Интервью с членом Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации, Президентом Адвокатской палаты Республики Башкортостан Б.Г. Юмадиловым.: Интервью с Председателем Президиума Саратовской специализированной коллегии адвокатов, заслуженным юристом Российской Федерации, кандидатом юридических наук, профессором Н.П. Царевой: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, председателем Научно-консультативного и экспертного Совета Гильдии российских адвокатов, членом Научно-консультативного Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов РФ, членом Научно-консультативного Совета при Ве: Интервью с вице-президентом Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации С.И. Володиной: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, президентом Гильдии российских адвокатов, ректором Российской академии адвокатуры и нотариата Гасаном Борисовичем Мирзоевым:

International scientific and practical law journal «Eurasian advocacy» is 10 years old!

Krainova Nadezhda Alexandrovna,
Radoshnova Natalia Valeryevna
Some aspects of the criminal policy of the soviet period on the example of the fate of L.N.Gumilev
Abstract: Purpose of study is a retrospective study of some aspects of the criminal policy of Russia in the Soviet period through the prism of critical analysis, the search for new approaches in the development of crime prevention strategies taking into account past experience. The method of content analysis, dialectical, system-structural, historical and comparative methods were used. The conducted research allowed to draw a conclusion about the repressive nature of the criminal policy of the so-called Stalinist period. By the example of the actual circumstances of life and the role of a particular person in history, aspects of the practical implementation of criminal policy were analyzed. The authors concluded that, despite the repressive nature of criminal policy, the constant threat of criminal repression in the country, there were opportunities for self-realization and personal growth, which can be explained by the peculiarities of mentality, national identity.
The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the authors, based on historical sources, memoirs of contemporaries, scientific monographic studies, analyzed some of the factual circumstances of the fate of L.N. Gumilyov, which may indicate the implementation of criminal policy, reflect its trends. The facts of L.N. Gumilev's biography are given, on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about the implementation of criminal policy in relation to a specific person in history.
Keywords: repressions, arrest, conclusion, rehabilitation, denunciation, counter-revolution terror
1.Belyakov S.S. Gumilev sy`n Gumileva. M.: AST, 2013.
2.Verblovskaya I.S. Gor`koj lyubov`yu lyubimy`j… Peterburg Anny` Axmatovoj. SPb.: E`KLEKTIKA, 2014.
3.Demin V.N. Lev Gumilev. M.: Molodaya gvardiya, 2007.
4.Morev G.A. Osip Mandel`shtam: Fragmenty` literaturnoj biografii (1920–1930-e gody`). M.: Novoe izdatel`stvo, 2022.
5.Naumov A.V. Prestuplenie i nakazanie v istorii Rossii: monografiya: v 2 ch. ch. 1. M.: Prospekt, 2021.
6.Pozdnyakova T.S., Popova N.I. Istorii Fontannogo Doma (vmesto putevoditelya). SPb.: Muzej Anny` Axmatovoj v Fontannom Dome, 2015.
7.Popova N.I., Pozdnyakova T.S. V tom dome by`lo… SPb.: Muzej Anny` Axmatovoj v Fontannom Dome, 2019.

Khalikov Aslyam Nailevich
Consideration of disciplinary proceedings against lawyers in the light of the Сonstitution of the Russian Federation and legislation on advocacy
Abstract: The purpose of the work is to identify and evaluate the most significant norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, which regulate the right of lawyers to appeal disciplinary penalties imposed against them to the court. The method of system analysis, the historical method, the formal legal method, the method of studying documents, the method of included observation, the structural and functional method and other methods of cognition were used. The article examines the legislative norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law "On Advocacy in the Russian Federation". The positive and negative characteristics of the legislative norms regulating the grounds and procedure for considering lawyers' complaints to the court when they appeal disciplinary penalties are highlighted. The significance of the work lies in the fact that it contains provisions aimed at stabilizing regulatory regulation and organizational development of the procedure for lawyers to appeal disciplinary penalties imposed on them to the court.
Keywords: lawyer, advocacy, disciplinary proceedings, disciplinary misconduct, complaint, Constitution of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
1.Ragulin A.V. Traktat ob Obrashhenii 32-x, principax, diskriminacii i demokratii v rossijskoj advokature: mono-grafiya / predisl.: G.B. Mirzoev, poslesl.: A.V. Vorob"ev. M.: Rossijskaya akademiya advokatury" i notariata; Evra-zijskij nauchno-issledovatel"skij institut problem prava, 2019. S. 161-162. (Ssy"lka na e"lektronny"j istochnik:

Petrov Dmitry Vyacheslavovich
State protection of a lawyer participating in criminal proceedings: shortcomings of legal regulation
Abstract: The purpose of the work is to determine the content and identify the main problems of regulating the state protection of lawyers in connection with their participation in criminal proceedings as a defender, a representative of the victim, a civil plaintiff, a civil defendant and a private prosecutor. The formal legal method, the method of studying documents, the method of system analysis and other methods of cognition were used. The article examines the current regulatory legal acts regulating the provision of state protection to lawyers. The main aspects that hinder the full implementation of the guarantee provided to lawyers for state protection are highlighted. The significance of the work lies in the fact that it formulates the definition of the content of the state protection of a lawyer participating in criminal proceedings, identifies the main directions in the regulatory regulation of the state protection of lawyers in need of reform.
