Интервью с членом Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации, Президентом Адвокатской палаты Республики Башкортостан Б.Г. Юмадиловым.: Интервью с Председателем Президиума Саратовской специализированной коллегии адвокатов, заслуженным юристом Российской Федерации, кандидатом юридических наук, профессором Н.П. Царевой: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, председателем Научно-консультативного и экспертного Совета Гильдии российских адвокатов, членом Научно-консультативного Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов РФ, членом Научно-консультативного Совета при Ве: Интервью с вице-президентом Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации С.И. Володиной: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, президентом Гильдии российских адвокатов, ректором Российской академии адвокатуры и нотариата Гасаном Борисовичем Мирзоевым:

Creating a comfortable environment for life was  discussed at the «Russian Creative Week»
Meeting to discuss the draft law on the settlement of disputes with the participation of a mediator (mediation) in the Russian Federation (Moscow, Russian Academy  of Advocacy and Notaries, October 10, 2020)
Dekhanov S.A.
Idea of real rights from roman jurisprudence and  teaching of pandektists to the system of limited  real rights in modern russian legislation
Purpose: Study of the evolution of the idea of property rights from Roman jurisprudence and the teachings of pandectists to the system of limited property rights in modern Russian legislation.
Methodology: The author used historical, comparative legal and formal logical research methods.
Results: The article deals with the analysis of various approaches to determining the institution of property rights in Roman law, foreign and domestic law. Conclusions are drawn that in modern Russian civil law science there is a tendency towards understanding property law similar to pre-revolutionary civil law, and the establishment and development of the category of property law as an independent civil law construction was facilitated by two most important factors in the development of world legal thought: Roman jurisprudence and pandekt teaching.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has high scientific value, since it deeply analyzes the process of developing the category of property law as an independent civilistic structure.
Keywords: Roman jurisprudence, pandectic teaching, limited property rights, Russian civil law.
References (transliterated)
1.Vasilevskaya L.Yu. Veshhny`e sdelki po germanskomu pravu: metodologiya grazhdansko-pravovogo regulirovaniya: dis. … d-ra yurid. nauk. M., 2004.
2.Venediktov A.V. Gosudarstvennaya socialisticheskaya sobstvennost`. M.: L.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1948.
3.Germanskoe grazhdanskoe ulozhenie [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Dexanov S.A., Izmajlova N.A. Nasledovanie nedvizhimogo imushhestva v Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: Yurlitinform.2019.
5.Dexanov S.A. Aktual`ny`e problemy` zashhity` prav predprinimatelej v sude: ucheb. posob. M.: RIO Rossijskoj tamozhennoj akademii, 2019.
6.Dyuvernua N.L. Chteniya po grazhdanskomu pravu [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
7.Emel`kina I.A. Sistema ogranichenny`x veshhny`x prav na zemel`ny`e uchastki: avtoref. dis. … d-ra yurid. nauk [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
8.Mattei U., Suxanov E.A. Osnovny`e polozheniya prava sobstvennosti. M.: Yurist``, 1999.
9.Noviczkij I.B. Rimskoe pravo. M., 1998. S. 74.
10.Pobedonoscev K.P. Kurs grazhdanskogo prava. Chast` vtoraya: Prava semejstvenny`e, nasledstvenny`e i zaveshhatel`ny`e [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
11.Pokrovskij I.A. Osnovny`e problemy` grazhdanskogo prava [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
12.Xrestomatiya po istorii srednix vekov. T. 1. Rannee srednevekov`e. M.: Izd-vo SE`L, 1961. S. 632.
13.Xrestomatiya po istorii srednix vekov. T. 1. M., 1953. S. 228.
Kruchinin Yu.S.
Problems of optimization of compulsory deductions of advocates and openness of financial statements of advocate’s chambers (based on the example of the advocate’s chambers of the Volga Federal District)
Purpose: Analysis of the problems of optimization of compulsory deductions of advocates and information openness of the management activities of the executive bodies of advocate’s chambers in the field of managing corporate financial resources.
Methodology: The article used general scientific (systemic, structural-functional, historical) and specific scientific (synthesis, analysis, comparison, analogy) methods.
Results: The need to optimize compulsory allocations of advocates the general needs of advocate’s chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the Federal Chamber of the Russian Federation was substantiated, a list of documents of the annual financial statements of advocate’s chambers, which should be subject to legislative requirements on transparency, was proposed, monitoring of the openness of collegial executive bodies of regional advocate’s chambers was proposed and Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian Federation.
Novelty/originality/value: The relevance of the work lies in the fact that the issues related to the collection of compulsory deductions from lawyers and access to information on the annual financial statements of advocate’s chambers have not been previously studied in the legal literature.
Keywords: advocacy, advocates chambers, compulsory contributions of advocates, financial reporting, openness of information, monitoring.
References (transliterated)
1.Kruchinin Yu.S., Kruchinin R.Yu. E`ticheskie aspekty` povedeniya advokata // Cheboksary`: Novoe vremya. 2017. S. 37.
2.Savel`ev A.I. Kommentarij k Federal`nomu zakonu ot 27 iyulya 2006 goda № 149-FZ «Ob informacii, informacionny`x texnologiyax i zashhite informacii» (postatejny`j). M.: Statut, 2015. S. 73.
Korobkin E.N., Prashchuk E.A.
The results of the study of compliance of the websites of advocate’s chambers with the legislation of the Russian Federation in 2020
Purpose: The study is devoted to measuring the openness of advocate’s chambers of constituent entities of Russia and the Federal Chamber of Advocates from the point of view of compliance with the requirements of the law on advocacy and the legal profession.
