Интервью с членом Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации, Президентом Адвокатской палаты Республики Башкортостан Б.Г. Юмадиловым.: Интервью с Председателем Президиума Саратовской специализированной коллегии адвокатов, заслуженным юристом Российской Федерации, кандидатом юридических наук, профессором Н.П. Царевой: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, председателем Научно-консультативного и экспертного Совета Гильдии российских адвокатов, членом Научно-консультативного Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов РФ, членом Научно-консультативного Совета при Ве: Интервью с вице-президентом Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации С.И. Володиной: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, президентом Гильдии российских адвокатов, ректором Российской академии адвокатуры и нотариата Гасаном Борисовичем Мирзоевым:

Solovykh S.Zh.
Institute of the qualified legal aid as a guarantee of availability of justice
Purpose: Article is sent for consideration of some aspects of functioning of institute of the qualified legal aid in Russia.
Methodology: Were applied by the author a formal-legal and comparative - legal method.
Results: In article various models of rendering the qualified legal aid presented in the foreign legislation are analyzed. Some directions of improvement of the Russian institute of the qualified legal aid are offered.
Novelty/originality/value: The value of work consists in use of actual scientific data by consideration of an actual problem.
Keywords: access to justice, the right for the qualified legal aid, legal services.
References (transliterated)
1. Ancupova T.A. Obshhie i special’nye principy sudebnogo processa v Sovete Evropy // Evrazijskaja advokatura.2014. № 1 (8).
2. Doklad jeffektivnost’ sistem obespechenija pravosudija. URL:
3. Interv’ju IA REGNUM s ministrom justicii Chuvashii N. Prokop’evoj. URL:
4. Materialy zasedanija Koordinacionnogo soveta pri Glavnom upravlenii po realizacii Federal’nogo zakona «O besplatnoj juridicheskoj pomoshhi v Rossijskoj Federacii»v Sibirskom federal’nom okruge. URL:
5. Novaja advokatskaja gazeta. URL:
6. Slava trudu. Internet-versija gazety. URL:
7. Sovet advokatskih palat Francii. URL:
8. Sojuz potrebitelej RF. URL:
9. Federal’naja palata advokatov Germanii. URL:
10. Finskaja associacija advokatov. URL:
11. Shvedskaja associacija advokatov. URL:

Vakkaro G.
History and evolution of the Italian law and the main standards for inducing of foreign investments into Italy
Purpose: To analyze the main aspects of development of the Italian right and the main norms directed on inducing of foreign investments into Italy.
Methodology: Historical and legal and formal legal methods were used.
Results: In article the history and evolution is illustrated law of Italy, communication between an economic crisis and crisis of law is shown and decisions of the Italian parliament which seeks to make national legal system more efficient and attractive to the international financial market are considered.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the high scientific value as in it the aspects of law of the Republic of Italy which are not investigated by the Russian jurists are considered.
Keywords: Italy, right of Italy, foreign investments.
References (transliterated)
1. Adam R., Tizzano A. Manuale di diritto dell’unione europea. Giappichelli, 2014.
2. Bianca C.M. Istituzioni di diritto privato. Cedam. Bologna 2014.
3. Caravale M. Ordinamenti giuridici dell’europa medievale. Il mulino. Bologna, 1994.
4. Caravale M. Storia del diritto nell’europa moderna e contemporanea.Laterza. Roma, 2012.
5. Cerri F. Istituzioni di diritto pubblico: casi e materiali.Giuffre’. Milano, 2009.
6. Proia G. Pisanic., jobs act e licenziamento. Linea professionale, 2015.
7. Santoro Passarelli G. Diritto dei lavori e dell’occupazione. Giappichelli, 2015.
8. Ufficio studi e documentazioni, quaderni del consiglio superiore della magistratura – la ragionevole durata del processo, 2000. № 113.

Ter-Akopov G.R.
The protocol of judicial session in criminal case: procedural and legal problems and ways of their decision
Purpose: Research of procedural and legal problems of a regulation of maintaining the protocol of judicial session and bringing of remarks on it in criminal trial of Russia.
Methodology: The author used a formal legal method, methods of the included supervision, a method of theoretical modeling, a method of studying of documents.
Results: In article problematic issues of a procedural and legal regulation of drawing up protocols of judicial session and bringing of remarks on it in criminal trial of Russia are revealed. Court practice on the considered problem is subjected to the analysis. Policy strokes which has the right to apply the advocate defender are offered.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the high scientific and practical value as is contains the reasonable and actual offers directed on improvement of the criminal procedure legislation.
Keywords: protocol of judicial session, advocate defender, professional privileges of the advocate.
References (transliterated)
1. Afanas’ev O. Zvukozapis’ v hode sudebnogo zasedanija – sredstvo zashhity processual’nyh prav // Rossijskaja justicija. 1998. № 12.
2. Zubov V. Protokol kak zerkalo sudebnogo razbiratel’stva // Rossijskaja justicija. 1998. № 9.
3. Kudrjavceva E. Audiozapis’ sudebnogo zasedanija // Rossijskaja justicija. 2002. № 1.
4. L’vova E., Parashutkin V. Nedostovernyj protocol sudebnogo zasedanija – ne dokazatel’stvo // Rossijskaja justicija. 2003. № 9.
5. Naniev A. Tochnyj protokol ukrepit doverie k sudu // Rossijskaja justicija. 2002. № 6.
6. Podol’nyj N. Audiozapis’ iskljuchit fal’sifikaciju protokola sudebnogo zasedanija // Rossijskaja justicija. 2002. № 8.
7. Ragulin A.V. Pravo advokata-zashhitnika znakomit’sja s protokolom sudebnogo zasedanija, podavat’ na nego zamechanija, izgotavlivat’ i (ili) poluchat’ ego kopiju: problemy reglamentacii i prakticheskoj realizacii // Vestnik VJeGU: Nauchnyj zhurnal. 2012. № 3 (59).
8. Ragulin A.V., Kantjukova I.T. Osnovy kriticheskogo analiza advokatom-zashhitnikom protokola sudebnogo zasedanija i prigovora po ugolovnomu delu // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2007. № 2 (2).
9. Fomin M. Protokol sudebnogo zasedanija: «proshu dannyj vopros i otvet na nego otrazit’ doslovno» // Rossijskaja justicija. 2003. № 11.