Keywords: lawyer, advocacy, state defense of a lawyer, criminal proceedings
1.Mirzoev G.B., Ragulin A.V. Pravovoj status advokatury` v Rossijskoj Federacii: osnovny`e vy`vody` issledovaniya // Ucheny`e trudy` Rossijskoj akademii advokatury` i notariata. 2020. № 1 (56). S. 5–12.
2.Ragulin A.V. Professional`ny`e prava advokata-zashhitnika v Rossijskoj Federacii. Voprosy` teorii i praktiki: dis. ... d-ra yurid. nauk. M., 2014. S. 198.
3.Ragulin A.V. Sovremenny`e problemy` reglamentacii i oxrany` professional`ny`x prav advokata-zashhitnika v Rossii: monografiya. M.: YuRKOMPANI, 2012. S. 135.
4.Revina I.V. Institut gosudarstvennoj zashhity` licz, sodejstvuyushhix osushhestvleniyu pravosudiya, v sfere ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva: rossijskij i zarubezhny`j opy`t // Pravovaya zashhita chastny`x i publichny`x interesov: materialy` V Mezhdunarodnoj mezhvuzovskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj Internet-konferencii: sb. statej / otv. red. B.I. Rovny`j. Chelyabinsk: Poligraf-Master, 2008. S. 154.
Yaroshik Oleg Dmitrievich
On the problems of investigation of motor vehicle crimes: the advocates's view
Abstract: The purpose of the work is to analyze various issues of investigation of motor vehicle crimes from the position of a defense lawyer in a criminal case.
The method of system analysis, the formal legal method, the method of studying documents, the method of included observation were used.
The significance of the work lies in the fact that it contains proposals for improving advocacy, investigative and judicial activities in the investigation and consideration of criminal cases of crimes in the field of road safety and vehicle operation.Errors and shortcomings in establishing the circumstances of road traffic accidents have been identified, entailing the prosecution of innocent persons and related investigative, expert and judicial errors.
Keywords: lawyer, motor vehicle crimes, traffic accident
1.Polozhenie o edinom poryadke registracii ugolov-ny`x del i ucheta prestuplenij, utverzhdennoe sovmestny`m prikazom General`noj prokuratury` RF, MVD Rossii, MChS Rossii, Minyusta Rossii, FSB Rossii, Mine`konomrazvitiya Rossii, FSKN Rossii № 39/1070/1021/253/780/353/399 ot 29.12.2005.
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8.Mel`nikovskij M.S., Yaroshik O.D. Osobennosti raboty` advokata po osushhestvleniyu zashhity` licz, dela kotory`x rassledovany` s uchastiem e`kspertov. M.: Granicza, 2003.
9.Postanovlenie sud`i Verxovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ob otkaze v peredache kassacionnoj zhaloby` advokata v interesax Deminoj L.V. dlya rassmotreniya v sudebnom zasedanii suda kassacionnoj instancii (delo № 38-UKS16-83 ot 30 marta 2016 goda).
10.Byulleten` Verxovnogo Suda RF. 2006. № 6. S. 25–26.
11.Postanovlenie Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda RF 10.02.2009 № 1 «O praktike rassmotreniya sudami zhalob v poryadke stat`i 125 UPK RF» (v red. ot 24.05.2016).
12.Voskobitova S.A. Vozbuzhdenie i prekrashhenie ugolovnogo dela: analiz sledstvennoj praktiki // Ugolovnoe sudoproizvodstvo. 2010. № 2. S. 3.
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14.Slonovskij Yu.V. Nekotory`e processual`ny`e voprosy` praktiki primeneniya st. 100, 125, 128 UPK RF // Advokatskaya palata. 2006. № 7. S. 14–15.
15.Spravka ob itogax obobshheniya predlozhenij po optimizacii sudebnoj nagruzki i povy`sheniya e`ffektivnosti sudoproizvodstva komissii Soveta sudej Rossijskoj Federacii po voprosam sudebnoj praktiki i sovershenstvovaniya zakonodatel`stva. Moskva. 25 fevralya 2016 goda // Yaroshik O.D. Problemy` zakonnosti i spravedlivosti v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve Rossii. M.: Moderat, 2016. S. 552.
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Leoshkevich Elena Vasilievna
Current issues of bringing to administrative responsibility for the dissemination of disclosure of information, access to which is limited by federal law
Abstract: The purpose of the work is to identify problematic issues of the legislative wording of the disposition of Article 13.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Disclosure of information, access to which is limited by federal law” and propose ways to solve them. The study used such methods as system analysis, formal legal method and other methods of scientific knowledge. The legal norms of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and the Protection of Information", the Federal Law "On Trade Secrets", as well as the positions of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the courts of general jurisdiction of the Russian Federation are studied. The analysis allowed the author to draw conclusions about the lack of a unified approach to the use of terminology in terms of the use of the terms "dissemination of information", "disclosure". Different interpretations of the concepts under consideration complicate bringing to administrative responsibility for the disclosure of information with limited access, which indicates the insufficient effectiveness of the mechanisms for protecting various kinds of secrets. The significance of the work lies in the fact that the author made proposals for improving the mechanisms for protecting information with limited access. In particular, the necessity of amending the disposition of Article 13.14 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in order to improve the current legislation and increase the effectiveness of the protection of information, access to which is limited by federal law is justified, and the author's version of its wording is given.
