Pandecten and institutional models in civil law
DEKHANOV Sergey Alexandrovich
LLD, Associate Professor, Researcher at the Center for Scientific Research of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation)1, Professor of the Department of Civil Law of the Russian Customs Academy.2
1117638, Moscow, Azovskaya str., 2, cor. 1, Russian Federation
2140015 Moscow region, Lyubertsy, Komsomolsky ave. 4, Russian Federation
DEKHANOV Matvey Sergeevich
Bachelor of Jurisprudence, Faculty of Law of Russian State University of Oil and Gas
119991, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 65, Russian Federation
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the didactic and historical and legal foundations for the coexistence of two main models for the construction of civil codes in the countries of Europe and the Russian Federation – the pandect and institutional systems.
Keywords: Code of Justinian (Corpus juris civilis), pandects, pandect system, institutions, institutional system, Code of Laws of the Russian Empire, GGU of Germany, FGK
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Problematic issues of recognition of conditions of commercial concession agreements that do not comply with antimonopoly legislation
SULTANOV Aydar Rustemovich
PhD, Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Tatarstan, Head of Representative Office of «Руреliaev group» in Tatarstan
125047, Moscow, 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya str., 39, p. 1, Russian Federation
Abstract: According to the author, the Decision of the FAS of Russia cannot and should not replace the court's decision on the invalidity of the terms of the contract and the need to change or exclude them. This conclusion is based on the fact that the recognition of the disputed transaction as invalid is actually a transformative claim, where without a court decision, the transformation of a valid transaction into an invalid one is unacceptable. Accordingly, a mandatory condition for declaring the disputed transaction invalid is the appeal of an authorized person with a claim.
Keywords: contesting transactions, circumvention of the law, transformative claim, commercial concession, competence of the antimonopoly authority
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Features of consideration of financial disputes in international commercial arbitration
PAKERMAN Galina Alexandrovna
PhD, Associate professor, Associate professor of Private International Law Department the Russian Foreign Trade Academy of the Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation, associate professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Business, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Arbitrator and member of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) (No. 105638), London, UK; arbitrator at the Hainan International Court of Arbitration (HIAC) (No. 983), Hainan, China, International Arbitration Court (IAC), Kazakhstan; member of the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA), Hague, Netherlands; European Association for Private International Law (EAPIL), Luxembourg, International Law Association, Moscow, Russia;
119285, Moscow, Vorobyovskoe h., 6A, Russian Federation
Abstract: The subject of this article is the arbitration of disputes arising in connection with financing and financial products, as a rule, in an international (transnational) context. The study is based on an analysis of the development of financial markets in China and Western Europe.
The study of this topic led to the conclusion that, firstly, some financial disputes have characteristics that are different from other commercial disputes, and secondly, international commercial arbitration has been increasingly used to resolve financial disputes.
Keywords: financial disputes, international commercial arbitration, international investment arbitration, financial derivatives, derivatives, financial market, FinTech
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Legal problems of concluding an exclusive right donation agreement
AFANASEV Ilia Vladimirovich1, KARPENKO Alena Anatolievna2
1PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity of the Faculty of Law of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
125167, Moscow, Leningradsky Ave., 49/2, Russian Federation
2Student of the Faculty of Law of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
125167, Moscow, Leningradsky Ave., 49/2, Russian Federation
Abstract: Intellectual property objects endow their rightholders with rather specific rights that do not always fall under the general transactions common in civil circulation. This article discusses a donation contract, under which an exclusive property right cannot be transferred. At the same time, the subjective rights and legal obligations generated by the gift agreement and the exclusive right alienation agreement, if the latter is gratuitous, are practically the same. The authors compares these two agreements in order to identify essential differences and get an answer to the question whether it is possible to grant an exclusive right and why at this stage the legislator prohibits it.
Keywords: intellectual property objects, exclusive right, copyright, exclusive right alienation agreement, property rights, intellectual property rights, gratuitous transactions, transfer of rights, donation, donation agreement
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Current issues of intellectual property turnover
YELANSKY Igor Yurievich
Postgraduate student of Department of State and Legal Disciplines and Digital Law of the Moscow Financial and Industrial University «Synergy»
129090, Moscow, Meshchanskaya str., 9/14, p. 1, Russian Federation
Abstract: Since the results of intellectual activity are intangible interests, they cannot be transferred or transferred to other persons as a result of succession or otherwise. The right holder can only dispose of the exclusive right to a large share of the fruits of his intellectual activity, and not the object of intellectual property. The article also describes such concepts as «intellectual property right» and «exclusive right» as a sign that indicates the turnover of intellectual property.
Keywords: intellectual property, exclusive right, turnover, result of intellectual activity
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Conclusion of transactions using blockchain technology in the digital space
RUSSKIH Sergey Sergeevich
Postgraduate student of the Moscow Financial and Industrial University «Synergy», lawyer of the Moscow City Arbitration and Tax Bar Association «People of Business»
101000, Moscow, Milyutinsky lane, 2, Russian Federation
Abstract: The author comes to the conclusion that previously, before the advent of blockchain, smart contracts were technical tools that allowed their users to simply automate certain processes without any additional security benefits of the data being entered. It was difficult to justify the inclusion of these smart contracts in the contractual activities of the parties involved, because regardless of the platform on which such tools were implemented (hardware solutions, such as vending machines, or digital, such as computer scripts), their development and / or compilation were technically more complex compared to the classic ‘paper contracts. To attract some user base, smart contracts would have to offer something more substantial than pure automation of their execution. And that's where blockchain technology came in handy. Decentralized distributed ledgers are created taking into account the immutability of the input data – a function that is the starting premise when it comes to the security of user information stored on such a platform.
Blockchain provides stability and immutability of data, while smart contracts provide automation for their users - a combination that is too promising not to use. It can be stated that there is a need for more incentive-based research to encourage data exchange.
Keywords: electronic transactions, digitalization, contract, blockchain technologies, digital space, smart contract
1.Egorova M.A., Kozhevina O.V., Sevost`yanov M.V., Ponomareva D.V., Van G. Issledovanie pravovy`x problem vy`puska i obrashheniya kriptovalyut na blokchejne dlya celej nalogooblozheniya // Pravo i cifrovaya e`konomika. 2022. № 2. S. 10–15.
