EVENTSAt the Intersection of Law and Innovation: Russia Identified the Best «Digital» Lawyers EVENTSHow Russian business moves to the tracks of digitalization: in Moscow summed up the results of Tech Week 19 conference HISTORICAL EXPERIENCEKasa I.The history of legal regulation development of the activity of the arbitration court in EuropePurpose: To study the history of the formation and development of the regulatory framework of the activities of the arbitration court in Europe.Methodology: The comparative legal method and the historical method were used.Results: The article discusses the history of the development of the regulatory framework of the institution of arbitration since ancient times. It was established that the development of the regulatory framework of the institution of arbitration in Europe is closely related to the form of the government and has always depended on the interests of representatives of the authorities. This confirms the effective functioning of the arbitration court in republican Rome, the inefficiency of the arbitration court in medieval Europe, etc.Novelty/originality/value: The article has a scientific value, since it, analyzing the history of the development of the regulatory framework of the arbitration court, confirms the private nature of the institution of arbitration and the inefficiency of its activities in cases of its restriction by the state. Also, this article contains a number of author’s conclusions that are important for legal science.Keywords: arbitration courts, state courts, arbitration.References (transliterated)1.Abulafia D. Italy in the Central Middle Ages 1000–1300. Oxford University Press, 2004. P. 39.2.Blessing M. Introduction to Arbitration – Swiss and International Perspectives // Swiss Commercial Law Series / ed. by Nedim Peter Vogt. Vol. 10. 1999. P. 63.3.Chillon Medina J.M., Merino Merchan J.F. Tratado de arbitraje privado national e international. Pub. da Editorial Civitas. Madrid, 1991. P. 47.4.Cour de Cassation, 10 February 1930 and similarly of 27 January 1931.5.Fiore P. Sul problema internazionale della societa juridica degli stati. Torino: Stamperia Reali, 1878. P. 87.6.Fouchard Ph., Goldman B. Fouchard, Gaillard, Goldman on International Commercial Arbitration / ed. by E. Gaillard, J. Savage. Kluwer Law International. The Hague, 1999. P. 879.7.Heywood W. A History of Pisa: Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries. Cambridge University Press, 1921. P. 265.8.Kaufman-Kohler G., Rigozzi A. International Arbitration: Law and Practice in Switzerland. Oxford University Press, 2015. P. 2.9.Klein F.E. La nouvelle reglamentation francaise del’arbitrage international et les lois suisses // Recueil de travaux suisses sur l’arbitrage International / C. Reymond and E. Bucher (eds). Zurich: Schulthess, 1984. P. 57–70.10.Morrone M. Il diritto maritimo del regno d’Italia. Napoli, 1886. P. 150.11.Piccirilli L., Magnetto A. Gli arbitrati interstatali greci, pubblicato da Marlin. Pisa, 1973. P. 15.12.Saitta B. L’antisemitismo nella Spagnia visigotica. Pub. da L’Erma di Bretschneider, 1995. P. 8.13.The Internationalisation of International Arbitration: The LCIA Centenary Conference / Ed. by M. Hunter, A. Marriott, V.V. Veeder. London: Graham & Trotman/ Martinus Nijhoff, 1995. P. 37.14.Weigang F.B. Practitioner’s Handbook on International Commercial Arbitration. Second Edition. Oxford University Press, 2010. P. 13.15.Zappala F. Memoria storica dell’arbitrato. Sevilla, 1995. P. 11.16.Volkov A.F. Torgovy`e tretejskie sudy` // Tretejskij sud. 2000. № 2. S. 60.17.Karabel`nikov B.R. Mezhdunarodny`j kommercheskij arbitrazh: uchebnik. 2-e izd. M., 2013. C. 19.18.Kasa I. Pravovoe regulirovanie deyatel`nosti tretejskogo suda v Rossijskoj Federacii i v Shvejczarskoj Konfederacii: sravnitel`no-pravovoe issledovanie: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2019. S. 34.19.Kasa I. Arbitrazh (tretejskij sud): istoriya sozdaniya i pravovaya priroda // Vestnik RUDN. Yuridicheskie nauki. 2018. T. 22. № 2. S. 269–288.20.Kleandrov M.I. E`konomicheskoe pravosudie v Rossii; proshloe, nastoyashhee, budushhee. M., 2006. S. 14.21.Nikiforov V.A. Mezhdunarodny`j kommercheskij arbitrazh v sisteme tretejskix sudov: Istoriya i sovremennoe sostoyanie: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2002. S. 19.22.Sitkareva E.V. Mezhdunarodny`j kommercheskij arbitrazh: Osparivanie reshenij: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2005. S. 17. HISTORICAL EXPERIENCEUryadov Yu.Yu.Historical aspects of the development of inter-state relations in the law enforcementPurpose: To study of issues of historical importance of the emergence of interstate relations in the law enforcement sphere.Methodology: Systemic and regulatory research