Kuznetsov V.N.
Judicial precedent – de facto a right source on the Eurasian space
Purpose: To analyze practice of the actual use by judges of Russia of judicial precedent, as source of the right and introduction to a scientific turn of its more precise name as judicial and legal, or judicial and normative precedent.
Methodology: Historical and legal and formally legal methods were used.
Results: In article the right sources applied in the Romano-German legal family are allocated, legal positions of the modern lawyers-theorists concerning recognition, or refusaling of the actual application of judicial and legal (judicial and normative) precedent in jurisprudence of the Russian legal system are analyzed. Some resolutions of Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in which the unique position about obligation of implementation of resolutions of Plenums of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for uniform interpretation and application of rules of law is looked through are analyzed. It is offered to recognize (to fix) judicial and legal (judicial and normative) precedent as an official source of Russian law that will allow legally courts to refer to recommendations and interpretation of rules of law by the highest judicial authority and to provide their uniform application in jurisprudence over all country, irrespective of jurisdiction of courts.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the high scientific value as in it the term judicial and legal (judicial and normative) precedent is introduced into scientific circulation and it is offered to fix it in daily practice of courts of Russia an official source of the right.
Keywords: right source, judicial precedent, judicial and legal (judicial and normative) precedent.
References (transliterated)
1. Burkov A.L. Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka v sudah Rossii. M., 2010.
2. Burkov A.L. Status Postanovlenij Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF v zakonodatel’stve i sudebnoj praktike //Izvestija vuzov. Pravovedenie. 2011. № 5. S. 172–186.
3. Kuznecov V.N. O sudebnoj reforme v rossijskoj sisteme // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2013. № 5 (6).
4. Marchenko M.N. Istochniki prava: ucheb. posob. M., 2005.
5. Marchenko M.N. Javljaetsja li sudebnaja praktika istochnikom rossijskogo prava? // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2000. № 12.