2.Levushkin A.N., Tyulin A.V. Deepfake i sistemy` iskusstvennogo intellekta v paradigme razvitiya cifrovogo prava // Yurist. 2021. № 11. S. 19–24.
3.Levushkin A.N. Konflikt interesov mezhdu sub``ektami korporativny`x pravootnoshenij pri provedenii sdelok s akciyami // Aktual`ny`e problemy` rossijskogo prava. 2022. № 12. S. 168–174.
4.Levushkin A.N. Chastnopravovaya otvetstvennost` organov upravleniya v korporativny`x pravootnosheniyax, realizuemaya na osnove principov dobrosovestnosti i razumnosti // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2023. № 3 (62). S. 54–61.
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Civil aspects of the execution of a will: problems of law enforcement
GORBUNOV Zakhar Nikolaevich
Postgraduate student of the Department of Legal Foundations of Economic Activity of the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation. Acting Notary of Moscow Gorbunov Nikolay Alexandrovich
108811, Moscow, 2 Novaya, 23 a, Russian Federation
Abstract: The author comes to the conclusion that the heirs of the will carry out the execution of the will by agreement among themselves, if it is impossible to achieve such consent in the manner prescribed by the court. We consider it necessary to consolidate the provision according to which each of the heirs is charged with taking urgent measures for the protection and management of hereditary property, receiving payments due to the testator, making settlements with the debtor's creditors, while the heirs must bear these obligations jointly. Accordingly, the heir who has carried out any actions and incurred costs has the right of recourse to the other heirs in shares proportional to the share in the inheritance. In hereditary legal relations, heirs act as joint creditors and debtors in relation to each other, therefore it is necessary to reflect this provision in the current Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
It is proved that legal relations on the execution of a will arise from a civil contract, which refers to the type of service contracts, but it is difficult to attribute it to any contractual structure fixed in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. It is established that the Russian legislation does not provide for the possibility of concluding an agreement between several heirs on the execution of a will. Although, a situation is quite acceptable when one of the heirs has special knowledge and experience and can execute the will much faster and more efficiently than the other heir, so he can assume the authority to execute the will both in part of the share due to him and in part of the share due to the second heir. Accordingly, it is advisable to establish a rule on the possibility of concluding an agreement on the procedure for the actions of performers, to fix such an agreement in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Keywords: inheritance, hereditary legal relations, obligation, will, execution of a will, execution of an obligation, agreement, notary
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Responsibility of the sole executive body of a limited liability company under the legislation of the russian federation
SINGLEEVA Baira Anatolyevna1, PANIN Alexander Viktorovich2, AKSENOV Ilya Chudeevich3,
NAKTANOV Konstantin Konstantinovich4, TSEBEKOVA Gilyana Vladimirovna5
1PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law of the Faculty of Law of the State University of Education
105005, Moscow, Radio str., 10, p. 1, Russian Federation
2Master of the State University of Education
105005, Moscow, Radio str., 10, p. 1, Russian Federation
3Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Process, Faculty of Management and Law, Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikova
358000, Republic of Kalmykia, Elista, Pushkin str., 11, Russian Federation
4PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Process of the Faculty of Management and Law of the Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikova
358000, Republic of Kalmykia, Elista, Pushkin str., 11, Russian Federation
5PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Process of the Faculty of Management and Law of the Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikova
358000, Republic of Kalmykia, Elista, Pushkin str., 11, Russian Federation
Abstract: In the article, the authors reveal the specifics of the responsibility of the sole executive body of a limited liability company (LLC) under the legislation of the Russian Federation. The work reflects the nature of a limited liability company and the activities of sole executive bodies.
The purpose of this work is to identify the content of the responsibility of the sole executive body of the LLC, the object is the activity of the sole executive body of the LLC, the subject is the responsibility of the sole executive body of the limited liability company.
Keywords: legal responsibility, sole executive body, acquisition of powers, termination of powers, limited liability company, legal status, unfair actions, legal nature, element of legal status, legal entity
1.Abakumova E.B. Problemy` pravovogo obespecheniya priobreteniya i prekrashheniya polnomochij edinolichnogo ispolnitel`nogo organa xozyajstvennogo obshhestva // Vestnik SurGU. 2022. № 3 (37). S. 54–61.
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Affiliated and controlling persons in the corporation
SINGLEEVA Baira Anatolyevna1, TITOV Andrey Valeryevich2, PETROVA Victoria Yuryevna3,
USKOVA Albina Stanislavovna4, TSEBEKOVA Gilyana Vladimirovna5
1PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law of the Faculty of Law of the State University of Education
105005, Moscow, Radio str., 10, p. 1, Russian Federation
2Master of State University of Education
105005, Moscow, Radio str., 10, p. 1, Russian Federation
3PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law of the Faculty of Law of the State University of Education
105005, Moscow, Radio str., 10, p. 1, Russian Federation
4PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Constitutional and Municipal Law of the Faculty of Law of the State University of Education
105005, Moscow, Radio str., 10, p. 1, Russian Federation
5PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Process of the Faculty of Management and Law of the Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikova
358000, Republic of Kalmykia, Elista, Pushkin str., 11, Russian Federation
Abstract: The authors reveal the content and essence of the concepts of affiliated and controlling persons in the corporation, their main functions. At the initial stage of the study, these concepts are not only concretized, but also the procedures necessary for the affiliation and formation of controlling persons in the corporation are described.
The purpose of our work is to determine the specifics of the activities of affiliated and controlling persons in the corporation. In addition, in the course of the study, we need to identify not only the meaning of these terms, but also to differentiate the content of their activities, to determine the legal consequences of the commission of lawful and illegal actions, as well as the onset of responsibility.
Keywords: corporation, controlling person, affiliated persons, members of the corporation, responsibility of controlling persons, doctrinal approach, regulatory approach, subsidiary responsibility, latent conflict, affiliation
1.Abramov A.R. Kontroliruyushhie licza i sposoby` ix privlecheniya k yuridicheskoj otvetstvennosti // Chelovek. Socium. Obshhestvo. 2023. № 5. S. 232–238.
2.Anishhenko S.D. Priznaki, xarakterny`e dlya koncepcii «snyatie korporativnoj vuali» // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2022. № 4. S. 195–198.