Methodology: The main research method is content analysis of sites. To study the websites of advocate’s chambers, the Methodology of auditing information openness of websites of advocate’s chambers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation was used. It was developed specifically for this audit, taking into account the needs of the Advocacy as an institution of civil society, based on the Methodology for auditing the websites of authorities.
Results: On average, sites comply with the requirements of regulatory legal acts by 50%. 46 websites of regional chambers of advocates comply with regulatory requirements for openness below 50 %. Only in 5 regions of the Russian Federation out of 85 advocate’s chambers fully comply with the requirement of the law on the publication of financial statements.
Novelty/originality/value: The latest amendments to the law on advocacy and the legal profession establish for the first time the obligation of chambers of lawyers to have their own website and post information specified by law on it. The study is devoted to checking the fulfillment of these requirements.
Keywords: advocate’s chambers, audit of websites, openness of the legal profession.
References (transliterated)
1.Metodika audita informacionnoj otkry`tosti sajtov advokatskix palat sub``ektov Rossijskoj Federacii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.Otchyot po itogam issledovaniya sootvetstviya saj-tov advokatskix palat zakonodatel`stvu – 2020 [E`lek-tronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Poryadok vedeniya advokatskoj palatoj sub``ekta Rossijskoj Federacii sajta v informacionno-telekommunikacionnoj seti «Internet» i razmeshheniya na nem informacii (utv. resheniem Soveta Federal`noj palaty` advokatov ot 14 fevralya 2020 g., Protokol № 10).
4.Rejting otkry`tosti advokatskix palat sub``ektov RF [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Rejting otkry`tosti Federal`noj palaty` advokatov [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 02.12.2019 № 400-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal`ny`j zakon «Ob advokatskoj deyatel`nosti i advokature v Rossijskoj Federacii».
7.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 31.05.2002 № 63-FZ (red. ot 31.07.2020) «Ob advokatskoj deyatel`nosti i advokature v Rossijskoj Federacii».
Yurova I.O.
Subjects of abuse of law in corporate relations
Purpose: To study the possibilities of abuse of the right by participants in corporate relations, to analyze the powers of the management bodies of corporate organizations, the rights and obligations of participants in corporate relations.
Methodology: Dialectical, formal logical and comparative legal research methods were used.
Results: The experience of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the formal regulation of the rights and obligations of participants in corporate relations is considered, the features of some powers in the activities of the management bodies of a corporate organization are revealed. The possibilities of priority of a separate subjective interest of a participant in corporate relations have been established, which leads to violation of the corporate rights of other participants. In order to prevent the possibility of abuse of law, a variant of improving corporate governance is proposed.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has scientific value and practical significance, since a brief comparison of the legislation of the Russian Federation with the provisions of some neighboring countries, conclusions about the possibilities of improving corporate governance, can be useful for further research into the problems of abuse of law in corporate organizations.
Keywords: corporate activity, corporate law, participants in corporate relations, corporate organization, legal entity, subjective law.
References (transliterated)
1.Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Chast` pervaya: Federal`ny`j zakon ot 30 noyabrya 1994 g. № 51-FZ (red. ot 16.12.2019 № 430-FZ) // SZ RF. 1994. № 32. St. 3301; 2019.
2.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 26.12.1995 № 208-FZ «Ob akcionerny`x obshhestvax» // SZ RF. 2017. № 1-FZ. St. 29.
3.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 08.02.1998 № 14-FZ «Ob obshhestvax s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost`yu» (v red. ot 04.11.2019 № 356-FZ) // SZ RF. 1998. № 7. St. 785; 2019.
4.Zakon Respubliki Kazaxstan ot 13 maya 2003 g. № 415-II «Ob akcionerny`x obshhestvax» // Vedomosti Parlamenta Respubliki Kazaxstan. 2003. № 10. St. 55.
5.Zakon Respubliki Belarus` ot 9 dekabrya 1992 g. № 2020-XІІ «O xozyajstvenny`x obshhestvax» // Nacional`-ny`j pravovoj Internet-portal Respubliki Belarus`. 2015. № 308-Z.
6.Zakon Ky`rgy`zskoj Respubliki «Ob akcionerny`x obshhestvax» ot 27 marta 2007 g. № 64 // Vedomosti Zhogorku Kenesha Ky`rgy`zskoj Respubliki. 2003. № 6. St. 240.
7.Zakon Respubliki Tadzhikistan «Ob akcionerny`x obshhestvax» ot 5 marta 2007 goda № 237 // Axbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan. 2007. № 3. St. 170.
8.Karagusov F.S. Osnovy` korporativnogo prava: uchebnik. Almaty`, 2010. S. 522.
9.Kraakman, Davies, Hansmann, Hertig, Hopt, Kanda and Rock. The Anatomy of Corporate Law (A Comparative and Functional Approach). OXFORD University Press, 2004. S. 11–13.
10.Zakon o Kompaniyax Respubliki Kipr: tekst zakona. St. 4(5(a) / per.: V.V. Denisenko, K. Kudellaris, O.V. Maslova. M., 2010. S. 14.
11.Kommercheskij kodeks Francii 2000 goda. M., 2008. S. 721–722, 985.
12.Ageev A.B. Akcionernoe zakonodatel`stvo Shvejczarii: Postatejny`j kommentarij. M., 2005. S. 513.
13.Shershenevich G.F. Kurs torgovogo prava. T. I: Vvedenie. Torgovy`e deyateli. M.: Statut, 2003. S. 368.
14.Korporativnoe pravo: uchebnik / E.G. Afanas`eva, V.Yu. Bakshinskas, E.P. Gubin i dr.; otv. red. I.S. Shitkina. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M., 2015. S. 311.
Kaurakova M.V., Davlieva V.I.
