lektronnom vide so svedeniyami iz knig pokupok, knig prodazh i zhurnala ucheta poluchenny`x i vy`stavlenny`x schetov-faktur v otnoshenii posrednicheskoj deyatel`nosti». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».11.Pis`mo Minfina Rossii ot 15 aprelya 2019 g. № 03-01-11/26624 «O merax, napravlenny`x na vy`yavlenie i sokrashhenie tenevogo sektora e`konomiki». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».12.Pis`mo FNS Rossii ot 3 iyunya 2016 g. № ED-4-15/9933@ «Ob ocenke priznakov riska SUR». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».13.Postanovlenie Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 26 noyabrya 2019 g. № 48 «O praktike primeneniya sudami zakonodatel`stva ob otvetstvennosti za nalogovy`e prestupleniya». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus». ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEIlyin Alexander Yurievich, Tsareva Olga Evgenievna
On the issue of pre-trial settlement of tax disputes with taxpayersAbstract: The article deals with the issue of improving the efficiency of the settlement of tax disputes by taxpayers in an administrative manner.Keywords: tax authorities, taxpayers, tax control, tax authorities, tax administration, tax disputesReferences1.Vzaimosoglasitel`ny`e procedury` pri razreshenii nalogovy`x sporov v dosudebnom poryadke: monografiya / A.Yu. Il`in, A.A. Kopina, I.I. Kucherov i dr.; otv. red. A.Yu. Il`in. M.: Prospekt, 2017.2.Il`in A.Yu., Moiseenko M.A. Konfliktologicheskij podxod k razresheniyu nalogovy`x sporov v dosudebnom poryadke // Finansovoe pravo. 2016. № 7. S. 33–36.3.Kubatko S.A., Sopneva Ya.S. Nesovershenstvo nalogovogo zakonodatel`stva v chasti metodov dosudebnogo uregulirovaniya nalogovy`x sporov // Vestnik Vladimirskogo yuridicheskogo instituta. 2020. № 3 (56).4.Lyudneva S.A., Kubatko A.N. 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URL: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEVershinin Valentin Valentinovich,Sangadzhieva Klavdia Vasilyevna,Sidorenko Maxim VladimirovichProblems of compensation of negative consequences during withdrawalland plots for the placement of linear objects on agricultural landsAbstract: A brief review and analysis of the current mechanism for compensating the negative consequences to the owners of land plots in connection with the seizure of these plots from them for state and municipal needs indicates the need to improve both legal and economic instruments of this mechanism. Special attention is paid to the consequences of the seizure of land plots for the placement of linear objects. Conclusions and suggestions for solving the noted problems are given.Keywords: ownership of land, losses, losses, lost profits, compensation payments, land seizure, state and municipal needsReferences1. kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii.3.Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii s Kommentariyami 2020–2021 goda (novaya redakciya s posleduyushhimi izmeneniyami), stat`ya 15 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: O.N. Uby`tki v grazhdanskom prave Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: Status, 2009. S. 9, 50–57.5.Ry`nochnaya stoimost` [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: M. Institut iz``yatiya zemel` v tradicii i pravovom regulirovanii mestnogo samoupravleniya // Municipal`noe pravo. 2009. № 14. S. 83–87.7.Belyavskij A.S. Zemel`ny`j vopros i nacionalizaciya zemli. M.: Tipografiya G. Lissnera i D. Sobko, 1906. S. 17.8.Kasso L.A. Russkoe pozemel`noe pravo. M.: Gosudarstvennaya tipografiya, 1906. S. 150.9.Svod ukazov RSFSR. 1929. № 24. 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ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEPakerman Galina AlexandrovnaFeatures of recognition and enforcement of investment arbitration awards in IndiaAbstract: The purpose of the work is to consider the problems of recognition and enforcement of international investment arbitration awards made against India.Recognition and enforcement of international arbitration awards is the ultimate goal of dispute resolution. It should be noted that since initially legal acts were developed and adopted to ensure commercial arbitration, which is clearly predominant in the modern international business world, and the recognition and enforcement of awards in this ca-tegory of cases, a sufficient amount of practice has accumulated in the enforcement of awards of international commercial arbitration in various jurisdictions, which cannot be said about the practice of recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards in investment disputes.Keywords: arbitration, India, investment dispute, international investment arbitration, recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awardsReferences1.Krupko S.I. Investicionny`e spory` mezhdu gosudarstvom i inostranny`m investorom. M.: BEK, 2002. S. 16.2.Konvenciya ob uregulirovanii investicionny`x sporov mezhdu gosudarstvami i fizicheskimi ili yuridicheskimi liczami drugix gosudarstv (MCzUIS/ICSID) [rus., angl.] (zaklyuchena v g. Vashingtone 18.03.1965). 