Интервью с членом Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации, Президентом Адвокатской палаты Республики Башкортостан Б.Г. Юмадиловым.: Интервью с Председателем Президиума Саратовской специализированной коллегии адвокатов, заслуженным юристом Российской Федерации, кандидатом юридических наук, профессором Н.П. Царевой: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, председателем Научно-консультативного и экспертного Совета Гильдии российских адвокатов, членом Научно-консультативного Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов РФ, членом Научно-консультативного Совета при Ве: Интервью с вице-президентом Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации С.И. Володиной: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, президентом Гильдии российских адвокатов, ректором Российской академии адвокатуры и нотариата Гасаном Борисовичем Мирзоевым:

The «right way» or the «slippery slope» of the Russian advocacy? a response to the article by the ex-President of the Federal Chamber of Advocates of the Russian Federation Yuri Sergeevich Pilipenko
RAGULIN Andrey Viktorovich
Doctor of law, Associate professor, Advocate, Head of the Centre for the Study of the Organization and Operation of the Advocacy of Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law, Editor-in-chief of the «Eurasian advocacy» journal
450006, Ufa, Lenina St., 102, office 24, Russian Federation
Abstract: The article gives an answer to the article by the ex-president of the Federal Chamber of Advocates of the Russian Federation Yuri Sergeevich Pilipenko entitled «We are on the right way» and shows the level of degradation of the modern system of organization and activity of the bodies of the Russian advocacy.
Keywords: advocate, legal profession, advocacy chamber, Federal Chamber of Advocates of the Russian Federation
5.Ragulin A.V. Izmeneniya v zakonodatel`stvo ob advokature napravleny` na podavlenie nezavisimosti advokatov i advokatury` v Rossii! // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2023. № 2 (61) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Baldanczeren A. Kompleksnaya informacionnaya sistema advokatury` Rossii i drugie idei zakonoproekta № 301952-8: e`ffektivny`j put` realizacii prava na kvalificirovannuyu yuridicheskuyu pomoshh` ili ugroza advokatskoj tajne i nezavisimosti advokatury`? // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2023. № 2 (61) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
8. (*)
25.Ragulin A.V. Traktat ob Obrashhenii 32-x, principax, diskriminacii i demokratii v rossijskoj advokature: monografiya / predisl. G.B. Mirzoeva, poslesl. A.V. Vorob`eva. M.: Rossijskaya akademiya advokatury` i notariata: Evrazijskij nauchno-issledovatel`skij institut problem prava, 2019 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
37.Ragulin A.V., Shavin V.A., Mel`nichenko R.G. Popravki Federal`noj palaty` advokatov v Kodeks profes-sional`noj e`tiki advokata: ustranyaya stary`e oshibki, nel`zya sovershat` novy`x! // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2020. № 6 (49) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
38.Ragulin A.V. Proekt federal`nogo zakona № 469485-7 «O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal`ny`j zakon «Ob advokatskoj deyatel`nosti i advokature v Rossijskoj Federacii»: osnovny`e pozicii predstavitelej advokatskogo soobshhestva i predlozheniya po sovershenstvovaniyu // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2018. № 5 (36) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
41.Ragulin A.V. Sudebny`e spory` i social`ny`e modeli sovremennoj rossijskoj advokatury`: otvety` i voprosy` vice-prezidentu Federal`noj palaty` advokatov Rossijskoj Federacii // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2020. № 5 (48) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
44. (*)
48. ?ysclid=lhwrfzumue780514510.
On Investigation, Forensic Experiment and Reliability of Testimony Verification in Criminal Cases of Road Traffic Accidents
YAROSHIK Oleg Dmitrievich
Advocate, Research Associate of the Centre for the Study of the Organization and Operation of the Advocacy of Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law
450006, Ufa, Lenina St., 102, office 24, Russian Federation
Abstract: The article deals with the theoretical and practical issues of investigative experiment, forensic experiment and testing evidence on the spot in criminal cases about road traffic accidents and the problems of participation of the lawyer-defender in these activities.