3.Biryulin D.A. Rol` kontroliruyushhego licza v sisteme upravleniya korporacii // Tradicii i novacii v sisteme sovremennogo rossijskogo prava: Materialy` XXI Mezhdunarodnoj konferencii molody`x ucheny`x: v 3 t. Moskva, 15–16 aprelya 2022 goda. T. 2. M.: Moskovskij gosudarstvenny`j yuridicheskij universitet imeni O.E. Kutafina (MGYuA), 2022. S. 320–322.
4.Gavrilyuk R.V., Nosanenko G.Yu., Urazov A.A. Affilirovanny`e licza: ponyatie i priznaki // BGZh. 2020. № 2 (31). S. 347–349.
5.Gribov N.D. Obyazannosti uchastnikov korporacii // Pravosudie. 2021. № 1. S. 128–147.
6.Drozhzhina O.A. Osnovaniya dlya «snyatiya korporativnoj vuali» // Skif. 2021. № 4 (56). S. 177–181.
7.Osokin A.V., Shul`gina V.A. Teoriya korporativnoj otvetstvennosti v kontekste subsidiarnoj otvetstvennosti v sfere bankrotstva // Voprosy` rossijskoj yusticii. 2022. № 19. S. 231–240.
8.Petuxov S.V. Pravovaya priroda subsidiarnoj otvetstvennosti kontroliruyushhix licz // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2023. № 1. S. 184–188.
9.Petuxov S.V. Pravovoj status kontroliruyushhego licza v xode privlecheniya ego k subsidiarnoj otvetstvennosti // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2021. № 12. S. 133–137.
10.Romashkova I.I. Otvetstvennost` licz, kontroliruyushhix korporaciyu // Imushhestvenny`e otnosheniya v RF. 2021. № 10 (241). S. 100–105.
11.Syatchixin A.V., Storozhenko D.I. Doktrinal`ny`j i normativny`j podxody` k ponyatiyu affilirovannosti // Ex jure. 2021. № 4. S. 46–59.
Legal features of the extension of the moratorium on the payment of penalties accrued for violations of monetary obligations during the period of the moratorium
ALEKSEEVA Diana Gennadievna
LLD, Professor of the Department of International and Public Law of the Faculty of Law of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
125167, Moscow, Leningradsky Ave., 49/2, Russian Federation
Abstract: In the current Russian legislation, during the period of anti–covid restrictions, a new legal instrument has appeared - a moratorium on satisfying creditor's claims. Subsequently, this moratorium was extended to other grounds. At the same time, the legislation does not clearly provide for which payments it applies to in relation to the timing of the occurrence of a monetary obligation. The article analyzes the current legislation and judicial practice, and concludes that the requirements of the moratorium do not apply to penalties accrued in cases of violation of a monetary obligation that occur during the period of the moratorium.
Keywords: bankruptcy, moratorium, monetary obligation, creditor, penalties, legal entity
1.By`chkov A. Moratorij na bankrotstvo i ego posledstviya // Yuridicheskij spravochnik rukovoditelya. 2022. № 8. S. 39–45.
2.Kurcz N.A. Analiz sudebnoj praktiki primeneniya norm ob osvobozhdenii ot uplaty` neustoek, nachislenny`x za neispolnenie gosudarstvenny`x i municipal`ny`x kontraktov // Xozyajstvo i pravo. 2022. № 1. S. 11–21.
3.Mexanizmy` bankrotstva i ix rol` v obespechenii blagosostoyaniya cheloveka: monografiya / A.Z. Boby`leva, D.E. Gorev, Yu.A. Zajceva i dr.; otv. red. S.A. Karelina, I.V. Frolov. M.: Yusticinform, 2022.
4.Suxodol`skij I.M. Moratorij na iniciirovanie procedury` nesostoyatel`nosti (bankrotstva) kak instrument gosudarstvennogo regulirovaniya e`konomiki // Pravo i biznes. 2023. № 1. S. 12–16.
5.Sobranie zakonodatel`stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2022. № 14. St. 2278.
6.Obzor sudebnoj praktiki Verxovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii № 3 (2021) (utv. Prezidiumom Verxovnogo Suda RF 10.11.2021) // Byulleten` Verxovnogo Suda RF. 2022. № 2 (fevral`). P. 56–68.
7.Pis`mo Minfina Rossii ot 13.05.2022 № 06-05-48/44669 «O nachislenii peni za nenadlezhashhee ispolnenie denezhny`x obyazatel`stv – platy` za kommunal`ny`e uslugi i platy` za zhiloe pomeshhenie, v otnoshenii grazhdan i organizacij, ne zayavivshix o svoem otkaze ot primeneniya v otnoshenii nix moratoriya na bankrotstvo» // Oficial`ny`e dokumenty`: Ezhenedel`noe prilozhenie k gazete «Uchet, nalogi, pravo». 2022. № 23. 14–20 iyunya.
8.Pis`mo Minyusta Rossii ot 07.05.2022 № 04-52513/22 «Po voprosu primeneniya Postanovleniya Pravitel`stva RF ot 28.03.2022 № 497 «O vvedenii moratoriya na vozbuzhdenie del o bankrotstve po zayavleniyam, podavaemy`m kreditorami» // Vestnik Associacii rossijskix bankov. 2022. № 9–10 (maj).
9.Postanovleniе Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 24.12.2020 № 44 «O nekotory`x voprosax primeneniya polozhenij stat`i 9.1 Federal`nogo zakona ot 26 oktyabrya 2002 goda № 127-FZ «O nesostoyatel`nosti (bankrotstve)» // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2021. № 2. 12 yanvarya.

About the actual causes of financial crimes in Russia
BAGREEVA Elena Gennadievna
LLD, professor, Professor of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
125993, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 49, Russian Federation
Abstract: The author analyzes statistical indicators in groups of financial crimes, and also considers the main groups of reasons that cause crimes in the financial sphere (legal, economic, technical, political, moral and psychological, organizational, financial and tax).
Keywords: financial crimes, economic crime, statistical data, causes, factors, law enforcement agencies
1.Lapshin V.F. Finansovy`e prestupleniya: ponyatie, sushhnost`, klassifikaciya // Ugolovnoe pravo. 2008. № 3. S. 116—119.