The language of a modern international contract
Purpose: To answer the questions: what the language of the international contract is? What meaning it has when making, approving and implementing contractual rules and practices? What the role of law at international contract. To find out whether language makes persons transacting business abroad reach their aim and whether this aim correlates with the aim of sovereign states giving contractual rules the force and effect of law for the parties to the appropriate relations.
Methodology: The problems concerned are viewed through the prism of practical methodology.
Results: By answering the questions: What the language of the international contract is; What meaning it has when making, approving and implementing contractual rules and practices and What the role of law at this is, we endeavor to find out whether this language makes persons transacting business abroad reach their aim and whether this aim correlates with the aim of sovereign states giving contractual rules the force and effect of law for the parties to the appropriate relations.
Novelty/originality/value: Currently we may admit that the Russian corporations enter into international contracts drafted not by jurists rather by managers of the projects which these corporations implement or by persons dealing with separate issues of the said implementation. The survey of this practice shows whether it is necessary or not to pay regard to what is given in such contracts to prevent or mitigate the losses that might be borne by the Russian corporations when implementing these contracts.
Keywords: language, international contract, private international law, choice of law, applicable law and jurisdiction, commercial corporations, party autonomy.
References (transliterated)
1.Get`man-Pavlova I.V. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo: uchebnik dlya magistrov. M.: Yurajt, 2015.
2.Erpy`leva N.Yu. Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo: uchebnik. M.: Izdatel`skij dom Vy`sshej shkoly` e`kono-miki, 2015.
3.Mazhorina M.V., Alimova Ya.O. Mezhdunarodny`e kontrakty` i ix regulyatory`: uchebnik. M.: Infra-M: Norma, 2017.
4.Mezhdunarodnoe chastnoe pravo: uchebnik dlya bakalavrov / otv. red. G.K. Dmitrieva. M., 2015.
5.Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu. The Spirit of Laws // P.F.Collier & Son, New York, 1900.
6.Samuel Williston. The Law of Contracts. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1893.
7.Popkin William D. Law-Making Responsibility and Statutory Interpretation // Indiana Law Journal, 1993, Vol. 68:865. P. 865–889.
Sosedova M.V.
Grounds for admitting evidence at the appeal stage: problems of defining bad faith and abuse of law
Purpose: To study the legal grounds for accepting new evidence in a court of second instance when considering civil cases.
Methodology: The article uses dialectical and formal-logical research methods.
Results: The article examines judicial practice on the issue of submitting evidence to court, as well as unfair behavior or abuse of rights by a participant in the process.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, since it characterizes violations of the norms of substantive and procedural law when considering civil cases.
Keywords: evidence, court of second instance, failure to submit evidence to the court of first instance, bad faith, abuse of right.
References (transliterated)
1.Opredelenie SK po grazhdanskim delam Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 5 avgusta 2019 g. № 16-KG19-21.
2.Arxiv Eleczkogo gorodskogo suda. Delo № 2-205/2019.
3.Apellyacionnoe opredelenie Nizhegorodskogo oblastnogo suda ot 13 dekabrya 2016 g. po delu № 33-15161/2016.
Kukhturskaya E.A.
The use of electronic evidence in the civil process: problems of theory and practice
Purpose: Consideration of the problems of using new means of evidence in the civil process. Analysis of current judicial practice and identification of difficulties faced by participants in civil proceedings when applying evidence on electronic media.
Methodology: The paper uses the theoretical method, the method of system analysis and analogy, and the method of studying documents.
Results: A detailed analysis of judicial practice makes it clear that at present the Russian legislator does not establish the procedure for obtaining and collecting electronic evidence, which makes it difficult to implement electronic evidence in civil proceedings.
Novelty/originality/value: The legal status of electronic documents is considered by the author from the point of view of the possibility of their application in the civil process.
Keywords: civil process, civil proceedings, electronic document circulation, electronic evidence, Institute of evidence, evidence on electronic media.
References (transliterated)
1.Osnovy` teorii e`lektronny`x dokazatel`stv: monografiya / pod red. d-ra yurid. nauk S.V. Zueva. M.: Yurlitinform, 2019.
2.Moskovskaya Femida perexodit na sistemu e`lek-tronnogo pravosudiya // Rossijskaya gazeta. Stolichny`j vy`pusk. 2015. № 18 (6589). 30 yanvarya.
3.Kazachkova Z.M., Anosov A.V. E`lektronnoe pravosudie: sintez prava, texnologicheskix prory`vov i proces-sual`ny`x instrumentov // Informacionnoe pravo. 2015. № 4. S. 13–16.
4.Treushnikov M.K. Sudebny`e dokazatel`stva. M., 2004. S. 79.
5.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 27.07.2006 № 149-FZ (red. ot 03.04.2020) «Ob informacii, informacionny`x texnologiyax i o zashhite informacii».
6.Bonner A.T. Tradicionny`e i netradicionny`e sredstva dokazy`vaniya v grazhdanskom i arbitrazhnom processe. M., 2015. S. 476.
7.Postanovlenie Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda ot 26 dekabrya 2017 g. № 57 «O nekotory`x voprosax primeneniya zakonodatel`stva, reguliruyushhego ispol`zovanie dokumentov v e`lektronnom vide v deyatel`nosti sudov obshhej yurisdikcii i arbitrazhny`x sudov».
8.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 27.07.2006 № 149-FZ (red. ot 03.04.2020) «Ob informacii, informacionny`x texnologiyax i o zashhite informacii».
9.Perechen` pozicij Vy`sshix Sudov k st. 64 Arbitrazhnogo processual`nogo kodeksa RF «Dokazatel`stva».
10.Grazhdanskoe delo № 02-1656/2019 // Arxiv Basmannogo rajonnogo suda goroda Moskvy`. 2019 g.