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URL: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEPilchina Damira ZhangazievnaParticipation of third parties in simplified bankruptcy proceduresAbstract: The author considers the problem of exercising the rights of third parties to participate in simplified bankruptcy procedures, taking into account the fact that bankruptcy legislation does not directly provide for their procedural status in bankruptcy. In some cases, judicial practice denies the possibility of a third person entering into the case or involving him in the consideration of the case on the initiative of the court, guided by a literal interpretation of legal norms. However, the features of simplified bankruptcy procedures, when there is no observation as an "analytical" bankruptcy procedure, indicate the need for participation and consideration of the opinions of third parties, which may include, for example, participants of a debtor legal entity. The article considers court decisions in which third parties were also allowed to participate in simplified bankruptcy procedures. The participation of third parties makes it possible not only to take into account their legal position regarding the fate of the debtor, but also to obtain information about the circumstances of the termination of economic activity, for example, in the bankruptcy of an absent debtor, when the head of such a debtor is actually absent as a participant in the bankruptcy process.Keywords: bankruptcy law, insolvency, bankruptcy, simplified procedures, absent debtor, liquidated debtor, simplified proceedings, third partyReferences1.Statisticheskij byulleten` Fedresursa po bankrotstvu. 31 dekabrya 2021 goda [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:`yanchikova E.N. Uchastniki dela o bankrotstve: kto est` kto? // Rossijskij yuridicheskij zhurnal. 2021. № 6. S. 103–118.3.Paxarukov A.A. 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The presence of such factors as the high technological effectiveness of medical services and the backlog of legislation that lags behind in the formation of legal regulators that restrain medical crime, as well as the high degree of latency of this type of crime, and the blanket dispositions of criminal law norms, allowed the author to come to the conclusion about the timeliness, significance and need for research in this domain.Keywords: Medical crime, subject of medical crimes, latent crime.References1.Zaxarcev S.I. Pravo: novy`e idei i prochteniya: monografiya. M., 2021.2.Vinogradova P.A., Tulaev A.N. Polnomochiya organov publichnoj vlasti v usloviyax novy`x e`pidemiologicheskix riskov // Yuridicheskaya nauka: istoriya i sovremennost`. 2021. № 12.3.Vinogradova E.V. Realizaciya konstitucionnogo prava na oxranu zdorov`ya v aspekte migracii vy`sokokvalificirovanny`x medicinskix kadrov // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2022. № 5.4.Vinogradova E.V. Transplantaciya. 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JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACE Galetsky Vitaly SergeevichThe role of the head of the investigative unit of the district department of the Ministry of internal affairs of Russia in organizing the investigation of secret theft of other people's propertyAbstract: Investigation of the current regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the head of the investigative unit of the internal affairs body of the Russian Federation at the district level and identification of problematic issues in the organization of the theft investigation process. Used universal dialectical method of cognition, general scientific and private scientific methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, statistical, document research, sociological, including questionnaires, system analysis.The assessment of the role of the head of the investigative unit in the organization of the investigation process of secret theft of other people's property is given, the main problematic issues in this activity are identified, some practical recommendations are given on the tactics of the theft investigation.The article deals with the issues of analytical research of the current situation in the investigative units of the territorial bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation at the district level, the organization of the investigation process of mercenary crimes against property, tactics of individual investigative actions in this category of criminal cases.The relevance and value of the issues studied in the article is due to the importance of ensuring the quality of the procedural activities of the investigative units of the district level of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation at the stages of initiating a criminal case and preliminary investigation.The article contains information about the author's analysis of issues related to the role of the head of the investigative unit in organizing the investigation of thefts, we note that the system of measures of influence is described, in which its legal, organizational and criminalistic components are highlighted and analyzed, the novelty and relevance of which are scientific and practical.Keywords: the head of the investigative unit, the organization of the investigation process, the tactics of the production of individual investigative actions, the system of measures of managerial influenceReferences1.Vyacheslav Volodin prinyal uchastie v rasshirennom zasedanii kollegii MVD // GOSUDARSTVENNAYa DUMA [E`lektronny`j resurs]. 