2.Semenova M.A., Ivanov M.G. Kriminologicheskaya xarakteristika prestupnosti v sfere kreditno-finansovoj sistemy` // Vestnik RUK. 2016. № 2 (24). S. 107.
3.Varseev V.V. Osnovny`e prichiny` soversheniya finansovy`x prestuplenij // Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba i kadry`. 2018. № 3. S. 93.
The person occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy as the subject of the crime
BULYCHEV Evgeniy Nikolaevich
PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Studies, Law and Social Management of the Institute of Historical, Legal and Socio-Humanitarian Education of the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, Head of the Department of Research on Administrative Law Problems of the Eurasian Research Institute of Law Problems (Ufa)
450000, Ufa, Oktyabrskaoi revolyutsii str., 3A, Russian Federation
Abstract: Purpose of article – to conduct a detailed analysis of the features of legislative registration and judicial interpretation of the concept of a person holding a higher position in the criminal hierarchy, its characteristics, as well as to identify possible problems of application of part 4 of article 210 and article 210.1 of the criminal code.
The article used the method of analysis, comparative and formal legal methods.
Вased on the analysis of the concept of a person occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy, and taking into account foreign experience, conclusions are drawn about the need for its concretization in order to correctly and effectively apply part 4 of article 210 and article 210.1 of the criminal code. In addition, the authors identified possible problems of application of article 210.1, associated with the uncertainty of the end of the crime.
The Scientific value of the article lies in the fact that the authors conducted a detailed analysis of the concept of a person occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy, its characteristics. We concluded that there are shortcomings in the design of part 4 of article 210 and article 210.1 of the criminal code, in connection with which proposals were put forward on the need to improve the criminal legislation of Russia and the adoption of acts of judicial interpretation.
Keywords: the person occupying the highest position in the criminal hierarchy; criminal organizations (communities); criminal hierarchy; «thief in law»
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4.Belocerkovskij S.D. Novy`j federal`ny`j zakon ob usilenii bor`by` s prestupny`mi soobshhestvami: kommentarij i problemy` primeneniya // Ugolovnoe pravo. 2010. № 2. S. 9–14. Cit. po: Grigor`ev D.A., Morozov V.I. Kak opredelit` liczo, zanimayushhee vy`sshee polozhenie v prestupnoj ierarxii? // Yuridicheskaya nauka i pravooxranitel`naya praktika. 2014. № 4 (30) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Gir`ko S.I., Belyanskij E.B. Zakonodatel`ny`e osnovy` operativno-rozy`sknogo protivodejstviya prestupleniyam obshheugolovnoj napravlennosti, sovershaemy`m liczami, zanimayushhimi vy`sshee polozhenie v prestupnoj ierarxii // Nauchny`j portal MVD Rossii. 2016. № 3 (35). S. 52–60.
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7.Buly`chev E.N. Princip ravenstva i problemy` ego zakrepleniya v Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2016. № 2 (21). S. 58–62.
Analysis of the typical identity of victims of real estate fraud
SHAIDULLINA Venera Kamilevna
PhD, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law of the State Academic University of Humanities
119049, Moscow, Maronovsky lane, 26, Russian Federation
Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the personality characteristics of victims of fraud with real estate. The author considers the characteristic features of fraud in the field of real estate turnover; analyzes judicial practice; examines the signs (socio-demographic, moral-psychological, socio-psychological) and personal characteristics of fraud victims. It is determined that the behavior of the victim is always associated with her personal qualities. In conclusion, the criteria by which the classification of victims of real estate fraud is carried out (relationship with the criminal), the behavior of the victim before and during the commission of fraud, gender, age and other personal characteristics of the victim are highlighted. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that in real estate transactions, the participation of a notary is necessary to reduce the percentage of fraud cases.
Keywords: victim, victim, victim's identity, qualities, fraud, fraudster, real estate, real estate
1.Ugolovno-processual`ny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18.12.2001 № 174-FZ (red. ot 04.11.2019) // Rossijskaya gazeta. 2001. № 249. 22 dekabrya.
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7.Bratusin A.R., Vlasenko E.E. O xarakterny`x individu-al`no-tipologicheskix osobennostyax i povedencheskix patternax lichnosti tipichny`x zhertv finansovogo moshennichestva // Problemy` sovremennogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya. 2019. № 64-4. S. 292–294.
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10.Melexin S.A. Kriminologicheskaya xarakteristika prestuplenij protiv sobstvennosti // Yuridicheskij fakt. 2019. № 60. S. 3–6.
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12.Suxorukova T.S. Moshennichestvo v sfere nedvizhimosti: aktual`ny`e problemy` pravoprimenitel`noj praktiki. M.: Poligraf-Master, 2012. S. 194.
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Corporate criminal liability in india: a comparative legal study
2GRIGOREV Pavel Aleksandrovich
Postgraduate Student at the School of Court Proceedings and Criminal Law of the Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics
109028, Moscow, Bolshoy Trekhsvyatitelskiy Pereulok, 3, Russian Federation
Abstract: The article contains the results of a comparative legal study of corporate criminal liability under Indian law. Provisions of the Indian Penal Code, 1860, criminal law provisions of special acts (statutes) and case law were studied. It was found that the criminal liability of corporations in India exists due to historical reasons (e.g. absence of an independent branch of law of administrative offences) and due to the structure of the legal system of the state.
Keywords: administrative offense, corporation, crime, criminal liability, India, Indian law, Indian Penal Code.
1.Ugolovny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 13.06.1996 № 63-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva RF. 1996. № 25. St. 2954.
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5.D`yakonova D.I. K voprosu ob ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti yuridicheskix licz // Voprosy` rossijskoj yusticii. 2023. № 24. S. 364–371.
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Drug trafficking as a threat to national security
KUTSEV Vladimir Valentinovich
Postgraduate student of the Russian Academy of Advocacy and Notaries, Deputy of the Representative Assembly of the Rylsky district of the Kursk region
105120, Moscow, Maly Poluyaroslavsky Lane, 3/5, building 1, Russian Federation
Abstract: This article examines the issue of drug trafficking as a threat to national security. The author provides statistical data on mortality among drug users, some reasons for the growth of drug addiction in the country are named, the main directions, goals and principles of the Strategy of the state anti-drug policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 are considered. In conclusion, it is concluded that drug addiction is still a threat to the national security of the state. To combat this negative phenomenon, an effective prevention system, an appropriate legal framework and the implementation of measures enshrined in the Strategy are necessary.