Bibikov A.I.
Solutions of meetings as civil act
Purpose: The presented article is sent for consideration of solutions of meetings of corporate legal entities.
Methodology: The author applied a legallistic method.
Results: In work general-theoretical regulations on the legal nature of the solution of meetings in general are analyzed, comparison of solutions of meetings and transactions is given, signs of the solution of meeting as civil act come to light, and, finally, the conclusion about the private-law nature and public coloring of this special type of the legal facts is drawn.
Novelty/originality/value: The scientific value of work consists in consideration of questions of the meetings of the corporate legal entities called by changes of part one of the Civil code of the Russian Federation connected with legal legitimacy.
Keywords: civil law, legal entities, meetings, solutions of meetings.
References (transliterated)
1. Andreev V.K. Reshenija sobranij // Civilist. 2013. № 3.
2. Arhipov B.P. Juridicheskaja priroda fakticheskogo sostava, oposredujushhego reorganizaciju akcionernogo obshhestva // Zakonodatel’stvo. 2002. № 3.
3. Vremennoe polozhenie o kondominiume, utv. Ukazom Prezidenta RF ot 23.12.1993 № 2275 // Sobranie aktov Prezidenta i Pravitel’stva RF. 1993. № 52. st. 5079.
4. Ganizhev A.Ja. Pravovaja priroda i vidy reshenij obshhego sobranija hozjajstvennogo obshhestva // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2012. № 8.
5. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii. Postatejnyj kommentarij k glavam 6–2 / D.H. Valeev, A.V. Gabov, M.N. Iljushina [i dr.]; pod red. L.V. Sannikovoj. M., 2014.
6. Grazhdanskoe pravo: v 4 t. t. 1. Obshhaja chast’: uchebnik / otv. red prof. E.A. Suhanov. M., 2004.
7. Degtjareva A. Popravki v GK RF: analiz izmenenij. Novelly o reshenijah sobranij // Administrativnoe pravo. 2014. № 2.
8. Dobrovol’skij V.I. Zashhita korporativnoj sobstvennosti v arbitrazhnom sude. M., 2006.
9. Egorov A.V. Zakon i praktika: ot bor’by k edinstvu // JeZh-Jurist. 2004. № 3.
10. Zakon RF «O nesostojatel’nosti (bankrotstve) predprijatij » ot 19.11.1992 № 3929-1 // Vedomosti SND i VS RF. 1993. № 1. st. 6.
11. Zakon SSSR ot 26.05.1988. № 8998-XI «O kooperacii v SSSR» // Vedomosti VS SSSR. 1988. № 22. st. 355.
12. Kirakosjan S.A. Nedejstvitel’nost’ reshenija obshhego sobranija sobstvennikov po novym pravilam Grazhdanskogo kodeksa RF // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2014. № 6.
13. Kozlova N.V. Pravosub#ektnost’ juridicheskogo lica. M., 2005.
14. Kozlova N.V., Filippova S.Ju. Reshenija sobranija – juridicheskij fakt grazhdanskogo prava? //Zakonodatel’stvo. 2013. № 6.
15. Krasheninnikov E.A., Bajgusheva Ju.V. Odnostoronnie i mnogostoronnie sdelki // Vestnik VAS RF. 2012. № 7. SPS Konsul’tantPljus.
16. Kuz’min A.I. Sootnoshenie korporativnogo i chastnogo interesa // Jurist. 2014. № 7.
17. Lomakin D.V. Ocherki teorii akcionernogo prava I praktiki primenenija akcionernogo zakonodatel’stva. M., 2005.
18. Makovskaja A. Osparivanie reshenij obshhego sobranija akcionerov // Hozjajstvo I pravo. 2006. № 9 (prilozhenie).
19. Makovskaja A.A. Pravovye posledstvija nedejstvitel’nosti reshenij obshhego sobranija akcionerov i soveta direktorov akcionernogo obshhestva // Nedejstvitel’nost’ v grazhdanskom prave: problemy, tendencii, praktika:sbornik statej / otv. red. M.A. Rozhkova. M., 2006.
20. Rodionova O.M. O pravovoj prirode reshenij sobranij i ih nedejstvitel’nosti v germanskom i rossijskom grazhdanskom prave // Vestnik grazhdanskogo prava. 2012. № 5.
21. Terent’eva N.S. K voprosu o pravovoj prirode reshenija obshhego sobranija uchastnikov obshhestva s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost’ju v svete reformirovanija grazhdanskogo zakonodatel’stva // Jurist. 2013. № 9.
22. Truhanov K.I. Reshenija sobranij – novaja kategorija v Grazhdanskom kodekse RF // Zakon. 2013. № 10.
23. Federal’nyj zakon ot 7 maja 2013 g. № 100 «O vnesenii izmenenij v podrazdely 4 i 5 razdela I chasti pervoj i stat’ju 1153 chasti tret’ej Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva RF. 2013. 13 maja. № 19. st. 2327.
24. Haritonova Ju.S. Nedejstvitel’nost’ reshenij sobranij i sdelok: tochki peresechenija // Zakony Rossii: opyt, analiz, praktika. 2014. № 5.
25. Jarmolenko N.V. Reshenija sobranij: problemy i perspektivy // Jurist. 2014. № 18.

Grishchenko M.I.
Features of situational approach in aspect of application the mediative procedures in the course of reconciliation of the parties in criminal trial
Purpose: Article is sent for consideration of some problems of application of mediation in criminal trial of Russia.
Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal and comparative and legal method.
Results: In work the conclusion that in criminal, administrative, civil and arbitration processes, recently, the increasing value accepts the principle of expediency which creates possibilities of resolution of conflicts and the conflicts not proceeding from legal opportunities and realities, and proceeding from practical benefit and result is drawn. The major mechanism which creates conditions for reconciliation of the parties, mediation procedure is. Mediation in criminal trial and a criminalistic situalogiya are inseparably linked, and development of scientific thought in the context of situational approach in aspect of application the mediative of procedures in the course of reconciliation of the parties in criminal trial, will create an important theoretical basis for practical and expedient application of conciliatory procedures in criminal trial.
Novelty/originality/value: The scientific value of work consists in consideration of important aspects of application of mediative of procedures in criminal trial of Russia.
Keywords: mediation, criminal trial, conflict, situational approach.
References (transliterated)
1. Volcheckaja T.S. Kriminalisticheskaja situalogija:мonografija / pod red. prof. N.P. Jablokova. M., 1997.
2. Volcheckaja T.S. Situacionnyj podhod v prakticheskoj i issledovatel’skoj kriminalisticheskoj dejatel’nosti. Kaliningrad, 1999.
3. Kantjukova I.T., Kulagin A.V. IV Peterburgskij mezhdunarodnyj juridicheskij forum. Diskussionnaja sessija «Vozmozhnosti mediacii v sfere semejnyh otnoshenij i zashhite interesov i prav detej»: obzor meroprijatija //Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2014. № 4 (11).
4. Minkina N.I. Mediacija: obzor podhodov v issledovanii i pravovaja osnova // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2014. № 4 (11).
5. Rener N.A. O stanovlenii i razvitii nauchnoj shkoly kriminalisticheskoj situalogii v Baltijskom federal’nom universitete im. I. Kanta // Jekspert-kriminalist. 2013. № 1.
6. Igbaeva G.R. Objazatel’noe strahovanie kak sposob zashhity prav i interesov strahovatelej i tret’ih lic // Izvestija vysshih uchebnyh zavedenij. Pravovedenie. 2009. № 1 (282). S. 194–201.
7. Igbaeva G.R. Perspektivy vnesudebnyh sposobov zashhity v sfere objazatel’nogo strahovanija // Evrazijskij juridicheskij zhurnal. 2014. № 1 (68). S. 151–153.
8. Igbaeva G.R. Grazhdansko-pravovaja harakteristika dogovora strahovanija // Arbitrazhnyj i grazhdanskij process. 2007. № 9. S. 15–18.