Keywords: restricted information, disclosure, administrative responsibility
1.Boshno S.V. Sposoby` i metody` pravovogo regulirovaniya // Pravo i sovremenny`e gosudarstva. 2014. № 3. S. 53.
2.Kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ob administrativny`x pravonarusheniyax ot 30.12.2001 № 195-FZ (poslednyaya redakciya) // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva RF. 2002. № 1. ch. 1. st. 1. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
3.Federal`ny`j zakon «Ob informacii, informacionny`x texnologiyax i o zashhite informacii» ot 27.07.2006 № 149-FZ (poslednyaya redakciya). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
4.Federal`ny`j zakon «O kommercheskoj tajne» ot 29.07.2004 № 98-FZ (poslednyaya redakciya). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
5.Postanovlenie Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 26.04.2007 № 14 «O praktike rassmotreniya sudami ugolovny`x del o narushenii avtorskix, smezhny`x, izobretatel`skix i patentny`x prav, a takzhe o nezakonnom ispol`zovanii tovarnogo znaka». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
6.Postanovlenie Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 25.12.2018 № 46 «O nekotory`x voprosax sudebnoj praktiki po delam o prestupleniyax protiv konstitucionny`x prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina (stat`i 137, 138, 138.1, 139, 144.1, 145, 145.1 Ugolovnogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii)». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
7.Balashov S.K. Logiko-pravovoj analiz ponyatiya obshhestvenno opasnogo deyaniya // Yurist``-Pravoved``. 2015. № 2 (69). S. 89.
8.Tagancev N.S. Russkoe ugolovnoe pravo. t. 1. Tula, 2001. S. 127.
9.Reshenie po delu № 12-8/2022 ot 30.05.2022 po zhalobe na postanovlenie po delu ob administrativnom pravonarushenii (75MS0054-01-2022-000744-90) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
10.Postanovlenie po delu ob administrativnom pravonarushenii № 5-53/2021 ot 05.08.2021 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
11.Postanovlenie Arxangel`skogo oblastnogo suda Arxangel`skoj oblasti № 4A-171/2016 ot 10 iyunya 2016 g. [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:

Mutalieva Aza Abukarovna
Features of the disposal of a share in the authorized capital of the limited liability company
in the framework of the bankruptcy procedure
Abstract: Despite the fact that the main purpose of conducting public auctions in the framework of bankruptcy procedures is to satisfy the creditor's claims of the debtor- participant of the company as much as possible, in practice, the implementation of this goal may lead to a collision with the corporate interests of other participants of the company. The purpose of the work is to consider the specifics of the disposal of a share in the authorized capital of the company in case its owner is declared bankrupt. In the course of the research, the method of system analysis, comparative legal and formal legal methods of cognition were used. The article analyzes the procedure for the disposal of a share in the authorized capital of the company, examines the main issues related to the problem of exercising the pre-emptive right to purchase a share owned by other participants of the company in the event of its alienation as part of the bankruptcy procedure of its participant.
Keywords: bankruptcy (insolvency), debtor's property disposal, share in the authorized capital of a limited liability company, public auction, preemptive right, pledge, pledgee
1.Ershov D.V. Pravovaya priroda i sootnoshenie poryadka provedeniya torgov v e`lektronnoj forme i poryadka prodazhi imushhestva dolzhnika // Predprinimatel`skoe pravo. 2019. № 1. S. 46–53.
2.Zenkova M.F. Ogranicheniya oborotosposobnosti doli v OOO i ix primenenie pri realizacii doli v procedure bankrotstva uchastnika // Zakon. 2017. № 11. S. 203–212.
3.Informacionnoe pis`mo Prezidiuma VAS RF ot 25.06.2009 № 131 (Obzor praktiki rassmotreniya arbitrazhny`mi sudami sporov o preimushhestvennom prave priobreteniya akcij zakry`ty`x akcionerny`x obshhestv). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
4.Opredelenie VAS RF ot 08.06.2009 № VAS-6699/09 po delu № A70-2477/11-2008. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
5.Postanovlenie Arbitrazhnogo suda Moskovskogo okruga ot 21.12.2015 № F05-17000/2015 po delu № A40-51626/15. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».

Garmaev Yuri Petrovich
Effective, inefficient and illegal investigation of corruption crimes
Abstract: Purpose of the study on the basis of a general scientific understanding of the effectiveness, the nomination and testing of a hypothesis about whether the methodology for investigating corruption crimes can be effective, and if so, what are the criteria for such inefficiency. Analytical, formal-legal, comparative-legal, situational, classification, practice-oriented and educational approaches are used.
All types of specific investigations in cases of corruption offenses are divided into three main types: effective investigation, ineffective and illegal. An effective investigation corresponds to the criteria (principle) of offensiveness and two areas of work of the investigator. Ineffective investigation corresponds to the listed shortcomings (passivity and others).
Criteria and classification of illegal criminal prosecution are given. The author's conclusions contain methodological rules for the creation of forensic techniques, taking into account the proposed criteria, typology and classification.
Keywords: illegal cashing of funds, crime prevention, combating economic crimes, tax evasion, illegal banking, typical misconceptions
1.Kriminalisticheskaya metodika rassledovaniya otdel`ny`x vidov i grupp prestuplenij: ucheb. posob. / V.D. Zelenskij i dr. Krasnodar: KubGAU, 2013.