Keywords: drugs, drug addiction, drug trafficking, national security, state policy, Strategy
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13.Tonkov E.E. Gosudarstvennaya antinarkoticheskaya politika: problemy` stanovleniya // Pravovoe regulirovanie i profilaktika zloupotrebleniya psixoaktivny`mi veshhestvami i propaganda zdorovogo obraza zhizni v obrazovatel`ny`x uchrezhdeniyax: materialy` Vserossijskoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii (Belgorod, 4 dekabrya 2009 g.). Belgorod: Izd-vo BelGU, 2010. S. 12.
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On the issue of mobilizing citizens to preserve traditional values
BAGREEVA Elena Gennadievna
LLD, Professor, Professor of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
125993, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 49, Russian Federation
Abstract: The article analyzes the current socio-political and socio-cultural conditions and the reasons for the need to consider the concept of «mobilization» in a broad context. It is emphasized that the reorientation of citizen's consciousness in the adoption and cultivation of Western values, including consumer culture, hedonistic lifestyle, gay parades, etc., as well as the financial stratification of society, has changed the current course of cultural development of our country, destroying its multidimensional solidity. At the same time, the need for a special military operation and the call for partial mobilization revealed the need to empower the heads of subjects with additional powers, caused the Russian people to reassess socio-cultural values and awareness of the need to transform the socio-cultural space of the country, in which local governments should play a key role.
Keywords: mobilization, state, traditional values, socio-cultural space
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9.Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 09.11.2022 № 809 «Ob utverzhdenii Osnov gosudarstvennoj politiki po soxraneniyu i ukrepleniyu tradicionny`x rossijskix duxovno-nravstvenny`x cennostej» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
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Theoretical and regulatory approaches to the definition of banking ecosystems
ROZHKOV Ilya Vyacheslavovich
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Sports Business of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Member of the Non-Profit Partnership Guild of Marketers
125167, Moscow, pr. Leningradsky, 49/2, Russian Federation
Abstract: The purpose of the work is to consider theoretical and regulatory approaches to the definition of a new concept for the Russian financial system «banking ecosystem». In the course of the study, the methods of retrospective analysis, formalization and systematization, the formal legal method, and the method of studying documents were used. The article explores theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of «banking ecosystem», taking into account differences in the definition of the composition of the subjects participating in it, the components of its technological infrastructure, special rules for the application of digital technologies, services and products in its construction. In the course of the analysis of approaches to the legal regulation of banking ecosystems in the Russian Federation, it was found that it includes both general and special regulatory regulation. A separate place is occupied by self-regulation regarding competition, personal data and consumer protection of banking ecosystems. The significance of the work lies in the fact that it can contribute to the subsequent harmonization of the terminological base for building ecosystems of banks in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: banking ecosystem, legal regulation, ecosystem business model, organization, federal law
1.Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii o Strategii razvitiya informacionnogo obshhestva v Rossijskoj Federacii na 2017–2030 gody` [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.Lezina T.A., Ivanova V.V., Stoyanova O.V. Vliyanie cifrovoj transformacii na rossijskij biznes: sistematizaciya vzglyadov i opy`ta // Informacionnoe obshhestvo. 2022. № 2. S. 13–20.
3.Marketing v Rossii. 2020: Ezhegodnik Gil`dii Marketologov / pod obshh. red. I.S. Berezina. M.: IPK «Chuvashiya», 2020.
4.Marketing sotvorchestva i global`ny`e kommunikacii doveriya. Posvyashhaetsya 90-letiyu SPBGE`U i 30-letiyu kafedry` marketinga / G.L. Bagiev, O.U. Yuldasheva, V.G. Shubaeva i dr.; Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvenny`j e`konomicheskij universitet. SРb., 2020.
5.Regulirovanie riskov uchastiya bankov v e`kosistemax i vlozhenij v immobilizovanny`e aktivy`. Bank Rossii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Rozhkov I.V. Sovershenstvovanie texnologij marketingovoj deyatel`nosti v processe informatizacii obshhestva // E`konomika. Biznes. Banki. 2013. № 4 (5). S. 79–91.
7.Rozhkov I.V. Sovremenny`e trendy` informatizacii finansovogo marketinga // E`ffektivnoe antikrizisnoe upravlenie. 2017. № 2 (101). S. 44–47.
8.James F. Moore Predators and Prey: A New Ecology of Competition. [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:

Sovereignty and cyberspace
NIKIFOROV Ilya Evgenievich
Master of law, Postgraduate student of Department of Public Law of Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
196135, St. Petersburg, Lensoveta str., 14, Russian Federation
Abstract: The article explores approaches to whether it is justified to equate hostile acts of information influence on a state with the use of force, whether this can be considered an example of interference in its internal affairs, and how the concept of digital sovereignty is justified in terms of international law.
Keywords: sovereignty, cyberspace, international law
1.Anoxin M.G., Bochkarev M.A. Informacionny`e texnologii czvetny`x revolyucij // Vestnik rossijskogo universiteta druzhby` narodov. 2010. № 4.
2.Ermolovich G.P. Rossiya i ee mesto v informacionnoj vojne na mezhdunarodnom urovne // Reklama i PR v Rossii: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy` razvitiya: XVII Vserossijskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferenciya, 13 fevralya 2020 g. SPb.: SPbGUP, 2020.