methods were used.Results: The socio-legal pattern of the need for resolving issues of differences in the laws of various states on criminal and criminal procedure law aimed at combating crime of all types of unlawful attacks was revealed.Novelty/originality/value: The article considers the issues of historical importance of the emergence of interstate relations in the law enforcement sphere, formed on the basis of mutually beneficial conditions for the coexistence of national traditions, linguistic and religious differences, which in some cases are different. The issues of the need for joint measures aimed at the disclosure of crimes of transnational nature related to combating criminal attacks (from ordinary crimes to crimes related to the violation of the rights and freedoms of peoples of different states, violation of democratic principles, crimes related to the sale of drugs, weapons and people, as well as related to the implementation of terrorist and extremist activities), the identification of money, items and valuables obtained from the criminal means hidden from the investigating authorities, which in turn became the basis for concluding international agreements between countries - participants in these contractual relationships. Issues of the implementation of operational-search measures on the territory of other states, and the emergence of problematic issues are disclosed. The forms of international law enforcement cooperation, the practice of their application are described in detail.The relevance and value of the issues investigated in the article is due to the importance of resolving regulatory conflicts that make it difficult for the competent law enforcement authorities of various states to carry out functions in the field of operational-search activities aimed at solving transnational crimes.The article contains information about the author’s analysis of established international relations, the novelty and relevance of which are of scientific and practical importance for the further improvement of international law.Keywords: international law, interstate cooperation, agreements, transnational crime, operational-search activity.References (transliterated)1.Deyatel`nost` institutov, vxodyashhix v set` Programmy` Organizacii Ob``edinenny`x Nacij v oblasti preduprezhdeniya prestupnosti i ugolovnogo pravosudiya. Doklad General`nogo sekretarya na Chety`rnadczatoj sessii Komissii po preduprezhdeniyu prestupnosti i ugolovnomu pravosudiyu, Vena, 23–27 maya 2005 goda.2.Ivashhuk V.K. K voprosu ob istorii formirovaniya mezhdunarodny`x standartov bor`by` s prestupnost`yu // Trudy` Akademii upravleniya MVD Rossii. 2018. № 3. C. 184.3.Ivashhuk V.K. Mezhdunarodnoe sotrudnichestvo organov vnutrennix del v bor`be s prestupnost`yu: uchebnik. M.: Akademiya upravleniya MVD Rossii, 2015. C. 254.4.Interpol: shtab-kvartira, gosudarstva-chleny`, funkcii // Sajt FB [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: OON po preduprezhdeniyu prestupnosti i ugolovnomu pravosudiyu // ConsulMir. 2016 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Nezavisimy`x Gosudarstv // E`nciklopediya Rossii. 2010 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: R.S. Problemy` preduprezhdeniya prestuplenij v sfere mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva gosudarstv v bor`be s prestupnost`yu // Ugolovnoe pravo. Avtonomnaya nekommercheskaya organizaciya «Yuridicheskie programmy`». 2006. № 2. C. 107–114.8.Ustav Organizacii Ob``edinenny`x Nacij (Prinyat v g. San-Francisko 26.06.1945).9.Ushakov N.A. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo: uchebnik. M.: Yurist, 2000. C. 304.10.Chernova O.A., Stepenko V.E. K voprosu o realizacii mezhdunarodnogo sotrudnichestva v bor`be s prestupnost`yu // Sbornik nauchny`x trudov po materialam mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii / OOO «Nauchny`j mir». Odessa, 2009. T. 12. № 3. C. 41–48.11.E`nciklopedicheskij slovar` F.A. Brokgauza i I.A. Efrona. SPb.: Brokgauz-Efron, 1890–1907. PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGSarychev D.V.Legal profession of the Republic of CroatiaPurpose: Review the legal status of the bar in the Republic of Croatia.Methodology: In the course of the study, the author used the formal legal method of comparative law, a chronological method.Results: The legislation on the basis of which the Croatian bar works is investigated. It considers who and how can become a lawyer in Croatia. The process of the formation of the legal profession in modern Croatia is described.Novelty/originality/value: For the first time in domestic science, the history of the emergence of Croatian advocacy has been studied. Trends in the development of modern advocacy in Croatia are identified. Conclusions are