Keywords: forensic experiment, investigation experiment, testimony, crash crimes, defense attorney
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Problems of protection in criminal cases of crimes in the field of entrepreneurial activity
ROSHCHIN Dmitry Nikolaevich
Postgraduate student of the Russian Academy of Advocacy and Notary, advoacte
123056, Moscow, Zoologicheskaya str., 30, p. 2, room. 3, Russian Federation
Abstract: In the article, the author analyzes the trends of bringing to criminal responsibility in criminal cases of crimes in the field of entrepreneurial activity, outlines the problems of defense by lawyers in this category of cases, after which ways to solve the difficulties that arise are proposed, ways to improve legislative regulation are proposed.
Keywords: criminal defense, advocacy, protection of businessmen, entrepreneurial activity, detention, lawyer's request
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25.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 02 avgusta 2019 goda № 315-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v stat`i 108 i 109 Ugolovno-processual`nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
26.Apellyacionnoe postanovlenie Moskovskogo gorodskogo suda ot 30 maya 2018 goda po delu № 10-9382/2018. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
27.Apellyacionnoe postanovlenie Moskovskogo gorodskogo suda ot 23 maya 2022 goda po delu № 10-5360/2022. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
28.Doklad Upolnomochennogo pri Prezidente Rossijskoj Federacii po zashhite prav predprinimatelej v 2017 godu «Biznes pod ugolovny`m pressom» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
29.Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 04 aprelya 2006 goda № 100-O. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».

Tactical operation to verify the version of innocence in criminal cases of bribery
POLYAKOV Igor Mikhailovich
Advocate of the «Legal Guarantee» Bar Association of the Primorsky Krai Chamber of Advocates, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines of Vladivostok State University
690002, Vladivostok, Ostryakova Ave., 5, office 510, Russian Federation
Abstract: Using the example of a specific criminal case, the author revealed the relevance of regular interaction between the investigator and the lawyer at the stage of pre-trial proceedings. Moreover, such interaction is effective and useful, first of all, for the investigator himself, who should be the initiator of such meetings. This is not easy and becomes possible only as a result of the formation of a special forensic thinking of the investigator, taking into account the position of the defense, able to see in the arguments of the lawyer the procedural correctness and validity of the arguments in order to avoid further difficulties and costs of the investigation in the absence of judicial prospects in the case. Only the simultaneous promotion and verification of both investigative versions and versions of innocence will allow us to overcome the barrier of tendentiousness and professional deformation, which are so disastrous today.
The author also suggests a model of the tactical operation «Checking versions of innocence», the algorithm of which can be useful for practitioners
Keywords: versions of innocence, counterversion, bribery, corruption crimes, lawyer, interaction with the defense, forensic thinking of the investigator, tactical operation
1.Apellyacionny`j prigovor Primorskogo kraevogo suda ot 14.05.2019 (delo № 22-2049/2019).
2.Garmaev Yu.P. Sudebnaya perspektiva po ugolovnomu delu: ponyatie, vidy`, znachenie // Vestnik Buryatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2008. № 2. S. 151–154.

Private legal responsibility of management bodies in corporate legal relations, implemented on the basis of the principles of good faith and reasonableness
LEVUSHKIN Anatoliy Nikolaevich
Doctor of law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Business and Corporate Law of the Moscow State law University, Head of the Department of Civil Law of the State University of Education, Professor of the Department of Civil and Business Law of Ulyanovsk State University
105005, Moscow, Radio str., 10A, p. 1, Russian Federation
Abstract: The author comes to the conclusion that the institute of responsibility of members of government bodies in Russia is still relatively young. In the process of its formation, the following trends can be traced: broad judicial discretion; facilitation of evidence in cases of this kind; wide application of the business decision rule; strengthening of regulatory dispositivity, however, today shareholders (participants) they do not yet have sufficient freedom to design their own management model, an individual approach to the separation of powers.
Keywords: private legal responsibility, management bodies, corporate legal relations, conflict of interests, good faith, the principle of reasonableness
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17.Лескова Ю.Г., Ванин В.В. Правовосстановительные способы защиты корпоративных цифровых прав // Законы России: опыт, анализ, практика. 2022. № 7. С. 70–75.
18.Соловьева Д. «Об основных тенденциях развития предпринимательского законодательства, о науке и образовательном процессе в условиях пандемии»: Интервью с заведующим кафедрой предпринимательского и корпоративного права Московского государственного юридического университета имени О.Е. Кутафина (МГЮА), доктором юридических наук, профессором, заслуженным юристом Российской Федерации И.В. Ершовой // Юрист. 2020. № 11. С. 2–6.