3.Gary P. Corn and Robert Taylor Sovereignty in the age of cyber // Cambridge University Press. 2017 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Schmitt M., Vihul L. Sovereignty in cyberspace: lex lata vel non? // American Journal of International Law. 2017 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Deklaraciya o nedopustimosti intervencii i vmeshatel`stva vo vnutrennie dela gosudarstv (prinyataya rezolyuciej 36/103 General`noj Assamblei ot 9 dekabrya 1981 goda) // Veb-sajt OON [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
Countering sanctions to protect the banking sector
KRASNENKOVA Elena Valeryevna1, SHANDRA Igor Georgievich2
1PhD, Associate Professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
125167, Moscow, Leningradsky Ave., 49/2, Russian Federation
2PhD, Professor of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
125167, Moscow, Leningradsky Ave., 49/2, Russian Federation
Abstract: The relevance of the study lies in the consideration of countermeasures against sanctions adopted by the European Union and other unfriendly countries. The banking sector is an integral part of the financial environment of the Russian Federation. The country's leadership, headed by the President of the Russian Federation, has made a lot of efforts to support various sectors of the economy, defense, industry, banking sector, social security of the population and others, including at the level of legal regulation. The banking sector was one of the first to be subjected to sanctions pressure. In Russia, credit institutions with foreign capital not only received assets, but also invested in development, so it is extremely difficult to abandon the Russian market and their assets.
Keywords: banking sector, sanctions, economic security, unfriendly countries, Russian market
1.Yale school of managtment//
2.Evteev D.A. Vliyanie mezhdunarodnyh sankcij na razvitie bankovskoj sistemy` Rossijskoj Federacii // VESTNIK NAUKI. 2023. № 6 (63). T. 2.S. 26–30.
3.P`yanikova N.N. Institut predstavitel`stva inostranny`x bankov na territorii Rossijskoj Federacii // Voprosy` studencheskoj nauki. 2023. № 05 (81). S. 163–167.
4.Rozhdestvenskaya T.E`., Guznov A.G. Pravovy`e mexanizmy` protivodejstviya sankciyam na finansovom ry`nke // Vestnik universiteta imeni O.E. Kutafina (MGYuA). 2022. № 8. S. 90–102

To the question of the role of entrepreneurial universities in improving the competitiveness of the country
VASILYEVA Oksana Nikolaevna
PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activity, Leading Researcher at the Institute of Financial and Industrial Policy of the Faculty of Economics and Business of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
125993, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 49, Russian Federation
Abstract: The article examines the definition and importance of entrepreneurial universities, analyzes the problem of competitiveness of enterprises. The significance of the work lies in the fact that it contains provisions aimed at the development of entrepreneurial universities in Russia.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial universities, economic crisis, legal regulation, competitiveness, budget
1.Berton K. Sozdanie predprinimatel`skix universitetov. Organizacionny`e napravleniya transformacii / perev. s angl.: A. Smirnov, pod red. D. Aleksandrova. M.: Izdatel`skij dom Vy`sshej shkoly` e`konomiki, 2019 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.Pavlova I.A. Ponyatie predprinimatel`skogo universiteta: sushhnost` i e`volyuciya fenomena // Innovacii. 2014. № 8(190) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.Konstantinov G.N., Filonovich S.R. Chto takoe predprinimatel`skij universitet // Voprosy` obrazovaniya. 2007. № 1 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:

Legal and transformational aspects of the development of responsible consumption in modern conditions
ZAKHARENKO Irina Kimovna
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Strategic and Innovative Development, Researcher at the Institute of Management Research and Consulting, Faculty of Higher School of Management, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
127083, Moscow, Verkhnyaya Maslovka str., 15, office 207, Russian Federation
Abstract: The purpose of the work is to identify the most significant legal and transformational aspects of the formation and development of responsible / rational behavior of Russian consumers in industrial and consumer markets. The methods of system analysis, desk research, the method of studying documents, the method of included observation, the structural and functional method and other methods of cognition were used. The article examines the regulatory documents related to the development of the concept of sustainable development as the basis for the formation of rational consumer behavior in the Russian Federation. The factors hindering and contributing to the development of responsible behavior in the Russian Federation are highlighted. The effectiveness of the developed proposals is determined by the identified possibility of applying recommendations in the field of the theory of responsible consumer behavior under the influence of digitalization and sanctions pressure, a recommendation in the field of practical application of the research results for public administration.
Keywords: consumer behavior, responsible consumption, consumer satisfaction, digitalization, sanctions, consumer choice, sustainable development
1.Xalina E.V. Razvitie koncepcii ustojchivogo razvitiya v rossijskoj e`konomike i marketinge // Problemy` sovremennoj e`konomiki. 2016. № 4(60). S. 116–120.
2.Nesterova E.V., Solov`eva Yu.N. Segmentaciya rossijskix potrebitelej po ix otnosheniyu k cennostyam ustojchivogo razvitiya e`konomiki // Marketing i marketingovy`e issledovaniya. 2015. № 6. S. 426–434.
3.Ivanovskij B.G. Perspektivy` dostizheniya ustojchivogo potrebleniya: koncepcii i instrumenty` // Social`ny`e novacii i social`ny`e nauki. 2020. № 2. S. 64–82 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Dremov V.V. Importozameshhenie kak faktor razvitiya promy`shlennogo proizvodstva v usloviyax sankcij // Finansovy`e ry`nki i banki. 2023. № 1. S. 100–102.
5.Panasenko S.V., Suraj N.M., Udovik E.E`. Analiz klyuchevy`x trendov potrebleniya naseleniem Rossii produktov «Made in Russia» // Innovacii i investicii. 2023. № 2. S. 96–102.
6.Issledovanie P&G: otvetstvennoe potreblenie vse chashhe opredelyaet vy`bor pokupatelej v Rossii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: &
7.Ratner S.V. Evropejskij opy`t razvitiya cirkulyarnoj e`konomiki // E`konomicheskij analiz: teoriya i praktika. 2020. T. 18. № 4(499). S. 598–614.
8.Astaxova A.S., Kirsanov A.A. Otvetstvennoe potreblenie studencheskoj molodyozhi v usloviyax pandemii: metody` i praktiki // Social`ny`j narrativ 2021: obshhestvo v kontekste vy`zovov: riski i vozmozhnosti: Materialy` XX Vserossijskoj konferencii studentov i aspirantov. M., 2021. S. 335–340.
9.Saginova O.V., Zav`yalov D.V, Zav`yalova N.B. Formirovanie patternov otvetstvennogo potrebleniya // MIR (Modernizaciya. Innovacii. Razvitie.). 2023. T. 14. № 1. S. 146–160.