formulated about the possibility of participation in Croatian courts of lawyers from foreign countries.Keywords: The EU, the Republic of Croatia, the Constitution, Croatian bar, The act on the bar of Croatia.References (transliterated)1.Hrvatska odvjetnička komora [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: http://ć. Lujo. Srednjovjekovni zakoni i opći akti na Kvarneru. Zagreb, Rijeka, 2012. S. 28–30.3.Engelsfeld Neda. O zakonu o odvjetništvu iz 1929. Vladavina prava. Godina III. Broj 1. Zagreb, 1999. S. 26.4.Jonaitis. Marius. Žaleniene. Inga. The concept of bar and fundamental principles of an advocates›s activity in Roman law [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: odvjetnička komora. Povijest odvjetništva u Hrvatskoj [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: http:// odvjetnička komora. Odvjetnici [E`lektron-ny`j resurs]. URL:ć Mirna. O reklamiranju odvjetnika [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Republike Hrvatske. Narodne novine. br. 56/90., 135/97., 8/98., 113/00., 124/00., 28/01., 41/01., 55/01., 76/10., 85/10., 05/14.9.Zakon o odvjetništvu [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Hrvatske odvjetničke komore [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: odvjetničke etike. Narodne novine. br. 64/07. i Dopune Kodeksa odvjetničke etike. Narodne novine, br. 72/08., čl. 1.12.Law of the European Union: a Textbook for Master Students / ed. P. Biriukov and V. Tuliakov. Voronezh: VSU Publishing House, 2016. P. 47.13.Agreement on the european economic area [E`lek-tronny`j resurs]. URL:ć. Mirna. Primjena pravila tržišnog natjecanja na odvjetničku profesiju – teorijski i regulatorni aspekti, uz težište na pravu Europske unije i Republike Hrvatske (objavljeni diplomski rad iz prava tržišnog natjecanja). Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta J.J. Strossmayera u Osijeku. Osijek, 2013. S. 1–53.15.Direktiva Vijeća 77/249/EEZ od 22. ožujka 1977. o olakšavanju učinkovitog ostvarivanja slobode pružanja odvjetničkih usluga.16.Direktiva Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća 98/5/EZ od 16. Veljače 1998. o olakšavanju stalnog obavljanja odvjetničke djelatnosti u državi članici različitoj od one u kojoj je stečena kvalifi kacija.17.Predsjednik Hrvatske odvjetničke komore [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Mario. Život u odvjetništvu. Zagreb, 2006. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEKudryavtsev V.L.Criminal-legal and criminal-procedural problems of the termination of the crime providedby article 305 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation «Pronouncement of obviously unjust sentence, decision or other judicial act»Purpose: Research of problems of the termination of the crime provided by article 305 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation «Pronouncement of obviously unjust sentence, decision or other judicial act».Methodology: The formal-legal methods were used.Results: The article reveals the criminal-legal and criminal-procedural problems of the end of such a crime as the imposition of a deliberately unjust sentence, decision or other judicial act. It is established that the problems of determining the end of the main corpus delicti are associated with a different understanding of the moment when an unjust judicial act is rendered. This problem is considered on the features of «sentencing» or «ruling of sentence» in criminal proceedings. It is concluded that the main part of the crime is formal and is considered to be completed from the moment of signing of the unjust judicial act by the judge (judges). The qualified structure of a crime is formal-material.Novelty/originality/value: The article has a scientific value, representing a comprehensive analysis of the end of such a crime as the imposition of obviously unjust sentence, decision or other judicial act through criminal law and criminal procedure problems existing both in theory and in practice.Keywords: criminal law, crimes against justice, a crime, end crime, making a knowingly unjust sentence, decision or other judicial act, criminal process, sentencing judgment, court, trial practice.References (transliterated)1.Brilliantov A.V., Kosevich N.R. Vy`nesenie zavedomo nepravosudny`x prigovora, resheniya ili inogo sudebnogo akta (st. 305 UK RF) // Ugolovnoe pravo Rossii. Chasti Obshhaya i Osobennaya: uchebnik / pod red. A.V. Brilliantova. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Prospekt, 2016.2.Vodyanaya V.Yu., Dosaeva G.S., Seregina E.V. O ne-kotory`x ugolovno-pravovy`x i processual`ny`x aspektax privlecheniya k ugolovnoj otvetstvennosti za vy`nesenie zavedomo nepravosudny`x prigovora, resheniya ili inogo sudebnogo akta // Nauka i obrazovanie: xozyajstvo i e`konomika; predprinimatel`stvo; pravo i upravlenie. 