Vinogradova E.V.
A referendum or a nationwide vote: On the question of the form of approval of the 2020 amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation
Purpose: Research of history of formation of institute of the form of approval of the 2020 amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Methodology: Historical-legal and formal-legal methods were used.
Results: The process of introducing amendments to the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020 had a number of functional differences from the procedures previously applied. The use of a new form of adoption of amendments, named the all-Russian vote, predetermines the need for the research.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a scientific value. It examines the emergence in the Russian legal space of the emergence of the institution of all-Russian voting on the issue of amendments to the Constitution, which has not been previously considered by any author in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: Amendments of 2020 to the Constitution, Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, referendum, all-Russian voting.
References (transliterated)
1.Venecianskaya komissiya o konstituciyax, konstitucion-ny`x popravkax i konstitucionnom pravosudii: sbornik analiticheskix materialov Venecianskoj komissii Soveta Evropy` / sost. T.Ya. Xabrieva, R.A. Kurbatov, V.I. Lafitskij; pod red. T.Ya. Xabrievoj. M.: Institut zakonodatel`stva i sravnitel`nogo pravovedeniya pri Pravitel`stve Rossijskoj Federacii, 2016. S. 24–94.
2.Vinogradova E.V., Vinogradova P.A. Ukreplenie konstitucionny`x garantij popravkami 2020 goda v Konstituciyu Rossijskoj Federacii. M.: E`dipus, 2020.
3.Zor`kin V.D. Bukva i dux Konstitucii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Savenkov A.N. Gosudarstvo i pravo v period krizisa sovremennoj civilizacii. M.: Prospekt, 2020. S. 450.
Egorova M.A., Duflot A.,
Minbaleev A.V., Ponomareva D.V.
Legal regulation of artificial intelligence  technologies: the experience of Russia and France
Purpose: The study of the legal regulation of artificial intelligence in the Russian Federation and France and the main trends in the development of legislation on artificial intelligence, taking into account the best foreign standard-setting practice.
Methodology: The authours had used historical, comparative legal and formal legal research methods.
Results: The article analyzes the legal regulation of artificial intelligence in the Russian Federation and France. The authors attempted to give an overview of the main regulatory legal acts in the designated area of legal regulation adopted over the past two years (2019–2020). In addition, the article outlines trends in the development of legislation on artificial intelligence, taking into account the best foreign standard-setting practice.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a high scientific value, since it thoroughly analyzes the latest trends in the development of legislation on artificial intelligence as a fundamentally new sphere of legal regulation.
Keywords: artificial intelligence, legal regulation, artificial intelligence technologies, strategy, concept, robotics.
References (transliterated)
1.Dressel J., Farid H. The accuracy, fairness, and limits of predicting recidivism // Science advances. 2018. № 4(1). R. 5580.
2.Besse P., Castets-Renard C., Garivier A. Loyauté des décisions algorithmiques. Contribution au débat public initié par la CNIL. Éthique et numérique, 2017.
3.Besse P., Castets-Renard C., Garivier A., Loubes J.M., L’IA du quotidien peut-elle être éthique, 2018.
4.Barocas S., Hardt M., Narayanan A. Fairness in machine learning. NIPS Tutorial, 2017.
5.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 24.04.2020 № 123-FZ «O provedenii e`ksperimenta po ustanovleniyu special`nogo regulirovaniya v celyax sozdaniya uslovij dlya razrabotki i vnedreniya texnologij iskusstvennogo intellekta v sub``ekte Rossijskoj Federacii – gorode federal`nogo znacheniya Moskve i vnesenii izmenenij v stat`i 6 i 10 Federal`nogo zakona «O personal`ny`x danny`x» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Ministerstvo e`konomicheskogo razvitiya RF. Pravitel`stvo utverdilo Koncepciyu regulirovaniya texnologij II i robototexniki [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
7.Rasporyazhenie Pravitel`stva RF ot 19 avgusta 2020 g. № 2129-r Ob utverzhdenii Koncepcii razvitiya regulirovaniya otnoshenij v sfere texnologij iskusstvennogo intellekta i robototexniki na period do 2024 g. [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
8.Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 10.10.2019 № 490 «O razvitii iskusstvennogo intellekta v Rossijskoj Federacii» (vmeste s «Nacional`noj strategiej razvitiya iskusstvennogo intellekta na period do 2030 goda») [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Khalikov A.N.
Problems of criminalization of economic activity  in Russian Federation
Purpose: To study the theoretical and practical aspects of criminal regulations in the sphere of economic development in Russia.
Methodology: Comparative legal and formal legal methods were used.
Results: The article provides a critical analysis of the section of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation devoted to economic activity, which contains crimes against property, crimes in the sphere of economic activity and crimes against the interests of service in commercial organizations. The main analysis is devoted to the study of crimes in the sphere of economic activity, which is classified into six groups: 1) crimes committed with the participation of state authorities or their representatives; 2) crimes related to violation of the rules of accounting for various information and documents, their production in the field of economic activity; 3) crimes related to illegal business activities; 4) crimes related to illegal turnover of financial resources; 5) crimes committed in the field of relations in business activities; 6) crimes committed when paying taxes and other mandatory payments. In general, almost all elements of economic crimes are aimed at protecting property. The article substantiates the need to reduce the number of crimes related to entrepreneurship. Administrative or civil liability measures, as well as economic mechanisms for resolving conflict situations, should be more applied. In general, all changes in legislation in the criminal sphere should be aimed at the efficiency of economic activity in Russia.
Novelty/originality/value: The Article has a scientific value, generalizing and detailing the problems of the impact of criminal law on economic activity in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: administrative responsibility, fraud, entrepreneurship, property, criminal liability, criminal law, economic activity.