Studying the experience of the initial state of the e-commerce in Russia
KAURAKOVA Maria Viktorovna
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economic Activities of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
125167, Moscow, Leningradsky Ave., 49/2, Russian Federation
Abstract: The sustainable development of the transfer of goods, works, services, capital and technologies using new information and communications technologies as well as other technologies based on a regulatory framework adapted to modern challenges indicates a high level of the e-commerce development in Russia. The article is one of the first attempts to consider comprehensively the features of the formation and development of the e-commerce in Russia, and should be of high scientific value.
Keywords: e-commerce, digital transformation, information and communication technologies, electronic signature, recognition
1.Strategiya razvitiya transgranichnogo prostranstva doveriya (utv. Resheniem Kollegii Evrazijskoj e`konomicheskoj komissii ot 27.09.2016 № 105).

Development of the market of digital assets
USTINOVA Olga Evgenievna
PhD, Associate Professor of the Management and Innovation Department Faculty of Higher School of Management of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
125993, Moscow, Leningradsky prospect, 49, Russian Federation
Abstract: The future of digital assets in the digital age looks promising. With the advent of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, more people and companies are seeing the potential benefits of investing in digital assets. These assets offer more flexibility, availability and security than traditional assets, making them a popular choice for investors of all backgrounds. This article analyzes the dynamics of the development of the digital asset market based on the published works of researchers and statistical data.
Keywords: digital assets, blockchain, management, digital financial assets
1.Senin A.C. Vnedrenie cifrovy`x platform upravleniya, baziruyushhixsya na texnologii blokchejn // E`konomika i socium: sovremenny`e modeli razvitiya. 2019. T. 9. № 2. S. 167–176.
2.Ante Lennart. The Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Market and Its Relationship with Bitcoin and Ethereum. 2022.
3.Aliu Florin, Ujkan Bajra and Naim Preniqi. Analysis of Diversification Benefits for Cryptocurrency Portfolios before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic // Studies in Economics and Finance. 2022.
4.Allied Market Research [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Bao Hong, David Roubaud. Non-Fungible Token: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda // Journal of Risk and Financial Management. 2022.
6.Bal Mustafa, Caitlin Ner. NFTracer: A Non-Fungible Token Tracking Proof-of-Concept Using Hyperledger Fabric. 2019.
7.BCS-express [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
8.Bouraga Sarah. On the Popularity of Non-Fungible Tokens: Preliminary Results. Paper presented at 2021 3rd Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS), Paris, France. 2021. September 27–30. Piscataway: IEEE. P. 49–50.
9.Chalmers Dominic, Christian Fisch, Russell Matthews, William Quinn and Jan Recker. Beyond the Bubble: Will NFTs and Digital Proof of Ownership Empower Creative Industry Entrepreneurs? // Journal of Business Venturing Insights. 2022.
10.Crosby M., Pattanayak P., Sanjeev V., Vignesh K. Blockchain technology: Beyond bitcoin // Applied Innovation Review. 2016.
11.Dowling M. Is Non-Fungible Token Pricing Driven by Cryptocurrencies? // Finance Research Letters. 2022.
12.Glas T.N. Investments in cryptocurrencies: Handle with care! // Journal of Alternative Investments. 2019 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
13.Karandikar N., Antorweep C., Chunming R. 2021. Blockchain Based Transaction System with Fungible and Non-Fungible Tokens for a Community-Based Energy Infrastructure. Sensors. 2021.
14.Khelifa S.B., Guesmi K., Urom C. Exploring the relationship between cryptocurrencies and hedge funds during COVID-19 crisis // International Review of Financial Analysis. 2021. 76(July) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
15.Leech Ollie. What Are NFTs and How Do They Work? [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
16.MarketsandMarkets [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
17.Regner F., Urbach N., André Schweizer. NFTs in Practice—Non-Fungible Tokens as Core Component of a Blockchain-based Event Ticketing Application. Paper presented at 40th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS, Munich, Germany. 2019. December 15–18. P. 1–17.
18.Statista [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
19.Valeonti Foteini, Antonis Bikakis, Melissa Terras, Chris Speed, Andrew Hudson-Smith, Konstantinos Chalkias. Crypto Collectibles, Museum Funding and OpenGLAM: Challenges, Opportunities and the Potential of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) // Applied Sciences. 2021.
20.Wilson, Kathleen Bridget, Adam Karg, Hadi Ghaderi. Prospecting Non-Fungible Tokens in the Digital Economy: Stakeholders and Ecosystem, Risk and Opportunity // Business Horizons. 2022.

Legal factors influencing consumer behavior to ensure social ethics and protection of socio-economic rights of the population in the implementation of national projects
VASILIEV Artem Yurevich
Postgraduate student of Faculty of Economics and Business of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
125993, Moscow, Leningradsky Ave., 49, Russian Federation
Abstract: The article examines the main federal laws and regulations in the field of external state financial control over expenditures for the implementation of national projects in the Russian Federation.
Keywords: legal factors, consumer behavior, socio-psychological profile, social ethics, protection of socio-economic rights, national projects
1.Ivanova T.A. Modeli potrebitel`skogo povedeniya kak osnova marketingovoj strategii // Vestnik Rossijskogo universiteta druzhby` narodov. Seriya: Sociologiya. 2012 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.Konstituciya Rossijskoj Federacii (prinyata vsena-rodny`m golosovaniem 12.12.1993).
3.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 31.07.1998 № 145-FZ «Byudzhetny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii».
4.Ukaz Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 7 maya 2018 g. № 204 «O nacional`ny`x celyax i strategicheskix zadachax razvitiya Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2024 goda» (v redakcii Ukaza Prezidenta Rossijskoj Federacii ot 21 iyulya 2020 g. № 474 «O nacional`ny`x celyax razvitiya Rossijskoj Federacii na period do 2030 goda»).
5.Federal`ny`j zakon ot 28 noyabrya 2018 g. № 457-FZ «O vnesenii izmenenij v Byudzhetny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii i otdel`ny`e zakonodatel`ny`e akty` Rossijskoj Federacii» (chast` 1 stat`i 7, s izm.).
6.Karpova S.V., Cherenkov V.I., Rozhkov I.V. Otvetstvennoe potreblenie v kontekste e`volyucii marketinga // Voprosy` istorii. 2022. № 12. S. 87–88.