2012. № 11 (30).3.Golodnyuk M.N. Prestupleniya, sovershaemy`e v processe otpravleniya pravosudiya dolzhnostny`mi liczami – rabotnikami pravooxranitel`ny`x organov // Kurs ugolovnogo prava: v 5 t. T. 5: Osobennaya chast` / pod red. G.N. Borzenkova, V.S. Komissarova. M., 2002.4.Emeeva N.R. Ugolovnaya otvetstvennost` za prestupleniya protiv pravosudiya, sovershaemy`e sud`yami i dolzhnostny`mi liczami pravooxranitel`ny`x organov. Kazan`: Poznanie, 2008.5.Zenina L.S. Soderzhanie ob``ektivnoj storony` vy`neseniya zavedomo nepravosudnogo sudebnogo resheniya (stat`ya 305 UK RF) // Rossijskij sud`ya. 2018. № 2.6.Kalashnikova S.V. Pravovy`e posledstviya vy`ne-seniya zavedomo nezakonny`x prigovora, resheniya i inogo sudebnogo akta: avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Rostov n/D, 2011.7.Kartashov A.Yu. Ugolovnaya otvetstvennost` za vy`nesenie zavedomo nepravosudny`x prigovora, resheniya ili inogo sudebnogo akta: avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Stavropol`, 2004.8.Kashanina T.V. Yuridicheskaya texnika: uchebnik. M.: E`ksmo, 2007.9.Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii (nauchno-prakticheskij) / pod red. A.I. Chuchaeva. M.: Prospekt, 2019.10.Kondratov P.E. Kommentarij k stat`e 305 UK RF // Kommentarij k Ugolovnomu kodeksu Rossijskoj Federacii: v 4 t. T. 4. Osobennaya chast`. Razdely` X—XII / otv. red. V.M. Lebedev. M.: Yurajt, 2018. 11.Kudryavcev V.L. Pravovy`e i processual`ny`e problemy` opredeleniya predmeta prestupleniya, predusmotrennogo st. 305 UK RF «Vy`nesenie zavedomo nepravosudny`x prigovora, resheniya ili inogo sudebnogo akta» // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2017. № 5 (30). S. 70–84.12.Kudryavcev V.L. Vy`nesenie zavedomo nepravo-sudny`x prigovora, resheniya ili inogo sudebnogo akta // E`nciklopediya ugolovnogo prava. T. 28. Prestupleniya protiv pravosudiya. SPb., 2017.13.Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Tolkovy`j slovar` russkogo yazy`ka: 80000 slov i frazeol. vy`razhenij / Ros. akad. nauk, In-t rus. yaz. im. V.V. Vinogradova. 4-e izd., dop. M.: Azbukovnik, 1999.14.Chuchaev A.I. Prestupleniya, posyagayushhie na realizaciyu konstitucionny`x principov pravosudiya // Ugolovnoe pravo. Osobennaya chast`: ucheb. / pod red. prof. A.I. Raroga. M.: Institut mezhdunarodnogo prava i e`konomiki: Triada, Ltd, 1996. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEBulychev E.N.Marriage with the victim as grounds for exemption from punishment for sexual intercourse with a person under sixteen years of agePurpose: Analysis of the conditions for exemption from punishment the perpetrators of sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 16, formulated in the note 1 to article 134 of the criminal code.Methodology: Methods of analysis, comparative and formal-legal methods were used in the article.Results: In the study, the conclusions about the presence of the norm of discrimination on the basis of residence, in this connection, the author put forward a scientifically reasoned proposal for improving the legislation on marriage.Novelty/originality/value: The scientific value of the article lies in the fact that the authors analyzed the conditions of release of a person who committed a crime under part 1 of article 134 of the criminal code from punishment. The authors concluded that there is discrimination on the basis of place of residence in the considered norm, in this connection, the authors put forward a scientifically based proposal to improve the legislation on marriage.Keywords: sexual intercourse, a person under 16 years, marriage, the age of marriage, exemption from punishment.References (transliterated)1.Buly`chev E.N. Princip ravenstva i problemy` ego zakrepleniya v Konstitucii Rossijskoj Federacii // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2016. № 2 (21). S. 58–62.2.Popov N.V. Chelovek i zakon. Sovershennoletie i e`mansipaciya nesovershennoletnix // Probely` v rossijskom zakonodatel`stve. 2016. № 5. C. 208–211 ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEVetrova G.N.The doctrine of M.S. Strogovich on the legal status of the accused person in criminal proceedings (traditions in modern refraction)Purpose: To define the content of the main provisions of the humanistic studies of M. S. Strogovich on the legal status of the accused in criminal proceedings, to show its importance for the theory of the law of criminal procedure, as well as the impact on the development of modern law of criminal procedure.Methodology: The legal historical and formal logical methods were used.Results: M.S. Strogovich considered the accused person as a central figure in the criminal process since the person is being prosecuted. Through the