19.Тихомиров Ю.А. Административное право и процесс: полный курс. М.: Издание г-на Тихомирова М.Ю., 2012.
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21.Шиткина И.С. Соглашения акционеров (договоры об осуществлении прав участников) как источник регламентации корпоративных отношений // Хозяйство и право. 2011. № 2. С. 37–44.
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26.Определение Верховного Суда РФ от 14.04.2015 № 14-КГ15-114.04.2015. Доступ из справ.-правовой системы «КонсультантПлюс».
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Subsidiary liability of controlling persons in the context of the principle of legal certainty
PETUKHOV Sergey Vladimirovich1, RACHEEVA Yulia Vladimirovna2
1Postgraduate student of the Faculty of Law of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
125993, Moscow, Leningradsky ave., 49, Russian Federation
2Magistratura Student of the Faculty of Law of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
125993, Moscow, Leningradsky ave., 49, Russian Federation
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to consider subsidiary liability of controlling persons in the context of the principle of legal certainty. Analysis, induction, and the formal legal method were used. As a result, the authors come to the conclusion that the institution under consideration in some cases does not comply with the principle of legal certainty, which is confirmed by the unlimited expansion of the list of controlling persons, radically changing judicial practice in a short period of time, as well as excessive discretion of the courts. The significance of the article is due to the developed proposals aimed at ensuring consistency in the application of subsidiary liability of controlling persons.
Keywords:subsidiary responsibility of controlling persons; legal certainty; discretion; the ability to determine actions.
1.Pokrovskij I.A. Osnovny`e problemy` grazhdanskogo prava. M.: Statut, 2003.
2.Bondar` N.S. Pravovaya opredelennost` – univer-sal`ny`j princip konstitucionnogo normokontrolya (praktika Konstitucionnogo Suda RF) // Konstitucionnoe i municipal`noe pravo. 2011. № 10. S. 4–10.
3.Karelina S.A. Subsidiarnaya otvetstvennost` v mexanizme zashhity` prav i zakonny`x interesov uchastnikov otnoshenij nesostoyatel`nosti: sovremenny`e trendy` // Predprinimatel`skoe pravo. 2022. № 1. S. 10–18.
4.Plotnikov D.A., Usczov D.K. Osobennosti dejstviya principa sostyazatel`nosti na stadii vozbuzhdeniya dela v grazhdanskom sudoproizvodstve // Arbitrazhny`j i grazhdanskij process. 2020. № 9. S. 53–60.
5.Petuxov S.V. Specifika subsidiarnoj otvetstvennosti kontroliruyushhix licz // Vlast` zakona. 2023. № 1 (53). S. 289–297.

Legal regulation of mediation procedure in economic activity: procedure and conditions of implementation
LEPESHKINA Valentina Sergeevna
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law of the State University of Education, Head of the Legal Department of the ANO «Center for Expert Services»
105005, Moscow, Radio str., 10A, p. 1, Russian Federation
Abstract: The purpose of the study is a legal analysis of some basic legal issues regarding the conduct of mediation, implemented on the basis of the principles of voluntariness and accessibility. The author comes to the conclusion that even taking into account the low demand for the use of mediation procedures by business entities, this procedure continues to slowly but steadily enter into the usual practice of dispute resolution in the field of entrepreneurship. This is confirmed by the large number of court proceedings terminated at various stages of the arbitration process in connection with the conclusion of a mediation agreement by the parties.
It is possible to state a certain development of the institution of mediation that has occurred over the years of the legal existence of mediation for the resolution of business disputes in modern Russia. However, with the obvious state support of reconciliation institutions in practice, mediation continues to be used extremely limited due to a number of unresolved problematic issues, conditionally subdivided into issues of a normative, organizational, economic and psychological nature.
Keywords: mediation; economic activity; judicial reconciliation; business dispute; reconciliation procedure; notary; mediator, mediation agreement.
1.Levushkin A.N. Napravleniya sovershenstvovaniya Semejnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii // Semejnoe i zhilishhnoe pravo. 2018. № 1. S. 55–57.
2.Levushkin A.N. K voprosu o ponyatii, predmete i sisteme semejnogo prava Rossii i drugix gosudarstv – uchastnikov SNG na sovremennom e`tape razvitiya // Semejnoe i zhilishhnoe pravo. 2013. № 5. S. 36–39.
