Content of journals
International scientific and practical law journal
Eurasian Journal of International Law
Historical experienceBondarenko Yu.V.The Russian Orthodox Church and the state on the way to the Patriarchate
Purpose: To trace the changing nature of Church-state relations during the formation of the centralized Russian state and the strengthening of the autocracy.Methodology: The methodological basis of research is the complex of General scientific methods like analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction; and special methods – historical, systematic-structural, comparative legal.Results: Established features of transformation of the model of Church-state relations in the period of XV–XVI centuries in the context of the gradual elimination of the independent role of the Church and immediate subjection of spiritual authority to the state.Novelty/originality/value: The article presents the contradictory nature of changes in the position of the Russian Orthodox Church in the state in the period of gaining Autocephalous status of the relationship through the prism «of the Constantinople Patriarchate – the Russian Orthodox Church – Russian state».Keywords: Russian Orthodox Church, the Patriarchate, Church-state relations, autocracy.References (transliterated)1. Bogdanov A.P. Russkie patriarhi (1589–1700): v 2 t. T. 1. M., 1999.2. Vladimirskij-Budanov M.F. Obzor istorii russkogo prava. Rostov n/D: Feniks, 1995.3. Rossijskoe zakonodatel’stvo X–XX vekov. T. 2. Za-konodatel’stvo perioda obrazovanija i ukreplenija Russkogo centralizovannogo gosudarstva. M., 1985.4. Russkoe pravoslavie: vehi istorii / nauch. red. A.I. Klibanov. M., 1989.5. Suvorov N.S. Uchebnik cerkovnogo prava. Jaroslavl’, 1898.6. Cypin V.A. Cerkovnoe pravo. M., 1996.
Historical experience
Makarov S.Yu.General characteristic of system of legislative regulation of advocate activity and organization of legal profession for Justinian’s CodePurpose: To carry out research of legislative regulation of legal profession of the late Roman Empire according to standards of the Code of Justinian.Methodology: The historical-legal and formal-legal method were used.Results: Systematization of standards of this act in which the standard rules relating and to lawyer activity are connected together (including positive conditions for obtaining the status of the lawyer and the privilege of lawyers), and to the organization of legal profession is presented in article (for example – assigned amount of lawyers in each part of the Roman Empire, and also regulation of the status and activity of special category of lawyers of Ancient Rome – lawyers of a fisk). Thanks to comprehensive character of the act - Justinian’s Code – the offered review of norms gives an idea of all range of legislative regulation of various aspects of legal profession of the Late Roman Empire.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific and practical value as is modern attempt of consideration of an actual problem.Keywords: advocate, Ancient Rome, Justinian’s Code, Corpus juris civilis, lawyer fisk, Bar, privilege of lawyers, status of the lawyer, remuneration of the lawyer.References (transliterated)1. Vas’kovskij E.V. Organizacija advokatury. Ch. 1. Ocherk vseobshhej istorii advokatury. SPb.: Tipografija P.P. Sojkina, 1893. S. 63.2. Dil’ Sh. Imperator Justinian i vizantijskaja civilizacija v VI veke. Minsk: MFCP, 2010. S. 269–270.3. Stojanov A. Istorija advokatury. Vyp. 1. Drevnij mir: Egipet, Indija, Evrei, Greki, Rimljane. Har’kov, 1869. S. 117.4. Uspenskij F.I. Istorija Vizantijskoj imperii. Stanovlenie. Smuta. Makedonskaja dinastija. M.: AST: Astrel’, 2011. S. 355. PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND Advocacy PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGBakayanova N.M.Legal profession between tradition and ideology of the marketPurpose: Analysis of tendencies of development of the legal profession, the relevance of the principles of organization and activity of advocacy, the ratio of the traditions of the legal profession with the requirements of the legal services market.Methodology: The author applied formal logical, historical legal, comparative legal and sociological methods.Results: The transformation of the legal profession and it’s values in modern conditions, the impact of the legal services market on the development of the legal profession are considered. The author insists that the fundamental basis of the legal profession are evidence of its non-commercial character. Special requirements to the practice of law provide the best option for legal assistance. Market demands set the standards for the quality of legal assistance, but not the principles of advocacy.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value and the practical importance for development of the legal profession and preservation of traditions of the BarKeywords: Bar, lawyer activity, legal assistance, traditions, reform of the market of legal services.References (transliterated)1. Fitzsimmons Michael. The Parisian Order of Barristers and the French Revolution. Cambridge (Mas.) and London: Harvard University Press, 1987.2. Frank H. Stephen. Lawyers, Markets and Regulation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013. R. 1.3. Galbenski D. Unbound: How Entrepreneurship is Dramatically Transforming Legal Services Today. Royal Oak: Lumen Legal, 2009.4. Henri-François d’Aguesseau. L’indépendance de l’avocat // Œuvres complètes du chancelier d’Aguesseau. Nouvelle édition par M. Pardessus. Paris, 1819. R. 9.5. Hervé Leuwers. L’invention du barreau français, 1660–1830. La construction nationale d’un groupe professionnel. Paris: Ed. EHESS, 2006.6. Howard PK. Life Without Lawyers. New York, 2009.7. Karpik Lucien. Les avocats. Entre l’État, le public et le marché XIII–XX siècle. Paris: Gallimard, Bibliothèque des sciences humaines, 1995. R. 206–215.8. L’indépendance des avocats: Le long chemin d’une liberté / Sous L. Assier-Andrieu. Editions Dalloz, 2015. R. 113.9. Macfarlane J. The New Lawyer. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008.10. Regan Jr.M.C., Palmer T.H. Supply Chains and Porous Boundaries: The Disaggregation of Legal Services. Vol. 78. Fordham L. Rev., 2137–2191. 2010.11. Sako M. Make-or-Buy Decisions in Legal Services: A Strategic Perspective // Law Firm Evolution: Brave New World or Business as Usual? 2010. 21–23 March. Georgetown Center for the Study of the Legal Profession, Georgetown Law School, 2010.12. Susskind Richard. The End of Lawyers? Rethinking the Nature of Legal Services. 2 éd. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.13. Wickers Th. La grande transformation des avocats. Paris: Dalloz, 2014.14. Arakeljan M.P. Institut advokatury v pravozashhitnoj sisteme Ukrainy: teoretiko-pravovoj aspekt: monografija. Odessa: Fenіks, 2014.15. Vas’kovskij E.V. Budushhee russkoj advokatury. M., 2000. S. 11.16. Klevcov A.V. Stanovlenie i razvitie rossijskoj advokatury v sovetskij period (1917–1991). Istoriko-pravovoj aspekt: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2006.17. Koni A.F. Nravstvennoe nachalo v ugolovnom processe: sobr. soch. T. 4. M., 1967. S. 54.18. Latyev A.N. Ogranichennaja advokatskaja monopolija ili otnositel’naja svoboda sudebnogo predstavitel’st-va // Zakon. 2012. № 9. S. 98.19. Pepeljaev S. Rynok pravovyh uslug: kontury reform // Novaja advokatskaja gazeta. 2013. 3 ijulja. S. 98.20. Pilipenko Ju.S. Advokatura i predprinimatel’stvo // Novaja advokatskaja gazeta. 2011. № 12 (101). S. 4–6.21. Pro vnesennja zmіn do Konstitucії Ukraїni (shhodo pravosuddja): Zakon Ukraїni vіd 02.06.2016 № 1401-VIII [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Proekt Zakonu Ukraїni «Pro vnesennja zmіn do Zakonu Ukraїni «Pro advokaturu ta advokats’ku dіjal’nіst’» vіd 27.04.2016 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Rekomendacija № R (2000) 21 Komiteta ministrov Coveta Evropy gosudarstvam-chlenam «O svobode osushhestvlenija professii advokata» ot 25 oktjabrja 2000 g. // Sobranie mezhdunarodnyh dokumentov «Prava cheloveka i sudoproizvodstvo». M., 2002.24. Haski Ju. Rossijskie advokaty i Sovetskoe gosudarstvo: Proishozhdenie i razvitie sovetskoj advokatury 1917–1939 / per. s angl. T. Morshhakova. M.: RAN: Un-t gos-va i prava, 1993.25. Shajhullin M.S. Sohranenie i razvitie tradicij advokatury // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2013. № 2 (3). S. 49–55.
Kiselyov P.P.Basic provisions of the concept of advocate’s investigation Purpose: Formulation of basic provisions of the concept of lawyer investigation.Methodology: Historical and legal, comparative and legal and formally legal methods were used.Results: Article represents generalization of the main conclusions and provisions of dissertation research of the author based on the original concept of lawyer investigation as a universal remedy of legal protection and the main mechanism of realization of a constitutional right on receiving the qualified legal aid which is carried out by independent and independent collecting by the lawyer of the proofs allowed for justification of a position of the principal by consideration of any legal dispute by judicial, administrative and other representatives to bodies and persons.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value as is one of the first attempts to consider history of development of domestic legal profession through a prism of evolution of institute of the professional rights of the lawyer defender.Keywords: lawyer, lawyer investigation, legal protection, proofs, legal dispute.References (transliterated)1. Avtonomov A.S. Konstitucionnoe (gosudarstvennoe) pravo zarubezhnyh stran: ucheb. M.: TK Velbi: Prospekt, 2006.2. Ben’jaminova Z.Ja. Konstitucionno-pravovoe obespechenie instituta advokatury v sfere zashhity prav cheloveka: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2008.3. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po soversheniju otdel’nyh vidov notarial’nyh dejstvij notariusami RF, utv. Prikazom Minjusta RF ot 15.03.2000 № 91 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Do-stup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».4. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 8 nojabrja 2005 goda № 439-O [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».5. Obobshhenie sudebnoj praktiki Arbitrazhnogo suda Respubliki Saha (Jakutija) po sporam, svjazannym s primeneniem Federal’nogo zakona «Ob ispolnitel’nom proizvodstve».6. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 4 nojabrja 2004 goda № 430-O [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».7. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 6 ijulja 2000 goda № 128-O [Jelektronnyj re-surs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».8. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 25 oktjabrja 2001 goda № 14-P [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».9. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 19 ijulja 2011 goda № 17-P [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».10. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 8 dekabrja 2003 goda № 18-P [Jelektron-nyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».11. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 27 marta 1996 goda № 8-P [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».12. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 19 maja 1998 goda № 15-P [Jelektronnyj re-surs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».13. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 28 janvarja 1997 goda № 2-P [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».14. Prilozhenie № 3 k gosudarstvennoj programme RF «Justicija», utv. Postanovleniem Pravitel’stva RF ot 15 aprelja 2014 goda № 312 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».15. Ragulin A.V. Professional’nye prava advokata-zashhitnika, obuslovlennye garantijami nezavisimosti advokata: problemy zakonodatel’noj reglamentacii i prakticheskoj reali-zacii: monografija. M.: Evrazijskij NII problem prava, 2011. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEArutyunyan M.S.The term of limitation of actions in the system of civil legal termsPurpose: Сomplex study of positions of civil legislation, scientific theories for the exposure of essence and value, places of term of limitation of actions in the system of civil legal terms, formulation of generalizations, conclusions and suggestions, assisting perfection of institute of limitation of actions.Methodology: Historical-legal methods, comparatively-legal, formally legal methods were used.Results: The right and judicial value of term of limitation of actions is analysed in the presented research, the specific of this institute is determined as compared to another terms having civil legal nature.Novelty/originality/value: Research positions are able to serve founding for the further study of term of limitation of actions from position of legal terms, and in opinion of author bring in a certain contribution to positions of civil legal science.Keywords: term, classification of terms, limitation of actions, legal fact.References (transliterated)1. Gribanov V.P. Sovetskoe grazhdanskoe pravo. M.: Jurlit, 1979.2. Krasavchikov O.A. Juridicheskie fakty v sovetskom grazhdanskom prave. M.: Jurid. lit., 1958.3. Sergeev A.P. Sroki osushhestvlenija i zashhity grazhdanskih prav. SPb.: NEVA, 1996.
Igbaeva G.R., Shakirova Z.R.Signs of suspension of the employment contract as his stage
Purpose: To identify the signs of a stage of suspension of the employment contract.Methodology: Authors used a special scientific cognition methods: formal legal, system analysis and others.Results: Despite of the fact that the legislator does not speak directly about the stage of suspension of the employment contract, the analysis of the Labour code allows to identify its characteristics, which are connected with the temporary nature, the ongoing action of the employment contract, continued employment for an employee, the suspension of performance of labour duties in this period.Novelty/originality/value: In article defined and explained the signs, characteristics of stage of suspension of the employment contract .Keywords: employment contract, suspension of employment contract, rights and duties, employee, employer, employment relationship, termination of labor relations, employment law.References (transliterated)1. Bugrov L.Ju. Priostanovlenie trudovogo dogovora // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2009. № 1. S. 112.2. Drachuk M.A. Priostanovlenie dejstvija trudovogo dogovora (v sootnoshenii s pravilami o vremeni otdyha i discipline truda) // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. 2010. Vyp. 1 (7). S. 69.3. Igbaeva G.R. Trudovoe pravo: ucheb.-metod. posob. Ufa: UJuI MVD Rossii, 2014.4. Izbienova T.A., Celishhev A.A. Priostanovlenie trudovogo dogovora kak mehanizm obespechenija stabil’nosti trudovyh otnoshenij // Trudovoe pravo. 2009. № 8. S. 86.5. Trudovye prava v sisteme prav cheloveka. Indivi-dual’noe trudovoe pravo. M.: Velbi: Prospekt, 2004. S. 169.
Purge A.R.Application of procedure of mediation for settlement of the disagreements arising from family legal relationship: experience and ways of development
Purpose: Research of formation and development of institute of mediation in different regions of the Russian Federation as method of providing a guarantee of the rights of the citizens to judicial protection in reasonable time for the purpose of identification of a tendency of application in the Russian Federation of alternative procedure of dispute settlement arising from family legal relationship with participation as the intermediary of the impartial person (mediator).Methodology: Formally-legal method was used.Results: In article the characteristic of mediation by the purpose of which is given creation of legal conditions for application in the Russian Federation of alternative procedure of settlement of disputes with participation as the intermediary of the independent person (mediator), and also assistance to development of partner business relations and to formation of ethics of a business conduct, harmonization of the social relations is. The author has submitted the analysis of formation of mediation in different regions of the Russian Federation. The conclusion is drawn that family mediation as peaceful procedure of settlement of the conflict plays an important role in protection of the rights of the child. Family legal relationship in which mediation procedure application is impossible are considered. Materials of legal practice on the studied subject are analysed. The author has revealed and presented problem aspects of application of procedure of mediation, and also the offer on development of application of institute of mediation in family legal relationship in the Russian Federation.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value as is one of the few attempts to consider application of procedure of mediation for dispute settlement, arising from family legal relationship in the Russian Federation in general and in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation in particular.Keywords: family legal relationship, alternative justice, mediation procedure, intermediary (mediator).References (transliterated)1. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie ot 3 ijulja 2014 g. po delu № 33-8912/2014. Verhov-nyj Sud Respubliki Tatarstan (Respublika Tatarstan) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Borisova E.A. Rossijskaja procedura mediacii: koncepcija razvitija // Vestnik MGU. Pravo. 2011. № 5. S. 18-30.3. Venjaljajnen M. Mediacija i juridicheskaja pomoshh’ v transgranichnyh semejnyh sporah // Semejnoe i zhilishhnoe pravo. 2014. № 1. S. 33–38.4. Eliseeva A.A. Institut mediacii v uslovijah innovacionnogo razvitija rossij-skogo obshhestva // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2011. № 9 (177). S. 34–39.5. Kostina O.V., Ovsjanikova E.A., Dolzhenko N.I., Savel’eva I.V. Semejnaja me-diacija kak odno iz vedushhih napravlenij gosudarstvennoj semejnoj politiki // Nauka i obrazovanie: hozjajstvo i jekonomika; predprinimatel’stvo; pravo i upravle-nie. 2014. № 10 (53).6. Ksenofontova D.S. Notarial’noe udostoverenie soglashenija ob uplate alimen-tov kak pravovaja garantija osushhestvlenija i zashhity prav i interesov sub#ektov ali-mentnogo pravootnoshenija // Notarius. 2014. № 4. S. 19–22.7. Kuropackaja E.G. Mediacija kak sposob zashhity prav rebenka v Rossijskoj Fede-racii // Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika. 2015. № 8. S. 70–74.8. Minkina N.I. Mediacija v Rossii: pravovye osnovy stanovlenija i razvitija // Vestnik Altajskoj akademii jekonomiki i prava. 2013. № 32. S. 62–64.9. O sostojanii sudebnoj sistemy Rossijskoj Federacii i osnovnyh napravleni-jah ee razvitija: postanovlenie Soveta sudej RF ot 19.12.2012 // Vestnik Vysshej kva-lifikacionnoj kollegii sudej RF. 2013. № 1 (35).10. Obzor sudebnoj praktiki Primorskogo kraevogo suda po rassmotreniju grazh-danskih del v kassacionnom i nadzornom porjadke vo 2 polugodii 2010 goda [Jelek-tronnyj resurs]. URL: Opredelenie ot 29 fevralja 2016 g. po delu № 2-809/2016. Leninskij rajon-nyj sud g. Astrahani (Astrahanskaja oblast’) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Opredelenie № 2-643/2014 2-643/2014~M-712/2014 M-712/2014 ot 31 oktjabrja 2014 g. po delu № 2-643/2014. Starooskol’skij rajonnyj sud (Belgorodskaja oblast’) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Opredelenie № 2-1211/2014 2-1211/2014~M-740/2014 M-740/2014 ot 19 marta 2014 g. po delu № 2-1211/2014. Oktjabr’skij rajonnyj sud g. Belgoroda (Belgorodskaja oblast’) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Oficial’nyj sajt Arbitrazhnogo suda Primorskogo kraja [Jelektronnyj re-surs]. URL: Purge A.R. Pravovoe regulirovanie surrogatnogo materinstva kak metoda vspo-mogatel’nyh reproduktiv-nyh tehnologij: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Dushanbe, 2015.16. Reshenie ot 20 avgusta 2013 g. Delo № 2-680 (2013). Krasnoarmejskij gorodskoj sud (Saratovskaja oblast’) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Romanovskaja O.V. Rossijskij notariat i sovremennye problemy semejnogo prava // Notarius. 2015. № 4. S. 23–27.18. Svireneva N.A. Mediacija v semejnyh pravootnoshenijah // Oficial’nyj sajt Privokzal’nogo rajonnogo suda g. Tuly [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: dep&op =3&did=281.19. Solov’ev A.A. Procedury sudebnogo primirenija v Grazhdanskom processual’-nom kodekse Francuzskoj Respubliki // Zakon. 2015. № 3. S. 150–155.20. Spravka o praktike primenenija sudami Federal’nogo zakona ot 27 ijulja 2010 g. № 193-FZ «Ob al’ternativnoj procedure uregulirovanija sporov s uchastiem posred-nika (procedure mediacii)» za period s 2013 po 2014 god» (utv. Prezidiumom Verhov-nogo Suda RF 01.04.2015) // Bjulleten’ Verhovnogo Suda RF. 2015. № 6.21. Spravka po rezul’tatam obobshhenija sudebnoj praktiki po delam o razdele imushhestva suprugov (byvshih suprugov), rassmotrennym Amurskim oblastnym sudom v porjadke kassacionnogo i nadzornogo sudoproizvodstva v 2009 godu [Jelektronnyj re-surs]. URL: Jentringer F. Razvitie so strahovkoj // Mediacija i pravo. 2010. № 1. S. 33–34.
Rogov N.S.Participation of legal entities in criminal procedure as the victimPurpose: Research and analysis of the participation of the legal entity as a victim in the criminal procedure. Identification of characteristics and patterns of participation of the legal entities. Detection of the existing problems and offer possible solutions.Methodology: Scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, and also comparative legal and formally legal methods were used.Results: Institute of the participation of legal entities in criminal proceedure, including as a victim, has a number of theoretical and practical issues. The author of this article, after analyzing the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation and the civil code of the Russian Federation, containing a number of provisions regarding legal persons, as well as practice materials, identified a number of key issues arising from the participation of legal entities in criminal proceedings as a victim.Novelty/originality/value: The author of this article is one of the first to comprehensively consider the problems of participation of legal entities as victims in the criminal process, as in most scientific works and articles on this issue of participation of legal persons either not considered, or considered identical with individuals.Keywords: the victim, a legal entity (person), criminal procedure, procedural succession, reorganization, liquidation, legal status.References (transliterated)1. Abdrahmanov M.H. Procedura priznanija juridicheskih lic poterpevshimi i grazhdanskimi istcami v ugolovnom processe // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2008. № 310. S. 105–109.2. Zakon. Forum prokurorov i sledovatelej [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Mel’nikov S.A. Predstavitel’stvo v sovremennom rossijskom ugolovnom processe: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Izhevsk, 2002.4. Sinenko S.A. Ljubaja li organizacija mozhet byt’ priznana poterpevshej ot prestuplenija? // VJePS. 2012. № 1 S. 238–241.5. Statistika juridicheskih lic [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE EURASIAN SPACESernovets M.N.Secrets of sentry control (part one)Purpose: Research of legal problems of a phenomenon of sentry control in Russia.Methodology: The author used a formal-legal method, method of the included supervision, a method of studying of documents.Results: In article the essence of sentry control in Russia is opened, problematic issues of a procedural and legal regulation of this phenomenon and implementation of judicial and public prosecutor’s supervision behind operational search activity are revealed, jurisprudence on the considered problem is subjected to the analysis, policy strokes which has the right to apply the lawyer defender are offered.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific and practical value as contains valid and actual conclusions and offers.Keywords: sentry control, operational search activity, search, public prosecutor’s supervision, judicial control, lawyer defender, illegal imprisonment, human rights.References (transliterated)1. Postanovlenie Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka, delo «Shimovolos (Shimovolos) protiv Rossijskoj Federacii». Strasburg, 21 ijunja 2011 goda (zhaloba № 30194/09).3. Predstaviteli malyh narodov RF ne mogut vyehat’ na konferenciju OON v SShA: im portjat pasporta i rezhut shiny [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Sajt Moskovskoj Hel’sinskoj gruppy [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Sernovec M. «Storozhevoj kontrol’» i ego zhertvy [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Torocheshnikova M. Novye vragi naroda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
Avdeev M.Yu.Contents and essence of the right for inviolability private life in the Russian FederationPurpose: Research of contents and essence of the right for inviolability private life in the Russian Federation.Methodology: Historical and legal and formally legal methods were used.Results: Development of the Constitution in Russia regarding regulation of the right for personal privacy was contradictory: from a complete negation before fixing of the right for secret of correspondence and eventually before recognition of the right for protection of private life. But in the absence of direct action of standards of the Basic Law it was emasculated at realization in the industry legislation. It should be noted that in the history of the Russian law the right for protection of private life much was recognized earlier as science, than found the standard fixing.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value as is one of the first attempts to consider contents and essence of the right for personal privacy in the Russian Federation.Keywords: private life, constitutional right, inviolability, human rights, right for personal and family secret, privacy, freedom, state, law.References (transliterated)1. David R. Osnovnye pravovye sistemy sovremennosti (sravnitel’noe pravo). M., 1967. S. 33.2. Dunaeva M.S. Osnovanija i predely ugolovno-processual’nogo vmeshatel’stva v chastnuju zhizn’ grazhdan: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Irkutsk, 2002.3. Zaharcev S.I. Proslushivanie telefonnyh peregovorov v operativno-rozysknoj dejatel’nosti i ugolovnom processe: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. SPb., 2002.4. Ivanskij V.P. Problemy garmonizacii nacional’nyh zakonov v sfere zashhity transgranichnyh personal’nyh dannyh // Vestnik RUDN. 1998. Vyp. 1.5. Izvestija CK KPSS. 1991. № 2. S. 204.6. Ishakov Je.S. Lichnaja zhizn’ (filosofsko-jeticheskij analiz): avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Saratov, 1981.7. Koroljov G.A. Vidy jurisdikcii gosudarstv, primenjaemye dlja privlechenija k ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti dolzhnostnyh lic za sovershennye mezhdunarodnye prestuplenija // Predstavitel’naja vlast’ – HHI vek. 2015. № 3.8. Lenin V.I. Poln. sobr. soch. T. 36. S. 272.9. Markomenko V. Informacionnoe obshhestvo i problemy ego bezopasnosti // Federalizm. 1997. № 4.10. Matuzov N.I. Lichnost’. Pravo. Demokratija. Teoreticheskie problemy sub#ektivnogo prava. Saratov: SJuI, 1972.11. Matuzov N.I. Sub#ektivnye prava grazhdan SSSR. Saratov, 1966.12. Novoselov V.I. Pravovoe polozhenie grazhdan v sovetskom gosudarstvennom upravlenii. Saratov, 1976. S. 206.13. Obolonskij A.V. Drama rossijskoj politicheskoj istorii: sistema protiv lichnosti. M., 1994.14. Orlova O.V. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo i lichnost’: politiko-pravovye aspekty. M.: Akademicheskij pravovoj universitet, 2005.15. Petrov S.M., Grudcyna L.Ju. Vlast’ i grazhdanskoe obshhestvo v Rossii: vzaimodejstvie i protivostojanie // Administrativnoe i municipal’noe pravo. 2012. № 1. S. 25.16. Pushkin A.S. Poln. sobr. soch.: v 10 t. T. 10. M., 1966. S. 485.17. Stecovskij Ju.I. Pravo na svobodu i lichnuju neprikosnovennost’. Normy i dejstvitel’nost’. M.: Delo, 2000. S. 389.18. Hrushhev N.S. Vospominanija. M., 1993. S. 241.19. Juridicheskij slovar’. M., 1953. S. 420.
Pyankova A.F.The principle of the balance of interests in the European Court of human rights’ opinionsPurpose: Analysis of European Court of Human Rights’ practice of using the principle of balance of interests.Methods: A methodological basis of this study is the dialectical method and a set of universal methods of scientific knowledge (system research methods, structural-functional analysis, methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction) and private-scientific methods of legal research: formal legal.Results: The author concludes that the balance of interests is such a state of a legal relation, in which rights and duties of its parties are proportional and they have equal capacities for realizing their legal interests.Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the high scientific value as is one of the first attempts to analyze the European Court of Human Rights’ practice of using the principle of balance of interests.Keywords: the balance of interests, European Court of Human Rights, human rights’ protection.References (transliterated)1. Bogatina Ju.G. Ogovorka o publichnom porjadke v mezhdunarodnom chastnom prave: teoreticheskie problemy i sovremennaja praktika. M.: Statut, 2010.2. Zinkovskij M.A. Dogovor postavki tovara ot proizvoditelja v torgovye seti: balans interesov storon // Nalogi (gazeta). 2009. № 9 (611). S. 20–23.3. Kamyshanskij V.P. Pravo sobstvennosti: predely i ogranichenija. M.: JuNITI-DANA: Zakon i pravo, 2000.4. Kuznecova O.A. Normy-principy rossijskogo grazhdanskogo prava. M.: Statut, 2006.5. Kurdinovskij V.I. K ucheniju o legal’nyh ogranichenijah prava sobstvennosti na nedvizhimost’ v Rossii. Odessa: Jekonomicheskaja tipografija, 1899.6. Mikrjukov V.A. Ogranichenija i obremenenija grazhdanskih prav. M.: Statut, 2007.7. P’jankova A.F. Koncepcija balansa interesov i ee mesto v grazhdanskom prave Rossii // Vestnik PGU. Juridicheskie nauki. 2014. № 2. S. 117–130.8. Shichanin A.V., Grivkov O.D. Zalog kak sposob obespechenija objazatel’stv i balans interesov uchastnikov grazhdanskih pravootnoshenij // Advokat. 2004. № 9. S. 37–38.
JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEAlpatov Yu.M.Foreign experience of creation of judicial system and legal proceedings on arbitration and civil casesPurpose: Research of foreign experience of creation of judicial system and legal proceedings on arbitration and civil cases.Methodology: Historical and legal and formally legal methods were used.Results: The important principle of activity of judicial bodies recorded in rules of international law is the maximum availability of courts to citizens, that is elimination whenever possible of any obstacles for the appeal to courts of simple people. The principle of availability of civil and arbitration courts to citizens can be found in the Constitution of the Russian Federation at best only in an implicit, implied look though it is vital in order that citizens began to treat with respect courts and judges.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value as contains scientifically based conclusions, significant for development of domestic system of implementation of justice.Keywords: availability of justice, civil legal proceedings, arbitration process, judge, human rights, international law, law.References (transliterated)1. Dran M. Le contrôle juridictionnel et la garantie des libertés publiques. P., 1968. P. 60–94.2. Estoup P. La Justice Française. Acteurs, fonctionnement et medias. P., 1989.3. Rassat M.-L. La Justice en France. P., 1985.4. Abrosimova E.B. Sudebnaja vlast’ v Rossijskoj Federacii: sistema i principy. M.: Institut prava i publichnoj politiki, 2002.5. Avtonomov A.S. Pravovaja antologija politiki. K postroeniju sistemy kategorij. M., 1999.6. Alpatov Ju.M. Reformirovanie gorodskogo samoupravlenija v Rossii konca XX veka // Zakonodatel’stvo i jekonomika. 2007. № 7. S. 102.7. Alpatov Ju.M. Uchastie naselenija v osushhestvlenii mestnogo samoupravlenija v Moskve i Sankt-Peterburge // Advokat. 2007. № 12. S. 8.8. Bobotov S.V. Pravosudie vo Francii. M., 1994.9. Brjeban G. Administrativnoe pravo Francii. M., 1978. S. 349–377.10. Brjeban G. Obshhie svedenija ob administrativnom prave Francii. Dop. izd. M., 1995.11. Brjeban G. Pravosudie vo Francii. M., 1996.12. Brjeban G. Struktura i rol’ Gosudarstvennogo soveta Francii. M., 1993.13. Midor D.D. Amerikanskie sudy. Sent-Pol, Minnesota, 1991. S. 25–26.14. Sharven R. Justicija vo Francii. M., 1978.
Sangadzhiyev B.V.Availability of justice and prospect of development of a civil procedural law at the present stagePurpose: The analysis of a number of tendencies of development of justice and a civil procedural law in Russia.Methodology: The author applied formal and logical and comparative and legal methods.Results: Ensuring availability of justice, including, creations of proper conditions for protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities, requires construction, reconstruction or acquisition of office buildings of courts, creation of conditions for disabled people and minors, forming of zones of an open entry to buildings of the courts, creation of rooms of expectation for citizens, sanitary rooms and places of public catering.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value and the practical importance.Keywords: civil process, legal proceedings, judicial authority, civil procedural law, judicial reform, human rights, court.References (transliterated)1. Gus’kova A.P. Po itogam sudebno-pravovoj reformy // Rossijskij sud’ja. 2007. № 3. S. 15.2. Zhujkov V.M. Sudebnaja reforma: problemy dostupa k pravosudiju. M.: Statut, 2006. S. 1.3. Pozdnjakov M.L. Sudebnaja reforma: pacient skoree zhiv, chem mertv? // Advokat. 2006. № 12. S. 21.4. Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 20.11.2001 № 805 «O Federal’noj celevoj programme «Razvitie sudebnoj sistemy na 2002–2006 gody» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF. 2001. 3 dekabrja. № 49. St. 4623.5. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 04.08.2006 № 1082-r «O Koncepcii Federal’noj celevoj programmy «Razvitie sudebnoj sistemy» na 2007–2011 gody» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF. 2006. 14 avgusta. № 33. St. 3652.
Martyshkin V.N.From the diary of the judge: «The profession of the lawyer doesn’t suffer jewelry…»Purpose: Consideration of a number of ethic and legal questions of legal activity.Methodology: Such methods of knowledge as legallistic, historical, a method of the included supervision were used.Results: The author, on the example of the experience of formation as expert - the lawyer covered some ethic and legal basics of legal activity.Novelty/originality/value: Article has a certain practical value.Keywords: legal, legal education, legal ethics.References (transliterated)1. Bagautdinov F.N. Darovityj student, stavshij izvestnym uchenym // Nauchnyj Tatarstan. 2011. № 4. S. 218.2. Bagautdinov F.N. Universitet. Jurfak. Bazhanov. Kazan’, 2007. S. 8.3. Vysockij V. Soch.: v 2 t. Ekaterinburg, 1994. T. 1. S. 34.4. Kuryshev G.A., Bargova T.S., Litjushkin V.I., Martyshkin V.N. Verhovnyj Sud Respubliki Mordovija. Saransk, 2008. S. 238.5. Malkov V.P. Izbrannye trudy. Soch.: v 3 t. Kazan’, 2011. T. 1. S. 8.6. Martyshkin V.N. A sud’i kto? Pojety // Sud’ja. 2009. № 3–4. S. 36.7. Martyshkin V.N. Iz dnevnika vospominanij. Saransk–Kazan’: uzy druzhby / pod red. T.S. Bargovoj. Saransk, 2005. S. 106–111.8. Martyshkin V.N. Patriotizm – dominirujushhij vektor nacional’noj pravovoj politiki sovremennoj Rossii // Juridicheskaja nauka. 2015. № 3. S. 20.9. Martyshkin V.N. Pered sudom vse ravny // Sud’ja. 2009. № 3–4. S. 16.10. Speranskij M.M. O korennyh zakonah gosudarstva. M., 2015. S. 21.
Martyniuk R.S.Special aspects of the functional nature of the bodies of the constitutional jurisdictionPurpose: Substantiating the idea of separation of the control branch of the state power, investigation of the distinctive features of the functional nature ofthe bodies of the constitutional jurisdiction, their difference from the courts of general jurisdiction; research fundamental differences of the interpretative acts of the bodies of the specialized constitutional control and precedential court decisions.Methodology: The comparative legal and formal-legal research methods are applied in this article.Results: Distinctive features of the functional nature of the bodies of the constitutional jurisdiction specifying fundamental differences between specialized constitutional regulatory control and justice have been investigated in this article.Novelty/originality/value: Research and practical value of the article is reflected in the analysis of the distinctive features of the functional nature of the bodies of the constitutional jurisdiction as well as in the analysis of the essential differences of the acts of the bodies of specialized constitutional control both from the precedential decisions of the supreme courts of the common-law countries and from the regulations.Keywords: supervising authority, specialized constitutional control, justice, functional nature of the bodies of the constitutional jurisdiction, acts, legal views of the bodies of specialized constitutional control.References (transliterated)1. Abdrasulov E. Pravoobrazovanie i pravopreobrazovanie v normativnyh postanovlenijah Konstitucionnogo soveta RK [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Avak’jan S. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: Uchebnyj kurs: v 2 t. M.: Jurist#, 2005. T. 2.3. Berzhel’ Zhan-Lui. Obshhaja teorija prava. M.: NOTA BENE, 2000.4. Bondar’ N. Akty konstitucionnogo pravosudija kak istochniki prava: ih normativno-doktrinal’naja priroda // Nacional’naja gosudarstvennost’ i evropejskie integracionnye processy: v 2 t. T. 1. Nacional’noe zakonodatel’stvo i ego garmonizacija s pravom Evropejskogo Sojuza: sb. nauch. tr. Minsk, 2008. S. 14–26.5. Bondar’ N. Konstitucionnye probely i konflikty kak otrazhenie social’nyh protivorechij: v kontekste praktiki Konstitucionnogo Suda RF // Jekonomicheskij vestnik Rostovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2010. T. 8. № 1. S. 70–79.6. Bondar’ N. Konstitucionnyj Sud Rossii: ne «kvazisud», a bol’she, chem sud // Zhurnal konstitucionnogo pravosudija. 2010. № 3. S. 28–34.7. Voevodina T. Konstitucionnyj Sud Rossijskoj Federacii kak garant realizacii principa «sistemy sderzhek i protivovesov» v sisteme razdelenija vlastej Rossijskoj Federacii // Vestnik Rossijskoj pravovoj akademii. 2009. № 3. S. 7–12.8. Denisov S. Formirovanie kontrol’noj vetvi vlasti i ogranichenie korrupcii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2002. № 3. S. 9–16.9. Kazhlaev S. Genezis pravovyh pozicij Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2007. № 3. S. 8–14.10. Kerimov A. Sovremennoe gosudarstvo: voprosy teorii. M.: Norma, 2008.11. Klishas A. Konstitucionnaja justicija v zarubezhnyh stranah. M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 2004.12. Liverovskij A., Petrov M. Organy konstitucionnogo normokontrolja kak «kvazisudy» // Zhurnal konstitucionnogo pravosudija. 2010. № 3. S. 23–28.13. Salikov M. Pravovye pozicii Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii: ponjatie i sistema // Pravovedenie. 2003. № 5. S. 49–59.14. Shapoval V. Princip razdelenija vlastej i jevoljucija konstitucionnyh statusov Prezidenta Ukrainy i kabineta ministrov Ukrainy // Konstitucionnye preobrazovanija v Ukraine: istorija, teorija i praktika: monografіja / pod red. M.F. Orziha. K.: Jurinkom Inter, 2013.15. Shapoval V. Suchasnij konstitucіonalіzm: Monogra-fіja. K.: Salkom, Jurіnkom Іnter, 2005.16. Shapoval V. Sushhnostnye harakteristiki konstitucionnogo kontrolja // Pravo Ukrainy. 2005. № 3. S. 23–27.17. Jesmen A. Obshhіja osnovanіja konstitucіonnago prava. SPb., 1898.18. Judin Ju. Modeli konstitucionnogo pravosudija // Sravnitel’noe konstitucionnoe pravo: monografija / pod red. A.I. Kovlera, V.E. Chirkina, Ju.A. Judina. M.: Manuskript, 1996.
Yamaletdinova N.V.Theoretical, methodological and organizational basis for social audit of law enforcement Purpose: Determine the basis of social audit of law enforcement.Methodology: Formal-legal, comparative legal, system analysis methods were used.Results: The article reveals the basis of social audit of law enforcement, determined value of the social auditing of law enforcement monitoring system.Novelty/originality/value: A brief analysis of the phenomenon of social audit of law enforcement, determined by its principles and functions and purpose.Keywords: audit, social audit, law enforcement, police, departmental control.References (transliterated)1. Bell D. Grjadushhee postindustrial’noe obshhestvo. M.: Akademija, 1999. S. 53.2. Igbaeva G.R., Sajfullin Je.V. Razvitie mehanizma uchastija grazhdan v ohrane obshhestvennogo porjadka kak jelement sovershenstvovanija sistemy gosudarstvennogo upravlenija // Aktual’nye problemy prava i gosudarstva v XXI v. 2015. № 7–5. S. 189–194.3. Igbaeva G.R., Shakirova Z.R. Probely gosudarstvennogo upravlenija jetnonacional’nymi processami v sovremennoj Rossii i puti ih reshenija // Evrazijskaja integracija – dialog issledovatelej i jekspertov: sbornik statej po materialam Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2016. S. 212–221.4. Koncepcija rossijskoj modeli social’nogo audita // Akademija truda i social’nyh otnoshenij [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: http // www/cheit/ru / 2010 / 8–10 / s-audit-810/html.5. Fefelov V.V., Jamaletdinova N.V. Vnutrennij social’-nyj audit pravoohranitel’noj dejatel’nosti: sushhnost’, celi, zadachi // Vestnik VJuI FSIN Rossii. 2012. № 3. S. 142.6. Jamaletdinova N.V. Vnutrennij social’nyj audit kak jelement vedomstvennogo kontrolja nad dejatel’nost’ju organov vnutrennih del // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2016. № 2 (21). S. 72. JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEOmarkadieva K.M-Kh.Supervisors of compliance with the Russian Federation on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of the law of criminal proceeds and financing of terrorism in the production and sale of jewelryPurpose: Review and study supervision of compliance with the Russian legislation on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism in the production and sale of jewelry.Methodology: We used a comparative legal and formal-legal research methods and methods of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction.Results: The Federal law from 07.08.2001 № 115-FZ «About counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes obtained in a criminal way and financing of terrorism» aimed at protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, society and the state. It creates a mechanism to detect and prevent money laundering in the jewelery sector, where control and monitoring functions over the implementation of this law are assigned to the State Inspectorate Assay Office and the prosecution authorities. This mechanism includes the organization of internal control, the development of internal control, obligatory control. In the field of jewelry legislator has established measures aimed at combating money laundering, which include: organization and implementation of internal controls, mandatory supervision, the ban on informing clients and other persons on the measures taken to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds.Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, because the problems of supervision over compliance with the Russian Federation on counteraction to legalization (laundering) incomes, obtained by criminal ways, and financing terrorism in the field of jewelry production and sales are not considered yet.Keywords: Prosecutor’s office, assay office, internal control, the rules of internal control, obligatory control, administrative responsibility.References (transliterated)1. Zhubrin R.V. Prokurorskij nadzor za ispolneniem zakonov o protivodejstvii legalizacii prestupnyh doho-dov // Zakonnost’. 2010. № 9. S. 22–25.2. Smyslov P.A. Finmonitoring i POD/FT: prosto o slozhnom – dlja juvelirov i ne tol’ko. Rostov n/D, 2016.3. Spektor A.A. Protivodejstvie legalizacii (otmyvaniju) dohodov, poluchennyh prestupnym putem // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2010. № 3. S. 104–114. JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACESafaryanov I.F.The penalty as a form of administrative punishmentPurpose: To determine the peculiarities of the administrative penalty as a form of administrative punishment.Methodology: Author used a special scientific cognition methods: formal legal, comparative legal, historical, system analysis and others.Results: In article was identified all distinctive features of the administrative penalty as a form of administrative punishment.Novelty/originality/value: The peculiarities of appointment and execution of administrative penalty for administrative offenses.Keywords: administrative fine, responsibility, punishment.References (transliterated)1. Ahmetshin R.A. K voprosu ob organizacii raboty special’nyh priemnikov dlja soderzhanija lic, podvergnutyh administrativnomu arestu // Aktual’nye problemy prava i gosudarstva v XXI veke. 2016. № 8–2. S. 213–218.2. Dugenec A.S. Administrativnaja otvetstvennost’ v rossijskom prave: avtoref. dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. M., 2005. S. 18–19.3. Ignat’eva S.V., Igbaeva G.R. Pravovaja priroda valjutnyh pravootnoshenij // Bankovskoe pravo. 2004. № 4. S. 59–63.4. Lysenko E.S. K voprosu ob organizacionno-pravovoj forme predprinimatel’skoj dejatel’nosti // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2016. № 3 (22). S. 118–120.5. Maksimov I.V. Administrativnye nakazanija [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Sorokin V.D. Pravovoe regulirovanie: predmet, metod, process (makrouroven’). SPb., 2003. S. 511–512. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF LAW SCIENCE AND PRACTICEMelnikov V.Y.The national idea in the form of a constitutional legal ideology?Purpose: Study on relevant and important issues arising from the necessity of formation state of legal ideology in the form of a constitutional legal ideology, standing on the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.Methodology: Historical-legal and formally-legal method was used.Results: The work substantiates the necessity of formation state of legal ideology in the form of a constitutional legal ideology, standing on the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. The main point of reference for the formation of the Russian constitutional legal ideology should become the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation, which directly follows from a systematic interpretation of articles 2 and 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation regulating the rights and freedoms of the individual a Supreme value and guaranteeing the ideological freedom and all. Clearly defined constitutional and legal ideology, with its focus on respecting and implementing the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of Russia, will promote stability in the state and the society, to be important tool of state-building, to safeguard the stability of the legal system, unified law enforcement practice.Novelty/originality/value: The article possesses high scientific value as is one of the first attempts to consider the necessity of formation state of legal ideology in the form of a constitutional legal ideology, standing on the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.Keywords: ideology, legal ideology, human rights and freedoms.References (transliterated)1. Konstitucii gosudarstv Azii: v 3 t. / pod red. T.Ja. Habrievoj. M.: Norma, 2010. T. 3. S. 59–60, 168.2. Konstitucii zarubezhnyh gosudarstv: Velikobritanija, Francija, Germanija, Italija, Soedinennye Shtaty Ameriki, Japonija, Brazilija: ucheb. posob. / sost., per., avt. vved. i vstup. st. V.V. Maklakov. 7-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Volters Kluver, 2010. S. 121.3. Konstitucionnye prava i svobody cheloveka i grazhdanina. M., 2005. S. 309–310.4. Lafitskij V.I. Sumerki prava: sem’ grehov pravotvorchestva // Advokat. 2006. № 2. S. 79–86.5. Korkunov N. M. Lekcii po obshhej teorii prava / sost., avtor vstup. st., komment. A.N. Medushevskij. M.: Rossijskaja politicheskaja jenciklopedija (ROSSPJeN), 2010. S. 387.6. Isaeva K.M. Ideologicheskoe mnogoobrazie kak osnova konstitucionnogo stroja RF: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Mahachkala, 2015. S. 3.7. Malein N.S. Pravonarushenie: ponjatie, prichiny, otvetstvennost’. M., 1985. S. 64.8. Matuzov N.I. Pravovaja sistema i lichnost’. Saratov, 1987. S. 85.9. Ovchinnikov A.I. Idealy i cennosti rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti v pravovoj politike sovremennoj Rossii // Jurist-Pravoved. 2012. № 1. S. 10–13.10. Ovchinnikov A.I. Ideologija rossijskoj gosudarstvennosti v kontekste modernizacii: bazovye cennosti i prioritety // Severokavkazskij juridicheskij vestnik. 2012. № 1. S. 20–25.11. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 19.03.2003 № 3-P «Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti polozhenij Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii, reglamentirujushhih pravovye posledstvija sudimosti lica, neodnokratnosti i recidiva prestuplenij, a takzhe punktov 1–8 postanovlenija Gosudarstvennoj Dumy ot 26.05.2000 «Ob ob#javlenii amnistii v svjazi s 55-letiem Pobedy v Velikoj Otechestvennoj vojne 1941–1945 godov» v svjazi s zaprosom Ostankinskogo mezhmunicipal’nogo (rajonnogo) suda goroda Moskvy i zhalobami rjada grazhdan» // SZ RF. 2003. № 14. St. 1302.12. Pojarkov S.Ju. 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Kanatov T.K.Actual problematic issues of further improvement of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of intellectual propertyPurpose: Of the Study the current problem issues of improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of intellectual property.Methodology: We used a system-structural, specific sociological, historical, and legal, socio-legal, and comparative legal, statistical methods.Results: The article describes in detail the problems of protection of intellectual property, management of intellectual property and their civil-law regulation.Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses high scientific value as is one of the first attempts to consider the topical problems of improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of intellectual property.Keywords: intellectual property, copyright, patent, security, protection, innovation, legislation.References (transliterated)1. Abisheva Z.S. Problemy kommercializacii nauchnyh razrabotok // Delovaja nedelja. 2013. № 36 (1061).2. Zhilankozova G. Intellektual’naja sobstvennost’: prava, zashhita, osushhestvlenie // Vneshnejekonomicheskaja dejatel’nost’ v Kazahstane. 2000. № 10.3. Kress V., Grachev V. Nauchno-obrazovatel’nyj potencial kak faktor jekonomicheskogo razvitija // Jekonomist. 2000. № 3.4. Kondrat’ev N.D. Izbrannye sochinenija. M.: Jekonomika, 1993.5. Ob odobrenii Koncepcii ohrany prav intellektual’noj sobstvennosti: Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva Respubliki Kazahstan ot 26.09.2001 № 1249 // SAPP Respubliki Kazahstan. 2001. № 21.6. Omurzakov T.K. Trojnaja spiral’: sblizhaja nauku, proizvodstvo i gosudarstvo: problemy i puti reshenija // Megapolis. 2013. S. 1.7. Poslanie Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan N. Nazarbaeva narodu Kazahstana ot 17 janvarja 2014 goda.8. Surin A.V., Molchanova O.P. Innovacionnyj menedzhment. M.: Infra-M, 2009.9. Ukolov V.F. Innovacionnyj menedzhment v gosudarstvennoj sfere i biznese. M.: Jekonomika, 2009.10. Farhutdinov R.A. Innovacionnyj menedzhment. P.: Piter, 2010.
Fomin E.M.Legal classification of leasehold relationships: the experience of comparative law research of the civil law of Russia and ItalyPurpose: Analysis of leasehold relationships in the civil law of Italy, successor of the Ancient Rome, and comparative legal research with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.Methodology: Historical and legal comparative method, Aristotelian method, comparative legal research.Results: The work confirms and proves that leasehold relationships are legally binding ones. A detailed analysis of the lessee’s possession pattern and possession protection means is made. The following conclusions are made: lessee is not an independent owner but is a holder of an item (mediated possession), despite of the lack of legislative framework of legal faculty of holding in the Russian law. The «resale right» must be stipulated by the parties in an agreement based on their will, as it is provided for in the Italian law. Possessory protection of the fact of possession is a necessary condition ensuring execution of the lessee’s rights.Novelty/originality/value: The article deals with doctrinal and statutory provisions pertaining to the nature of leasehold relationships under Italian and Russian law.Keywords: lease contract, civil code of Italy, posessor protection, possession (continence)References (transliterated)1. Objazatel’stvo po sovetskomu grazhdanskomu pravu // Agarkov M.M. Izbrannye trudy po grazhdanskomu pravu. T. 1. M., 2002. S. 211.2. Braginskij M.I. Dogovornoe pravo. Obshhie polozhenija. Kn. 1. M.: Statut, 2001. S. 160.3. Vavilin E.V. Soderzhanie dogovora arendy // Vestnik SGAP. 2011. № 3. S. 60–64.4. Vitrjanskij V.V. Dogovor arendy i ego vidy: prokat, frahtovanie na vremja, arenda zdanij, sooruzhenij i predprijatij. M.: Statut, 2000. S. 77.5. Guljaev A.M. Iski o vosstanovlenii narushennogo vladenija v praktike grazhdanskogo kassacionnogo departamenta pravitel’stvujushhego senata. SPb.: Jurid. kn. mag. I.I. Zubkova, 1911. S. 13.6. Guljaev A.M. Russkoe Grazhdanskoe pravo. Obzor Grazhdanskogo zakonodatel’stva i proekta grazhdanskogo ulozhenija. SPb.: Tip. M.M. Stasjulevicha, 1911. S. 333.7. Dozhdev D.V. Rimskoe chastnoe pravo: uchebnik dlja vuzov / pod. red. V.S. Nersesjanca. M.: Norma, 1996. S. 525.8. Zarudnyj S.I. Grazhdanskoe ulozhenie Ital’janskogo korolevstva i russkie grazhdanskie zakony: v 2 ch. Ch. 1. SPb., 1869. S. 403.9. Ioffe O.S. Sovetskoe grazhdanskoe pravo. L.: Izd-vo Leningr. un-ta, 1958. S. 75.10. Kavelin K. Prava i objazannosti po imushhestvam i objazatel’stvam. SPb.: Tipografija M.M. Stasjulevicha, 1879. S. 64.11. Kozhokar’ I.G. Institut fakticheskogo vladenija v grazhdanskom prave RF // Grazhdanskoe pravo. 2015. № 1. S. 39–42.12. Kokoeva L.T. Osnovnye problemy grazhdansko-pravovogo regulirovanija arendnyh otnoshenij: dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. Saratov, 2004. S. 95.13. Sinicyn A.S. Zashhita titul’nogo vladenija nesobstvennika: opyt rossijskogo i germanskogo prava. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».14. Suhanov E.A. Grazhdanskoe pravo Rossii – chastnoe pravo / otv. red. V.S. Em. M.: Statut, 2008. S. 290.15. Umov V.A. Dogovor najma imushhestv po Rimskomu pravu i novejshim inostrannym zakonodatel’stvam. Ch. I. M.: Univ. tip. (Katkov i K), 1872. S. 11.16. Shershenevich G.F. Uchebnik russkogo grazhdanskogo prava. Kazan’: Imp. un-t, 1894. S. 399.17. Thon Augusto. Norma giuridica e diritto soggettivo: indagini di teoria generale del diritto. Padova: Cedam, 1939. P. 291.18. Barassi L. La teoria generale delle obbligazioni. Milano: Giuffe, 1946. P. 87.19. Trimarchi M. La locazione. Trattato di diritto civile del consiglio nazionale del natariato. Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2013. P. 120.
Azizov R.F.Legal regulation of relations in the Internet in the Romano-Germanic legal family (the practice of Germany)Purpose: Consideration of the main legal acts and law-enforcement practice of Germany in the field of regulation of the relations on the Internet.Methodology: Formal legal and comparative and legal methods were used.Results: It is shown that the German legislator pays much attention to a regulation of such questions as features of Internet architecture, responsibility of information intermediaries, a problem of identification of users, speed and simplicity of operations with information in the conditions of global information and telecommunication network. In peculiar the direction of legal regulation of the relations on the Internet, Germany the infrastructure model of legal regulation is more close to the romano-German legal systems. Separate infrastructure elements in their statics and dynamics receive direct fixing in the legislation and development at the level of practice.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific and practical value as is modern attempt of consideration of an urgent legal problem.Keywords: jurisdiction, information technologies, Internet, domain zone, electronic right, electronic trading, information security, cybercrime, spam, social networks, information intermediary.References (transliterated)1. BGH, NJW 2011, 2059.2. German CompuServe Case // QuickLinks [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Jaeger-Fine D., Internet Jurisdiction: A Survey of German Scholarship and Cases // Social Science Research Network [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Sieber U. Commentary on the Conclusion of Proceedings in the «CompuServe Case» // TKRnewsletter [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Azizov R.F. Pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij v seti «Internet» (na primere SShA) // Uchenye trudy akademii advokatury i notariata. 2014. № 3. S. 128–135.6. Reshenie Federal’nogo Suda Germanii ot 15.11.2012 I ZR 74/12 – Morpheus // Der Bundesgreightshof [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Reshenie Federal’nogo Verhovnogo Suda Germanii ot 10.02.2011 I ZR 164/09 // Telemedicus. Recht der Informationsgesellschaft, [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
Sanitsky D.I.Formation and prospects of development of publicprivate partnership in the Russian FederationPurpose: Research of formation and prospects of development of public-private partnership in the Russian Federation.Methodology: The author used a formal- method, a method of the retrospective analysis.Results: In article consideration of a number of questions about financial and legal institute of public-private partnership, its emergence, development in the territory of Russia, features of adaptation under modern realities is carried out.Novelty/originality/value: Article has a certain scientific and practical value as contains valid and actual conclusions and offers.Keywords: public-private partnership, right, legal guarantees, economic formations, partnership forms.References (transliterated)1. Varnavskij V.G. Konceptual’nye jekonomicheskie i pravovye osnovy koncessionnoj dejatel’nosti [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Vorotnikov A.M., Korolev V.A. O razvitii gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva v rossijskih regionah // Nedvizhimost’ i investicii. Pravovoe regulirovanie. 2010. № 2 (43) (ijul’).3. Gagarin P.A. Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo: problemy i perspektivy razvitija // Finansovaja gazeta. 2013. № 14 (11 aprelja).4. Gosudarstvo v menjajushhemsja mire. Otchet VB o mirovom razvitii v 1997 g. M., 1997.5. Gosudarstvo i biznes: institucional’nye aspekty. M.: IMJeMO RAN, 2009.6. Derjabina M. Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo: teorija i praktika [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Jeskomb Je.R. Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo: Osnovnye principy finansirovanija. M., 2015.
POLICY AND ECONOMY OF EURASIAMorin A.V.Migration policy of the European Union: some aspects Purpose: To define some features of migration policy of the European Union.Methodology: Private and scientific methods of knowledge were used: legallistic, comparative and legal, historical, system analysis and others.Results: The distinctive features of migration policy of the European Union, the main directions of interaction of the State Parties directed to reduction of streams of migration are defined. The author pays attention to insolvency, the multiculturalism policy pursued in Europe, brings statistical data on immigration scales into Europe in 2016, points to the main directions of interaction of the states in realization of migration policy.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the scientific and practical value as actual data on a row modern aspects of activity of the European Union in the field of migration policy are provided in it.Keywords: population shift, migrants, immigration, European Union.References (transliterated)1. Zakonodatel’stvo i politika v oblasti integracii immigrantov: Sbornik zakonodatel’stva, politiki i praktiki 19 gosudarstv v oblasti integracii immigrantov. Mezhdunarodnaja organizacija po migracii: Perev. s angl. M., 2011.2. Igbaeva G.R., Shakirova Z.R. Probely gosudarstvennogo upravlenija jetnonacional’nymi processami v sovremennoj Rossii i puti ih reshenija // Evrazijskaja integracija – dialog issledovatelej i jekspertov: sbornik statej po materialam Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2016. S. 212–221.3. Ioncev V.A. Migracionnaja politika burzhuaznyh gosudarstv. M., 1980.4. Ljalina A.V. Opyt nadnacional’noj politiki integracii migrantov ES // Baltijskij region. 2014. № 2 (20).5. Morin A.V. Immigracionnaja politika Velikobritanii // Aktual’nye problemy prava i gosudarstva v XXI veke: materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Ufa, 2015.6. Carjova E.Ju. Osobennosti migracionnoj politiki Italii na sovremennom jetape: avtoreferat dis. ... kand. polit. nauk. M., 2015.
EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCERubanov S.A., Zinkovsky M.A.Contract of delivery with the variable specificationPurpose: Research of the entrepreneurial delivery agreement with the variable specification.Methodology: Formally legal methods of scientific research were used.Results: In article the delivery agreement design with use of the variable specification is analysed. It is noted that the called agreement has both positive, and negative sides. Advantage of the specification is efficiency, simplicity, the maximum disaggregation of a subject of the transaction on the principle here and now. A lack of the variable specification is the fixed confusion and a contradiction with adjacent applications – an invoice, the consignment note, the invoice, a technical task, the acceptance report – transfers of goods.Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses practical vame as the delivery agreement of goods with the variable specification is researched.Keywords: the delivery agreement, the specification on goods, the variable specification, the consignment note, an invoice, the Incoterms, commercial transactions.References (transliterated)1. Goc E.V. Razmeshhenie zakazov na postavki tovarov, vypolnenie rabot, okazanie uslug dlja gosudarstvennyh i municipal’nyh nuzhd v Rossijskoj Federacii // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2014. № 11–12 (63–64). S. 152–166.2. Kudzhaev V.N. Organy gosudarstvennogo kontrolja za obrashheniem medicinskih izde-lij: osobennosti realizacii administrativno-pravovyh funkcij // Pravovaja inicia-tiva. 2015. № 3. S. 14.3. Loginova E.V. Osobennosti soderzhanija dogovora (kontrakta) na postavku tovarov, ra-bot i uslug dlja gosudarstvennyh i municipal’nyh nuzhd // Pravozashhitnik. 2015. № 4. S. 13.
Purpose: To trace the changing nature of Church-state relations during the formation of the centralized Russian state and the strengthening of the autocracy.Methodology: The methodological basis of research is the complex of General scientific methods like analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction; and special methods – historical, systematic-structural, comparative legal.Results: Established features of transformation of the model of Church-state relations in the period of XV–XVI centuries in the context of the gradual elimination of the independent role of the Church and immediate subjection of spiritual authority to the state.Novelty/originality/value: The article presents the contradictory nature of changes in the position of the Russian Orthodox Church in the state in the period of gaining Autocephalous status of the relationship through the prism «of the Constantinople Patriarchate – the Russian Orthodox Church – Russian state».Keywords: Russian Orthodox Church, the Patriarchate, Church-state relations, autocracy.References (transliterated)1. Bogdanov A.P. Russkie patriarhi (1589–1700): v 2 t. T. 1. M., 1999.2. Vladimirskij-Budanov M.F. Obzor istorii russkogo prava. Rostov n/D: Feniks, 1995.3. Rossijskoe zakonodatel’stvo X–XX vekov. T. 2. Za-konodatel’stvo perioda obrazovanija i ukreplenija Russkogo centralizovannogo gosudarstva. M., 1985.4. Russkoe pravoslavie: vehi istorii / nauch. red. A.I. Klibanov. M., 1989.5. Suvorov N.S. Uchebnik cerkovnogo prava. Jaroslavl’, 1898.6. Cypin V.A. Cerkovnoe pravo. M., 1996.
Historical experience
Makarov S.Yu.General characteristic of system of legislative regulation of advocate activity and organization of legal profession for Justinian’s CodePurpose: To carry out research of legislative regulation of legal profession of the late Roman Empire according to standards of the Code of Justinian.Methodology: The historical-legal and formal-legal method were used.Results: Systematization of standards of this act in which the standard rules relating and to lawyer activity are connected together (including positive conditions for obtaining the status of the lawyer and the privilege of lawyers), and to the organization of legal profession is presented in article (for example – assigned amount of lawyers in each part of the Roman Empire, and also regulation of the status and activity of special category of lawyers of Ancient Rome – lawyers of a fisk). Thanks to comprehensive character of the act - Justinian’s Code – the offered review of norms gives an idea of all range of legislative regulation of various aspects of legal profession of the Late Roman Empire.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific and practical value as is modern attempt of consideration of an actual problem.Keywords: advocate, Ancient Rome, Justinian’s Code, Corpus juris civilis, lawyer fisk, Bar, privilege of lawyers, status of the lawyer, remuneration of the lawyer.References (transliterated)1. Vas’kovskij E.V. Organizacija advokatury. Ch. 1. Ocherk vseobshhej istorii advokatury. SPb.: Tipografija P.P. Sojkina, 1893. S. 63.2. Dil’ Sh. Imperator Justinian i vizantijskaja civilizacija v VI veke. Minsk: MFCP, 2010. S. 269–270.3. Stojanov A. Istorija advokatury. Vyp. 1. Drevnij mir: Egipet, Indija, Evrei, Greki, Rimljane. Har’kov, 1869. S. 117.4. Uspenskij F.I. Istorija Vizantijskoj imperii. Stanovlenie. Smuta. Makedonskaja dinastija. M.: AST: Astrel’, 2011. S. 355. PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND Advocacy PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGBakayanova N.M.Legal profession between tradition and ideology of the marketPurpose: Analysis of tendencies of development of the legal profession, the relevance of the principles of organization and activity of advocacy, the ratio of the traditions of the legal profession with the requirements of the legal services market.Methodology: The author applied formal logical, historical legal, comparative legal and sociological methods.Results: The transformation of the legal profession and it’s values in modern conditions, the impact of the legal services market on the development of the legal profession are considered. The author insists that the fundamental basis of the legal profession are evidence of its non-commercial character. Special requirements to the practice of law provide the best option for legal assistance. Market demands set the standards for the quality of legal assistance, but not the principles of advocacy.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value and the practical importance for development of the legal profession and preservation of traditions of the BarKeywords: Bar, lawyer activity, legal assistance, traditions, reform of the market of legal services.References (transliterated)1. Fitzsimmons Michael. The Parisian Order of Barristers and the French Revolution. Cambridge (Mas.) and London: Harvard University Press, 1987.2. Frank H. Stephen. Lawyers, Markets and Regulation. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013. R. 1.3. Galbenski D. Unbound: How Entrepreneurship is Dramatically Transforming Legal Services Today. Royal Oak: Lumen Legal, 2009.4. Henri-François d’Aguesseau. L’indépendance de l’avocat // Œuvres complètes du chancelier d’Aguesseau. Nouvelle édition par M. Pardessus. Paris, 1819. R. 9.5. Hervé Leuwers. L’invention du barreau français, 1660–1830. La construction nationale d’un groupe professionnel. Paris: Ed. EHESS, 2006.6. Howard PK. Life Without Lawyers. New York, 2009.7. Karpik Lucien. Les avocats. Entre l’État, le public et le marché XIII–XX siècle. Paris: Gallimard, Bibliothèque des sciences humaines, 1995. R. 206–215.8. L’indépendance des avocats: Le long chemin d’une liberté / Sous L. Assier-Andrieu. Editions Dalloz, 2015. R. 113.9. Macfarlane J. The New Lawyer. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008.10. Regan Jr.M.C., Palmer T.H. Supply Chains and Porous Boundaries: The Disaggregation of Legal Services. Vol. 78. Fordham L. Rev., 2137–2191. 2010.11. Sako M. Make-or-Buy Decisions in Legal Services: A Strategic Perspective // Law Firm Evolution: Brave New World or Business as Usual? 2010. 21–23 March. Georgetown Center for the Study of the Legal Profession, Georgetown Law School, 2010.12. Susskind Richard. The End of Lawyers? Rethinking the Nature of Legal Services. 2 éd. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.13. Wickers Th. 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URL: Proekt Zakonu Ukraїni «Pro vnesennja zmіn do Zakonu Ukraїni «Pro advokaturu ta advokats’ku dіjal’nіst’» vіd 27.04.2016 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Rekomendacija № R (2000) 21 Komiteta ministrov Coveta Evropy gosudarstvam-chlenam «O svobode osushhestvlenija professii advokata» ot 25 oktjabrja 2000 g. // Sobranie mezhdunarodnyh dokumentov «Prava cheloveka i sudoproizvodstvo». M., 2002.24. Haski Ju. Rossijskie advokaty i Sovetskoe gosudarstvo: Proishozhdenie i razvitie sovetskoj advokatury 1917–1939 / per. s angl. T. Morshhakova. M.: RAN: Un-t gos-va i prava, 1993.25. Shajhullin M.S. Sohranenie i razvitie tradicij advokatury // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2013. № 2 (3). S. 49–55.
Kiselyov P.P.Basic provisions of the concept of advocate’s investigation Purpose: Formulation of basic provisions of the concept of lawyer investigation.Methodology: Historical and legal, comparative and legal and formally legal methods were used.Results: Article represents generalization of the main conclusions and provisions of dissertation research of the author based on the original concept of lawyer investigation as a universal remedy of legal protection and the main mechanism of realization of a constitutional right on receiving the qualified legal aid which is carried out by independent and independent collecting by the lawyer of the proofs allowed for justification of a position of the principal by consideration of any legal dispute by judicial, administrative and other representatives to bodies and persons.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value as is one of the first attempts to consider history of development of domestic legal profession through a prism of evolution of institute of the professional rights of the lawyer defender.Keywords: lawyer, lawyer investigation, legal protection, proofs, legal dispute.References (transliterated)1. Avtonomov A.S. Konstitucionnoe (gosudarstvennoe) pravo zarubezhnyh stran: ucheb. M.: TK Velbi: Prospekt, 2006.2. Ben’jaminova Z.Ja. Konstitucionno-pravovoe obespechenie instituta advokatury v sfere zashhity prav cheloveka: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2008.3. Metodicheskie rekomendacii po soversheniju otdel’nyh vidov notarial’nyh dejstvij notariusami RF, utv. Prikazom Minjusta RF ot 15.03.2000 № 91 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Do-stup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».4. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 8 nojabrja 2005 goda № 439-O [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».5. Obobshhenie sudebnoj praktiki Arbitrazhnogo suda Respubliki Saha (Jakutija) po sporam, svjazannym s primeneniem Federal’nogo zakona «Ob ispolnitel’nom proizvodstve».6. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 4 nojabrja 2004 goda № 430-O [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».7. Opredelenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 6 ijulja 2000 goda № 128-O [Jelektronnyj re-surs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».8. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 25 oktjabrja 2001 goda № 14-P [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».9. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 19 ijulja 2011 goda № 17-P [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».10. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 8 dekabrja 2003 goda № 18-P [Jelektron-nyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».11. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 27 marta 1996 goda № 8-P [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».12. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 19 maja 1998 goda № 15-P [Jelektronnyj re-surs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».13. Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 28 janvarja 1997 goda № 2-P [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».14. Prilozhenie № 3 k gosudarstvennoj programme RF «Justicija», utv. Postanovleniem Pravitel’stva RF ot 15 aprelja 2014 goda № 312 [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».15. Ragulin A.V. Professional’nye prava advokata-zashhitnika, obuslovlennye garantijami nezavisimosti advokata: problemy zakonodatel’noj reglamentacii i prakticheskoj reali-zacii: monografija. M.: Evrazijskij NII problem prava, 2011. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEArutyunyan M.S.The term of limitation of actions in the system of civil legal termsPurpose: Сomplex study of positions of civil legislation, scientific theories for the exposure of essence and value, places of term of limitation of actions in the system of civil legal terms, formulation of generalizations, conclusions and suggestions, assisting perfection of institute of limitation of actions.Methodology: Historical-legal methods, comparatively-legal, formally legal methods were used.Results: The right and judicial value of term of limitation of actions is analysed in the presented research, the specific of this institute is determined as compared to another terms having civil legal nature.Novelty/originality/value: Research positions are able to serve founding for the further study of term of limitation of actions from position of legal terms, and in opinion of author bring in a certain contribution to positions of civil legal science.Keywords: term, classification of terms, limitation of actions, legal fact.References (transliterated)1. Gribanov V.P. Sovetskoe grazhdanskoe pravo. M.: Jurlit, 1979.2. Krasavchikov O.A. Juridicheskie fakty v sovetskom grazhdanskom prave. M.: Jurid. lit., 1958.3. Sergeev A.P. Sroki osushhestvlenija i zashhity grazhdanskih prav. SPb.: NEVA, 1996.
Igbaeva G.R., Shakirova Z.R.Signs of suspension of the employment contract as his stage
Purpose: To identify the signs of a stage of suspension of the employment contract.Methodology: Authors used a special scientific cognition methods: formal legal, system analysis and others.Results: Despite of the fact that the legislator does not speak directly about the stage of suspension of the employment contract, the analysis of the Labour code allows to identify its characteristics, which are connected with the temporary nature, the ongoing action of the employment contract, continued employment for an employee, the suspension of performance of labour duties in this period.Novelty/originality/value: In article defined and explained the signs, characteristics of stage of suspension of the employment contract .Keywords: employment contract, suspension of employment contract, rights and duties, employee, employer, employment relationship, termination of labor relations, employment law.References (transliterated)1. Bugrov L.Ju. Priostanovlenie trudovogo dogovora // Rossijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2009. № 1. S. 112.2. Drachuk M.A. Priostanovlenie dejstvija trudovogo dogovora (v sootnoshenii s pravilami o vremeni otdyha i discipline truda) // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. 2010. Vyp. 1 (7). S. 69.3. Igbaeva G.R. Trudovoe pravo: ucheb.-metod. posob. Ufa: UJuI MVD Rossii, 2014.4. Izbienova T.A., Celishhev A.A. Priostanovlenie trudovogo dogovora kak mehanizm obespechenija stabil’nosti trudovyh otnoshenij // Trudovoe pravo. 2009. № 8. S. 86.5. Trudovye prava v sisteme prav cheloveka. Indivi-dual’noe trudovoe pravo. M.: Velbi: Prospekt, 2004. S. 169.
Purge A.R.Application of procedure of mediation for settlement of the disagreements arising from family legal relationship: experience and ways of development
Purpose: Research of formation and development of institute of mediation in different regions of the Russian Federation as method of providing a guarantee of the rights of the citizens to judicial protection in reasonable time for the purpose of identification of a tendency of application in the Russian Federation of alternative procedure of dispute settlement arising from family legal relationship with participation as the intermediary of the impartial person (mediator).Methodology: Formally-legal method was used.Results: In article the characteristic of mediation by the purpose of which is given creation of legal conditions for application in the Russian Federation of alternative procedure of settlement of disputes with participation as the intermediary of the independent person (mediator), and also assistance to development of partner business relations and to formation of ethics of a business conduct, harmonization of the social relations is. The author has submitted the analysis of formation of mediation in different regions of the Russian Federation. The conclusion is drawn that family mediation as peaceful procedure of settlement of the conflict plays an important role in protection of the rights of the child. Family legal relationship in which mediation procedure application is impossible are considered. Materials of legal practice on the studied subject are analysed. The author has revealed and presented problem aspects of application of procedure of mediation, and also the offer on development of application of institute of mediation in family legal relationship in the Russian Federation.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value as is one of the few attempts to consider application of procedure of mediation for dispute settlement, arising from family legal relationship in the Russian Federation in general and in territorial subjects of the Russian Federation in particular.Keywords: family legal relationship, alternative justice, mediation procedure, intermediary (mediator).References (transliterated)1. Apelljacionnoe opredelenie ot 3 ijulja 2014 g. po delu № 33-8912/2014. Verhov-nyj Sud Respubliki Tatarstan (Respublika Tatarstan) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Borisova E.A. Rossijskaja procedura mediacii: koncepcija razvitija // Vestnik MGU. Pravo. 2011. № 5. S. 18-30.3. Venjaljajnen M. Mediacija i juridicheskaja pomoshh’ v transgranichnyh semejnyh sporah // Semejnoe i zhilishhnoe pravo. 2014. № 1. S. 33–38.4. Eliseeva A.A. Institut mediacii v uslovijah innovacionnogo razvitija rossij-skogo obshhestva // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2011. № 9 (177). S. 34–39.5. Kostina O.V., Ovsjanikova E.A., Dolzhenko N.I., Savel’eva I.V. Semejnaja me-diacija kak odno iz vedushhih napravlenij gosudarstvennoj semejnoj politiki // Nauka i obrazovanie: hozjajstvo i jekonomika; predprinimatel’stvo; pravo i upravle-nie. 2014. № 10 (53).6. Ksenofontova D.S. Notarial’noe udostoverenie soglashenija ob uplate alimen-tov kak pravovaja garantija osushhestvlenija i zashhity prav i interesov sub#ektov ali-mentnogo pravootnoshenija // Notarius. 2014. № 4. S. 19–22.7. Kuropackaja E.G. Mediacija kak sposob zashhity prav rebenka v Rossijskoj Fede-racii // Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika. 2015. № 8. S. 70–74.8. Minkina N.I. Mediacija v Rossii: pravovye osnovy stanovlenija i razvitija // Vestnik Altajskoj akademii jekonomiki i prava. 2013. № 32. S. 62–64.9. O sostojanii sudebnoj sistemy Rossijskoj Federacii i osnovnyh napravleni-jah ee razvitija: postanovlenie Soveta sudej RF ot 19.12.2012 // Vestnik Vysshej kva-lifikacionnoj kollegii sudej RF. 2013. № 1 (35).10. Obzor sudebnoj praktiki Primorskogo kraevogo suda po rassmotreniju grazh-danskih del v kassacionnom i nadzornom porjadke vo 2 polugodii 2010 goda [Jelek-tronnyj resurs]. URL: Opredelenie ot 29 fevralja 2016 g. po delu № 2-809/2016. Leninskij rajon-nyj sud g. Astrahani (Astrahanskaja oblast’) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Opredelenie № 2-643/2014 2-643/2014~M-712/2014 M-712/2014 ot 31 oktjabrja 2014 g. po delu № 2-643/2014. Starooskol’skij rajonnyj sud (Belgorodskaja oblast’) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Opredelenie № 2-1211/2014 2-1211/2014~M-740/2014 M-740/2014 ot 19 marta 2014 g. po delu № 2-1211/2014. Oktjabr’skij rajonnyj sud g. Belgoroda (Belgorodskaja oblast’) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Oficial’nyj sajt Arbitrazhnogo suda Primorskogo kraja [Jelektronnyj re-surs]. URL: Purge A.R. Pravovoe regulirovanie surrogatnogo materinstva kak metoda vspo-mogatel’nyh reproduktiv-nyh tehnologij: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Dushanbe, 2015.16. Reshenie ot 20 avgusta 2013 g. Delo № 2-680 (2013). Krasnoarmejskij gorodskoj sud (Saratovskaja oblast’) [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Romanovskaja O.V. Rossijskij notariat i sovremennye problemy semejnogo prava // Notarius. 2015. № 4. S. 23–27.18. Svireneva N.A. Mediacija v semejnyh pravootnoshenijah // Oficial’nyj sajt Privokzal’nogo rajonnogo suda g. Tuly [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: dep&op =3&did=281.19. Solov’ev A.A. Procedury sudebnogo primirenija v Grazhdanskom processual’-nom kodekse Francuzskoj Respubliki // Zakon. 2015. № 3. S. 150–155.20. Spravka o praktike primenenija sudami Federal’nogo zakona ot 27 ijulja 2010 g. № 193-FZ «Ob al’ternativnoj procedure uregulirovanija sporov s uchastiem posred-nika (procedure mediacii)» za period s 2013 po 2014 god» (utv. Prezidiumom Verhov-nogo Suda RF 01.04.2015) // Bjulleten’ Verhovnogo Suda RF. 2015. № 6.21. Spravka po rezul’tatam obobshhenija sudebnoj praktiki po delam o razdele imushhestva suprugov (byvshih suprugov), rassmotrennym Amurskim oblastnym sudom v porjadke kassacionnogo i nadzornogo sudoproizvodstva v 2009 godu [Jelektronnyj re-surs]. URL: Jentringer F. Razvitie so strahovkoj // Mediacija i pravo. 2010. № 1. S. 33–34.
Rogov N.S.Participation of legal entities in criminal procedure as the victimPurpose: Research and analysis of the participation of the legal entity as a victim in the criminal procedure. Identification of characteristics and patterns of participation of the legal entities. Detection of the existing problems and offer possible solutions.Methodology: Scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, and also comparative legal and formally legal methods were used.Results: Institute of the participation of legal entities in criminal proceedure, including as a victim, has a number of theoretical and practical issues. The author of this article, after analyzing the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the criminal procedure code of the Russian Federation and the civil code of the Russian Federation, containing a number of provisions regarding legal persons, as well as practice materials, identified a number of key issues arising from the participation of legal entities in criminal proceedings as a victim.Novelty/originality/value: The author of this article is one of the first to comprehensively consider the problems of participation of legal entities as victims in the criminal process, as in most scientific works and articles on this issue of participation of legal persons either not considered, or considered identical with individuals.Keywords: the victim, a legal entity (person), criminal procedure, procedural succession, reorganization, liquidation, legal status.References (transliterated)1. Abdrahmanov M.H. Procedura priznanija juridicheskih lic poterpevshimi i grazhdanskimi istcami v ugolovnom processe // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2008. № 310. S. 105–109.2. Zakon. Forum prokurorov i sledovatelej [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Mel’nikov S.A. Predstavitel’stvo v sovremennom rossijskom ugolovnom processe: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Izhevsk, 2002.4. Sinenko S.A. Ljubaja li organizacija mozhet byt’ priznana poterpevshej ot prestuplenija? // VJePS. 2012. № 1 S. 238–241.5. Statistika juridicheskih lic [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE EURASIAN SPACESernovets M.N.Secrets of sentry control (part one)Purpose: Research of legal problems of a phenomenon of sentry control in Russia.Methodology: The author used a formal-legal method, method of the included supervision, a method of studying of documents.Results: In article the essence of sentry control in Russia is opened, problematic issues of a procedural and legal regulation of this phenomenon and implementation of judicial and public prosecutor’s supervision behind operational search activity are revealed, jurisprudence on the considered problem is subjected to the analysis, policy strokes which has the right to apply the lawyer defender are offered.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific and practical value as contains valid and actual conclusions and offers.Keywords: sentry control, operational search activity, search, public prosecutor’s supervision, judicial control, lawyer defender, illegal imprisonment, human rights.References (transliterated)1. Postanovlenie Evropejskogo suda po pravam cheloveka, delo «Shimovolos (Shimovolos) protiv Rossijskoj Federacii». Strasburg, 21 ijunja 2011 goda (zhaloba № 30194/09).3. Predstaviteli malyh narodov RF ne mogut vyehat’ na konferenciju OON v SShA: im portjat pasporta i rezhut shiny [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Sajt Moskovskoj Hel’sinskoj gruppy [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Sernovec M. «Storozhevoj kontrol’» i ego zhertvy [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Torocheshnikova M. Novye vragi naroda [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
Avdeev M.Yu.Contents and essence of the right for inviolability private life in the Russian FederationPurpose: Research of contents and essence of the right for inviolability private life in the Russian Federation.Methodology: Historical and legal and formally legal methods were used.Results: Development of the Constitution in Russia regarding regulation of the right for personal privacy was contradictory: from a complete negation before fixing of the right for secret of correspondence and eventually before recognition of the right for protection of private life. But in the absence of direct action of standards of the Basic Law it was emasculated at realization in the industry legislation. It should be noted that in the history of the Russian law the right for protection of private life much was recognized earlier as science, than found the standard fixing.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value as is one of the first attempts to consider contents and essence of the right for personal privacy in the Russian Federation.Keywords: private life, constitutional right, inviolability, human rights, right for personal and family secret, privacy, freedom, state, law.References (transliterated)1. David R. Osnovnye pravovye sistemy sovremennosti (sravnitel’noe pravo). M., 1967. S. 33.2. Dunaeva M.S. Osnovanija i predely ugolovno-processual’nogo vmeshatel’stva v chastnuju zhizn’ grazhdan: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Irkutsk, 2002.3. Zaharcev S.I. Proslushivanie telefonnyh peregovorov v operativno-rozysknoj dejatel’nosti i ugolovnom processe: avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. SPb., 2002.4. Ivanskij V.P. Problemy garmonizacii nacional’nyh zakonov v sfere zashhity transgranichnyh personal’nyh dannyh // Vestnik RUDN. 1998. Vyp. 1.5. Izvestija CK KPSS. 1991. № 2. S. 204.6. Ishakov Je.S. Lichnaja zhizn’ (filosofsko-jeticheskij analiz): avtoref. dis. … kand. jurid. nauk. Saratov, 1981.7. Koroljov G.A. Vidy jurisdikcii gosudarstv, primenjaemye dlja privlechenija k ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti dolzhnostnyh lic za sovershennye mezhdunarodnye prestuplenija // Predstavitel’naja vlast’ – HHI vek. 2015. № 3.8. Lenin V.I. Poln. sobr. soch. T. 36. S. 272.9. Markomenko V. Informacionnoe obshhestvo i problemy ego bezopasnosti // Federalizm. 1997. № 4.10. Matuzov N.I. Lichnost’. Pravo. Demokratija. Teoreticheskie problemy sub#ektivnogo prava. Saratov: SJuI, 1972.11. Matuzov N.I. Sub#ektivnye prava grazhdan SSSR. Saratov, 1966.12. Novoselov V.I. Pravovoe polozhenie grazhdan v sovetskom gosudarstvennom upravlenii. Saratov, 1976. S. 206.13. Obolonskij A.V. Drama rossijskoj politicheskoj istorii: sistema protiv lichnosti. M., 1994.14. Orlova O.V. Grazhdanskoe obshhestvo i lichnost’: politiko-pravovye aspekty. M.: Akademicheskij pravovoj universitet, 2005.15. Petrov S.M., Grudcyna L.Ju. Vlast’ i grazhdanskoe obshhestvo v Rossii: vzaimodejstvie i protivostojanie // Administrativnoe i municipal’noe pravo. 2012. № 1. S. 25.16. Pushkin A.S. Poln. sobr. soch.: v 10 t. T. 10. M., 1966. S. 485.17. Stecovskij Ju.I. Pravo na svobodu i lichnuju neprikosnovennost’. Normy i dejstvitel’nost’. M.: Delo, 2000. S. 389.18. Hrushhev N.S. Vospominanija. M., 1993. S. 241.19. Juridicheskij slovar’. M., 1953. S. 420.
Pyankova A.F.The principle of the balance of interests in the European Court of human rights’ opinionsPurpose: Analysis of European Court of Human Rights’ practice of using the principle of balance of interests.Methods: A methodological basis of this study is the dialectical method and a set of universal methods of scientific knowledge (system research methods, structural-functional analysis, methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, abstraction) and private-scientific methods of legal research: formal legal.Results: The author concludes that the balance of interests is such a state of a legal relation, in which rights and duties of its parties are proportional and they have equal capacities for realizing their legal interests.Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the high scientific value as is one of the first attempts to analyze the European Court of Human Rights’ practice of using the principle of balance of interests.Keywords: the balance of interests, European Court of Human Rights, human rights’ protection.References (transliterated)1. Bogatina Ju.G. Ogovorka o publichnom porjadke v mezhdunarodnom chastnom prave: teoreticheskie problemy i sovremennaja praktika. M.: Statut, 2010.2. Zinkovskij M.A. Dogovor postavki tovara ot proizvoditelja v torgovye seti: balans interesov storon // Nalogi (gazeta). 2009. № 9 (611). S. 20–23.3. Kamyshanskij V.P. Pravo sobstvennosti: predely i ogranichenija. M.: JuNITI-DANA: Zakon i pravo, 2000.4. Kuznecova O.A. Normy-principy rossijskogo grazhdanskogo prava. M.: Statut, 2006.5. Kurdinovskij V.I. K ucheniju o legal’nyh ogranichenijah prava sobstvennosti na nedvizhimost’ v Rossii. Odessa: Jekonomicheskaja tipografija, 1899.6. Mikrjukov V.A. Ogranichenija i obremenenija grazhdanskih prav. M.: Statut, 2007.7. P’jankova A.F. Koncepcija balansa interesov i ee mesto v grazhdanskom prave Rossii // Vestnik PGU. Juridicheskie nauki. 2014. № 2. S. 117–130.8. Shichanin A.V., Grivkov O.D. Zalog kak sposob obespechenija objazatel’stv i balans interesov uchastnikov grazhdanskih pravootnoshenij // Advokat. 2004. № 9. S. 37–38.
JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEAlpatov Yu.M.Foreign experience of creation of judicial system and legal proceedings on arbitration and civil casesPurpose: Research of foreign experience of creation of judicial system and legal proceedings on arbitration and civil cases.Methodology: Historical and legal and formally legal methods were used.Results: The important principle of activity of judicial bodies recorded in rules of international law is the maximum availability of courts to citizens, that is elimination whenever possible of any obstacles for the appeal to courts of simple people. The principle of availability of civil and arbitration courts to citizens can be found in the Constitution of the Russian Federation at best only in an implicit, implied look though it is vital in order that citizens began to treat with respect courts and judges.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value as contains scientifically based conclusions, significant for development of domestic system of implementation of justice.Keywords: availability of justice, civil legal proceedings, arbitration process, judge, human rights, international law, law.References (transliterated)1. Dran M. Le contrôle juridictionnel et la garantie des libertés publiques. P., 1968. P. 60–94.2. Estoup P. La Justice Française. Acteurs, fonctionnement et medias. P., 1989.3. Rassat M.-L. La Justice en France. P., 1985.4. Abrosimova E.B. Sudebnaja vlast’ v Rossijskoj Federacii: sistema i principy. M.: Institut prava i publichnoj politiki, 2002.5. Avtonomov A.S. Pravovaja antologija politiki. K postroeniju sistemy kategorij. M., 1999.6. Alpatov Ju.M. Reformirovanie gorodskogo samoupravlenija v Rossii konca XX veka // Zakonodatel’stvo i jekonomika. 2007. № 7. S. 102.7. Alpatov Ju.M. Uchastie naselenija v osushhestvlenii mestnogo samoupravlenija v Moskve i Sankt-Peterburge // Advokat. 2007. № 12. S. 8.8. Bobotov S.V. Pravosudie vo Francii. M., 1994.9. Brjeban G. Administrativnoe pravo Francii. M., 1978. S. 349–377.10. Brjeban G. Obshhie svedenija ob administrativnom prave Francii. Dop. izd. M., 1995.11. Brjeban G. Pravosudie vo Francii. M., 1996.12. Brjeban G. Struktura i rol’ Gosudarstvennogo soveta Francii. M., 1993.13. Midor D.D. Amerikanskie sudy. Sent-Pol, Minnesota, 1991. S. 25–26.14. Sharven R. Justicija vo Francii. M., 1978.
Sangadzhiyev B.V.Availability of justice and prospect of development of a civil procedural law at the present stagePurpose: The analysis of a number of tendencies of development of justice and a civil procedural law in Russia.Methodology: The author applied formal and logical and comparative and legal methods.Results: Ensuring availability of justice, including, creations of proper conditions for protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities, requires construction, reconstruction or acquisition of office buildings of courts, creation of conditions for disabled people and minors, forming of zones of an open entry to buildings of the courts, creation of rooms of expectation for citizens, sanitary rooms and places of public catering.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value and the practical importance.Keywords: civil process, legal proceedings, judicial authority, civil procedural law, judicial reform, human rights, court.References (transliterated)1. Gus’kova A.P. Po itogam sudebno-pravovoj reformy // Rossijskij sud’ja. 2007. № 3. S. 15.2. Zhujkov V.M. Sudebnaja reforma: problemy dostupa k pravosudiju. M.: Statut, 2006. S. 1.3. Pozdnjakov M.L. Sudebnaja reforma: pacient skoree zhiv, chem mertv? // Advokat. 2006. № 12. S. 21.4. Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 20.11.2001 № 805 «O Federal’noj celevoj programme «Razvitie sudebnoj sistemy na 2002–2006 gody» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF. 2001. 3 dekabrja. № 49. St. 4623.5. Rasporjazhenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 04.08.2006 № 1082-r «O Koncepcii Federal’noj celevoj programmy «Razvitie sudebnoj sistemy» na 2007–2011 gody» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF. 2006. 14 avgusta. № 33. St. 3652.
Martyshkin V.N.From the diary of the judge: «The profession of the lawyer doesn’t suffer jewelry…»Purpose: Consideration of a number of ethic and legal questions of legal activity.Methodology: Such methods of knowledge as legallistic, historical, a method of the included supervision were used.Results: The author, on the example of the experience of formation as expert - the lawyer covered some ethic and legal basics of legal activity.Novelty/originality/value: Article has a certain practical value.Keywords: legal, legal education, legal ethics.References (transliterated)1. Bagautdinov F.N. Darovityj student, stavshij izvestnym uchenym // Nauchnyj Tatarstan. 2011. № 4. S. 218.2. Bagautdinov F.N. Universitet. Jurfak. Bazhanov. Kazan’, 2007. S. 8.3. Vysockij V. Soch.: v 2 t. Ekaterinburg, 1994. T. 1. S. 34.4. Kuryshev G.A., Bargova T.S., Litjushkin V.I., Martyshkin V.N. Verhovnyj Sud Respubliki Mordovija. Saransk, 2008. S. 238.5. Malkov V.P. Izbrannye trudy. Soch.: v 3 t. Kazan’, 2011. T. 1. S. 8.6. Martyshkin V.N. A sud’i kto? Pojety // Sud’ja. 2009. № 3–4. S. 36.7. Martyshkin V.N. Iz dnevnika vospominanij. Saransk–Kazan’: uzy druzhby / pod red. T.S. Bargovoj. Saransk, 2005. S. 106–111.8. Martyshkin V.N. Patriotizm – dominirujushhij vektor nacional’noj pravovoj politiki sovremennoj Rossii // Juridicheskaja nauka. 2015. № 3. S. 20.9. Martyshkin V.N. Pered sudom vse ravny // Sud’ja. 2009. № 3–4. S. 16.10. Speranskij M.M. O korennyh zakonah gosudarstva. M., 2015. S. 21.
Martyniuk R.S.Special aspects of the functional nature of the bodies of the constitutional jurisdictionPurpose: Substantiating the idea of separation of the control branch of the state power, investigation of the distinctive features of the functional nature ofthe bodies of the constitutional jurisdiction, their difference from the courts of general jurisdiction; research fundamental differences of the interpretative acts of the bodies of the specialized constitutional control and precedential court decisions.Methodology: The comparative legal and formal-legal research methods are applied in this article.Results: Distinctive features of the functional nature of the bodies of the constitutional jurisdiction specifying fundamental differences between specialized constitutional regulatory control and justice have been investigated in this article.Novelty/originality/value: Research and practical value of the article is reflected in the analysis of the distinctive features of the functional nature of the bodies of the constitutional jurisdiction as well as in the analysis of the essential differences of the acts of the bodies of specialized constitutional control both from the precedential decisions of the supreme courts of the common-law countries and from the regulations.Keywords: supervising authority, specialized constitutional control, justice, functional nature of the bodies of the constitutional jurisdiction, acts, legal views of the bodies of specialized constitutional control.References (transliterated)1. Abdrasulov E. Pravoobrazovanie i pravopreobrazovanie v normativnyh postanovlenijah Konstitucionnogo soveta RK [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Avak’jan S. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: Uchebnyj kurs: v 2 t. M.: Jurist#, 2005. T. 2.3. Berzhel’ Zhan-Lui. Obshhaja teorija prava. M.: NOTA BENE, 2000.4. Bondar’ N. Akty konstitucionnogo pravosudija kak istochniki prava: ih normativno-doktrinal’naja priroda // Nacional’naja gosudarstvennost’ i evropejskie integracionnye processy: v 2 t. T. 1. Nacional’noe zakonodatel’stvo i ego garmonizacija s pravom Evropejskogo Sojuza: sb. nauch. tr. Minsk, 2008. S. 14–26.5. Bondar’ N. Konstitucionnye probely i konflikty kak otrazhenie social’nyh protivorechij: v kontekste praktiki Konstitucionnogo Suda RF // Jekonomicheskij vestnik Rostovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2010. T. 8. № 1. S. 70–79.6. Bondar’ N. Konstitucionnyj Sud Rossii: ne «kvazisud», a bol’she, chem sud // Zhurnal konstitucionnogo pravosudija. 2010. № 3. S. 28–34.7. Voevodina T. Konstitucionnyj Sud Rossijskoj Federacii kak garant realizacii principa «sistemy sderzhek i protivovesov» v sisteme razdelenija vlastej Rossijskoj Federacii // Vestnik Rossijskoj pravovoj akademii. 2009. № 3. S. 7–12.8. Denisov S. Formirovanie kontrol’noj vetvi vlasti i ogranichenie korrupcii // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2002. № 3. S. 9–16.9. Kazhlaev S. Genezis pravovyh pozicij Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2007. № 3. S. 8–14.10. Kerimov A. Sovremennoe gosudarstvo: voprosy teorii. M.: Norma, 2008.11. Klishas A. Konstitucionnaja justicija v zarubezhnyh stranah. M.: Mezhdunar. otnoshenija, 2004.12. Liverovskij A., Petrov M. Organy konstitucionnogo normokontrolja kak «kvazisudy» // Zhurnal konstitucionnogo pravosudija. 2010. № 3. S. 23–28.13. Salikov M. Pravovye pozicii Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii: ponjatie i sistema // Pravovedenie. 2003. № 5. S. 49–59.14. Shapoval V. Princip razdelenija vlastej i jevoljucija konstitucionnyh statusov Prezidenta Ukrainy i kabineta ministrov Ukrainy // Konstitucionnye preobrazovanija v Ukraine: istorija, teorija i praktika: monografіja / pod red. M.F. Orziha. K.: Jurinkom Inter, 2013.15. Shapoval V. Suchasnij konstitucіonalіzm: Monogra-fіja. K.: Salkom, Jurіnkom Іnter, 2005.16. Shapoval V. Sushhnostnye harakteristiki konstitucionnogo kontrolja // Pravo Ukrainy. 2005. № 3. S. 23–27.17. Jesmen A. Obshhіja osnovanіja konstitucіonnago prava. SPb., 1898.18. Judin Ju. Modeli konstitucionnogo pravosudija // Sravnitel’noe konstitucionnoe pravo: monografija / pod red. A.I. Kovlera, V.E. Chirkina, Ju.A. Judina. M.: Manuskript, 1996.
Yamaletdinova N.V.Theoretical, methodological and organizational basis for social audit of law enforcement Purpose: Determine the basis of social audit of law enforcement.Methodology: Formal-legal, comparative legal, system analysis methods were used.Results: The article reveals the basis of social audit of law enforcement, determined value of the social auditing of law enforcement monitoring system.Novelty/originality/value: A brief analysis of the phenomenon of social audit of law enforcement, determined by its principles and functions and purpose.Keywords: audit, social audit, law enforcement, police, departmental control.References (transliterated)1. Bell D. Grjadushhee postindustrial’noe obshhestvo. M.: Akademija, 1999. S. 53.2. Igbaeva G.R., Sajfullin Je.V. Razvitie mehanizma uchastija grazhdan v ohrane obshhestvennogo porjadka kak jelement sovershenstvovanija sistemy gosudarstvennogo upravlenija // Aktual’nye problemy prava i gosudarstva v XXI v. 2015. № 7–5. S. 189–194.3. 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JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEOmarkadieva K.M-Kh.Supervisors of compliance with the Russian Federation on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of the law of criminal proceeds and financing of terrorism in the production and sale of jewelryPurpose: Review and study supervision of compliance with the Russian legislation on counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and financing of terrorism in the production and sale of jewelry.Methodology: We used a comparative legal and formal-legal research methods and methods of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction.Results: The Federal law from 07.08.2001 № 115-FZ «About counteraction to legalization (laundering) of incomes obtained in a criminal way and financing of terrorism» aimed at protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, society and the state. It creates a mechanism to detect and prevent money laundering in the jewelery sector, where control and monitoring functions over the implementation of this law are assigned to the State Inspectorate Assay Office and the prosecution authorities. This mechanism includes the organization of internal control, the development of internal control, obligatory control. In the field of jewelry legislator has established measures aimed at combating money laundering, which include: organization and implementation of internal controls, mandatory supervision, the ban on informing clients and other persons on the measures taken to counter the legalization (laundering) of proceeds.Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, because the problems of supervision over compliance with the Russian Federation on counteraction to legalization (laundering) incomes, obtained by criminal ways, and financing terrorism in the field of jewelry production and sales are not considered yet.Keywords: Prosecutor’s office, assay office, internal control, the rules of internal control, obligatory control, administrative responsibility.References (transliterated)1. Zhubrin R.V. Prokurorskij nadzor za ispolneniem zakonov o protivodejstvii legalizacii prestupnyh doho-dov // Zakonnost’. 2010. № 9. S. 22–25.2. Smyslov P.A. Finmonitoring i POD/FT: prosto o slozhnom – dlja juvelirov i ne tol’ko. Rostov n/D, 2016.3. Spektor A.A. Protivodejstvie legalizacii (otmyvaniju) dohodov, poluchennyh prestupnym putem // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2010. № 3. S. 104–114. JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACESafaryanov I.F.The penalty as a form of administrative punishmentPurpose: To determine the peculiarities of the administrative penalty as a form of administrative punishment.Methodology: Author used a special scientific cognition methods: formal legal, comparative legal, historical, system analysis and others.Results: In article was identified all distinctive features of the administrative penalty as a form of administrative punishment.Novelty/originality/value: The peculiarities of appointment and execution of administrative penalty for administrative offenses.Keywords: administrative fine, responsibility, punishment.References (transliterated)1. Ahmetshin R.A. K voprosu ob organizacii raboty special’nyh priemnikov dlja soderzhanija lic, podvergnutyh administrativnomu arestu // Aktual’nye problemy prava i gosudarstva v XXI veke. 2016. № 8–2. S. 213–218.2. Dugenec A.S. Administrativnaja otvetstvennost’ v rossijskom prave: avtoref. dis. ... d-ra jurid. nauk. M., 2005. S. 18–19.3. Ignat’eva S.V., Igbaeva G.R. Pravovaja priroda valjutnyh pravootnoshenij // Bankovskoe pravo. 2004. № 4. S. 59–63.4. Lysenko E.S. K voprosu ob organizacionno-pravovoj forme predprinimatel’skoj dejatel’nosti // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2016. № 3 (22). S. 118–120.5. Maksimov I.V. Administrativnye nakazanija [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Sorokin V.D. Pravovoe regulirovanie: predmet, metod, process (makrouroven’). SPb., 2003. S. 511–512. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF LAW SCIENCE AND PRACTICEMelnikov V.Y.The national idea in the form of a constitutional legal ideology?Purpose: Study on relevant and important issues arising from the necessity of formation state of legal ideology in the form of a constitutional legal ideology, standing on the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.Methodology: Historical-legal and formally-legal method was used.Results: The work substantiates the necessity of formation state of legal ideology in the form of a constitutional legal ideology, standing on the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. The main point of reference for the formation of the Russian constitutional legal ideology should become the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation, which directly follows from a systematic interpretation of articles 2 and 13 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation regulating the rights and freedoms of the individual a Supreme value and guaranteeing the ideological freedom and all. Clearly defined constitutional and legal ideology, with its focus on respecting and implementing the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens of Russia, will promote stability in the state and the society, to be important tool of state-building, to safeguard the stability of the legal system, unified law enforcement practice.Novelty/originality/value: The article possesses high scientific value as is one of the first attempts to consider the necessity of formation state of legal ideology in the form of a constitutional legal ideology, standing on the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.Keywords: ideology, legal ideology, human rights and freedoms.References (transliterated)1. Konstitucii gosudarstv Azii: v 3 t. / pod red. T.Ja. Habrievoj. M.: Norma, 2010. T. 3. S. 59–60, 168.2. 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Kanatov T.K.Actual problematic issues of further improvement of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of intellectual propertyPurpose: Of the Study the current problem issues of improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of intellectual property.Methodology: We used a system-structural, specific sociological, historical, and legal, socio-legal, and comparative legal, statistical methods.Results: The article describes in detail the problems of protection of intellectual property, management of intellectual property and their civil-law regulation.Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses high scientific value as is one of the first attempts to consider the topical problems of improving the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the sphere of intellectual property.Keywords: intellectual property, copyright, patent, security, protection, innovation, legislation.References (transliterated)1. Abisheva Z.S. Problemy kommercializacii nauchnyh razrabotok // Delovaja nedelja. 2013. № 36 (1061).2. Zhilankozova G. Intellektual’naja sobstvennost’: prava, zashhita, osushhestvlenie // Vneshnejekonomicheskaja dejatel’nost’ v Kazahstane. 2000. № 10.3. Kress V., Grachev V. Nauchno-obrazovatel’nyj potencial kak faktor jekonomicheskogo razvitija // Jekonomist. 2000. № 3.4. Kondrat’ev N.D. Izbrannye sochinenija. M.: Jekonomika, 1993.5. Ob odobrenii Koncepcii ohrany prav intellektual’noj sobstvennosti: Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva Respubliki Kazahstan ot 26.09.2001 № 1249 // SAPP Respubliki Kazahstan. 2001. № 21.6. Omurzakov T.K. Trojnaja spiral’: sblizhaja nauku, proizvodstvo i gosudarstvo: problemy i puti reshenija // Megapolis. 2013. S. 1.7. Poslanie Prezidenta Respubliki Kazahstan N. Nazarbaeva narodu Kazahstana ot 17 janvarja 2014 goda.8. Surin A.V., Molchanova O.P. Innovacionnyj menedzhment. M.: Infra-M, 2009.9. Ukolov V.F. Innovacionnyj menedzhment v gosudarstvennoj sfere i biznese. M.: Jekonomika, 2009.10. Farhutdinov R.A. Innovacionnyj menedzhment. P.: Piter, 2010.
Fomin E.M.Legal classification of leasehold relationships: the experience of comparative law research of the civil law of Russia and ItalyPurpose: Analysis of leasehold relationships in the civil law of Italy, successor of the Ancient Rome, and comparative legal research with the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.Methodology: Historical and legal comparative method, Aristotelian method, comparative legal research.Results: The work confirms and proves that leasehold relationships are legally binding ones. A detailed analysis of the lessee’s possession pattern and possession protection means is made. The following conclusions are made: lessee is not an independent owner but is a holder of an item (mediated possession), despite of the lack of legislative framework of legal faculty of holding in the Russian law. The «resale right» must be stipulated by the parties in an agreement based on their will, as it is provided for in the Italian law. Possessory protection of the fact of possession is a necessary condition ensuring execution of the lessee’s rights.Novelty/originality/value: The article deals with doctrinal and statutory provisions pertaining to the nature of leasehold relationships under Italian and Russian law.Keywords: lease contract, civil code of Italy, posessor protection, possession (continence)References (transliterated)1. Objazatel’stvo po sovetskomu grazhdanskomu pravu // Agarkov M.M. Izbrannye trudy po grazhdanskomu pravu. T. 1. M., 2002. S. 211.2. Braginskij M.I. Dogovornoe pravo. Obshhie polozhenija. Kn. 1. M.: Statut, 2001. S. 160.3. Vavilin E.V. Soderzhanie dogovora arendy // Vestnik SGAP. 2011. № 3. S. 60–64.4. Vitrjanskij V.V. Dogovor arendy i ego vidy: prokat, frahtovanie na vremja, arenda zdanij, sooruzhenij i predprijatij. M.: Statut, 2000. S. 77.5. Guljaev A.M. Iski o vosstanovlenii narushennogo vladenija v praktike grazhdanskogo kassacionnogo departamenta pravitel’stvujushhego senata. SPb.: Jurid. kn. mag. I.I. Zubkova, 1911. S. 13.6. Guljaev A.M. Russkoe Grazhdanskoe pravo. Obzor Grazhdanskogo zakonodatel’stva i proekta grazhdanskogo ulozhenija. SPb.: Tip. M.M. Stasjulevicha, 1911. S. 333.7. Dozhdev D.V. Rimskoe chastnoe pravo: uchebnik dlja vuzov / pod. red. V.S. Nersesjanca. M.: Norma, 1996. S. 525.8. Zarudnyj S.I. Grazhdanskoe ulozhenie Ital’janskogo korolevstva i russkie grazhdanskie zakony: v 2 ch. Ch. 1. SPb., 1869. S. 403.9. Ioffe O.S. Sovetskoe grazhdanskoe pravo. L.: Izd-vo Leningr. un-ta, 1958. S. 75.10. Kavelin K. Prava i objazannosti po imushhestvam i objazatel’stvam. SPb.: Tipografija M.M. Stasjulevicha, 1879. S. 64.11. Kozhokar’ I.G. Institut fakticheskogo vladenija v grazhdanskom prave RF // Grazhdanskoe pravo. 2015. № 1. S. 39–42.12. Kokoeva L.T. Osnovnye problemy grazhdansko-pravovogo regulirovanija arendnyh otnoshenij: dis. … d-ra jurid. nauk. Saratov, 2004. S. 95.13. Sinicyn A.S. Zashhita titul’nogo vladenija nesobstvennika: opyt rossijskogo i germanskogo prava. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy «Konsul’tantPljus».14. Suhanov E.A. Grazhdanskoe pravo Rossii – chastnoe pravo / otv. red. V.S. Em. M.: Statut, 2008. S. 290.15. Umov V.A. Dogovor najma imushhestv po Rimskomu pravu i novejshim inostrannym zakonodatel’stvam. Ch. I. M.: Univ. tip. (Katkov i K), 1872. S. 11.16. Shershenevich G.F. Uchebnik russkogo grazhdanskogo prava. Kazan’: Imp. un-t, 1894. S. 399.17. Thon Augusto. Norma giuridica e diritto soggettivo: indagini di teoria generale del diritto. Padova: Cedam, 1939. P. 291.18. Barassi L. La teoria generale delle obbligazioni. Milano: Giuffe, 1946. P. 87.19. Trimarchi M. La locazione. Trattato di diritto civile del consiglio nazionale del natariato. Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2013. P. 120.
Azizov R.F.Legal regulation of relations in the Internet in the Romano-Germanic legal family (the practice of Germany)Purpose: Consideration of the main legal acts and law-enforcement practice of Germany in the field of regulation of the relations on the Internet.Methodology: Formal legal and comparative and legal methods were used.Results: It is shown that the German legislator pays much attention to a regulation of such questions as features of Internet architecture, responsibility of information intermediaries, a problem of identification of users, speed and simplicity of operations with information in the conditions of global information and telecommunication network. In peculiar the direction of legal regulation of the relations on the Internet, Germany the infrastructure model of legal regulation is more close to the romano-German legal systems. Separate infrastructure elements in their statics and dynamics receive direct fixing in the legislation and development at the level of practice.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific and practical value as is modern attempt of consideration of an urgent legal problem.Keywords: jurisdiction, information technologies, Internet, domain zone, electronic right, electronic trading, information security, cybercrime, spam, social networks, information intermediary.References (transliterated)1. BGH, NJW 2011, 2059.2. German CompuServe Case // QuickLinks [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Jaeger-Fine D., Internet Jurisdiction: A Survey of German Scholarship and Cases // Social Science Research Network [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Sieber U. Commentary on the Conclusion of Proceedings in the «CompuServe Case» // TKRnewsletter [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Azizov R.F. Pravovoe regulirovanie otnoshenij v seti «Internet» (na primere SShA) // Uchenye trudy akademii advokatury i notariata. 2014. № 3. S. 128–135.6. Reshenie Federal’nogo Suda Germanii ot 15.11.2012 I ZR 74/12 – Morpheus // Der Bundesgreightshof [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Reshenie Federal’nogo Verhovnogo Suda Germanii ot 10.02.2011 I ZR 164/09 // Telemedicus. Recht der Informationsgesellschaft, [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL:
Sanitsky D.I.Formation and prospects of development of publicprivate partnership in the Russian FederationPurpose: Research of formation and prospects of development of public-private partnership in the Russian Federation.Methodology: The author used a formal- method, a method of the retrospective analysis.Results: In article consideration of a number of questions about financial and legal institute of public-private partnership, its emergence, development in the territory of Russia, features of adaptation under modern realities is carried out.Novelty/originality/value: Article has a certain scientific and practical value as contains valid and actual conclusions and offers.Keywords: public-private partnership, right, legal guarantees, economic formations, partnership forms.References (transliterated)1. Varnavskij V.G. Konceptual’nye jekonomicheskie i pravovye osnovy koncessionnoj dejatel’nosti [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Vorotnikov A.M., Korolev V.A. O razvitii gosudarstvenno-chastnogo partnerstva v rossijskih regionah // Nedvizhimost’ i investicii. Pravovoe regulirovanie. 2010. № 2 (43) (ijul’).3. Gagarin P.A. Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo: problemy i perspektivy razvitija // Finansovaja gazeta. 2013. № 14 (11 aprelja).4. Gosudarstvo v menjajushhemsja mire. Otchet VB o mirovom razvitii v 1997 g. M., 1997.5. Gosudarstvo i biznes: institucional’nye aspekty. M.: IMJeMO RAN, 2009.6. Derjabina M. Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo: teorija i praktika [Jelektronnyj resurs]. URL: Jeskomb Je.R. Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo: Osnovnye principy finansirovanija. M., 2015.
POLICY AND ECONOMY OF EURASIAMorin A.V.Migration policy of the European Union: some aspects Purpose: To define some features of migration policy of the European Union.Methodology: Private and scientific methods of knowledge were used: legallistic, comparative and legal, historical, system analysis and others.Results: The distinctive features of migration policy of the European Union, the main directions of interaction of the State Parties directed to reduction of streams of migration are defined. The author pays attention to insolvency, the multiculturalism policy pursued in Europe, brings statistical data on immigration scales into Europe in 2016, points to the main directions of interaction of the states in realization of migration policy.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the scientific and practical value as actual data on a row modern aspects of activity of the European Union in the field of migration policy are provided in it.Keywords: population shift, migrants, immigration, European Union.References (transliterated)1. Zakonodatel’stvo i politika v oblasti integracii immigrantov: Sbornik zakonodatel’stva, politiki i praktiki 19 gosudarstv v oblasti integracii immigrantov. Mezhdunarodnaja organizacija po migracii: Perev. s angl. M., 2011.2. Igbaeva G.R., Shakirova Z.R. Probely gosudarstvennogo upravlenija jetnonacional’nymi processami v sovremennoj Rossii i puti ih reshenija // Evrazijskaja integracija – dialog issledovatelej i jekspertov: sbornik statej po materialam Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. 2016. S. 212–221.3. Ioncev V.A. Migracionnaja politika burzhuaznyh gosudarstv. M., 1980.4. Ljalina A.V. Opyt nadnacional’noj politiki integracii migrantov ES // Baltijskij region. 2014. № 2 (20).5. Morin A.V. Immigracionnaja politika Velikobritanii // Aktual’nye problemy prava i gosudarstva v XXI veke: materialy Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Ufa, 2015.6. Carjova E.Ju. Osobennosti migracionnoj politiki Italii na sovremennom jetape: avtoreferat dis. ... kand. polit. nauk. M., 2015.
EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCERubanov S.A., Zinkovsky M.A.Contract of delivery with the variable specificationPurpose: Research of the entrepreneurial delivery agreement with the variable specification.Methodology: Formally legal methods of scientific research were used.Results: In article the delivery agreement design with use of the variable specification is analysed. It is noted that the called agreement has both positive, and negative sides. Advantage of the specification is efficiency, simplicity, the maximum disaggregation of a subject of the transaction on the principle here and now. A lack of the variable specification is the fixed confusion and a contradiction with adjacent applications – an invoice, the consignment note, the invoice, a technical task, the acceptance report – transfers of goods.Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses practical vame as the delivery agreement of goods with the variable specification is researched.Keywords: the delivery agreement, the specification on goods, the variable specification, the consignment note, an invoice, the Incoterms, commercial transactions.References (transliterated)1. Goc E.V. Razmeshhenie zakazov na postavki tovarov, vypolnenie rabot, okazanie uslug dlja gosudarstvennyh i municipal’nyh nuzhd v Rossijskoj Federacii // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2014. № 11–12 (63–64). S. 152–166.2. Kudzhaev V.N. Organy gosudarstvennogo kontrolja za obrashheniem medicinskih izde-lij: osobennosti realizacii administrativno-pravovyh funkcij // Pravovaja inicia-tiva. 2015. № 3. S. 14.3. Loginova E.V. Osobennosti soderzhanija dogovora (kontrakta) na postavku tovarov, ra-bot i uslug dlja gosudarstvennyh i municipal’nyh nuzhd // Pravozashhitnik. 2015. № 4. S. 13.