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The problem of a formal approach to the establishment of circumstances contributing to the commission of these crimes, the determinants of crime in the forest sector and the direction of ideas about the elimination of such circumstances and other violations of the law is formulated. The author suggests the main areas of work of investigators in criminal cases of illegal logging in terms of requesting information and interacting with competent authorities, allowing for a more in-depth analysis of the causes and conditions of crimes in the field of forest management. The article presents arguments about the need for a constant exchange of information with the divisions of the Federal Forestry Agency, in particular, to request and send the necessary information about persons brought to criminal responsibility to the Commission authorized to keep a Register of unscrupulous purchasers of forest plantations and tenants of forest plots. The directions proposed in the article for obtaining information by the investigator allow for more effective prevention of crime in the forest sector, which is one of the priority tasks of law enforcement agencies.Keywords: illegal logging of forest plantations, determinants of forest crime, circumstances contributing to the commission of a crime, forest violations, unscrupulous purchasers of forest plantationsReferences1.Cherdancev V.P. Nezakonnaya rubka lesa kak e`ko-logicheskoe pravonarushenie, podry`vayushhee e`ko-nomiku strany` // Mezhdunarodny`j pravovoj kur`er: e`lektronnoe setevoe izdanie. 2020. № 1. S. 42–46.2.Ugolovno-processual`ny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18.12.2001 № 174-FZ (red. ot 25.03.2022) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 № 63-FZ (red. ot 25.03.2022) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativny`x pravonarusheniyax ot 30.12.2001 № 195-FZ (red. ot 25.03.2022) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. 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JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACE Bagreeva Elena Gennadievna,Ismailov Nurlan Elman ogly,Bobyleva Lilia MikhailovnaArtificial intelligence as a counteraction to fraud in the banking sectorAbstract: The authors of the research consider the problem of fraud in the banking sector and conclude about the necessity to introduce a new mechanism in the fight against this kind of crime – artificial intelligence. After examining the risks of using AI, the authors argue that this tool would greatly increase the effectiveness of counter-fraud with existing anti-crime measures.Keywords: fraud, anti-fraud, unauthorized transactions, card identity theft, artificial intelligence, transaction analysisReferences1.Moshennichestvo s bankovskimi kartami i platezha-mi [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Prezidenta RF ot 7 maya 2018 g. № 204 «O nacional`ny`x celyax i strategicheskix zadachax razvitiya Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2024 goda» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: S.V. 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URL: POLICY AND ECONOMY OF EURASIAKostyuk Mikhail Fedorovich, Kunts Elena VladimirovnaSome issues of the institute of compulsory medical measuresAbstract: The legal regulation of the activity of the institution of compulsory medical measures reveals significant gaps in the issues of the concept, legal nature, grounds for it`s application, regulation of the criteria for choosing the type of compulsory treatment, the procedure for the implementation of these measures, etc. The lack of proper legal regulation of these issues adversely affects the effectiveness and possibility of applying compulsory medical measures.Keywords: compulsory medical measures, goals, legal natureReferences1.Kazakovcev B.K., Demcheva N.K., Yazdovskaya Ya.V., Sidoryuk O.V., Nikolaeva T.A. Psixiatricheskaya pomoshh` naseleniyu Rossijskoj Federacii v 2019 godu: Analiticheskij obzor. M.: FGBU «NMICzPN im. V.P. Serbskogo» Minzdrava Rossii, 2020. S. 1–4.2.Nazarenko G.V. 