3.Lepeshkina V.S. Problemny`e voprosy` razvitiya mediacii po sporam v sfere predprinimatel`skoj deyatel`nosti v sovremennoj Rossii // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2022. № 1 (56). S. 56–63.
4.Lepeshkina V.S. Osobennosti primeneniya mediacii po sporam v sfere predprinimatel`skoj deyatel`nosti suprugov // Semejnoe i zhilishhnoe pravo. 2021. № 5. S. 10–14.

Protection of the business reputation of a legal entity on the internet
SINGLEEVA Baira Anatolyevna1, ZHDANOV Stanislav Konstantinovich2,
PETROVA Victoria Yurievna3, OLCHANOVA Tsagan Valeryevna4, USKOVA Albina Stanislavovna5
1Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Civil Law, Faculty of Law of the State University of Education
105005, Moscow, Radio str., 10A, p. 1, Russian Federation
2Master, State University of Education
105005, Moscow, Radio str., 10A, p. 1, Russian Federation
3Candidate of Technical sciences, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Civil Law, Faculty of Law of the State University of Education
105005, Moscow, Radio str., 10A, p. 1, Russian Federation
4Candidate of History, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law of State University of Education
105005, Moscow, Radio str., 10A, p. 1, Russian Federation
5Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Constitutional and Municipal Law, Faculty of Law of the State University of Education
105005, Moscow, Radio str., 10A, p. 1, Russian Federation
Abstract: In this paper, the authors investigate the specifical of protecting the business quality of legal entities on the Internet, identifying key problematic points. This article is aimed at identifying ways to protect the business reputation, honor and dignity of legal entities, taking into account the peculiarities of information dissemination on the Internet, as well as possible legal consequences of these actions.
Keywords: honor, dignity, business reputation, information on the Internet, legal entity, information protection, digital technologies, information discrediting honor and dignity, defamation, Internet
1.Amosov E.A. Zashhita chesti, dostoinstva i delovoj reputacii v Rossijskoj Federacii // Otechestvennaya yurisprudenciya. 2019. № 3 (35). S. 10–13.
2.Bujkin A.Yu. Osobennosti pravovoj zashhity` ot diffamacii v usloviyax razvitiya global`noj seti «Internet» // Vestnik Moskovskoj mezhdunarodnoj akademii. 2018. № 2. S. 34–49.
3.Dzhalsanov A.B. Zashhita delovoj reputacii yuridicheskogo licza // Vestnik nauki. 2019. № 6 (15). S. 146–150.
4.Gokun` Yu.S. Udalenie informacii iz seti «Internet» kak sposob zashhity` chesti, dostoinstva i delovoj reputacii // Voprosy` rossijskoj yusticii. 2021. № 12. S. 113–120.
5.Lapshin A.A. Sposoby` zashhity` delovoj reputacii yuridicheskix licz i ix osobennosti // Social`no-e`konomi-cheskie yavleniya i processy`. 2017. № 5. S. 184–187.
6.Logacheva S.A. Problemy` zashhity` delovoj reputacii yuridicheskogo licza, pravo kotorogo narusheno v seti «Internet» // Vestnik nauki. 2022. № 12 (57). S. 46–49.
7.Magdilova L.V., Ragimxanova K.T. Zashhita delovoj reputacii yuridicheskix licz v seti «Internet» // Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba i kadry`. 2021. № 4. S. 122–124.
8.Shevczov S.S., Kirakosyan S.A. Delovaya reputaciya v usloviyax razvitiya cifrovy`x texnologij // Legal Bulletin. 2020. № 2. S. 27–31.
9.Filoretova T.S. Zashhita delovoj reputacii yuridi-cheskix licz ot porochashhix svedenij, rasprostranenny`x v Internete // Nauka i sovremennost`. 2010. № 1–3. S. 1–4.
10.Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast` pervaya) ot 30.11.1994 № 51-FZ (red. ot 14.04.2023) (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 28.04.2023).
11.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 27.07.2006 № 149-FZ (red. ot 29.12.2022) «Ob informacii, informacionny`x texnologiyax i o zashhite informacii» (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.03.2023).
About public danger as a scandal (scandalum) or an emotivist concept of crime
MIROSHNICHENKO Daniil Viktorovich
Candidate of Law, Associate professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Advocacy and Criminal Law Disciplines of the Russian Academy of Advocacy and Notary
105120, Moscow, Maly Poluyaroslavsky lane, 3/5, p. 1, Russian Federation
Abstract: The aim of the work is to form theoretical foundations for an emotivist understanding of social danger in criminal law.
The article criticizes the view of social danger from the position of objectivism. Objectivism is a cognitive attitude focused on the reality of objects of knowledge, regardless of reason and human will. The idea is expressed that in science and practice there are no such criteria that would determine the validity of the objectivist concept, except for the ideological premise that the knowledge of crimes does not depend on the mind of the legislator, that the legislator is able to reflect public danger as an objective given. This position does not stand up to criticism on the basis of the interpretation of human actions and their dependence on the context of perception, secondly due to the lack of criteria for the precise definition of socially dangerous acts. The idea is given that the acts themselves are not socially dangerous, but become so as a result of the value interaction of society and individuals. Actions that violate public order are regarded as denying existing values, and therefore generating a scandal (scandalum) – an emotional reaction to the violation of the norms of the hostel. The public danger is most clearly defined by the concept of crime, in which the emotional reaction reaches the level of retribution (revenge) for the committed act. Analyzing the history of the development of ideas about the scandal, the author notices a logical line that runs through the works of canonists of the Middle Ages and remains relevant up to the present time. Scandal and social danger in the emotivist concept are equal in meaning concepts that should be evaluated through the prism of the value nature of human interactions and reactions to their violation.
The article has sufficient scientific value, since it offers a new look at one of the traditional problems of criminal law – social danger.
Keywords: public danger, crime, society, individual, personality, common good, values, social order, scandal (scandalum), emotivism
1.Abelyar P. Teo-logicheskie traktaty` / per. s lat., vstup. st., sost. S.S. Neretinskoj. M., 1995.
2.Berman G. Dzh. Zapadnaya tradiciya prava: e`poxa formirovaniya: per. s angl. 2-e izd. M., 1998.
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Problems with the implementation of the principle of justice in the norms criminalizing child pornography
NIFTALIEVA Irina Alisalamovna
Teacher of the Department of Criminal Law of the educational and scientific complex for preliminary investigation in the wounds of internal affairs of the Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
400075, Volgograd, st. Historical, 130, Russian Federation
Abstract:The article addresses the problems of implementing the principle of justice in the norms governing criminal liability for child pornography. Based on the study, specific proposals are formulated aimed at improving criminal legislation in terms of the implementation of the fundamental criminal law idea.
Keywords: principle of justice, implementation, materials or objects with pornographic images of minors, purpose, distribution, public demonstration, advertising
1.Kassacionnoe opredelenie Verxovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 10 iyulya 2019 g. po delu № 16-UD19-7 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy`«Konsul`tantPlyus».
2.O ratifikacii Fakul`tativnogo protokola k Konvencii o pravax rebenka, kasayushhegosya torgovli det`mi, detskoj prostitucii i detskoj pornografii: Federal`ny`j zakon ot 7 maya 2013 g. № 75-FZ. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
3.Fakul`tativny`j protokol k Konvencii o pravax rebenka, kasayushhijsya torgovli det`mi, detskoj prostitucii i detskoj pornografii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Rekomendacii po unifikacii i garmonizacii zakonodatel`stva gosudarstv – uchastnikov SNG v sfere bor`by` s torgovlej lyud`mi [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Pantyuxina I. V. Novaya definiciya – novy`e problemy` (o ponyatii materialov i predmetov s pornograficheskimi izobrazheniyami nesovershennoletnix) // Aktual`ny`e voprosy` bor`by` s prestupleniyami. 2016. № 3. S. 7–9.
6.Senczov A.S. Problemy` i perspektivy` sovershenstvovaniya ugolovno-pravovy`x norm ob otvetstvennosti za prestupleniya, svyazanny`e s nezakonny`m oborotom pornograficheskix materialov ili predmetov s pornograficheskimi izobrazheniyami nesovershennoletnix i ispol`zovaniem nesovershennoletnix v celyax ix izgotovleniya // Aktual`ny`e problemy` ugolovnogo zakonodatel`stva na sovremennom e`tape: sb. nauch. tr. mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. (g. Volgograd, 15 maya 2020 g.). Volgograd, 2020. S. 157–164.
7.Ugolovny`j kodeks Respubliki Moldova ot 18 aprelya 2002 g. № 985-XV (s izm. i dop. po sost. na 02.02.2023) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:

Experience in combating illicit arms trafficking in some foreign countries
POPOV Alexander Yurievich
Adjunct of the Department of Criminal Law of the Moscow University Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
117997, Moscow, Akademika Volgina str., 12, Russian Federation
Abstract: Purpose of article – to study foreign legislation and the experience of its application in combating illicit arms trafficking. Comparative, formally legal, method of induction and deduction, method of legal forecasting, method of legal interpretation were used
The article analyzes the legislation of the People's Republic of China, the USA, Japan and the CIS countries. Separate groups of foreign approaches to regulating the circulation of weapons, as well as certain methods of combating crimes committed with the use of weapons, as well as their illegal circulation, are singled out. The positive and negative aspects of the ongoing weapons policy, as well as the admissibility of the use of such approaches in domestic legislation, have been established.
Illegal arms trafficking has always been one of the main problems of law enforcement agencies. Illegal acquisition, sale, as well as the subsequent commission of various more serious crimes with the help of weapons, is becoming more and more relevant in our modern society and is on the same level with the sale of narcotic drugs, as well as other crimes committed using the Internet.
Keywords: illegal circulation of weapons, firearms, foreign countries, sales, pistols, automatic rifles, criminal liability
1.Lukashik A.O. Ugolovnaya otvetstvennost` za nezakonny`j oborot oruzhiya v zakonodatel`stve zarubezhny`x stran // Molodoj ucheny`j. 2022. № 47 (442). S. 244–247 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.Murkshtis M.J. Protivodejstvie nezakonnomu oborotu oruzhiya: ugolovno-pravovoe i kriminologicheskoe issledovanie: dis. … d-ra yurid. nauk. M., 2019.
3.Patrushev N.P. Transnacional`naya prestupnost`, vzaimosvyaz` naibolee opasny`x ee vidov – terrorizma, narkotrafika, nelegal`noj migracii, nezakonnogo oborota oruzhiya i radioaktivny`x materialov, piratstva // Pravo i bezopasnost`. 2010. № 4. S. 22.
4.Moiseenko A.G. Osobennosti pravovogo regulirovaniya oborota grazhdanskogo ognestrel`nogo oruzhiya v ryade zarubezhny`x stran // Mezhdunarodnoe publichnoe i chastnoe pravo. 2010. № 6. S. 35–36.
5.Law Controlling Possession, Etc. of Fire-Arms and Swords. 1978. Law № 6. Art 3. EHS Law Bulletin Series. № 3920.
6.Selezneva N.A. Pravovy`e osnovy` oborota oruzhiya v zarubezhny`x stranax // Slovak international scientific journal. STATE AND LAW. 2017. № 7. S. 72–77.
7.Zakon Kitaya «O kontrole nad ognestrel`ny`m oruzhiem» ot 24.04.2015 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
8.Ugolovny`j kodeks Kitajskoj Narodnoj Respubliki / pod red. A.I. Korobeeva; per. s kit.: D.V. Vichikov. SPb.: Yurid. centr Press, 2001.
9.Ugolovny`j kodeks RSFSR (utv. VS RSFSR 27.10.1960) // Svod zakonov RSFSR. T. 8. S. 497.
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13.Nacional`ny`j zakon ob ognestrel`nom oruzhii – National Firearms Act [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
14.Firearm Owners Protection Act («FOPA») (1986) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Current problems arising in the implementation of the investigator procedural decisions made by the prosecutor based on the results of the examination of the criminal case that has come to him with the indictment
GALETSKY Vitaly Sergeyevich
Candidate of Law, Senior Researcher of the Department for Strategic Management Research Center of Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
125171, Moscow, St. Zoya and Aleksandr Kosmodemyanskikh, 8, Russian Federation
Abstract: Despite the sufficiently long period of existence in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation of the norm defining the list of procedural decisions that can be taken by the prosecutor on the basis of the examination of the criminal case received by him with the indictment, the procedure for re-compilation of the indictment does not have proper normative regulation, which makes this problem highly relevant for law enforcement practice.
The study is based on general scientific and private scientific methods of cognition of phenomena and processes of objective reality. The empirical basis of the study consisted of statistical reporting data on criminal cases sent to prosecutors, which were prosecuted by investigators of internal affairs bodies, and procedural decisions taken on them, materials of criminal cases, as well as scientific publications on the analyzed subject.
Keywords: internal affairs bodies, investigator, preliminary investigation, indictment, grounds for return of a criminal case by a prosecutor, redrafting of indictment
1.Karagodin V.N., Kazakov A.A. Regulirovanie otnoshenij prokurora i sledovatelya v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Biblioteka kriminalista. 2017. № 6. S. 60.
2.Mullagaleeva L.R. Problemy` obosnovaniya prokurorom reshenij o vozvrashhenii ugolovnogo dela sledovatelyu //Rassledovanie prestuplenij: problemy` i puti ix resheniya. 2020. № 1. S. 165–167.
3.Oskolkov A.V. Nekotory`e aspekty` processual`nogo xaraktera po delam, napravlenny`m v prokuraturu, dlya prinyatiya resheniya v poryadke stat`i 221 UPK RF // Penitenciarnaya sistema, gosudarstvo i obshhestvo: problemy` vzaimodejstviya: Materialy` Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Pskov, 2022. S. 197–201.
4.Stel`max V.Yu. Vozvrashhenie prokurorom ugolovnogo dela dlya peresostavleniya obvinitel`nogo zaklyucheniya // Tendencii razvitiya sovremennogo ugolovno-processual`nogo zakonodatel`stva Rossijskoj Federacii: sbornik nauchny`x trudov. Ekaterinburg, 2021. S. 143–146.
5.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 05.06.2007 № 87-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Ugolovno-processual`ny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii i Federal`ny`j zakon «O prokurature Rossijskoj Federacii»». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
6.Sborniki CzSI FKU «GIACz MVD Rossii» «Svedeniya o sledstvennoj rabote i doznanii organov vnutrennix del. Svodny`j otchet po Rossii» za yanvar`–dekabr` 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, yanvar`–iyun` 2022.
7.Sborniki CzSI FKU «GIACz MVD Rossii» «Svedeniya o sledstvennoj rabote i doznanii organov vnutrennix del. Svodny`j otchet po g. Moskve» za yanvar`–dekabr` 2021, 2022.
8.Apellyacionnoe opredelenie Sudebnoj kollegii po ugolovny`m delam Krasnoyarskogo kraevogo suda ot 10 marta 2022 goda po delu № 22-1636/2022 // Oficial`ny`j sajt Krasnoyarskogo kraevogo suda [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Certain aspects of the criminal liability of officials for knowingly entering misleading information into the unified state registers
SHAIKHUTDINOV Fanis Faritovich
Postgraduate student of the 2nd year of the Moscow Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, Senior Investigator of the Investigative Department of the North-Eastern Administrative District of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Moscow, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice
125080, Moscow, Vrubel str., 12, Russian Federation
Abstract: An analysis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, which provides for criminal liability of officials for entering knowingly false information in the unified state registers, as well as the current judicial and investigative practice for this type of crime, has been conducted. Possible options for improving the criminal law provisions designed to protect unified state registries from criminal attacks by officials are shown.
Keywords: crime, criminal responsibility, official, public register, false information
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Indexing of electronic messages during the investigation of crimes
PECHNIKOVA Rozaliia Bagduevna
Postgraduate student of Department of Criminalistics of Law faculty of Moscow State University
119991, Moscow, Leninskiye gory, 1, b. 13, Russian Federation
Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of electronic correspondence. Currently, electronic correspondence occupies an important place in people's lives and is the most popular tool for information exchange. Therefore, electronic messages are an important component of the evidence base. The great importance of electronic correspondence and the spread of the use of mobile devices by people places new and new demands on scientists, lawyers, criminologists and investigators. It requires coverage of the basic features and specifics of electronic correspondence, as well as methods of searching for relevant messages.
The article is devoted to the study of a large array of electronic messages by indexing. The article describes the methods of searching by e-mail. Due to the popularity of this method of information exchange, electronic correspondence can be quite voluminous and not always relevant to the subject of proof. In order to delineate the range of messages related to proof, it is necessary to use indexing of electronic messages. This is one of the ways to find the right information. Indexing consists in keyword search. The article describes the tools and mechanisms of such a search, the necessary software. The article also describes an algorithm for identifying the most useful keywords for searching and the use of such an algorithm for compiling a list of keywords by an investigator.
Keywords: Investigation, indexation, e-messages, digital evidence, digital messages
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