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Ragulin A.V.
Independence as a Principle of the Russian Advocacy
Purpose: To identify the content of the principle of independence in the Advocacy.
Methodology: The work, based on the application of the formal-legal method, examination of documents, analysis of legislation, materials of scientific research and law enforcement practice, combined with the use of the method of included observation, deals with problematic issues of the content of the principle of independence in the bar.
Results: The author concludes that the independence of the Advocacy is a legally protected legal state of lawyers, the corporate governance bodies of the Bar and the Bar entities, in which they have an exclusive right to decide on matters of self-government, self-regulation and economic autonomy. At the same time, the principle of the independence of the bar does not mean its absolute independence, as this principle is limited by the substantive content of the principle of legality. The principle of the independence of the bar is not regulated in the Law with regard to the separation of the powers of the bar between the State and the bar, which makes it possible to arbitrarily modify and/or apply the law, as well as to interpret the law arbitrarily with regard to the content of the principle. The principle of legal profession, in relation to the lawyer, is not «independence», but professional independence (autonomy). The principle of the independence of the bar in the law and practice of its application finds a twofold content, which consists in ensuring organizational, legal and economic-legal guarantees of the independence of the bar entities and bodies of corporate governance of the bar, which are also intended to ensure the independence of the lawyer.
The elements of control and supervision of the organization and activities of the bar, which by virtue of the provisions of the law do not violate the principle of the independence of the bar, are the activities of the following State bodies established by law: The court, the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies, the legislative (representative) body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation, the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (participation of representatives in the CES of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation).
In accordance with the requirements of the law, the activities of State bodies (primarily the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation), within the limits of their powers, aimed at the disclosure and investigation of crimes committed by lawyers, including lawyers who are members of the corporate governance bodies of the bar, cannot be considered an attack on the independence of the bar.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has high scientific value, as it allows to form an idea of the content of the principle of independence of the bar. The article is based on a monograph: Ragulin A.V. The Tract on the Treatment of 32, Principles, Discrimination and Democracy in the Russian Legal Profession: a monograph. (introduction by G.B. Mirzoyev, epilog by A.V. Vorobyev) – Moscow.: Russian Academy of Lawyers and Notaries, Eurasian Research Institute of Problems of Law, 2019. – 584 p. and is published in order to expand the readership
Keywords: bar, lawyer, independence, principles of law, judicial system.
References (transliterated)
6.Bojkov A.D. Status advokata: soderzhanie, kvalifika-cionny`e trebovaniya i principy` advokatskoj deyatel`nosti: avtoref. dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2010. S. 19.
7.Dabizha T.G. Obespechenie garantij nezavisimosti advokatskoj deyatel`nosti i advokatury`: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2017. S. 13–14.
8.Ivanov A.V. Garantii nezavisimosti advokatov i puti ix sovershenstvovaniya // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2014. №6 (13) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
9.Kucherena A.G. Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij k Federal`nomu zakonu ot 31 maya 2002 g. № 63-FZ «Ob advokatskoj deyatel`nosti i advokature v Rossijskoj Federacii». M.: Delovoj dvor, 2009.
10.Pospelov O.V. Formy` advokatskix obrazovanij: avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2008. S. 8–9.
11.Reznik G.M. Zakon ob advokature kak zhertva konflikta interesov // Ros. yusticiya. 1998. № 3. S. 24.
12.Stepashina M.S. Kommentarij k Federal`nomu zakonu «Ob advokatskoj deyatel`nosti i advokature v Rossijskoj Federacii» / pod red. A.M. Smushkina, V.N. Barba-
rich. 2008. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`-tantPlyus».
13.Shakirov T.R. Mezhdunarodny`e standarty` nezavisimosti i podotchetnosti advokatov // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2013. №6 (7) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
14.Yarty`x I.S. Funkcii i pravovoj status advokatury` i ee obshhestvenny`x ob``edinenij v usloviyax formirovaniya grazhdanskogo obshhestva v Rossijskoj Federacii: avtoref. dis. … d-ra yurid. nauk. M., 2009.
Goltsov A.T.
The presumption of innocence – an «indicator» of the Russian criminal proceedings
Purpose: To Study the impact of the universal principle of criminal justice-the presumption of innocence on the construction of tasks, principles and institutions of Russian criminal justice, the architecture of its rules and regulations.
Methodology: General scientific and private scientific methods were Used.
Results: The Article is devoted to topical issues of Russian criminal procedure law. The presumption of innocence is considered by the author from a certain angle: from the point of view of the connection of the fundamental principle of criminal proceedings with the purpose of criminal procedural activity (its goals and objectives). The study resulted in a number of important theoretical and practical conclusions. Achievement of the purposes designated in the criminal procedure law-is not an end in itself of criminal procedure activity. The implementation of the purpose of criminal proceedings should be correlated with the satisfaction of social needs in the criminal procedure sphere. The rules constituting the content of the presumption of innocence imply the construction of tasks of criminal proceedings on a hierarchical basis. The line formulated in the code of criminal procedure indicated in the rules of the presumption of innocence content is an important condition for the amplification of perception in practical activities of bodies of preliminary investigation and trial in all instances.
Novelty/originality/value: The Article has a high degree of scientific value, as it is an original attempt to study the impact of the principles of criminal proceedings on its purpose (goals, objectives).
Keywords: criminal proceedings, presumption of innocence, purpose of criminal proceedings, principles of criminal proceedings.
References (transliterated)
1.Spasovich V.D. O teorii sudebno-ugolovny`x dokaza-tel`stv v svyazi s sudoustrojstvom i sudoproizvodstvom. M.: LeksE`st, 2001.
2.Strogovich M.S. Ugolovny`j process. M., 1946.
3.Strogovich M.S. Pravo obvinyaemogo na zashhitu i prezumpciya nevinovnosti. M.: Nauka, 1984.
4.Fojniczkij I.Ya. Kurs ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva. SPb.: Al`fa, 1996. T. II.
Mashinnikova N.O., Tatyanina L.G.
Discussion of the relationship between the specific procedure of judicial proceedings and the presumptions of the Russian criminal process
Purpose: The study of the relationship between the special procedure of the trial and the presumptions of the Russian criminal process.
Methodology: Formal logical and logical legal methods were used.