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3.Avtorskij onlajn-kurs Yuriya Garmaeva «Zashhita i obvinenie po delam o korrupcionny`x i dolzhnostny`x prestupleniyax» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
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8.Prigovor Babushkinskogo rajonnogo suda goroda Moskvy` ot 17 marta 2021 goda po delu № 01-0078/2021 (01-0768/2020) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
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10.Baev O.Ya. Osnovy` metodiki ugolovnogo presledovaniya i professional`noj zashhity` ot nego (na primere ugolovno-processual`nogo issledovaniya dolzhnostny`x i sluzhebny`x prestuplenij): nauch.-praktich. posob. M.: E`ksmo, 2009.
Klyukova Marina Evgenievna,
Kugurakova Vlada Vladimirovna,
Verin Andrey Yurievich
The procedural specifics and perspectives of the application of the digital copies visualizing investigation scene to the criminal cases
Abstract: The article analyses the key areas applying to the digital copies visualizing investigation scene during the criminal procedure. The authors describe certain ways to form digital copies of this kind based on the VR technologies when examining the crime scene, verifying the testimony, searching, performing investigation experiment. The informativeness of the enumerated actions, primarily, is achieved by visual perception of the scene. The article shows the perspectives of the application of the digital visual copies to the criminal case proof in procedural and technological aspects.
Keywords: proof, evidence, evidence records, investigative procedure, investigation, court proceedings, digitalization, digital copy, criminal proceedings, criminalistics, VR technologies, IR technologies
1.Cifrovaya kriminalistika: uchebnik dlya vuzov / V.B. Vexov i dr.; pod red. V.B. Vexova, S.V. Zueva. M.: Yurajt, 2021.
2.Zazulin A.I. Onlajn-oby`sk kak samostoyatel`noe sledstvennoe dejstvie: predposy`lki, perspektivy` i nedostatki // Kazanskie ugolovno-processual`ny`e i kriminalisticheskie chteniya: materialy` Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Kazan`, 28 aprelya 2022 g.): v 2 ch. / redkol.: Yu.N. Kuleshov (otv. red.) i dr.; Kazan. in-t (fil.) VGUYu. Kazan`: YurE`ksPraktik, 2022. ch. 1. S. 117–123.
3.Smushkin A.B. Ispol`zovanie komp`yuterno-oposredovannoj real`nosti v pravooxranitel`noj deyatel`nosti // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2020. № 454. S. 251–259.
4.Eremchenko V.I. Sfericheskaya videofiksaciya kak perspektivnoe napravlenie razvitiya kriminalisticheskoj videozapisi // Obshhestvo i pravo. 2020. №  3 (73). S. 59–63.
5.Ishhenko E.P. U istokov cifrovoj kriminalistiki // Vestnik Universiteta imeni O.E. Kutafina (MGYuA). 2019. № 3 (55). S. 15–28.
6.Tolstoluczkij V.Yu., Borisov N.A., Kuzenkova G.V. Texnologiya dopolnennoj real`nosti, obespechivayushhaya sozdanie psixologo-kriminalisticheskogo portreta prestupnika i ego rozy`sk // Permskij yuridicheskij al`manax. 2019. № 2. S. 724–732.
7.Arsent`eva S.S., Morozov S.A. Ispol`zovanie metoda sfericheskoj fiksacii mesta proisshestviya // Vestnik Chelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Pravo. 2019. t. 4. № 2. S. 33–36.
8.Tolstoluczkij V.Yu., Kolosova V.A., Kostrova E.M. Dopolnennaya real`nost` kak texnologicheskaya osnova sovershenstvovaniya kriminalisticheskoj deyatel`nosti // Sovremenny`e problemy` prava glazami molody`x ucheny`x: sbornik statej uchastnikov Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Arzamas, 13 aprelya 2018 goda). Arzamas: Arzamasskij filial NNGU, 2018. S. 483–492.
9.Grigorovich V.L. Kriminalisticheskaya fotografiya i kriminalisticheskaya golografiya: sravnitel`ny`j analiz // Vestnik Kazanskogo yuridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii. 2014. № 1 (15). S. 100–105.
10.Zajcev O.A., Pastuxov P.S. Formirovanie novoj strategii rassledovaniya prestuplenij v e`poxu cifrovoj transformacii // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Yuridicheskie nauki. 2019. vy`p. 46. S. 752–777.
11.Rossinskaya E.R. Teoriya informacionno-komp`yuternogo obespecheniya kriminalisticheskoj deyatel`nosti: koncepciya, sistema, osnovny`e zakonomernosti // Vestnik Vostochno-Sibirskogo instituta MVD Rossii. 2019. № 2 (89). S. 193–202.
12.Rossinskaya E.R. K voprosu ob innovacionnom razvitii kriminalisticheskoj nauki v e`poxu cifrovizacii // Yuridicheskij vestnik Samarskogo universiteta. 2019. t. 5. № 4. S. 144–151.
13.Anatolij Bagmet: RF nuzhny` sledovateli s integrirovanny`mi znaniyami // Internet-portal «Rossijskoj gazety`» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
14.Reichherzer C., Cunningham A., Coleman T., Cao R., McManus K., Sheppard D., Kohler M., Billinghurst M., Thomas B.H. Bringing the Jury to the Scene of the Crime: Memory and Decision-Making in a Simulated Crime Scene // Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 2021. № 709. P. 1–12.
15.Kireeva V. V sude mogut razreshit` ispol`zovat` VR-ochki dlya ocenki dokazatel`stv // Setevoe izdanie Legal.Report [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
16.Bastry`kin A.I. Razvitie cifrovoj infrastruktury` obrazovatel`nogo processa v Sledstvennom komitete Rossijskoj Federacii. Riski global`noj virtualizacii dlya molodogo pokoleniya // Kazanskie ugolovno-processual`ny`e i kriminalisticheskie chteniya: materialy` Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Kazan`, 28 aprelya 2022 g.): v 2 ch. / redkol.: Yu.N. Kuleshov (otv. red.) i dr.; Kazan. in-t (fil.) VGUYu. Kazan`: YurE`ksPraktik, 2022. ch. 1. S. 4–10.
17.Kugurakova V.V., Antonov I.O., Goncharenko B.V., Chajbar A.A. Cifrovoe predstavlenie v virtual`noj real`nosti mesta proisshestviya kak instrument ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva // Programmny`e sistemy`: teoriya i prilozheniya. 2022. T. 13. № 3 (54). S. 193–223 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: http: //
18.Antonov I.O., Zezegova K.V., Kugurakova V.V., Lazarev E.N., Xafizov M.R. Programmirovanie zapaxov dlya virtual`nogo osmotra mesta proisshestviya // E`lektronny`e biblioteki. 2018. t. 21. № 3–4. S. 301–313.
19.Smushkin A.B. Ispol`zovanie komp`yuterno-oposredovannoj real`nosti v pravooxranitel`noj deyatel`nosti // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2020. № 454. S. 251–259.
Neural network technologies in the activities of law enforcement agencies of Russia and foreign countries
Abstract: This article discusses the main terms applicable to this topic, used at the present stage in order to improve the activities of law enforcement officers. Perspective vectors of development and use of existing developments for permanent use in practice by law enforcement officers are described. An analysis was made of the material received from civil and departmental structures. The author of the article considers the available possibilities for integrating currently existing civil systems and software systems created on the basis of neural networks, both russian produced and foreign analogues, which are promising for the disclosure and investigation of many types of crimes. The systems based on neural networks, which are in the public domain, are carefully analyzed by studying foreign experience in using systems that are in operation and officially assigned to the production of various operations by law enforcement officers. The normative legal acts are indicated, which fix certain developments applicable in the framework of the study on a given issue. At the end of this article, the conclusion suggests itself that this topic is very relevant, and from the available open material, little is given to the direction of studying the branch of artificial intelligence, like a neural network.
Keywords: neural network, artificial intelligence products, law enforcement, automated systems
1.Batoev V.B. Primenenie iskusstvennogo intellekta v deyatel`nosti pravooxranitel`ny`x organov // Vestnik Akademii Sledstvennogo komiteta Rossijskoj Federacii. 2020. № 4 (26). S. 83–87.
2.Gordeev A.Yu. Perspektivy` razvitiya i ispol`zovaniya iskusstvennogo intellekta i nejrosetej dlya protivodejstviya prestupnosti v Rossii (na osnove zarubezhnogo opy`ta) // Nauchny`j portal MVD Rossii. 2021. № 1 (53). S. 123–135.
3.Griczaev S.I., Pomazanov V.V., Zabolotnaya Yu.A. Komp`yuterizaciya celeopredeleniya i planirovaniya rassledovaniya // Nauchny`j zhurnal KubGAU. 2015. № 108. S. 491–499.
4.Zav`yalov I.A. Zarubezhny`j opy`t ispol`zovaniya iskusstvennogo intellekta v raskry`tii prestuplenij // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2021. № 3. S. 228–236.
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7.Ketiya T.A. Vozmozhnosti ispol`zovaniya nejrosetej v deyatel`nosti pravooxranitel`ny`x organov // II Minskie kriminalisticheskie chteniya: materialy` konferencii (Minsk, 10 dek. 2020 g.): v 2 ch. Minsk, 2020. Ch. 1. S. 99–102.
8.Moskvichka prosit sud zapretit` raspoznavanie licz gorodskoj sistemoj videonablyudeniya [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
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11.Popova N.F. Primenenie texnologij iskusstvennogo intellekta v pravooxranitel`noj deyatel`nosti // Administrativnoe pravo i process. 2021. № 3. S. 29–32.
12.Pochemu v SShA provalilsya e`ksperiment s sistemoj prognozirovaniya prestuplenij na osnove iskusstvennogo intellekta [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
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Compliance with the principle of a reasonable period of criminal proceedings at the stage of initiation of a criminal case
Abstract: The article is devoted to the actual problems of ensuring a reasonable period of the initial stage of criminal proceedings. Based on the system-structural analysis of the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation regulating the procedure for initiating a criminal case, and normative legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia and other departments, the author of the article concludes that some provisions of departmental regulations are inconsistent and their inconsistency with the criminal procedure law, which negatively affects the understanding by the law enforcement officer of the scope and timing of the audit according to the received message about the crime. The author substantiates the need for a legislative definition of the purpose of the stage of initiation of a criminal case to determine the content and boundaries of verification activities. As one of the measures to ensure a reasonable time for the initiation of a criminal case, it is proposed to establish the personal responsibility of both officials conducting an audit on a crime report and exercising procedural control over the activities of these persons.
Keywords: criminal proceedings, purpose, reasonable time, responsibility, initiation of criminal proceedings, verification of the message, provision of reasonable time
1.Doklad General`nogo prokurora Rossijskoj Federacii Yuriya Chajki na zasedanii Soveta Federacii Federal`nogo Sobraniya Rossijskoj Federacii 10 aprelya 2019 goda [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
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5.Obzor nadzornoj praktiki SK po ugolovny`m delam VS RF za 2008 god // Byulleten` Verxovnogo Suda RF. 2009. № 8.
6.Kushnerev V.I. Realizaciya principa razumnogo sroka ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva v normax, reguliruyushhix processual`ny`e sroki v dosudebnom proizvodstve: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2019.
Demina Elizaveta Petrovna
The main directions of reforming the institute of the officer for human rights in Russia in the public authority system
Abstract: The article uses the institution of human application in the light of possible scientific and practical applications of constitutional and administrative law. Particular attention is paid to the legal status of ombudsmen and the list of their requirements in the field of human rights protection.
Taking into account recent changes in the path with consideration of the authorized human rights institution in the Russian Federation, taking into account the experience of foreign states. It is concluded that the status of an authorized person is a combination of the following elements: rights, sometimes, decision-making and non-fulfillment of requirements, a guarantee of a function in the field of protecting human rights and freedoms.
Keywords: Institute for Human Rights, Rights and Duties, Commissioner for Human Rights, government, protection of human rights
1.Konstituciya Rossijskoj Federacii (prinyata vsenarod-ny`m golosovaniem 12.12.1993 s izmeneniyami, odobrenny`mi v xode obshherossijskogo golosovaniya 01.07.2020).
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11.Kel`makova D.G. Problemy` i perspektivy` razvitiya deyatel`nosti Upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka v sub``ektax Rossijskoj Federacii // Marijskij yuridicheskij vestnik. 2017. № 2(21). S. 60.
12.Kolobova T.V. Razgranichenie administrativno-pravovogo i konstitucionnogo statusov upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka v sub``ekte RF // Vestnik VGU. Seriya «Pravo». 2020. S. 29.
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16.Moskal`kova T.N. Institut upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka v Rossijskoj Federacii: istoriya formirovaniya i razvitiya // Zakony` Rossii: opy`t, analiz, praktika. 2020. № 4. S. 3.
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Vinogradova Elena Valeryevna,
Zakhartsev Sergey Ivanovich
Dormant bills, and not only
Abstract: The adoption of laws is a very difficult process, which includes not only legal and technical procedures, but also political and legal ones. In some cases, the lack of a coordinated will allows for a long time to stop the movement from the bill to the law. Analyzing this phenomenon, which we called "dormant bills", we drew attention to the fact that a dormant state can accompany not only legislative activity, there are "dormant norms", "dormant contracts", and even "dormant powers". The article, based on the analysis of normative legal acts, attempts to investigate some contracts and powers designated in the terminology we have proposed – dormant.
Keywords: Draft law, German bills, reserve powers, German treaties and powers
1.Zaxarcev S.I., Vinogradova E.V., Sal`nikov V.P. Dormantskie zakonoproekty` – letargiya bez sroka davnosti // Yuridicheskaya nauka: istoriya i sovremennost`. 2022. № 4.
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5.Vinogradova E.V. Grani sovremennogo rossijskogo konstitucionalizma. M.: Ritm, 2021.
6.Svistunova M.A. Sudebny`j konstitucionny`j kontrol` v Federativnoj Respublike Germaniya: konstitucionno-pravovoj status Federal`nogo konstitucionnogo suda: avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2007.
7.Protokol № 6 k Konvencii o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovny`x svobod otnositel`no otmeny` smertnoj kazni [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Vinogradova Elena Valeryevna,
Gogolev Alexey Mikhailovich
Russian identity as an element of the system of constitutional values
Abstract: The transformations of the modern world determine the search for new approaches to understanding Russia's historical place in the international community. The article attempts to analyze the foundations of Russian constitutionalism in the realities of legal statehood, the foundations of which are determined by historically significant ideas, views, ideals and values for the fate of the Russian people. As the purpose of this study, The authors would like to designate the actualization of works that institutionalize Russian identity, the appearance of which in the constitutional text of the Russian Federation occurred in 2020.
Keywords: constitutional development; cultural identity; traditional values; formation and strengthening of state unity; the place of the Russian people in the modern world
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Stepanov Mikhail Antonovich
Typology of approaches to the analysis of the constitutional provision on the state-forming people in the Russian political and legal science
Abstract: Amendments to the Constitution of Russia adopted in 2020 have made a significant contribution to the development of Russian constitutionalism. However, if there is an established consensus on the issue of supporting a set of amendments in society, then disagreements remain on certain provisions of the new version of the Basic Law today. In the article, using the methods of typologization and discourse analysis, an attempt is made to compile a typology of approaches to the analysis of the constitutional provision on the state-forming people in Russian political and legal science at the present stage. The criterion of typologization is the position of a particular researcher or group of researchers in relation to the analyzed provision of the Constitution. It is concluded that today in the domestic political and legal science there are three types of approaches to the analysis of this provision: nationalistic, egalitarian and linguistic. The results of the study allow us to make a systematic representation of the range of views of the Russian scientific community on this problem.
Keywords: state-forming people, political and legal discourse, The Constitution of Russia, amendments to the Constitution, nationalism, the Russian people, Russian language, typology
1.Avksent`ev V.A. E`tnichnost` v sovremennom obshhestvenno-politicheskom i nauchno-e`kspertnom diskurse na Severnom Kavkaze // Politicheskoe prostranstvo i social`noe vremya: Global`ny`e vy`zovy` i civilizacionny`e otvety`: Sbornik nauchny`x trudov XXXVII Mezhdunarodnogo Xarakskogo foruma: v 2 t. / pod obshh. red. T.A. Sennyushkinoj. Simferopol`: Areal, 2021. S. 9–16.
2.Arutyunova E.M. Russkij yazy`k v rossijskoj identichnosti: teoreticheskie podxody` i aktual`ny`j kontekst // Sociologicheskaya nauka i social`naya praktika. 2021. t. 9. № 1 (33). S. 111–123.
3.Achkasov V.A. Zachem russkim status «gosudarstvoobrazuyushhego naroda» // Politicheskaya e`kspertiza: polite`ks. 2022. t. 18. № 2. S. 215–224.
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5.Vasil`eva L.N., Vasil`ev A.A. Yazy`kovoe mnogoobrazie Rossii: novelly` konstitucionno-pravovogo regulirovaniya // E`lektronny`j nauchno-obrazovatel`ny`j zhurnal «Istoriya». 2020. t. 11. № 8 (94) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Vinogradova E.V. Konstitucionny`e popravki. Rossijskij opy`t gosudarstvenny`x preobrazovanij // Gosudarstvo i pravo. 2021. № 5. S. 19–25.
7.Gallyamov R.R., Kuchumov I.V. Ponyatie «gosudarstvoobrazuyushhij narod» v sovremennoj rossijskoj politologii // Vestnik BIST (Bashkirskogo instituta social`ny`x texnologij). 2022. № 3 (56). S. 7–14.
8.Glagoleva E.A. Yazy`k gosudarstvoobrazuyushhego naroda: razvitie nacional`noj yazy`kovoj kul`tury` v kontekste konstitucionnoj reformy` 2020 g. // Aktual`ny`e problemy` prava, e`konomiki i upravleniya: sbornik materialov studencheskoj nauchnoj konferencii, posvyashhyonnoj pamyati zasluzhennogo deyatelya nauki Rossijskoj Federacii, uchyonogo-pravoveda, doktora yuridicheskix nauk, professora M.N. Marchenko. Saratov: Saratovskij istochnik, 2022. S. 187–191.
9.Gonchar O.N. Velikij russkij narod kak nacional`naya ideya Rossii // Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Politicheskie, sociologicheskie i e`konomicheskie nauki. 2020. t. 5. № 2 (16). S. 139–155.
10.Zajceva O.N. O gosudarstvoobrazuyushhem narode v mnogonacional`nom soyuze ravnopravny`x narodov Rossii (pravovoj analiz) // Sovremenny`e trendy` obshhestvenno-e`konomicheskogo razvitiya Rossii. Osnovny`e itogi nauchnoj raboty` v Nizhegorodskom institute upravleniya v 2020 g.: sbornik nauchny`x statej nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvyashhyonnoj Dnyu rossijskoj nauki. N. Novgorod: Nizhegorodskij institut upravleniya – filial FGBOU VO «Rossijskaya akademiya narodnogo xozyajstva i gosudarstvennoj sluzhby` pri Prezidente Rossijskoj Federacii», 2021. S. 322–326.
11.Zaklyuchenie Konstitucionnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 16.03.2020 № 1-3 o sootvetstvii polozheniyam glav 1, 2 i 9 Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii ne vstupivshix v silu polozhenij Zakona Rossijskoj Federacii o popravke k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii «O sovershenstvovanii regulirovaniya otdel`ny`x voprosov organizacii i funkcionirovaniya publichnoj vlasti», a takzhe o sootvetstvii Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii poryadka vstupleniya v silu stat`i 1 dannogo Zakona v svyazi s zaprosom Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
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18.Stepanov M.A. «Rossiyane» ili «Russkie»? K probleme nacional`noj identichnosti sovremennoj Rossii // 2021. № 4. S. 78–84.
19.Uvarov A.A. O rasshiritel`nom znachenii prezidentskix popravok k konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii // Lex Russica (Russkij zakon). 2020. t. 73. № 11 (168). S. 43–52.
20.Federal`ny`j konstitucionny`j zakon ot 21.07.1994 № 1-FKZ (red. ot 01.07.2021) «O Konstitucionnom Sude Rossijskoj Federacii» (s izm. i dop., vstup. v silu s 01.12.2021) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
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22.Yaxshiyan O.Yu., Volox V.A. Popravki v Konstituciyu Rossijskoj Federacii kak osnova politiki identichnosti v Rossijskoj Federacii // Vestnik universiteta. 2020. № 11. S. 217–224.
Matevosova Elena Constantinovna
Law-cultural dimension of the official policy of memory in the Russian Federation
Abstract: The article defines the nature and extent of the relationship between the state policy of memory and the policy of improving legal culture, substantiates the importance of protecting the historical truth about events of world and national significance for the preservation and strengthening of the moral and legal values of russian society. The work develop doctrinal ideas about the implementation of the policy of memory, the protection of historical truth, forming a scientific basis for the development and evaluation of law-making projects-initiatives in this area of policy.
Keywords: legal culture, legal awareness, historical truth, historical memory, memory politics, legal education, patriotism, legal values, spiritual and moral values
1.Xabrieva T.Ya., Klishas A.A. Tematicheskij kommentarij k Zakonu Rossijskoj Federacii o popravke k Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14 marta 2020 g. № 1-FKZ «O sovershenstvovanii regulirovaniya otdel`ny`x voprosov organizacii i funkcionirovaniya publichnoj vlasti». M., 2020. S. 34–46.