Ivanova S.A., Grudtsyna L.Yu.
Private and public law: introduction to a problem
Purpose: Article is sent for consideration of some aspects of a ratio of private and public law.
Methodology: Were applied by authors historical-legal, formal-legal and comparative-legal methods.
Results: Authors note that division of the right for branches is an exclusive gain of the Soviet doctrine. Any modern legal system did not provide and does not provide such division. The private law in a general view is set of the legislative and legal complexes regulating a civil turn. In this case it is about arrays of the legislation and the legal phenomena coordinated by it which basis authors see in the codified acts.
Novelty/originality/value: The value of work consists in complex consideration of an actual theoretical problem and a formulation of important scientific conclusions.
Keywords: private law, legislation, public law, state, civil turn, property, legal relationship, human rights, law of domestic relations.
References (transliterated)
1. Vitally M. La pensee juridigue. L.G.J., 1960.
2. Berzhel’ Zh.-L. Obshhaja teorija prava. M.: Nota Bene, 2000.
3. Braginskij M.I. Problemy sovremennogo grazhdanskogo prava // O meste grazhdanskogo prava v sisteme chastnogo prava. М., 2006.
4. Bratus’ S.N. O predmete sovetskogo grazhdanskogo prava // Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo. 1940. № 1.
5. Grazhdanskoe pravo: aktual’nye problemy teorii I praktiki / рod obshh. red. V.A. Belova. M.: Jurajt-Izdat, 2007.
6. Digesty Justiniana. M.: Statut, 2002.
7. Dozhdev D.V. Rimskoe chastnoe pravo: uchebnik. M., 1996.
8. Ivanov V.I. Chastnye otnoshenija: postanovka voprosa // Obrazovanie i pravo. 2011. № 5(21).
9. Korshunov N.M. Konvergencija chastnogo i publichnogo prava: problemy teorii i praktiki. M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2011.
10. Lenin V.I. Poln. sob. soch.: v 55 t. т. 44. M., 1975.
11. Mal’cev G.V. Sootnoshenie chastnogo i publichnogo prava: Problemy teorii // Grazhdanskoe i torgovoe parvo zarubezhnyh stran: ucheb. posob. / pod red. V.V. Bezbaha, V.K. Puchinskogo. M., 2004.
12. Pahman S.V. O sovremennom dvizhenii v nauke prava. SPb., 1882.
13. Puchkov O.A. Teorija gosudarstva i prava / pod red. V.M. Korel’skogo, V.D. Perevalova. M., 1997.
14. Sistema sovetskogo socialisticheskogo prava: Tezisy instituta prava AN SSSR. M., 1941.
15. Sudebnaja praktika kak istochnik prava / pod red.akad. B.N. Topornina. M., 1997.
16. Shatovkina R.V. Organizacija i dejatel’nost’ mirovyh sudej v Rossijskoj Federacii: dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. M., 2002.
17. Jakovlev V.F. Jekonomika. Pravo. Sud. M., 2003.
18. Igbaeva G.R. Grazhdansko-pravovaja harakteristika dogovora strahovanija // Arbitrazhnyj i grazhdanskij process. 2007. № 9. S. 15–18.
19. Igbaeva G.R. Lichnoe strahovanie turistov, vyezzhajushhih za rubezh // Turizm: pravo i jekonomika. 2006. № 5. S. 30–31.
20. Igbaeva G.R. Perspektivy razvitija strahovanija professional’noj otvetstvennosti vrachej i drugih medicinskih rabotnikov // Social’noe i pensionnoe pravo. 2007. № 2. S. 37–39.

Hudoykina T.V., Perepletchikov S.S.
Questions of legislative fixing of rules of legal equipment
Purpose: Article is directed on research of questions of legislative fixing of rules of legal equipment.
Methodology: Authors applied a formal-legal method.
Results: Authors come to a conclusion that laws on legal acts are adopted in many subjects of Russia, and also recommendations, a study guide, orders, local documents on drawing up acts work, but all of them differently fix requirements of legal equipment. It is noted that for improvement of quality of regulations, it is necessary to fix at the legislative level of the rule of legal equipment which would regulate not only structure of the law, but also its language, terminology, a way of a statement.
Novelty/originality/value: The value of work consists in complex consideration of an actual problem and a formulation important for the theory and practice of scientific conclusions.
Keywords: legal equipment, legislation, rules of legal equipment.
References (transliterated)
1. Boldyrev S.N. Juridicheskaja tehnika i juridicheskie tehnologii: sootnoshenie i znachenie // Nauka I obrazovanie: hozjajstvo i jekonomika; predprinimatel’stvo; pravo i upravlenie. 2010. № 1.
2. Kashanina T.V. Juridicheskaja tehnika: uchebnik.2-e izd., peresmotr. M.: Norma: INFRA-M, 2011.
3. Tihomirov Ju.A. Juridicheskaja tehnika – instrument pravotvorchestva i pravo-primenenija // Juridicheskaja tehnika. 2007. № 1.