References (transliterated)
1.Lopashenko N.A. Ugolovnaya politika. M., 2009.
2.Radchenko V.I. Ugolovno-pravovaya politika i razvitie e`konomiki // Verxovenstvo prava kak faktor e`kono-miki: Mezhdunarodnaya kollektivnaya monografiya. M., 2017.
3.Teoreticheskie osnovy` issledovaniya i analiza latentnoj prestupnosti: monografiya / pod red. S.M. Inshakova. M., 2011.
Mikhaylov P.I.
The suspension of a preliminary crime investigation  in emergency situations on the example  of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19)
Purpose: To draft proposals for amending the Criminal Procedure Law, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the functioning of the criminal proceedings’ system in emergency settings.
Methodology: Used in the research include legalistic and static methods.
Results: The author has devoted deals with the issues of compliance and saving procedural periods within the framework of criminal proceedings in the event of an emergency, as well as the issues of guaranteeing the rights of participants in criminal proceedings. The author’s analysis of the current criminal procedure legislation and legislation, regulating vital functions of society in emergency situations, as well as the examination of practice in its application on the example of the COVID-19 pandemic, revealed that there is no specific procedure for criminal proceedings in emergency situations, which makes difficulties for law-enforcers and results in rights violations of participants in the criminal justice process. Amendments to the current criminal procedure legislation, proposed by the author, aimed at confronting the mentioned issues, and specifically it was proposed to expand the part 1 of article 208 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation paragraph 5, which allows for the possibility of the suspension of a preliminary investigation in the case of emergency situations, therefore criminal proceedings is impossible.
Novelty/originality/value: The author has conditioned by the fact that previously the juridical science has not taken into proper account the issues of the criminal proceedings in emergency settings.
Keywords: criminal procedure, a preliminary investigation, grounds for the suspension of the preliminary investigation, criminal procedure in emergency situations, issues of guaranteeing the rights of participants in criminal proceedings.
References (transliterated)
1.Konstituciya Rossijskoj Federacii (prinyata vsenarodny`m golosovaniem 12.12.1993 s izmeneniyami, odobrenny`mi v xode obshherossijskogo golosovaniya 01.07.2020) // Oficial`ny`j internet-portal pravovoj informacii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.Ugolovno-processual`ny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami). [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Federal`ny`j konstitucionny`j zakon ot 30.05.2001 № 3-FKZ «O chrezvy`chajnom polozhenii» (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami). [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Federal`ny`j konstitucionny`j zakon ot 30.01.2002 № 2-FKZ «O voennom polozhenii» (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami). [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 21.12.1994 № 68-FZ «O zashhite naseleniya i territorij ot chrezvy`chajny`x situacij prirodnogo i texnogennogo xaraktera» (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami). [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 30.03.1999 № 52-FZ «O sanitarno-e`pidemiologicheskom blagopoluchii naseleniya» (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami). [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
7.Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 02.04.2020 № 239 «O merax po obespecheniyu sanitarno-e`pidemiologicheskogo blagopoluchiya naseleniya na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii v svyazi s rasprostraneniem novoj koronavirusnoj infekcii (COVID-19)» // Oficial`ny`j internet-portal pravovoj informacii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
8.Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 28.04.2020 № 294 «O prodlenii dejstviya mer po obespecheniyu sanitarno-e`pidemiologicheskogo blagopoluchiya naseleniya na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii v svyazi s rasprostraneniem novoj koronavirusnoj infekcii (COVID-19)» // Oficial`ny`j internet-portal pravovoj informacii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
9.Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 11.05.2020 № 316 «Ob opredelenii poryadka prodleniya dejstviya mer po obespecheniyu sanitarno-e`pidemiologicheskogo blagopoluchiya naseleniya v sub``ektax Rossijskoj Federacii v svyazi s rasprostraneniem novoj koronavirusnoj infekcii (COVID-19)» // Oficial`ny`j internet-portal pravovoj informacii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
10.Ukaz Me`ra goroda Moskvy` ot 05.03.2020 № 12-UM «O vvedenii rezhima povy`shennoj gotovnosti» (s posleduyushhimi izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
11.Postanovlenie Kabineta Ministrov Respubliki Tatarstan ot 19.03.2020 № 208 «O merax po predotvrashheniyu rasprostraneniya v Respublike Tatarstan novoj koronavirusnoj infekcii» (s posleduyushhimi izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
12.Bozh`ev V.P. Ugolovny`j process: uchebnik dlya vuzov / pod red. V.P. Bozh`eva, B.Ya. Gavrilova. 7-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Yurajt, 2020. C. 43.
13.Levin A.O. Podxody` k opredeleniyu ponyatij chrezvy`chajnoj terminologii: chrezvy`chajny`e obstoyatel`stva, chrezvy`chajnaya situaciya, osoby`e usloviya // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2015. № 1. S. 136–141.
14.Sergeev A.B. Processual`ny`e problemy` dosudebnogo proizvodstva po ugolovny`m delam v chrezvy`chajny`x situaciyax: avtoref. dis. … d-ra yurid. nauk. M., 2003. S. 11.
15.stopkoronavirus.rf: Oficial`ny`j sajt Pravitel`stva RF [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: https://xn--80aesfpebagmfblc0a.xn--p1ai/news/20200331-0704.html.
Panin V.А.
Detection and disclosure of crimes in housing and communal services (complex)
Methodology: The analysis method and formal legal methods were used.