Results: The article gives a substantive description of the special procedure of criminal proceedings; the limits of judicial discretion within the special procedure of judicial proceedings are analyzed; the article raises the question of how much the principle of adversarial justice, fully implemented by the legislator in simplified criminal proceedings, is consistent with and does not contradict other principles of the criminal process in the special criminal proceedings.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, since it is one of the first attempts to consider the special procedure of legal proceedings through the presumptions of the Russian criminal process. It also considers the peculiarities of the exercise of judicial discretion at the special legal procedure and its limits.
Keywords: presumption, special procedure of legal proceedings, judicial discretion, justice, truth.
References (transliterated)
1.Strogovich M.S. Kurs sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa. M.: Nauka, 1968. T. 1. S. 41.
2.Strogovich M.S. Ugolovny`j process, uchebnik dlya voenny`x yuristov. M.: Izdanie Voenno-yuridicheskoj Akademii Krasnoj Armii, 1941. S. 33.
Stepanov K.V.
The acquittal as a significant defect in the modern criminal process
Purpose: The formation of criminal procedural axioms that are not violated either by citizens or representatives of the state.
Methodology: Statistical and formal legal methods were used.
Results: The article outlines the theses requiring a change in the approach to acquittals as defects in criminal proceedings, as a result of which the concept of criminal law policy implements the sequence of a unified spirit of criminal procedure legislation.
Novelty/originality/value: The article shows the profound lack of proper social request for acquittals in modern society and, as a result, the criminal procedure itself is shaped in such manner where an acquittal is considered as a significant imperfection in the work of judicial system and law enforcement agencies.
Keywords: Verdict of acquittal, criminal trial, criminal proceedings, conviction, criminal case.
References (transliterated)
1.Kurs sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa. T. 1: Osnov-ny`e polozheniya nauki sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa. M.: Nauka, 1968.
2.Svodny`e statisticheskie svedeniya o deyatel`nosti federal`ny`x sudov obshhej yurisdikcii i mirovy`x sudej za 2018 god № 1 «Otchet o rabote sudov obshhej yurisdikcii po rassmotreniyu ugolovny`x del po pervoj instancii» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Stenogramma zasedaniya Soveta Federacii Fede-ral`nogo Sobraniya Rossijskoj Federacii ot 25 sentyabrya 2019 goda [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Serednev V.A. K voprosu sushhnosti sudebnoj oshibki v kontekste moral`no-nravstvennogo aspekta pri dostizhenii istiny` v ugolovnom processe // Vestnik yuridicheskogo fakul`teta Yuzhnogo federal`nogo universiteta. 2019. T. 6. № 2. S. 68.
5.Strogovich M.S. Ob opravdanii vvidu nedokazannosti uchastiya podsudimogo v sovershenii prestupleniya // Pravovedenie. 1983. № 5.
6.Postanovlenie VS RSFSR ot 24.10.1991 № 1801-1 «O Koncepcii sudebnoj reformy` v RSFSR».
Yaroshik O.D.
It’s high time we remembered the forgotten socialist lawfulness
Purpose: Research into the problem of absence of lawfulness in contemporary criminal procedure.
Methodology: The historical and legal method and the formal legal method were used.
Results: The article underlines the progressivity for the past years of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, authored by M.S.Strogovich. The article also underlines the relevance of the principles enshrined in the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, which are ignored in contemporary criminal procedure. The article outlines the distinctive features of the forgotten lawfulness and the deficiencies of contemporary investigation, the principles of dealing with criminal cases, problems of appeal and cassation case-law, propositions for law amendments. The author speaks about the necessity of full and objective investigation and processing of criminal cases, about the unacceptability of application of principles of «sufficiency of evidence», «guilt of the accused», «procedural economy», «rationality», «optimization» and, as a result, «efficiency» of justice simplified. The article indicates, that the problems, pointed out at by M.S.Strogovich at his time are still relevant today, that they have not lost their practical significance and should help at the time of new unclear application of law.
Novelty/originality/value: The article represents the first attempt to justify the necessity for restoration of lawfulness, which is smashed in contemporary criminal justice in Russia.
Keywords: Lawfulness, traditions, principles, problems, simplification, case-law.
References (transliterated)
1.Aleksandrov A.I. Sovestlivy`j sud`ya s vy`sokim pravosoznaniem – uslovie doveriya nacii k gosudarstvu // Argumenty` nedeli. 2019. № 4.
2.Shejfer S.A. Predislovie redaktora k knige A.M. Larina «Ya – sledovatel`». Tula: ID «Avtograf», 2008.
3.Perlov I.D. Kassacionnoe proizvodstvo v sovetskom ugolovnom processe. M.: Yurid. lit.,1968.
4.Strogovich M.S. Proverka zakonnosti i obosnovannosti sudebny`x prigovorov. M.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1956.
5.Sudebny`e rechi izvestny`x russkix yuristov. M.: Yurid. lit., 1957.
6.Stuchka P.I. Revolyuciya i pravo. 1928. № 1.
7.Lebedev V.M. Mery` po usileniyu nezavisimosti sudebnoj vlasti // Sud`ya. 2019. № 8.
8.Zagorskij G.I. Aktual`ny`e problemy` sudebnogo razbiratel`stva po ugolovny`m delam: ucheb.-praktich. posob. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Prospekt. 2019.
9.Polunovskaya O. E`ffektivnoe obzhalovanie. Sem` prakticheskix sovetov // Advokatskaya gazeta. 2019. № 18.
Zhiltsov M.A.
Problems of recovering of the lost earnings
Purpose: The study of compensation for lost earnings in order to highlight the main problems, finding ways to solve these problems.
Methodology: The analysis and formal-legal methods were used.
Results: If the dismissal of an employee is declared unlawful, the court shall recover compensation for lost earnings for the entire period of involuntary absenteeism. Such compensation is also collected in the event of a delay in issuing a work book upon dismissal of an employee for the entire period of delay. In judicial practice, there are various approaches regarding the time from which it is necessary to calculate the time period for applying to the court for these claims, and also about the time period for applying to the court (three-month or one-year). There are also various legal positions of the courts regarding the possibility of accruing compensation for the delay in payment of wages provided for in Art. 236 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, for lost earnings, recovered by the court upon recognition of the dismissal of an employee as unlawful. The article analyzes the legal positions of the courts that have developed when considering these legal relations.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, as it is one of the first attempts to analyze and systematize the problems of recovery of compensation for lost earnings in modern law enforcement practice.