2.Bondar` N.S., Barinov E`.E`. Aksiologiya konstitucionnogo mirovozzreniya. Chast` II. Cennostnoe izmerenie konstitucionnogo mirovozzreniya v koordinatax konstitucionnogo pravosudiya // Konstitucionnoe i municipal`noe pravo. 2022. № 2. S. 3–10.
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Yakovlev Alexander Yurievich
Audit committee of the directors board of state joint-stock company: legal basis and problems of formation and functioning
Abstract: Corporate law and joint-stock law in Russia are quite young. This fact does not allow the country to gain the necessary experience in law enforcement practice in the field of legal entity governance. In particular, there are relatively meager developments in the formation of committees of the board of directors in joint-stock companies. If such bodies are formed, they function in a formal format. After amendments were made to the Federal Law «On joint-stock companies» public joint-stock companies were forced to create an audit committee. Why the legislator drew attention to the presence of this committee, what potential it has, what is the current practice in the designated area, what does prevent the audit committee from playing an important role in corporate governance and control, and other issues will be considered in this scientific work.
Keywords: audit committee, board of directors, joint-stock company, joint-stock company with state participation, legal support of governing
1.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 26.12.1995 № 208-FZ «Ob akcionerny`x obshhestvax» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
2.Prikaz Rosimushhestva ot 22.08.2014 № 306 «Ob utverzhdenii metodiki samoocenki kachestva korporativnogo upravleniya v kompaniyax s gosudarstvenny`m uchastiem» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
3.Pis`mo Banka Rossii ot 10.04.2014 № 06-52/2463 «O Kodekse korporativnogo upravleniya» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
4.Korporativny`j uroven` sistemy` GiMU v Rossii // Informacionno-obrazovatel`ny`j portal «Gosudarstvennoe i municipal`noe upravlenie» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
5.Glady`sheva O.V. Pravila ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva v otnoshenii predprinimatelej: problemy` i puti ix resheniya // Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta. Seriya «E`konomika i pravo». 2018. № 1. S. 101–105.
6.Glazunova I.V. Problemny`e voprosy` publichno-pravovoj otvetstvennosti yuridicheskogo licza // Sibirskoe yuridicheskoe obozrenie. 2019. № 4. S. 512–517.
7.Olimpiev A.Yu., Majorova E.I. Nekotory`e aspekty` sovershenstvovaniya pravovogo regulirovaniya i realizacii konstitucionnogo prava grazhdan na obrashheniya // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2020. № 1. S. 32–34.
8.Smotriczkaya I.I. Strategicheskie podxody` k povy`sheniyu e`ffektivnosti institutov gosudarstvennogo upravleniya // E`TAP: e`konomicheskaya teoriya, analiz, praktika. 2018. № 1. S. 45–60.
9.Smotriczkaya I.I., Anchishkina O.V., Cherny`x S.I. Problemy` i strategicheskie zadachi razvitiya instituta obshhestvenny`x zakupok // Problemy` prognozirovaniya. 2017. № 5. S. 70–78.
10.Shagieva R.V., Ry`chkova K.A. Akty` organov mestnogo samoupravleniya v sisteme istochnikov rossijskogo municipal`nogo prava: problemy` teorii i praktiki // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2019. № 5. S. 22–29.

Kharin Alexander Konstantinovich
On the interrelation between of the global minimum corporate tax legal structure and the rules for countering hybrid mismatch arrangements
Abstract: This article discusses the mechanism of the global minimum corporate tax, as well as some issues of its interaction with the rules for neutralizing the effects of hybrid mismatch arrangements on the worldwide tax base.
Keywords: hybrid mismatch arrangements, hybrid structured arrangements, hybrid schemes, DTT, double taxation treaties, MLI, BEPS, international taxation, international tax law, the principle of tax certainty, SAAR, special anti-tax avoidance rules, global minimum tax, Pillar 2, GloBE
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2.Konvenciya mezhdu Pravitel`stvom Rossijskoj Federacii i Pravitel`stvom Yaponii ob ustranenii dvojnogo nalogooblozheniya v otnoshenii nalogov na doxody` i o predotvrashhenii izbezhaniya i ukloneniya ot uplaty` nalogov (Zaklyuchena v g. Vladivostoke 07.09.2017). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
3.Protokol o vnesenii izmenenij v Konvenciyu mezhdu Pravitel`stvom Rossijskoj Federacii i Pravitel`stvom Korolevstva Shvecii ob izbezhanii dvojnogo nalogooblozheniya v otnoshenii nalogov na doxody` (Podpisan v g. Sankt-Peterburge 24.05.2018). Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` SPS «Konsul`tantPlyus».
4.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 01.05.2019 № 79-FZ «O ratifikacii mnogostoronnej Konvencii po vy`polneniyu mer, otnosyashhixsya k nalogovy`m soglasheniyam, v celyax protivodejstviya razmy`vaniyu nalogovoj bazy` i vy`vodu priby`li iz-pod nalogooblozheniya». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».
5.Ana Paula Dourado. International and EU Tax Multilateralism: Challenges Raised by the MLI. Amsterdam. IBFD. 2020.
6.Govind Van West. Hybrid Entities in Tax Treaty Law. Linde. 2020.
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