Results: The article deals with the actual problems of detecting and solving crimes in the field of housing and communal services. Many crimes are committed in the field of housing and communal services. This is primarily due to the fact that a huge amount of money is circulating in this area, almost every citizen of the state transfers money to the housing and communal complex. At the same time, control over the money supply in the field of housing and communal services is still weak. This circumstance determines the presence of criminogenic factors and turns the studied area into an attractive one for enterprising criminals.
Novelty/originality/value: The Article is characterized by scientific novelty and has significant scientific value.
Keywords: housing and communal services, detecting crimes, solving crimes, initiating a criminal case, methods of investigation, embezzlement, criminal prosecution.
References (transliterated)
1.Bertovskij L.V. Vy`yavlenie prestuplenij, svyazanny`x s narusheniem pravil e`konomicheskoj deyatel`nosti // Akademicheskaya my`sl`. 2018. № 1 (mart). S. 12.
2.Mal`cev A.V., Zhukov A.I. Vy`yavlenie prokurorami otdel`ny`x vidov prestuplenij v sfere ZhKX // Zakonnost`. 2016. № 12. S. 33–36.
3.Potapkin S.N. K voprosu o kvalifikacii otdel`ny`x e`konomicheskix prestuplenij v sfere ZhKX // Vestnik Altajskoj akademii e`konomiki i prava. 2020. № 4. Ch. 1. S. 154.
Yakubova O.P.
Peculiarities of interaction of the investigator and  the bodies of inquiry during the detection and investigation of crimes in the sphere of  real estate property
Purpose: To identify problematic issues in the interaction of investigators and employees of operational units of the internal affairs bodies in the course of investigating crimes in the field of illegal traffic in real estate.
Methodology: General scientific dialectical method of cognition, as well as special and particular research methods: normative, logical-legal, systemic and others.
Result: Achievement of the result on optimization of work in solving crimes with strict observance of the criminal procedure legislation in the investigation of criminal cases of this category.
Novelty/originality/value: The article has a proper degree of scientific value, as it is a study devoted to an important and significant topic related to the investigation of crimes in the field of real estate circulation.
Keywords: investigator, body of inquiry, preliminary investigation, interaction, investigative actions, operational search activities.
References (transliterated)
1.Ugolovno-processual`ny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18.12.2001 № 174-FZ (red. ot 31.07.2020) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.Federal`ny`j zakon «Ob operativno-rozy`sknoj deyatel`nosti» ot 12 avgusta 1995 g. № 144-FZ [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Polozhenie ob organizacii vzaimodejstviya podrazdelenij organov vnutrennix del Rossijskoj Federacii pri raskry`tii i rassledovanii prestuplenij, utverzhdennoe prikazom MVD Rossii ot 26 marta 2008 goda № 280-dsp.
4.Kriminalistika: uchebnik / pod red. N.P. Yablokova. 4-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2010. S. 140–141.
5.Aver`yanova T.V., Belkin R.S., Koruxov Yu.G., Rossijskaya E.R. Kriminalistika: uchebnik dlya vuzov / pod red. Zasluzhennogo deyatelya nauki Rossijskoj Federacii, professora R.S. Belkina. M.: NORMA—INFRA-M, 2000.
6.By`kov V.M. Psixologicheskie aspekty` vzaimodejstviya sledovatelya i organa doznaniya. Omsk, 1976. S. 47.
7.Esina A.S. K voprosu o vzaimodejstvii sledovatelya i organa doznaniya // E`poxa nauki. 2017. № 11 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
8.Kuzneczov A.V. Vzaimodejstvie sledovatelej i sotrudnikov operativno-rozy`skny`x podrazdelenij pri raskry`tii i rassledovanii prestuplenij na pervonachal`nom e`tape // Teoriya i praktika obshhestvennogo razvitiya. 2018. № 5 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
9.Moliboga A.A. Vzaimodejstvie sledstvenny`x i operativno-rozy`skny`x organov v raskry`tii i rassledovanii imushhestvenny`x prestuplenij, sovershaemy`x organizovanny`mi gruppami: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. Krasnodar, 2009.
10.Shuruxnov N.G. Kriminalistika: ucheb. posob. M., 2001. S. 437.
Troitskaya M.S.
Land management and its development  in St. Petersburg as the center of business activity of  the Russian Empire in the 18th – early 20th centuries
Purpose: To study the features of the organization of the system of land management and regulation of land and property relations in St. Petersburg in the 18th - early 20th centuries.
Methodology: The author had used the formal legal method, the method of comparative analysis, the historical and legal method.
Results: The article has raised a topic that is relevant in terms of improving the system of regulation of land and property relations - the development of land management in St. Petersburg as the political and economic center of the Russian Empire in the 18th – early 20th centuries. The author periodizes the development of land management in St. Petersburg, notes the main characteristic features of land management in the capital in comparison with the Russian province. The article identifies the main problems of land management, which at a certain point were an obstacle to the development of the economy and infrastructure of St. Petersburg.
Novelty/originality/value: The scientific significance of this article lies in the relevance and, at the same time, low coverage in the legal literature of the problem under consideration. The practical significance of the article suggests the possibility of applying the results obtained in understanding the land management processes of our time, searching for more optimal solutions in the management of land and property relations in the regions of the country.
Keywords: land management, land law, land use, land and property relations, St. Petersburg, cadastre, land surveying, urban environment.
References (transliterated)
1.Barsukova G.N., Yurchenko K.A., Litra E.N., Poshhenko D.A. Transformaciya zakona o zemleustrojstve: problemy` i perspektivy` // Moskovskij e`konomicheskij zhurnal. 2020. № 8 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.Bondar` M.N. Zemel`noe pravo Rossii v XIX veke: voprosy` zemlepol`zovaniya: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. Saratov, 2010.