Keywords: compensation, lost, earnings, term, appeal, court.
References (transliterated)
1.Kozlov M.A. Material`ny`e problemy`: chem otvetit rabotodatel`? // Sovetnik buxgaltera gosudarstvennogo i municipal`nogo uchrezhdeniya. 2014. № 12 (120). S. 32–40.
2.Marty`nova T.N., Sgibneva O.V. Garantijny`e i kom-pensacionny`e vy`platy` rabotnikam v trudovom prave Rossijskoj Federacii: problemy` terminologii // Vestnik Kostromskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2016. T. 22. № 3. S. 242–247.
3.Mixajlichenko K.A. Problemy` privlecheniya rabotodatelya k material`noj otvetstvennosti, svyazannoj s lisheniem rabotnika vozmozhnosti trudit`sya // Nauka i sovremennost`. 2014. № 33. S. 243–247.
4.Chernikov O.A. K voprosu o ponyatii garantij i kompensacij v sovremennom trudovom prave // Zakonnost` v sovremennom obshhestve: sbornik statej mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii: v 2 ch. Ch. 2. Orenburg, 2017. S. 193–196.
Kazachenok S.Y.
Development of provisional actions of the arbitration agreement as a measure of increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy in the information society
Purpose: Analysis of the development of the system-institutional legal regulation of provisional actions of the arbitration agreement in the conditions of digitalization of the Russian economy.
Methodology: General and special methods of research were used (comparative and system approaches, sociological analysis and others).
Results: As a result of the studies, it was proposed to amend the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 07.07.1993 N 5338-1 «About international commercial arbitration» in terms of resolving issues of remote arbitration proceedings using Internet resources.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value and carries a significant practical significance. The provisions contained in the materials of the article can be used to improve the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: arbitration, electronic arbitration, electronic arbitration agreement, provisional actions, Institute of an Emergency Arbitrator, NetCase.
References (transliterated)
1.Gellman R. A Brief History of the Virtual Magistrate Project: The Earle Months // The On-Line Dispute Resolution Conference, Washington, DC [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.ICC Russia [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.The Global Competitiveness Report // World Economic Forum [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.United Service Organisations. (n.d.) On-line settlement of disputes for cross-border electronic commerce transactions. Draft outcome document reflecting the elements and principles of the ODR procedure (A/CN.9/WG.III/WP.140).
5.Vit Xorachek. Onlajn-Arbitrazh // Legal Insight. 2014. № 8 (34). S. 2.
6.Kazachenok S.Yu. Razvitie lex electronica kak pred-posy`lka vklyucheniya v arbitrazhnoe soglashenie usloviya ob onlajn-arbitrazhe // Sovremennoe pravo. 2014. № 10. S. 124–130.
7.Kazachenok S.Yu. Soglashenie ob arbitrazhe v sisteme chastnopravovogo obespecheniya vneshnee`kono-micheskix sdelok: metodologiya formirovaniya i praktika primeneniya: dis. ... d-ra yurid. nauk. Volgograd, 2015.
8.Lopatina D.A. Obespechitel`ny`e mery` v mezhdunarodnom kommercheskom arbitrazhe // Reklama i pravo. 2008. № 2. S. 35–38.
9.Lopatina D.A. Pravoprimenitel`noe znachenie obespechitel`ny`x mer, prinyaty`x mezhdunarodny`m kommercheskim arbitrazhem // Arbitrazhny`j grazhdanskij process. 2009. № 3. S. 29–33.
10.Mir`ez Filipp. Onlajn-Arbitrazh // Legal Insight. 2014. № 8 (34). S. 8.
Terekhova V.V.
Issues of deprivation of parental rights in the Russian legislation
Purpose: According to domestic legislation, both mother and father are endowed with equal rights and obligations, the effect of which can be considered officially completed upon reaching the age of majority of the child, that is, after the execution of 18 years of age, recognized by Russian legislation the beginning of self-responsibility. Purpose of article – сonsider the rights and obligations of parents with respect to their own child, as well as issues of deprivation of parental rights in the domestic legislation.
Methodology: Analytical and formal legal methods were used in writing this article.
Result: In this article the author has done the following:
1. The theoretical and legal aspects of the issue are considered;
2. statistical data on deprivation of parental rights in various regions of the Russian Federation over the past few years are analyzed;
3. materials of judicial practice are considered.
According to the results of the study the author made the following conclusions. In the Russian legal system, the concept of parental rights is indicated in the Family code of the Russian Federation, which establishes the content of these rights and the procedure for their implementation. The grounds for deprivation of parental rights are enshrined in the provisions of the Family Code of the Russian Federation. Deprivation of rights is a reversible process if parents want to change their attitude to the family and parental responsibilities. Chapter 12 of the RF IC establishes the basic mechanisms for parents to exercise their rights. Along with the group of direct rights indicated above, article 65 of the RF IC establishes an additional right to receive a wide range of support and assistance from the state. Deprivation of the possibility of using the group of the above rights, within the framework of existing legislation, can only court. According to the provisions of this article, alimony obligations may be imposed on persons deprived of their rights during court hearings.
Novelty/originality/value: The Article has a high scientific value, as it contains relevant statistical material on deprivation of parental rights in different regions of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: parental rights, deprivation of parental rights, minors, spouses.
References (transliterated)
1.Gomola A.I., Gomola I.A., Salomatov E.N. Semejnoe pravo. M.: Academia, 2017.
2.Korneeva I.L. Semejnoe pravo. M.: Yurajt, 2017.
3.Kravczova L.N. Semejnoe pravo. M.: Feniks, 2016.
4.Rad`ko T.N. Osnovy` semejnogo prava. M.: Prospekt, 2016.
5.Ryasencev V.A. Semejnoe pravo. M.: Yurid. lit., 2016.
6.Czagareli A.A. Grazhdanskoe ulozhenie. Kn. 2. Semejnoe pravo. T. 1. M.: Kniga po Trebovaniyu, 2017.
