PERSONACurrent problems of development of the Russian legal profession.Interview with candidate of legal sciences, a scientist in the field of advocacy Roman Melnichenko HISTORICAL EXPERIENCETkachenko O.Y.Collective bargaining in the period of the new economic policy in the soviet unionGolshev I.A.The Main Areas of Judicial and Legal Policy of the Russian Empire (In the Period 1800–1825)Nilov I.L.Emergence of consumer extremism PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGRagulin A.V.Federal law draft No. 469485-7 «About introduction of amendments to the Federal law «About Advocate Activity and Advocacy Profession in the Russian Federation»:main positions of representatives of advocate`s community and suggestion for improvementSibirtsev G.I.Antinomy of the Realization of Advocate’s Independence and the Safeguarding of the Right to Qualified Legal Assistance in the Draft of The Federal Law «On Amendments to the Federal Law On Advocacy And The Advocacy Work In The Russian Federation»Korotkova P.E.Moral foundations of client-attorney privilege ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEFast I.A.Compensation for moral harm caused by personal injury:practical results after 25 years of existence of the legal institution in the Russian FederationVinogradova E. V., Solomonenko I.G.The Impact of Court Decisions on Denomination of Crimes Infringing on SecurityKalininskaya Y. S., Karpova N.A.Petty theft committed by the person subjected to administrative punishment: questions of the theory and practice HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE EURASIAN SPACEMironenko T.V., Kuropatskaya E.G.Problems of copyright protection in the electronic environment: the experience of Japan, China and RussiaKanatov T.K.Authorship and co-authorship as subjective copyright in the Eurasian Economic Union countries JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEMinyazeva T. F., Dobryakov D. A.Do the Punishments Established in Chapter 26 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Correspond to the Nature of Ecological Crimes?Zhilkin M.G.Concept and classification of crimes in the sphere of business activity ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF LAW SCIENCE AND PRACTICETeplova D.O.Worldview Function of the Constitution: Its Role and ValueIvanova M.S.Problems of determining the legal status of apartments in the Russian federation JURISPRUDENCE AND EDUCATIONVlasov A.A., Dan W., Shtykov N.G.International russian-chinese cooperation in the field of education (experience of creating a new model of a university according to international standards) INFORMATION FOR AUTHORS INFORMATION АBOUT THE AUTHORS