7.Vasil`ev A.Yu. Vliyanie e`konomicheskix faktorov na potrebitel`skoe povedenie // E`konomika. Biznes. Banki. 2023. № 2 (68) (aprel`–iyun`). S. 66–75.

Models of earmarked taxation in the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
GUZANOVA Maria Mikhailovna
Postgraduate student of the department of financial law of Faculty of Law of Moscow State University
119991, Moscow, Leninskie Gory, 1, Russian Federation
Abstract: It focuses on two prevailing models: the fundraising model and the budget balance model. By exploring the recommendations provided by the OECD on regulating the establishment of earmarked taxes in the context of environmental conservation and climate change mitigation, this study sheds light on the potential effectiveness and implications of such fiscal measures.
Keywords: Budget Balance Model, Carbon Pricing Mechanism, Consolidated Budget, Earmarked Tax
1.Axmadeev R.G., Kosov M.E. Nalogi na konechnoe potreblenie v stranax OE`SR i Rossii // Finansy` i kredit. 2015. № 4 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
2.Sirotkina T.A., Pepelyaev S.G. Opy`t Rossii i OE`SR v stimulirovanii e`kologichnogo biznesa // Zakon. 2017. № 5 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
3.E`kologizaciya e`konomiki stran Vostochnogo partnerstva Evropejskogo soyuza (EaP GREEN) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
4.Hsiung B. A Note on Earmarked Taxes // Public Finance Review. 2001. № 29 (3). P. 224 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
5.Pim Heijnen J. Paul Elhorst. The Diffusion of Local Differentiated Waste Disposal Taxes in the Netherlands [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
6.Climate Change and Long-term Fiscal Sustainability [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
7.Effective Carbon Rates 2021 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
8.Fostering Investment in Infrastructure [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
9.Green growth and sustainable development [E`lek-tronny`j resurs]. URL:
10.La legge di stabilità per il 2013 (legge 228/2012), articolo 1 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
11.RCL 2004\602 Legislación (Disposición Vigente a 4/1/2010). Articulo 32 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
12.Tax and the environment OECD [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
13.Tax Policy Reforms 2022 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
14.Taxing Energy Use 2019: Country Note – Colombia [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
15.Taxing Energy Use 2019: Country Note – Switzerland [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
16.Testo unico delle leggi sulle tasse automobilistiche, il D.P.R. 5 febbraio 1953 n. 39, art. 3 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:;39.
17.2022 changes for drivers in France: Higher taxes and speed limiters [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
18.Malus – for high emission vehicles [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
19.German road tax (Maut) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
20.Environmental taxes in Iceland 2021 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
21.Energy tax in the Netherlands [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
22.Implementation of plastic/environmental tax in Poland [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
23.Evrokomissiya predlagaet vvesti nalog na finansovy`e operacii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
24.Commission Investigates Italian Tax Reliefs for Areas Affected by Natural Disasters [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
25.Special retail tax in Hungary due to the COVID-19 situation [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
26.Italy Tax Agency Clarifies Application of Anti-Earthquake Superbonus for Property Renovations [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
27.Designing a disaster risk financing strategy for earthquake risk [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:

Features of legislative regulation and information support for improving the quality of life (by the example of «healthy lifestyle»)
ROZHKOV Ilya Vyacheslavovich
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing and Sports Business of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Member of the Non-Profit Partnership Guild of Marketers
125167, Moscow, pr. Leningradsky, 49/2, Russian Federation
Abstract: The article discusses the features of legislative regulation and information support for improving the quality of life on the example of a healthy lifestyle. In the course of the study, the methods of retrospective analysis, formalization and systematization, the formal legal method, and the method of studying documents were used. The legislative basis for improving the quality of life has been studied on the example of a healthy lifestyle in the Russian Federation. The most demanded information and communication channels and advertising and information materials have been identified and analyzed in the framework of the implementation of regional, corporate and federal projects to improve the quality of life using the example of a healthy lifestyle.
Keywords: quality of life, healthy lifestyle (HLS), motivation of the population, information, communication, promotional materials, quality of life, federal projects, sports and recreational activities
1.Vyatkina N.Yu., Rozhkov I.V. Osobennosti priverzhennosti zhitelej g. Moskvy` zdorovomu obrazu zhizni: rezul`taty` anketnogo oprosa // Sociologiya mediciny`. 2022. T. 21. № 1. S. 71–82.
2.Drapkina O.M., Koncevaya A.V., Lopatina M.V., Popovich M.V., Salagaj O.O. Nacional`naya informacionno-kommunikacionnaya kampaniya po formirovaniyu zdorovogo obraza zhizni naseleniya: rossijskij opy`t // Panorama obshhestvennogo zdravooxraneniya. 2019. T. 5. № 2. S. 224–232.
3.Internet-marketing: uchebnik dlya vuzov / O.N. Zhil`czova i dr.; pod obshh. red. O.N. Zhil`czovoj. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Yurajt, 2017. 
4.Karaseva T.V., Ruzhenskaya E.V. Osobennosti motivacii vedeniya zdorovogo obraza zhizni // Problemy` social`noj gigieny`, zdravooxraneniya i istorii mediciny`. 2013. № 5. S. 23–24.
5.Korporativny`e programmy` ukrepleniya zdorov`ya rabotayushhix // NMICz Terapii i Profilakticheskoj Mediciny` [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: /public_health/korporativnye-programmy-ukrepleniya-zdorovya-rabotayushhih.html.
6.Nacional`ny`j proekt «Demografiya» // Pravitel`stvo Rossii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:
7.Rozhkov I.V. Sovershenstvovanie texnologij marketingovoj deyatel`nosti v processe informatizacii obshhestva // E`konomika. Biznes. Banki. 2013. № 4(5). S. 79–91.
8.Ukreplenie obshhestvennogo zdorov`ya i medicinskaya profilaktika. Rukovodstvo dlya Centrov obshhestvennogo zdorov`ya i medicinskoj profilaktiki / A.V. Koncevaya, A.M. Kalinina, E.S. Ivanova i dr. M.: FGBU «NMICz TPM» Minzdrava Rossii, 2021.
9.Federal`ny`j proekt «Ukreplenie obshhestvennogo zdorov`ya» // Ministerstvo zdravooxraneniya Rossijskoj Federacii [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:`ya.pdf?1567700975.