7.Vlasti raskry`li danny`e o zhestokom obrashhenii s det`mi v regionax [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
8.Detskij ombudsmen raskry`la statistiku lisheniya roditel`skix prav [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
9.Permskij kraj stal liderom po chislu sluchaev zhestokogo obrashheniya s det`mi [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Bessarabova S.Yu.
Division of jointly acquired property of spouses after dissolution of marriage and the statute of limitations
Purpose: Consideration of the problem of establishing a statute of limitations in the division of jointly acquired property of spouses.
Methodology: Formal legal and historical – legal methods were used in this work.
Results: Based on this study, it was revealed that the domestic legislation needs to introduce clarifications regarding the Statute of limitations in the division of joint property.
Novelty/originality/value: The Article has a scientific value, as the question of clarifying the limitation period of the division of property is very important and relevant at the present time
Keywords: dissolution of marriage, spouses, former spouses, property.
References (transliterated)
1.Antokol`skaya M.V. Semejnoe pravo: uchebnik dlya vuzov. M.: Yurist``, 2008.
2.E`ngel`man I.E. O davnosti po russkomu grazhdanskomu pravu: Istoriko-dogmaticheskoe issledovanie. M.: Statut, 2003.
3.Noviczkij I.B. Sdelki. Iskovaya davnost`. M.: Yurlitizdat, 1954.
4.Cherepaxin B.B. Sporny`e voprosy` ponyatiya i dejstviya iskovoj davnosti. Iskovaya davnost` v novom sovetskom grazhdanskom zakonodatel`stve // Cherepaxin B.B. Trudy` po grazhdanskomu pravu. M.: Statut, 2001. S. 213.
5.Gribanov V.P. Sroki v grazhdanskom prave. M.: Yurid. lit., 1967.
6.Tolstoj Yu.K. Iskovaya davnost` // Pravovedenie. 1992. № 4. S. 12.
7.Krasheninnikov E.A. Ponyatie i predmet iskovoj davnosti. Yaroslavl`: Izd-vo YarGU, 1997.
8.Grazhdanskij processual`ny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal`ny`j zakon № 138-FZ, prinyat 14.11.2002, po sostoyaniyu na 04.12.2007 // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva RF. 2002. № 46. St. 4532.
9.Arbitrazhny`j processual`ny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal`ny`j zakon № 95-FZ, prinyat 24.07.2002, po sostoyaniyu na 25.03.2008 // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva RF. 2002. № 30. St. 3012.
10.Pchelinceva L.M. Kommentarij k Semejnomu kodeksu RF. 4-e izd., pererab. M.: Norma, 2006. S. 51.
11.Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast` tret`ya): Federal`ny`j zakon № 146-FZ, prinyat 26.11.2001 po sostoyaniyu na 29.11.2007 // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva RF. 2001. № 49. St. 4552.
12.Zhilinkova I.V. Pravovoj rezhim imushhestva chlenov sem`i. M., 2012. S. 195–196.
13.Uchebnik Grazhdanskoe pravo. T. 3 / pod red. A.P. Sergeeva, Yu.K. Tolstogo. M., 2003.
14.Postanovlenie Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda RF № 15 ot 05.11.1998 «O primenenii sudami zakonodatel`stva pri rassmotrenii del o rastorzhenii braka».
15.Delo № 2-5563/10, Babushkinskij rajonny`j sud g. Moskvy`.
16.Delo № 2-869/11, Leninskij rajonny`j sud g. Ekaterinburga.
17.Delo № 2-100/11, Cheremushkinskij rajonny`j sud g. Moskvy`.
18.Reshenie 15 sentyabrya 2010 g. Promy`shlenny`j rajonny`j sud g. Orenburga.
19.Reshenie ot 24 iyunya 2011 g., Dmitrievskij rajonny`j sud Kurskoj oblasti.
20.Reshenie ot 15 avgusta 2011 g., Sovetskij rajonny`j sud g. Krasnoyarska.
21.Delo № 33-5624/11. Opredelenie Sudebnoj kollegii po grazhdanskim delam Moskovskogo oblastnogo suda.
22.Byulleten` sudebnoj praktiki Moskovskogo oblastnogo suda za pervy`j kvartal 2012 goda.
Kulikov V.Yu.
Features of the principle of freedom of contract in the framework of the inheritance contract
Purpose: To consider modern features of realization of the principle of freedom of contract in the framework of the conclusion of the hereditary contract and the results of the study to identify problematic aspects of the issue and make more of the findings of completed research.
Methodology: The article uses logical, legal, systemic and comparative-analytical methods of scientific research.
Results: The article the features of application of the principle of freedom of contract in inheritance law in modern conditions of change of the hereditary legislation in Russia by introduction of a new type of hereditary succession in the form of the hereditary contract are considered. The features of freedom of contract from the position of civil law, which formed the basis of contractual freedom in inheritance law, are disclosed. Features of freedom of contract and characteristics of the hereditary contract with other similar types of contract are revealed.
Novelty/originality/value: In conclusion, the author presents the problem points in the introduction of the inheritance contract in the system of inheritance law. It was also concluded that freedom of contract, being the basis of civil legislation, is no less and even more important for the system of hereditary succession.
Keywords: contract, inheritance contract, freedom of contract, inheritance law, hereditary succession.
References (transliterated)
1.Gorina N.V. Nasledstvenny`j dogovor – tretij vid nasledovaniya v grazhdanskom prave Rossii: by`t` ili ne by`t`? // Biznes. Obrazovanie. Pravo. Vestnik Volgogradskogo instituta biznesa. 2018. № 2 (43). S. 260–264.
2.Grigor`eva M.A. Ponyatie svobody` v rossijskom grazhdanskom prave: avtoref. dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2004.
3.Dimova A.Yu. Nasledstvenny`j dogovor kak novoe osnovanie nasledovaniya // Regulirovanie grazhdansko-pravovy`x, finansovy`x i trudovy`x otnoshenij v Vostochnoj Sibiri: materialy` kruglogo stola. Irkutsk, 2016.
4.Matveev I.V. Nasledstvenny`j dogovor: zarubezhny`j opy`t i perspektivy` poyavleniya v grazhdanskom prave Rossijskoj Federacii // Rossijskaya yusticiya. 2015. № 1. S. 6–9.