3.Vasil`chikov A.I. Zemlevladenie i zemledelie v Rossii i v drugix Evropejskix gosudarstvax. T. 1, 2. SPb.: Tip. M.M. Stasyulevicha, 1876.
4.Geletij D.N. Transformaciya zemel`ny`x otnoshenij vo vtoroj polovine XIX v. v Rossii // Rossijskoe predprini-matel`stvo. 2012. № 23. S. 184–189.
5.Zharov A.S. Zemel`naya politika i zemel`ny`e otnosheniya v Rossii: proshloe i nastoyashhee // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo oblastnogo universiteta: e`lektronny`j zhurnal. 2019. № 2 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Kasso JI.A. Russkoe pozemel`noe pravo. M.: Pravovedenie, 1906.
7.Klimenko Yu.G., Klimenko S.V. Gosudarstvenny`e arxitekturno-stroitel`ny`e komissii i ix rol` v gradostroitel`nom razvitii Sankt-Peterburga i Moskvy` v XVIII veke // Academia. Arxitektura i stroitel`stvo. 2012. № 4. S. 95–99.
8.Oganesyan K.T. Zemel`no-kadastrovy`e otnosheniya v period Rossijskoj imperii (1721–1825) // Nauchny`j zhurnal KubGAU. 2015. № 107 (3). S. 1–16.
9.Proskuryakova N.A. Ipoteka v Rossijskoj imperii. M.: Izdatel`skij dom VShE`, 2014.
10.Rudin S.D. Mezhevoe zakonodatel`stvo i deyatel`nost` mezhevoj chasti v Rossii za 150 let. Pg., 1915.
11.Suxorukova A.S. Problemy` otchuzhdeniya gorodskogo nedvizhimogo imushhestva v konce XIX – nachale XX v. (na primere S.-Peterburga) // Problemy` sovremennoj nauki i obrazovaniya. 2016. № 2 (44). S. 98–101.
12.Suxorukova A.S. Mobilizaciya nedvizhimogo imushhestva i osobennosti cenoobrazovaniya v S.-Peterburge v XIX – nachale XX v. // Aktual`ny`e problemy` gumanitarny`x i estestvenny`x nauk. 2016. № 2 (85).
Belykh V.S., Khrupalov V.A., Bolobonova M.O.
Actual problems of legal regulation of the «Big Data»  in commodity and financial markets
Цель: Рассмотреть проблемы использования «Больших данных» коммерческими организациями в условиях цифровой экономики.
Методология: Использованы сравнительно-правовой и формально-юридические методы.
Результаты: В статье анализируется использование «Больших данных» коммерческими организациями в условиях цифровой экономики. Обозначаются способы использования «Больших данных», ограничивающие конкуренцию. Рассматривается необходимость адаптации антимонопольного законодательства к изменению хозяйственной деятельности. Авторами рассмотрены проекты законодательных актов, призванные обеспечить соблюдение антимонопольного законодательства.
Новизна/оригинальность/ценность: Статья имеет научную ценность, так как в ней рассмотрены актуальные проблемы правового регулирования «Больших данных» на товарных и финансовых рынках.
Ключевые слова: большие данные, цифровая экономика, антимонопольное регулирование, «пятый антимонопольный пакет».
References (transliterated)
1.Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 09.05.2017 № 203 «O Strategii razvitiya informacionnogo obshhestva v Rossijskoj Federacii na 2017–2030 gody`». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
2.Finansovoe pravo v usloviyax razvitiya cifrovoj e`konomiki: monografiya / K.T. Anisina, B.G. Badmaev, I.V. Bit-Shabo i dr.; pod red. I.A. Cindeliani. M.: Prospekt, 2019. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
4.Savel`ev A.I. Napravleniya regulirovaniya Bol`shix danny`x i zashhita neprikosnovennosti chastnoj zhizni v novy`x e`konomicheskix realiyax // Zakon. 2018. № 5. S. 122–144. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
6.Antimonopol`noe regulirovanie v cifrovuyu e`poxu: kak zashhishhat` konkurenciyu v usloviyax globalizacii i chetvertoj promy`shlennoj revolyucii / A.Yu. Czarikovskij i dr.; pod red. A.Yu. Czarikovskogo, A.Yu. Ivanova i E.A. Vojnikanis. M.: Izd. dom Vy`ssh. shk. e`konomiki, 2019. S. 46.
7.Ivanov A.Yu. Kontrol` monopolizacii v usloviyax cifrovoj e`konomiki: pervaya chast` diskussii o pyatom antimonopol`nom pakete // Zakon. 2018. № 2. S. 106–119. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
8.Yuchinson K.S. Bol`shie danny`e i zakonodatel`stvo o konkurencii // Pravo. Zhurnal Vy`sshej shkoly` e`kono-miki. 2017. № 1. S. 225–226.
9.How to tame the tech titans // The Economist. 20.01.2018 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
10.Proekt federal`nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal`ny`j zakon «O zashhite konkurencii» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
11.Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers under the Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
12.Nielsen Holdings N.V., and Arbitron Inc., In the Matter of [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Fan J.
The legal basis and function of foreign investment law: comparative research of russian and chinese foreign investment law
Purpose: The research of the law of foreign investment in Russia and China.
Methodology: The article uses historical, comparative legal and formal logical research methods.
Results: The paper analyses the legislative background of foreign investment law and legal system of foreign investment in Russia and China from the perspective of functional analysis of comparative jurisprudence, and to make recommendations for further improvement of foreign investment law of the two countries.
Novelty/originality/value: The article is of high scientific value. In Russia and China there are similar sources of law and legal traditions, and the two countries have experienced similar inevitable stages of developing countries. In recent years the two countries have been in a similar international situation, so the comparative research is forward-looking and conducive to strengthening legal understanding and cooperation between them.