Astakhova V.S.
Цель: Представленная статья направлена на изучение некоторых вопросов правового положения органов местного самоуправления в России.
Методология: Автором применялся формально-юридический метод.
Результаты: В работе раскрыто содержание нормативно-правовых основ правового положения органов местного самоуправления в России. Автор отмечает, что органы местного самоуправления обладают функциями и властными полномочиями, обеспечиваемыми государственным принуждением. Они, как и государственные органы, имеют структуру, свои формы работы, формируются в точном соответствии с законом. По вопросам местного значения населением муниципального образования непосредственно, органами и должностными лицами местного самоуправления могут приниматься муниципальные правовые акты.
Новизна/оригинальность/ценность: Научная ценность работы заключается в комплексном изучении основ регламентации правового положения органов местного самоуправления в России.
Ключевые слова: местное самоуправление, органы местного самоуправления, Российская Федерация.
References (transliterated)
1. Konstitucija Rossijskoj Federacii // SPS «Konsul’tantPljus», 2015.
2. Kurchatova K.M. Pravovaja osnova dejatel’nosti organov mestnogo samoupravlenija // Problemy MSU. URL:
3. Ponjatie, osobennosti pravovogo polozhenija, struktura, principy organizacii I dejatel’nosti organov mestnogo samoupravlenija // Municipal’noe pravo. 2015. Spravochnikpo zhilishhnym voprosam. URL:

Bobyliov K.A.
The legal facts in legal reality
Purpose: The presented article is sent for consideration of concept and properties of the legal facts.
Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal method.
Results: In work properties of the legal facts in civil science are analyzed, importance of statement of a question of functions of the legal facts that is rather new in the theory of the right is noted. It is known that the legal fact forms the bases for emergence, change or the termination of any legal relationship. In this sense the legal fact is allocated with the following functional properties: by means of the legal facts forecasting of behavior of the subjects participating in legal regulation of the public relations is carried out.
Novelty/originality/value: The scientific value of work consists in consideration of important theoretical questions of civil science.
Keywords: civil law, legal facts, legal relationship.
References (transliterated)
1. Isakov V.B. Juridicheskie fakty v sovetskom prave.M., 1984.
2. Morozova L.A. Teorija gosudarstva i prava. M.:Jurist#, 2002.

Kulezin M.A.
Real problems of virtual objects
Purpose: Article is sent for consideration of problems definition of a legal regime of virtual objects.
Methodology: Were applied by the author a formal-legal c and comparative legal method.
Results: In article relevance of a legal regime of virtual property conditions of modern economy is considered. Two contradictory approaches, pluses and minuses of each of them are analyzed, illegality of the approach developed by courts in Russia is proved. Adoption of the Resolution of Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for prevention of further violations is offered.
Novelty/originality/value: The scientific value of work consists in consideration of important aspects of legal status of virtual objects.
Keywords: virtual property, world economy, virtual investments, games and bet, agreement on a prize, tax on a gaming, intellectual property right, discrimination.
References (transliterated)
1. Voskanjan M.O. Jekonomika mnimoj real’nosti. URL:
2. Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast’ vtoraja) ot 26.01.1996 (v red. ot 21.07.2014) № 14–FZ // SPS «Konsul’tant pljus».
3. Nalogovyj kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast’ vtoraja) ot 05.08.2000 (v red. ot 24.11.2014) № 117–FZ // SPS «Konsul’tant pljus».
4. Onlajn-igry ne javljajutsja azartnymi (nalogi na vnutriigrovuju valjutu). URL:
5. Opredelenie Moskovskogo gorodskogo suda ot 06.10.2011 po delu № 4g/1-8422 // SPS «Konsul’tant pljus».
6. Opredelenie Kostromskogo oblastnogo suda ot 12 maja 2010 g. po delu № 33-562 // SPS «Konsul’tant pljus».
7. Opredelenie Kostromskogo oblastnogo suda ot 31 maja 2010 g. po delu № 33-672 // SPS «Konsul’tant pljus».
8. Pis’mo Ministaerstva finansov Rossijskoj Federacii ot 27.10.2011 № 03-05-05-05/04 // SPS «Konsul’tant pljus».
9. Pol’zovatel’skoe soglashenie Proekta «World of tanks». URL:
10. Pol’zovatel’skoe soglashenie mezhdu OOO «Mejl. Ru Gejmz» i pol’zovateljami igry «Perfect World». URL:
11. Pol’zovatel’skoe soglashenie OOO «Innova Sistems». URL:
12. Postanovlenie Prezidiuma Moskovskogo gorodskogo suda ot 24.05.2013 po delu № 44g-45 // SPS «Konsul’tant pljus».
13. Reshenie Basmannogo rajonnogo suda goroda Moskvy ot 17 avgusta 2010 g. po delu № 2-2360/10 // SPS «Konsul’tant pljus».
14. Reshenie mirovogo suda sudebnogo uchastka № 352 Basmannogo rajona g. Moskvy ot 1 fevralja 2011 g.po delu № 2-01/11 // SPS «Konsul’tant pljus».
15. Savel’ev A.I. Jelektronnaja kommercija v Rossii i za rubezhom: pravoe regulirovanie. M.: Statut, 2014 // SPS «Konsul’tant pljus».
16. Federal’nyj zakon ot 29.12.2006 № 244–FZ «O gosudarstvennom regulirovanii dejatel’nosti po organizacii I provedeniju azartnyh igr i o vnesenii izmenenij v nekotorye zakonodatel’nye akty Rossijskoj Federacii» // Sobranie zakonodatel’stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2007. 1 janvarja. № 1. ch. 1.
17. Additionally Infographic: PC/MMO Gaming Revenues to Total $24.4Bn in 2014. URL:
18. Asia-Pacific Contributes 82 % of the $6Bn Global Games Market Growth in 2014. URL:
19. Bragg v. Linden Research, Inc., 487 F. Supp. 2d 593, 603 (E.D. Pa. 2007).
20. Jankowich A. Property and Democracy in Virtual Worlds // Boston University Journal of Science and Technology. 2005. № 2. vol. 11.
21. Lakhani A. Commercial transaction in the virtual world // City university of HK press. 2014.
22. Leah Shen Who owns the virtual items? // Duke law and technology review. 2010. vol. 10.
23. LeBlank J.W. The pursuit of virtual life, liberty, and Happiness and its Economic and Legal recognition in the Real World // Florida coatal law review. 2008. vol. IX: 255.
24. Scott Jennings: The Truth Behind Bugs. URL:
25. Virtual currence schemes // Frankfurt am Main: European Central Bank. 2012.
26. ‘Virual theft leads to arrest’. URL:
27. World of Warcraft, Terms of Use Agreement. URL:

Shapka V.V., Bobrov F.A.
The elements of the legal status of the individual executive body of the stock company in the constitutional and civil aspects
Purpose: The article discusses the structure of the legal status of the Individual Executive Body of the stock company.
Methodology: The authors used comparative-legal and formal legal methods.
Results: The article presents the definition of the Individual Executive Body of the stock company in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation. Such elements of the legal status of the Individual Executive Body as authority, powers and functions in the article are discussed in detail in the article. There is a comparison of these elements in the constitutional and civil aspects in the article.
Novelty/originality/value: The scientific value of the article is the comprehensive study of the structure of the legal status of the Individual Executive Body of the stock company in the constitutional and civil aspects.
Keyword: individual Executive Body, stock company, legal status, structure of the legal status, elements of the legal status, the representative of stock company, authority, competence, functions.
References (transliterated)
1. Baglaj M.V. Konstitucionnoe pravo Rossijskoj Federacii:uchebnik dlja vuzov. 6-e izd., izm. i dop. M.: Norma, 2007.
2. Vengerov A.B. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik dlja jurid. vuzov. 6-e izd., stereotip. M.: Omega-L, 2009.
3. Golubcov V.G. Grazhdansko-pravovoj status gosudarstva i municipal’nyh obrazovanij v Rossijskoj Federacii: monografija. M.: Paleotip, 2006.
4. Ivanov A.A. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: ucheb.posobie dlja studentov vuzov, obuchajushhihsja po special’nosti «Jurisprudencija» / pod red. V.P. Malahova. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: JuNITI-DANA: Zakon i pravo, 2009.
5. Kashanina T.V., Kashanin A.V. Rossijskoe pravo: uchebnik dlja vuzov. M.: Norma, 2007.
6. Kudashkin V.V. Nauchno-prakticheskij kommentarij k Federal’nomu zakonu «O Voenno-tehnicheskom sotrudnichestve Rossijskoj Federacii s inostrannymi gosudarstvami» // SPS «Konsul’tantPljus».
7. Marchenko M.N. Teorija gosudarstva i prava:uchebnik. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Prospekt, 2011.
8. Matuzov N.I., Mal’ko A.V. Teorija gosudarstva I prava: uchebnik. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Jurist#, 2009.
9. Pahomova N.N. Civilisticheskaja teorija korporativnyh otnoshenij: monografija. Ekaterinburg: Nalogi i finansovoe pravo, 2005.
10. Syryh V.M. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Justicinform, 2004.
11. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik / otv. red. V.D. Perevalov. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Norma, 2009.
12. Chervonjuk V.I. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: uchebnik. M.: Infra-M, 2006.
13. Chistjakov N.M. Teorija gosudarstva i prava: ucheb.posob. M.: KNORUS, 2010.

Tazhin A.A.
To a problem of legal understanding of the category «religion»
Purpose: Article is sent for consideration of some aspects of legal understanding of the category «religion».
Methodology: Author applies a formal-legal and comparative-legal method.
Results: The author offers the following definition of religion: it is the form of understanding of the world caused by belief in real existence of God (gods, the absolute) which causes the special behavior corresponding to religion including the arch of the moral standards, ceremonies, cult actions inherent in adherents of concrete religion, and association of the persons belonging to it in religious associations for the purpose of satisfaction of the religious requirements.
Novelty/originality/value: The value of work consists in consideration of an actual problem and a formulation important for the theory and practice of scientific conclusions.
Keywords: religion, legislation, Russia, Kazakhstan.
References (transliterated)
1. Vladimir Putin prinjal uchastie v forume «Gosudarstvo i grazhdanskoe obshhestvo: sotrudnichestvo voimja razvitija». 15 Janvarja 2015. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. –Rezhim dostupa:

Petukhova N.Yu.
Consequences of an probably exit of Russia from under jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights
Purpose: Article is sent for consideration of possible consequences of an exit of Russia from under jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights.
Methodology: The author applies formal-legal and comparative-legal method.
Results: In article consequences of a possible exit of Russia from the Council of Europe and denunciation of the Convention on human rights protection and fundamental freedoms of 1950 for legal system of the Russian Federation, and also for realization of the rights of her citizens for the judicial appeal to ECHR are opened. It is noted, in case of an exit from under jurisdiction of ECHR activities of the Russian Federation for rapprochement of precepts of law, updating of the domestic legislation and a vozdaniya of important precedents in pursuance of decisions of this court it will be suspended that will negatively be reflected not only as citizens of the country, but also in a condition of lawmaking in general, will influence the status of our country on the international scene as in the conditions of the growing globalization the state which voluntary refused implementation of the Convention on human rights protection and fundamental freedoms in the territory, officially recognizes a step backwards in the legal development.
Novelty/originality/value: The value of work consists in consideration of an actual scientific problem.
Keywords: ECHR, European Court of Human Rights, Convention, Council of Europe, human rights, PACE, denunciation.
References (transliterated)
3. Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod // SZ RF. 2001. 8 janvarja. № 2. st. 163.
4. Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 27.06.2013 № 21 «O primenenii sudami obshhej jurisdikcii Konvencii o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod ot 4 nojabrja 1950 goda i Protokolov k nej» // Rossijskaja gazeta. 2013. № 145.
5. Tillabaev M.A., Hamdamova F.U. Jeksterritorial’nye objazatel’stva gosudarstv v ramkah mezhdunarodnogo prava prav cheloveka v kontekste mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva v celjah razvitija // Evrazijskaja advokatura.2014. № 2 (9).

Lukovkin K.E.
Execution of criminal sanctions by private operators
Purpose: Article is sent for consideration of problems of transfer of Execution of criminal sanctions to private operators.
Methodology: Were applied by the author a formal legal and comparative and legal method.
Results: In article the new model of an execution of the punishment with introduction of elements of a dispozitive principle in system of execution of criminal sanctions by criminal accurately right of Russia is offered. The mechanism of realization of this model and its positive sides is reasonable. For check of its efficiency it is offered to make experiments in separately taken directions, for example, to attract collection agencies to execution of criminal sanction in the form of a penalty.
Novelty/originality/value: The scientific value of work consists in justification of need of introduction of new model of execution of criminal sanction.
Keywords: criminal and executive right, criminal procedure, execution of the punishment, dispositive principle.
References (transliterated)
1. Dikarev I.S. Dispozitivnost’ v ugolovnom processe Rossii: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Volgograd, 2004.
2. Koncepcija razvitija ugolovno-ispolnitel’noj sistemy Rossijskoj Federacii do 2020 g. (utverzhdena rasporjazheniem Pravitel’stva RF ot 14.10.2010 № 1772-r, v red. Rasporjazhenija Pravitel’stva RF ot 31.05.2012 № 874-r) // SPS «Konsul’tant-Pljus». 2015. Vyp. 23.
3. Malikov M.F. Retrospektivnyj analiz sudebnogo prigovora // Evrazijskaja advokatura. 2014. № 1 (8).
4. Shtol’ D.S. Dispozitivnost’ i ejo otdel’nye projavlenija v ugolovnom processe Rossijskoj Federacii: Dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk. Cheljabinsk, 2009.

Gashina N.N.
Some problems of implementation of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in the Russian Federation
Purpose: Article is sent for consideration of some problems of implementation of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in the Russian Federation.
Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal and comparative method.
Results: In work the conclusion about expediency of elaboration of unambiguous approach to definition of the status of decisions of ECHR is drawn, and it is offered to judges to use more often in the solutions of standard of the Convention as it will promote not only to departure of fair justice, but also integration of Russia into the European community. The main problems of application in law-enforcement practice of legal positions of the European Court of Human Rights are also allocated and ways of improvement of the Russian legislation for the purpose of ensuring appropriate implementation of decisions of European Court are offered.
Novelty/originality/value: The scientific value of work consists in consideration of important aspects of application of decisions of ECHR in Russia.
Keywords: ECHR, Russia, human rights, international law.
1. Voroncova I.V. Znachenie postanovlenij Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka // Sovremennoe pravo. 2009. № 8.
2. Delo «Barankevich (Barankevich) protiv Rossijskoj Federacii» (zhaloba № 10519/03): Postanovlenie ESPCh ot 26.07.2007 // Bjulleten’ Evropejskogo Suda po pravam cheloveka.2008. № 10.
3. Konvencija o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod (ETS № 5) (zakljuchena v g. Rime 04.11.1950) // SZ RF. 2001. № 2. st. 163.
4. O primenenii sudami obshhej jurisdikcii Konvencii o zashhite prav cheloveka i osnovnyh svobod ot 4 nojabrja 1950 goda i Protokolov k nej: Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 27.06.2013 № 21 // Bjulleten’ Verhovnogo Suda RF. 2013. № 8.
5. O primenenii sudami obshhej jurisdikcii obshhepriznannyh principov i norm mezhdunarodnogo prava I mezhdunarodnyh dogovorov Rossijskoj Federacii: Postanovlenie Plenuma Verhovnogo Suda RF ot 10.10.2003 № 5 (red. ot 05.03.2013) // Bjulleten’ Verhovnogo Suda RF. 2003. № 12; 2013. № 5.
6. (Oficial’nyj sajt ESPCh).
7. Po delu o proverke konstitucionnosti polozhenij stat’i 11 i punktov 3 i 4 chasti chetvertoj stat’i 392 Grazhdanskogo processual’nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii v svjazi s zaprosom prezidiuma Leningradskogo okruzhnogo voennogo suda: Postanovlenie Konstitucionnogo Suda RF ot 06.12.2013 № 27-P // SZ RF. 2013. № 50. st. 6670.
8. Chizhov I., Pereverzeva Ju. EKPCh. Praktika primenenija v Rossii // JeZh-Jurist. 2013. № 1.