5.Pecheny`j O.P. K voprosu o principax nasledstvennogo prava // Grazhdanskoe pravo: vy`zovy` vremeni: materialy` mezhdunarodnoj nauch. konferencii, posvyashhennoj yubileyu d-ra yurid. nauk, prof. A.G. Didenko. Almaty`, 3 oktyabrya 2014 g. / otv. red. N.V. Uvarova. Almaty`: Izd-vo Kaspijskogo obshhestvennogo un-ta, 2015. C. 449–456.
6.Pecheny`j O.P. Svoboda dogovora v nasledstvennom prave: sbornik statej / Moskovskij gosudarstvenny`j yuridicheskij universitet imeni O.E. Kutafina. M., 2016. S. 455–465. (Analiz sovremennogo prava).
7.Smirnov S.V. Aktual`ny`e voprosy` sovershenstvovaniya nasledstvennogo prava // Notarial`ny`j vestnik. 2015. № 11.
8.Garkusha I.V., Egorova A.M. Novy`j pravovoj institut v sfere nasledovaniya v Rossii // Teoriya i praktika sovremennoj nauki. 2016. № 5 (11). S. 230–235.
9.Sovmestnoe zaveshhanie i nasledstvenny`j dogovor. Novy`e sposoby` podelit` imushhestvo [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Kozlova M.V.
Legal regulation of issues of foreclosure on exclusive rights to works and rights to their use
Purpose: To consider the main legal problems associated with the enforcement of exclusive rights to works and the right to use works on the basis of granted licenses.
Methodology: As a methodological basis for the preparation of the article, a systematic approach was used, which made it possible to identify the main problems in the field under consideration and to carry out their consistent analysis, and a formal legal method, with the help of which the results were described.
Results: The author concludes that the application of common approaches to the enforcement of the debtor’s property in order to meet the legitimate claims of creditors, in the field encounters with the features due to the nature of the creation of the work as a result of the creative work of the author and the inextricable relationship existing between the author and his work.
Novelty/originality/value: The novelty of the author’s proposals consists, in particular, in substantiation of inadmissibility of compulsory transfer of the rights of claim of the author under the contracts concluded by him and necessity of making correspondng changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: author, copyright, result of creative activity, exclusive right, bankruptcy, pledge, transfer of exclusive right.
References (transliterated)
1.Bliznecz I.A., Leont`ev K.B. Avtorskoe pravo i smezhny`e prava / pod red. I.A. Bliznecza. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Prospekt, 2015.
2.Lipcik D. Avtorskoe pravo i smezhny`e prava: per. s fr. / predislovie M. Fedotova. M.: Ladomir; Izdatel`stvo YuNESKO, 2002.
3.Shershenevich G.F. Uchebnik russkogo grazhdanskogo prava. T. 1. M.: Statut, 2005.
Zatsepin M.N., Zatsepin A.M., Filippova O.V.
Legal aspects of business security and their current state in the Russian Federation
Purpose: To Identify the main problems in relation to the legal provision of criminal law protection and protection of business security in the Russian Federation.
Methodology: The article uses legal and formal legal methods.
Results: The article analyzes the data available on the results of the survey conducted by the authors, as well as the data available in the public domain. According to the data obtained, based on a survey of businessmen and operatives of the Ural Federal district, the latent part of the claims against business security is 20-25 times higher than the registered part. In other words, less than 5% of crimes actually committed in this area are registered. In addition, experts (experts from the number of scientists, practitioners and entrepreneurs) confirmed the proximity of these assessments to the real situation.
Novelty/originality/value: The Article has a high scientific value, as it has a number of conclusions about the current state of the issue considered in the article. In particular, the authors formulated a number of questions about the current situation in the field of business security: currently, there is, in particular, a lack of coordination of the criminal practice in cases of corruption crimes and trends in these crimes; it is necessary to create a single database for the reference service of operational-search and investigative and judicial bodies.
Keywords: business, security, crime, criminal.
References (transliterated)
1.ASV: 73 000 vkladchikov postradali ot moshennicheskix sxem v bankax [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: https:
2.Bez salyuta po vorob`yam // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2016. 9 dekabrya ( № 280 (7148)).
3.Vasin V.N., Tkachev V.N. O meste i roli informacionnogo segmenta v obespechenii obshhestvennoj bezopasnosti // Zakonodatel`stvo. 2008. № 12. S. 42–53.
4.Vvedeno ugolovnoe nakazanie za nezakonnoe presledovanie biznesmenov. K delu ne prish`yut // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2016. 23 dekabrya ( № 292 (7160)).
5.Verxovny`j Sud vy`pustil vtoroj obzor praktiki za 2017 god [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Verxovny`j Sud zapretit silovikam vozbuzhdat` dela na predprinimatelej bez zayavlenij poterpevshix… Verxovny`j Sud vzyalsya za delo // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2016. 7 noyabrya ( № 251 (7119)).
7.Vetrov N.I., Zacepin M.N. Miliciya i bezopasnost` predprinimatel`stva: ucheb. posob. / MVD RF. M., 1995.
8.Za korrupciyu privlecheny` 37 mestny`x deputatov, 12 sudej, 65 prokurorov, 213 advokatov, 231 sledovatel` MVD… // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2015. 15 yanvarya (№ 4 (6575)).
9.Za ugolovny`e dela protiv nevinovny`x siloviki i chinovniki mogut sest` v tyur`mu na 10 let [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
10.My` vidim tol`ko vershinu ajsberga korrupcii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
11.Nalogovy`e dela teper` budut vozbuzhdat` po-novomu. 15 sutok do aresta // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2014. 24 oktyabrya ( № 244 (6516)).
12.«Neprikasaemy`e» chitayut Ugolovny`j kodeks // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2014. 10 dekabrya ( № 281 (6553)).
13.Prestupnost` uxodit s ulicz // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2016. 8 noyabrya ( № 252 (7120)).
14.Ry`bakova E.A. Rejderstvo: novy`e e`tapy` bor`by` (kriminologicheskij aspekt) // Yuridicheskij mir. 2012. № 11(191). S. 39–45.
15.Chto v posledstvii // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2016. 13 dekabrya (№ 282 (7150)).
Babich D.V.