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URL: POLICY AND ECONOMY OF EURASIABagreeva Elena Gennadievna,Avrutin Alexander IgorevichTowards Eurasian cooperation, overcoming obstacles through official explanationsAbstract: The article deals with topical issues of introducing a mechanism for providing official explanations in the activities of the Eurasian Economic Commission. Various ways of optimal solution are proposed to provide explanations of the provisions of technical regulations. The article analyzes the experience of Russian legislation and the search for a new approach to regulating the handling of products supplied to the EAEU market, taking into account the interests of all interested parties.Keywords: EAEU, technical regulations, Eurasian cooperation, official explanations, Russian legislationReferences1.Dogovor o Evrazijskom e`konomicheskom soyuze ot 29 maya 2014 g.2.Texnicheskij reglament Tamozhennogo soyuza «O bezopasnosti pishhevoj produkcii», TR TS 021/2011.3.Postanovlenie Pravitel`stva RF ot 05.06.2008 № 438 «O Ministerstve promy`shlennosti i torgovli Rossijskoj Federacii».4.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 31 iyulya 2020 g. № 247-FZ «Ob obyazatel`ny`x trebovaniyax v Rossijskoj Federacii», st. 14.5.Opredeleniya Verxovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 19 fevralya 2021 g. № 308-E`S20-23978, ot 3 marta 2020 g. № 305-E`S20-442.6. POLICY AND ECONOMY OF EURASIAOlejnik DimitriConstitutional principles as criteriafor the implementation of the administrative procedure in the law of the Federal Republic of GermanyAbstract: Taking into account the fact that in the law of the Federal Republic of Germany administrative procedural law is a concretized constitutional law, the article considers the influence of constitutional principles on the administrative procedure. Constitutional principles determine the development, interpretation and application of administrative procedural law. The Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany establishes the criteria for the implementation of the procedure. In particular, the article explains in more detail the principles of legality, proportionality, equal treatment, protection of legitimate expectations derived from the principle of the rule of law, as well as the administrative procedure's own principles laid down in the Administrative Procedure Act, which correspond to the minimum standard of procedural rights enshrined in the Basic Law.Keywords: principle of the rule of law, principle of legality, principle of proportionality, principle of equal treatment, principle of protection of legitimate expectations, principles of administrative procedureReferences1.Allgemeines Verwaltungsrecht von H. Hofmann, J. Gerke, U. Hildebrandt, Verlag Kohlhammer, 11. Aufl. 2016. 482 S.2.Beck`scher Online-Kommentar. Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz mit Verwaltungsvollstreckungsgesetz und Verwaltungszustellungsgesetz (BeckOK VwVfG), Herausgegeben v. Bader J., Ronellenfitsch M, 48. Edition, München, 2020.3.Grundgesetz. Kommentar. Herausgegeben von T. 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POLICY AND ECONOMY OF EURASIAGells Veronika IgorevnaThe position of the Russian Federation on the deployment of weapons in space from the point of view of international lawAbstract: The Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies adopted in 1967 the deployment of any weapons of mass destruction in outer space, but does not stipulate other types of weapons in any way, which creates a significant legal gap.The sufficiently undisclosed principle of using outer space based on «peaceful purposes», which developed in the late 60s of the XX century and is still fundamental in the later applicable part of international space law, leaves States practically free to develop any defensive and offensive military potential that they deem necessary to protect their national security interests in outer space.The arms race that has begun between the largest space-flying powers and the emergence on the world stage of new actors interested in developing their military space potential promise significant threats to the peaceful existence of mankind. During the space exploration, different countries have launched into orbit many vehicles that are counter-space weapons and work in the interests of the military, but the world community can only express its concern and condemn such actions.The article discusses the main approaches to the problem of the use of various types of weapons in space. The author explores various approaches to solving the most significant issues of international law. In this regard, it is necessary to search for new universal ways to ensure national security and regulate the use of weapons placed in outer space. The author points out that there is no differentiation between the limits of the use of outer space for civil and other purposes and other urgent problems in the field of the use of the latest types of weapons.Keywords: legal regulation, armament in space, technologies in space, placement of weapons in space, international legal regulation of space, space lawReferences1.Gricenko A.I. 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