Chunikhina L.N., Kosyk D.V.
International economic integration: prerequisites and consequences
Purpose: Article is directed on research of prerequisites and consequences of the international economic integration.
Methodology: Authors applied a formal-legal method.
Results: Authors consider the international economic integration as the legal process of economic interaction leading to rapprochement of economic mechanisms of the integrated countries. In article prerequisites and consequences of the international economic integration, a form of the international economic integration in modern conditions of an aggravation of global contradictions of world economy are analyzed.
Novelty/originality/value: The value of work consists in complex consideration of an actual problem and a formulation important for the theory and practice of scientific conclusions.
Keywords: international economic integration, prerequisites, purposes and consequences of the international economic integration, form of the international economic integration.
1. Lenskij E.V., Cvetkov V.A. Transnacional’nye finansovo-promyshlennye gruppy i mezhgosudarstvennaja integracija: real’nost’ i perspektivy. M., 1998.
2. Lavrovskaja T.V. Jekonomicheskaja integracija kak razvivajushhijsja global’nyj process. M.: IMJe i MO, 1991.
3. Mezhdunarodnye jekonomicheskie otnoshenija /pod obshh. red. V.E. Rybalkina. M., 1997.
4. Fundamental’nye problemy razvitija jekonomiki ES / pod obshh. red. prof. V.V. Gromyko. M.: RJeA im.G.V. Plehanova, 2004.
5. Hasbulatov R.I. Mirovaja jekonomika. M.: Jekonomika, 2001.
6. Zverev Ju.M. Mirovaja jekonomika i mezhdunarodnye jekonomicheskie otnoshenija: ucheb. posob. / Kaliningr.un-t. Kaliningrad, 2000.
7. Shenaev V., Shmelev V. Rossija i Evrosojuz – problem jekonomicheskogo partnerstva. URL:
8. Shishkov Ju.V. Processy regional’noj integracii v kapitalisticheskom mire. M.: IMJeMO, 1986.
9. Kozak Ju.G., Luk’janenko D.G., Makogon Ju.V. ta іn. Mіzhnarodna ekonomіka: navch. posіb. 2-ge vid., pererob.ta dop. Kiїv: Centr navchal’noї lіteraturi, 2004.
10. Kozik V.V., Pankova L.A., Danilenko N.B. Mіzhnarodnі ekonomіchnі vіdnosini: navch. posіb. 5-te vid., ster.K.: Znannja, 2004.
11. Ukraїna na shljahu єvropejs’koї іntegracії: nauk.-praktich. materіalіv Mіnіsterstva ekonomіki Ukraїnі, 1999.
12. Rumjancev A.P., Rumjanceva N.S. Zovnіshn’oekonomіchna dіjal’nіst’: navch. posіb. K.: Centr navchal’noї lіteraturi, 2004.
13. Upravlіnnja zovnіshn’oekonomіchnoju dіjal’nіstju: navch.posіb. 2-ge vid., vipr. i dop. / za zag. red. A.І. Burakіvs’kij. K.: VІRA-R, 2002.

Sernovets M.N.
The protocol of judicial session in criminal trial: about contents of legal instructions and their practical realization in courts of Moscow
Purpose: Research of questions of practical implementation of legal instructions of an order of maintaining the protocol of judicial session in criminal legal proceedings in courts of Moscow.
Methodology: The author used a formal-legal method, methods of the included supervision, questioning, studying of documents.
Results: In article problematic issues of practice of drawing up protocols of judicial session in criminal trial of Russia are revealed. Legal positions of the European Court of Human Rights, Constitutional court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on appropriate questions and practice of application of the corresponding explanations, the contents and problems of implementation of Federal target development programs of courts in aspect of the studied perspective are investigated. The special attention is paid to questions of practical realization of the right of the advocate defender for maintaining an audio recording of judicial trial and addition of the protocol of judicial session in Moscow, to the analysis received by the author from representatives of judicial system of answers concerning application of the technical means
used by drawing up the protocol of a judicial meeting.
Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the high scientific and practical value as is the first attempt of carrying out research of questions of implementation of the legal instructions concerning drawing up the protocol of judicial session, courts of Moscow with use of a wide range of methods.
Keywords: protocol of judicial session, advocate defender, professional privileges of the advocate.
References (transliterated)
1. Бюллетень ВС РФ. 2004. № 1.
2. Gojhman O.Ja., Nadeina T.M. Rechevaja kommunikacija: uchebnik. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.:INFRA-M, 2008.
3. Demacheva Ju.S., Zaranko K.M. Stenografija:praktich. posob. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Vyssh. shk.,1991.
4. Rukovodstvo po stat’e 6 Konvencii (ugolovnopravovoj aspekt). Council of European Court of Human Rights, 2014). URL:
5. Протокол судебных заседаний поручат электронике // Ведомости. 2013. 13 мая.
6. Sernovec M. Lovushka dlja fal’sifikatora // Novaja advokatskaja gazeta. 2014. № 5 (166).
7. Jaroshik O.D. O nekotoryh problemah sudebnogo protokola po ugolovnym delam // Advokatskaja palata. 2014. № 9. S. 4–9.