Features of responsibility for conventional crimes committed for the purpose of transplantation human organs and tissues in Russia and the Republic of Belarus
Purpose: To investigate the features of liability for conventional crimes committed with the aim of transplanting human organs and tissues in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus in order to identify and use positive foreign experience in order to counter such crime.
Methodology: General scientific, formal and legal methods were used, as well as a comparative legal approach.
Results: The article discusses the norms of the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus on combating trafficking in human beings, and also analyzes international regulatory acts in this area. In the process of the study, it was concluded that the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation on combating trafficking in persons generally complies with the principles laid down in the Palermo Protocol «On Preventing and Combating Trafficking in Human Beings. The shortcomings that jurists emphasize in Article 127.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are not an insurmountable obstacle to the application of this norm. A study of the experience of the Republic of Belarus in this matter has led to the conclusion that it is advisable to supplement the norm providing for liability for illegal actions aimed at hiring Russian citizens abroad if, as a result of such actions, persons employed abroad have been sexually or otherwise exploited against their will.
Novelty/originality/value: The article first attempts to systematically and comprehensively investigate the features of liability for conventional crimes committed with the aim of transplantation in Russia and the Republic of Belarus. New legal proposals and recommendations have been developed and justified regarding the amendment of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in the provisions on combating trafficking in persons with the aim of transplanting their organs and tissues.
Keywords: human trafficking, criminal law, crime, objective side, subjective side, recruitment, protocol, transplantation of human organs and tissues.
References (transliterated)
1.Volzhenkin B.V., Kvashis V.E., Czaginyan S.Sh. Otvetstvennost` za vzyatochnichestvo: social`no-pravovy`e i kriminologicheskie problemy`. Erevan: Ajastan, 1988.
2.Galaxova A.V. Prevy`shenie vlasti ili sluzhebny`x polnomochij. Voprosy` ugolovno-pravovoj kvalifikacii. M.: Yurid. lit., 1978.
3.Glushkov V.A. Otvetstvennost` za prestupleniya v oblasti zdravooxraneniya. Kiev: Vishha shkola, 1987. S. 165.
4.Egorova L.Yu. Ob``ektivnaya storona – odin iz vazhnejshix priznakov sostava prestupleniya – torgovli lyud`mi // Rossijskij sledovatel`. 2005. № 3. S. 23–25.
5.Ivanov N.G. Motiv prestupnogo deyaniya: ucheb. posob. M.: MCz pri GUK MVD Rossii, 1997.
6.Kalikova G.A. Problemy` grazhdansko-pravovogo regulirovaniya medicinskogo straxovaniya i medicinskix uslug: avtoref. dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. Alma-Ata, 1992.
7.Marchuk V.V. Vy`stuplenie na Mezhdunarodnom nauchno-prakticheskom seminare dlya sudej i rabotnikov prokuratury` na temu «Sistema mer protivodejstviya torgovle lyud`mi v Respublike Belarus`», g. Minsk [E`lektron-
ny`j resurs]. URL:
8.Pudovochkin Yu.E. Otvetstvennost` za torgovlyu lyud`mi po rossijskomu ugolovnomu pravu // Sravnitel`-noe konstitucionnoe obozrenie. 2007. № 3. S. 13.
9.Chuprova A.Yu. Ugolovno-pravovy`e mexanizmy` regulirovaniya otnoshenij v sfere e`lektronnoj kommercii: dis. ... d-ra yurid. nauk. M., 2015.
10.Shatilovich S.N. Special`ny`e vidy` osvobozhdeniya ot ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti. Tyumen`, 2006. S. 17.
Gasymova S.A.
The leniency for participating in the cartel: caution and costs
Purpose: While there has been considerable success over the past two decades in initiating a large number of court cases under cartel mitigation programs, the prevalence and management of such programs raise questions about their effectiveness and cost. In light of the above, the purpose of this article was to analyze the existing programs of mitigation of punishment for participation in the cartel on the example of the experience of foreign countries.
Methodology: In this article the following methods of scientific knowledge were used: logical, legal, comparative, analytical and others.
Results: In article after carrying out independent research the author received author’s conclusions concerning the considered question. In particular, the following can be noted. In 2011, some applications for commutation of sentences were filed in very minor cases, and in addition, law enforcement agencies did not initiate any criminal cases after the application for Amnesty and after several years of investigation. From the outset, the handling of these cases at worst raised questions from the point of view of common sense, and lengthy and costly investigations were not required until they were closed. The second and related problem was the tendency, both for companies and individuals, to «stretch» the facts to fit the definition of an agreement or «concerted action» in order to obtain an exemption or mitigation of punishment. Unfortunately, this practice still persists in some jurisdictions. There is another problem. The desire of a large number of applicants to obtain a reduced sentence seems to have resulted in the law enforcement system being overwhelmed with applications that are essentially requests for an Advisory opinion.
Novelty/originality/value: The main value of the article lies in the author’s conclusions and suggestions for solving the problem under consideration.
Keywords: mitigation of punishment, criminal liability, Advisory opinion, Amnesty.
References (transliterated)
1.WWL dobivaetsya smyagcheniya nakazaniya ot
GKRR Kitaya za kartel` gruzoperevozok, Mlex [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.Brent S. Snajder, zamestitel` pomoshhnika general`-nogo prokurora po ugolovnomu pravoprimeneniyu Ministerstva yusticii SShA, Otdel antimonopol`nogo zakonoda-
tel`stva. Zamechaniya na shestom ezhegodnom Chikags-kom forume po mezhdunarodnomu antimonopol` nomu
zakonodatel`stvu (8 iyunya 2015 g.) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.GKRR Kitaya podtverzhdaet antimonopol`ny`e proverki proizvoditelej kondensatorov, avtozapchastej i kompanij gruppy` OTA, MLex (2 iyulya 2014 g.).
4.Glavnoe upravlenie CADE rassleduet deyatel`nost` kartelya na ry`nke podshipnikov kacheniya, Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Economica (10 oktyabrya 2014 g.).
5.Glavnoe upravlenie CADE rassleduet deyatel`nost` kartelya na ry`nke ustrojstv bezopasnosti dlya transport-ny`x sredstv, Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Economica [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.CADE nachinaet bor`bu s kartelem avtomobil`ny`x amortizatorov, PaRR [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Zheludkov M.A., Sheveleva S.V.