Keywords: foreign investment law, comparative analysis of Russia and China, investment law, investment legal environment.
References (transliterated)
1.Farxutdinov I.Z., Magomedov M.Sh. Federal`ny`j zakon «Ob inostranny`x investiciyax v Rossijskoj Federacii» – 10 let spustya (opy`t, problemy` i puti sovershenstvovaniya) // Zakony` Rossii: opy`t, analiz, praktika. 2009. № 11. S. 61.
2.Doronina N.G., Semilyutina N.G. Pravovy`e usloviya formirovaniya blagopriyatnogo investicionnogo klimata i informacionnoj sredy` v Rossijskoj Federacii // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2012. № 10 (190). S. 6.
3.Abrosimova E.A. Nekommercheskie organizacii i investicionnaya privlekatel`nost` Rossii: voprosy` pravovogo regulirovaniya // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2020. №  1. S. 34.
4.Sly`shhenkov V.A. Pravovoe uchenie Niklasa Lumana i krizis sovremennogo obshhestva // Lex Russica. 2016. № 2 (111). S. 186.
5.Lisicza V.N. O razvitii mezhdunarodno-pravovogo regulirovaniya inostranny`x investicij // Evrazijskij yuridicheskij zhurnal. 2009. № 4. S. 95.
6.Kon Czzinczyan. Vzaimootnosheniya i svyaz` mezhdu zakonodatel`stvom Kitajskoj Narodnoj Respubliki ob inostranny`x investiciyax i drugimi zakonodatel`ny`mi i normativny`mi aktami // Vestnik kommercheskogo universiteta v Shanxae(孔庆江. «《 中华人民共和国外商投资法》 与相关法律的衔接与协调.» 上海对外经贸大学学报). 2013. № 9. S. 6.
7.Shherbinin S.S. Sposoby` i formy` zashhity` prav investorov // Pravo i e`konomika. 2004. № 12. S. 19.
8.Shul`ce K. Postmetafizicheskoe my`shlenie i pereosmy`slenie prava razuma (spravedlivost` v vospriyatii Lumana, Xabermasa i Derrida) // Lex Russica. 2015. № 2. S. 19.
Aliyev K.S.
Influence of the foundations of the Muslim  religion on the formation of inheritance law  in the Republic of Azerbaijan
Purpose: The author sets the task to comprehensively consider the most important definitions of the inheritance law of the Republic of Azerbaijan with influence of muslim religion on it.
Methodology: The author had used analytical and formal legal research methods.
Results: In conclusion, the author gives arguments about the need to improve the legislative norms of the Azerbaijani inheritance law. The article reveals collisions and ways to eliminate them in detail.
Novelty/originality/value: The originality of the article is emphasized by the relevance of the studied legal gaps. Today, the transformation of civil law norms is playing an important role, which gives rise to certain legal conflicts. The inheritance law of the Republic of Azerbaijan has significant differences due to the fact that the legal specificity is the influence of religious norms. In particular, when considering legal problems, judges often turn exclusively to the foundations of the Muslim religion, which gives rise to certain legal conflicts.
Keywords: inheritance law, testator, heir, legal successor, inheritance mass, inheritance law of the Republic of Azerbaijan, inheritance law of the Russian Federation.
References (transliterated)
1.Raxmatullin R.Yu., Nazarov T.Z., Semenova E`.R. Islamskoe nasledstvennoe pravo: obshhaya xarakteristika // Perspektivy` razvitiya institutov prava i gosudarstva: sbornik nauchny`x trudov 2-j Mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferencii. Kursk: Yugo-Zapadny`j gosudarstvenny`j universitet, 2019. S. 174–176.
2.Raxmatullin R.Yu. Osobennosti islamskogo nasledstvennogo prava // Nauchny`j vestnik Omskoj akademii MVD Rossii. 2019. № 2 (73). S. 40–44.
3.Abramenkov M.S. Nasledovanie kak raznovidnost` universal`nogo pravopreemstva: teoreticheskie i prakticheskie problemy` v aspekte mezhdunarodnogo chastnogo prava // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2007. № 11. S. 76–83.
4.Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast` tret`ya) ot 26.11.2001 № 146-FZ (red. ot 18.03.2019) // SPS Konsul`tant+ [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Grazhdanskij kodeks Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki (utverzhden Zakonom Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki ot 28 dekabrya 1999 goda № 779-IQ) (s izmeneniyami i dopolneniyami po sostoyaniyu na 03.12.2019) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Rabecz A.M. Pravo na obyazatel`nuyu dolyu pri nasledovanii po zaveshhaniyu (na primere sravneniya norm GK RF i Azerbajdzhanskoj Respubliki) // Vestnik Novosibirskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Pravo. 2015. T. 11. № 2. S. 39–44.
7.Abbasov S.G.O. Institut nasledstvennogo prava v Azerbajdzhanskoj Respublike i Rossijskoj Federacii (sravnitel`no-pravovoj analiz) // Biznes v zakone. 2010. № 3. S. 74–77.
8.Babadzhanyan E.L. Specifichnost` pravovy`x tradicij nasledovaniya v islame: institut vasaja // Pravo i gosudarstvo. 2017. № 1–2 (74–75). S. 73–81.
9.Masimova G.I. Sravnitel`ny`j analiz notarial`ny`x sistem Azerbajdzhana i Germanii. Istoricheskie, filosofskie, politicheskie i yuridicheskie nauki, kul`turologiya i iskusstvovedenie // Voprosy` teorii i praktiki. 2014. № 3-1 (41). S. 98–101.
10.Opredelenie Verxovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 25 oktyabrya 2016 g. № 45-KG16-16 // SPS Konsul`tant+ [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL