Интервью с членом Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации, Президентом Адвокатской палаты Республики Башкортостан Б.Г. Юмадиловым.: Интервью с Председателем Президиума Саратовской специализированной коллегии адвокатов, заслуженным юристом Российской Федерации, кандидатом юридических наук, профессором Н.П. Царевой: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, председателем Научно-консультативного и экспертного Совета Гильдии российских адвокатов, членом Научно-консультативного Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов РФ, членом Научно-консультативного Совета при Ве: Интервью с вице-президентом Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации С.И. Володиной: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, президентом Гильдии российских адвокатов, ректором Российской академии адвокатуры и нотариата Гасаном Борисовичем Мирзоевым:


ARTYOMOV Vladislav Yuryevich – candidate of juridical sciences, the senior research associate of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, 117218, Russian Federation, Moscow, Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya St. 34.

BRODULENKO Alexander Vladimirovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of the North Caucasian institute of business, engineering and information technologies, 352900, Russian Federation, Armavir, st. of Kirov, 49 B.

GABDRAHMANOV Farit Vadutovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of penal law and process of the Mari state university, 424001, Russian Federation, Ioshkar Ola, Lenin Square, 1.

HALILOVA Naila Ramilyevna – candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor, senior research associate of Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law, 450059, Russian Federation, Ufa, R. Zorge St., 20.

IVANOVA Svetlana Anatolyevna – doctor of juridical sciences, professor, deputy first vice rector for educational and methodical work, manager of Civil law chair of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 125993, Russian Federation, Moscow, Leningradsky Avenue, 49.

KANTYUKOVA Indira Tagirovna – advocate, research associate of the center of research of problems of the organization and activity of legal profession of Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law, 450059, Russian Federation, Ufa, R. Zorge St., 20.

KLIMENKO Anna Gennadyevna – student of law department of Grodno state university, 230023, Republic of Belarus, Grodno, Ozheshko St., 22.

KULAGIN Alexandr Vladimirovich – head of the publishing center of Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law. 450059, Russian Federation, Ufa, R. Zorge St., 20.

MINKINA Natalya Ilyinitchna – candidate of legal sciences, head of labour law, corporate law and procedure law chair of the Altai Academy of Economics and Law, 656038, Russian Federation, Barnaul, Komsomolsky Pr., 86.

MOVCHAN Yulia Vitalyevna – candidate of juridical sciences, thesenior research associate, doctorant of Institute of the legislation of the Verkhovnaj Rada of Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine, Kiev, Nestorovsky Lane, 4.

RAGULIN Andrey Viktorovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, advocate, head of the Center of research of problems of organization and activity of legal profession of the Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law, 450059, Russian Federation, Ufa, R. Zorge St., 20.

SKRYABIN Alexey Nikolajevich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, advocate, associate professor of philosophy and political science chair of the Dnepropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, 69051, Ukraine, Zaporozhye, Timiryazev St., 36.

ZORIN Roman Georgiyevich – candidate of jurisprudence, associate professor of criminal procedure and criminalistics of law department of Grodno State University, 230023, Belarus, Grodno, Ozheshko St., 22.