Criminological analysis of the identity of the criminal committing scientific fraud
Purpose: Of the study is the identification of specific personality traits of a scientific fraud.
Methodology: Used system-structural and formal-logical methods.
Results: Using the gradations of the criminal’s personality traits that are classical for Russian criminology, the features of the socio-demographic, moral, psychological and role-based properties of the personality of a person who plagiarizes and falsifies the results of a scientific research are determined. Given the latent nature of scientific fraud, the questionnaire conducted by the authors of the study among students and young scientists, as well as the well-known results obtained both in Russia and abroad, served as an empirical basis.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a certain scientific value, since the very statement of the question of the need to study the personality of a scientific fraud is a new direction in criminology. The results are the basis for finding the best ways to counter scientific fraud.
Keywords: criminal identity, scientific fraud, personality typology, plagiarism, falsification of scientific research results.
References (transliterated)
1.Kriminologiya / otv. red.: V.K. Zvirbul`, N.F. Kuzne-czova, G.M. Min`kovskij. M.: Yurid. lit., 1979. S. 105.
2.Makeeva A., Civinskaya A., Sokolov M., Sokolova N., Guba K. Nekorrektny`e zaimstvovaniya v rossijskix doktorskix dissertaciyax: skol`ko, gde i u kogo? SPb.: CIANO EUSPb, 2019. (Seriya preprintov NNS-S (5)).
3.Fang F.C., Bennett J.W., Casadevall A. Males are overrepresented among life science researchers committing scientific misconduct // MBio. 2013. Vol. 4. № 1.
4.Nauchnoe moshennichestvo [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.McCabe D.L. The influence of situational ethics on cheating among college students // Sociological Inquiry. 1992. Vol. 62, № 3. P. 365−374.
6.McCabe D.L., Bowers W.J. Academic dishonesty among males in college: A thirty year perspective // Journal of College Student Development. 1994. Vol. 35. № 1. P. 5−10.
7.Stearns S.A. Administrative ramifications of student cheating // Journal of the Association for Communication Administration (JACA). 1997. Vol. 2. P. 133−139.
8.Fields M.U. The influence of psychological type, self-esteem, and gender on academic dishonesty of students in higher education // Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences. 2004. 64 (3-A). P. 737.
9.Ward D.A., Beck W.L. Gender and dishonesty // The Journal of Social Psychology. 1990. Vol. 130. № 3. P. 333−339.
10.Macfarlane B., Zhang J., Pun A. Academic integrity: a review of the literature // Studies in Higher Education. 2014. Vol. 39. № 2. P. 339−358.
11.Gundersen D.E., Capozzoli E.A., Rajamma R.K. Lear-ned ethical behavior: An academic perspective // Journal of Education for Business. 2008. Vol. 83. № 6. P. 315−324.
12.Rezaee Z., Elmore R.C., Szendi J.Z. Ethical behavior in higher educational institutions: The role of the code of conduct // Journal of Business Ethics. 2001. Vol. 30. № 2. P. 171−183.
13.Kelley P.C., Agle B.R., DeMott J. Mapping our progress: Identifying, categorizing and comparing universities’ ethics infrastructures // Journal of Academic Ethics. 2005. Vol. 3. № 2–4. P. 205−229.
14.Lind A.R. Evaluating research misconduct policies at major research universities: A pilot study // Accountability in Research. 2005. Vol. 12. № 3. P. 241−262.
15.Schoenherr J., Williams-Jones B. (2011) Research integrity/misconduct policies of Canadian universities // Canadian Journal of Higher Education. Vol. 41. № 1. P. 1−17.
16.Wajda-Johnston V.A., Handal P.J., Brawer P.A., Fabricatore A.N. Academic dishonesty at the graduate level // Ethics and Behavior. 2001. Vol. 11. № 3. P. 287−305.
Zheludkov M.A., Urda V.N.
Determinants of scientific fraud
Purpose: The aim of the study is to identify the causes and conditions that contribute to the Commission of fraud in the scientific field.
Methodology: System, sociological and formal-logical methods were used.
Results: The study of the causal complex of scientific fraud identified the most common determinants of this type of crime. These include the selfish needs of the individual to prove their scientific worth; envy of more successful colleagues; greed, acting as a motive and purpose of forgery or deception in the performance of scientific research; false interests of service or activity; negative value orientation, formed at the level of educational institution (at school, Institute or University, where for the first time an individual is faced with the need for scientific work); criminogenic situation in which the distorted moral position of the individual exaggerates the value of the benefits of deception in science, reducing the internal ability of the person to overcome the difficulties.
Novelty/originality/value: The present study has a certain scientific value. Fraud in the scientific field as a new direction of criminological knowledge is in the process of formation. The determinants have not yet become the object of active scientific research. The results of the study can be used in the development of measures to prevent this type of crime.
Keywords: causes and conditions of crime, scientific fraud, plagiarism, falsification of data.
References (transliterated)
1.Sheveleva S.V., Mus`yal I.A. Ugolovno-pravovaya xarakteristika moshennichestva v nauchnoj sfere // Rossijskij yuridicheskij zhurnal. 2017. № 5 (116). S. 115–124.
2.Avanesov G.A. Motivacionnaya kriminologiya i bazovy`e motivy` prestupnogo povedeniya: ucheb. posob. M.: Izdatel`skij dom Shumilovoj I.I., 2013.
3.Makeeva A., Civinskaya A., Sokolov M., Sokolova N., Guba K. Nekorrektny`e zaimstvovaniya v rossijskix doktorskix dissertaciyax: skol`ko, gde i u kogo? SPb.: CIANO EUSPb, 2019. (Seriya preprintov NNS-S (5)).
4.V Orenburge vy`yavleno moshennichestvo v sfere nauki [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: https://mvd.rf/news/item/813594.
Zhidkova T.K.
About some criminological features of participants of illegal armed formation at the present stage
Purpose: Research of criminological characteristics of the person of the participant of illegal armed formation for further development of a technique of counteraction to creation and activity of these criminal formations.
Methodology: The author used comparative legal, formal legal methods and the method of observation.
Results: The Author summarizes previously formulated in the scientific literature conclusions characterizing the activities of illegal armed groups. And the analysis on means of supervision of changes to which illegal armed groups under the influence of change of the external environment, and respectively and criminological characteristics of the participant of illegal armed group are exposed is carried out.
Novelty/originality/value: The article is a sufficient scientific novelty, as the author is one of the first criminological features of illegal armed groups at the present stage of development of Russian society.
Keywords: illegal paramilitary groups, terrorism, crimes.
References (transliterated)
1.Kriminologiya / pod red. V.N. Kudryavceva i V.E. E`minova. 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Yurist``, 2018.
2.Kas`yanenko M.A. Pravovy`e problemy` pri ispol`zovanii Internet v transnacional`nom terrorizme // Informacionnoe pravo. 2012. № 1. S. 17.
3.Skol`ko terroristov i iz kakix stran voyuet v ryadax DAISh: otchet The Soufan Group [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Ushedshie v IGIL: mify` i real`nost` [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Petukhov S.V.
On the correlation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and international treaties
Purpose: To identify the place and role of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the Russian legal system, as well as the study of fundamental changes in the competence of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
Methodology: Comparative legal and formal legal methods were used.
Results: The article highlights key judicial acts that directly affected the resolution of the issue of the correlation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and international treaties. In addition, the necessity of just such an approach is substantiated in the hierarchy of regulatory legal acts.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, since it allows you to form an idea of the role of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in Russian legal reality.
Keywords: Constitution of the Russian Federation, legal force, legal nature, hierarchy, legal regulation.
References (transliterated)
1.Guzij A.E. Konstituciya – osnovnoj zakon? // Sibirskoe yuridicheskoe obozrenie. 2017. № 1. S. 19–25.
2.Kozlova E.I., Kutafin O.E. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: ucheb. 5-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Prospekt, 2015.
3.Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossii: ucheb. dlya vuzov po special`nosti «Yurisprudenciya» / B.S. E`bzeev, A.S. Prudnikov, E.N. Xazov i dr.; pod red. B.S. E`bzeeva, A.S. Prudnikova. 6-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: YuNITI-DANA, 2013.
4.Mixajlova A.A., Vissarov A.V. K voprosu o verxovenstve Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii // Marijskij yuridicheskij vestnik. 2016. № 1 (16). S. 40–42.
5.Petrov A.A. K diskussii o meste reshenij Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii v nacional`noj sisteme pravovy`x aktov (ierarxicheskij aspekt) // Akademicheskij yuridicheskij zhurnal. 2015. № 3 (61). S. 9–18.
6.Presnyakov M.V. Naravne s Konstituciej: istochniki prava, obladayushhie vy`sshej yuridicheskoj siloj v Rossijskoj Federacii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2016. № 8 (236). S. 96–108.
7.Shaxraj S.M., Klishas A.A. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii / Akad. ucheb.-nauch. centr Ros. akad. nauk i dr. M.: OLMA Media Grupp, 2010.
Davydova M.L., Filimonova N.Yu., Chemeteva Yu.V.
Language of Modern Civil Law: Official – Contractual –Colloquial (Reflections on the Proceedings of the International Internet Conference)
Purpose: Identifying features and trends of the development of the legal language, specifics of its functioning in the sphere of civil-law relations.
Methodology: The authors use formal legal, specific sociological and comparative legal methods.
Results: The article presents a review of scientific reports of the International scientific and practical Internet conference «Language of Modern Civil Law: Official – Contractual – Colloquial», which considered the issues of linguistic features of civil contracts, trends in the development of the legal language and legal technique. Most of the reports were devoted to the legal language in general and its specific aspects within the framework of civil law. Many of the papers presented at the conference reflect the issue of conditionality of legal system development and functioning by means of interacting with digital technologies, which is an important factor in the dynamics of the modern legal reality. All studies state the general idea that subjects of legal activities should be not only professionals, but also literate people who are able to use both legal terminology and the common vocabulary of the modern Russian language. Analyzing the ideas expressed by the participants of the conference, the authors of the article identify the issues of the greatest interest for modern linguistic and legal studies.
Novelty/originality/value: The article raises a number of urgent issues that require solving by joint efforts of specialists in the field of jurisprudence and language sciences: the emergence of new terms and existing of word usage traditions, including colloquial ones; difficulties associated with using the Internet as a platform for concluding contracts; counter trends of simplifying and complicating the language of legal texts; ways of forming the language culture of lawyers.
Keywords: legal language, civil law, contract, legal term, legal discourse, information technologies.
References (transliterated)
1.Davy`dova M.L., Filimonova N.Yu. Professional`ny`j yuridicheskij zhargon: problema opredeleniya granicz ponyatiya // Yurislingvistika. 2013. № 2 (13). S. 16–23.
Zaretsky A.M.
Sources of financing of political parties of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Purpose: To study the sources of financing of political parties of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to analyze the revenue structure of the leading political party of Kazakhstan, «Nur Otan», to compare the features of its financing with the financing of Russian political parties.
Methodology: Аnalysis, comparative method, formal legal were used.
Results: The article identifies the main sources of funding for the Nur Ortan party and establishes the degree of participation of state funding for the party, compares it with the financing system of political parties in the Russian Federation.
Novelty/originality/value: The scientific value of the article is due to the fact that, despite the presence of a number of publications, the subject of research of which are political parties of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as comparative studies of political parties of Kazakhstan and Russia, the problems of financing political parties of Kazakhstan in the literature have not yet received sufficient coverage .
Keywords: political parties, financing, Republic of Kazakhstan, «Nur Otan», parliamentarism.
References (transliterated)
1.Zakon Respubliki Kazaxstan ot 15 iyulya 2002 goda № 344 «O politicheskix partiyax» // Vedomosti Parlamenta Respubliki Kazaxstan. 2002. № 16. St. 153.
2.Postanovlenie Central`noj izbiratel`noj komissii Respubliki Kazaxstan ot 3 sentyabrya 2009 goda № 166/314. Zaregistrirovano v Ministerstve yusticii Respubliki Kazaxstan 19 oktyabrya 2009 goda № 5825 // Oficial`naya gazeta. 2009. 14 noyabrya. № 46 (464).
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Chashin A.N.
Review to monography «Magadan region – subject of the Russian Federation» under the edition of S.V. Abramov, N.I. Zuyev
References (transliterated)
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