legislative definition of the status of the accused, the goals and objectives of criminal proceedings may be brought to light. M.S. Strogovich considered the question of the legal status of the accused in the dimension to the relationship between the prosecution and the defence based on the principle of adversarial proceedings. The author’s works reveal the importance of the procedural formalization of the prosecution to guarantee the accused’s right to defence. The accused person must be provided guaranteed rights to challenge the conviction. The accused person has the right to provide the investigation and the court with new information to rebut the charges. The principles of presumption of innocence and adversarial proceedings serve as guarantees of the rights of the accused.According to the doctrine of M.S. Strogovich in the system of rights of the accused, the most important ones are the right to voluntary deposition and the right to refuse to testify. The author considered inadmissible the official’s concern to establish the confession of the accused, whether it be a verification of the testimony on the scene or an audio recording of such testimony. The 2001 Code of Criminal Procedure developed the humanistic traditions of the Russian criminal procedure concerning the legal status of the accused. The possibilities of protection at the stage of investigation on confrontation to criminal prosecution were expanded.Novelty/originality/value: The article has scientific value, due to the fact that it is the first study that highlights the main provisions of the holistic doctrine of the legal status of the accused in criminal proceedings, which were formulated and developed in the studies of M.S. Strogovich, the largest scientist of the Soviet period of criminal procedure.Keywords: the accused, the presumption of innocence, testimony of the accused, the principle of adversarial proceedings and equality of the parties.References (transliterated)1.Strogovich M.S. Pravo obvinyaemogo na zashhitu i prezumpciya nevinovnosti. M.: Nauka, 1984.2.Strogovich M.S. Kurs sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa. T. 1. M.: Nauka, 1968.3.Strogovich M.S. Priroda sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa i princip sostyazatel`nosti. M.: Yurizdat NKYu Soyuza SSR, 1939.4.Strogovich M.S. Material`naya istina i sudebny`e dokazatel`stva v sovetskom ugolovnom processe. M.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1955.5.Strogovich M.S. Kurs sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa. T. 2. M.: Nauka, 1970.6.Strogovich M.S. Izbranny`e trudy`: v 3 t. T. 2. Garantii prav lichnosti v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve. M.: Nauka, 1992.7.Strogovich M.S. Ugolovnoe presledovanie v sovetskom ugolovnom processe. M.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1951.8.Problemy` sudebnoj e`tiki / pod red. chl.-korr. AN SSSR M.S. Strogovicha. M.: Nauka, 1974.9.Lazareva V.A. Dokazy`vanie v ugolovnom processe. M.: Vy`sshee obrazovanie, 2009. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEVelikaya E.V.Ensuring the right of the defendant to protection in court sessionPurpose: To study the theoretical and practical aspects of ensuring the defendant’s right to defense in court; to formulate a definition of the right to defense, to identify difficulties in ensuring the defendant’s right to defense, to develop appropriate recommendations for their resolution.Methodology: Methods of analysis, comparative and formal-legal methods were used in the article.Results: The article considers the concept of the right to defense, concludes that this concept includes not only the right of a person to receive legal assistance, but also a set of other rights aimed at defending against the charges; defines the circle of persons obliged to ensure the realization of the defendant’s right to defense, including the defender; draws attention to the need to ensure the rights of the defendant in criminal proceedings by the court, as well as the inadmissibility of abuse of the rights granted by the defense.Novelty/originality/value: The study helps to identify the difficulties arising in the implementation by the defendant of such a right, and abuse of the facts by the defense right to protection, the proposed solutions arising from the right of a defendant to protection problems.Keywords: the defendant, the right to counsel, court hearing; attorney, lawyer, abuse of the right.References (transliterated)1.Strogovich M.S. Kurs sovetskogo ugolovnogo processa. M.: Nauka, 1968.2.Kokorev L.D. Podsudimy`j v sovetskom ugolovnom processe. Voronezh: Izdatel`stvo Voronezhskogo universiteta, 1973.3.Nasonova I.A. O sootnoshenii ponyatij «zashhita», «pravo na zashhitu» i «obespechenie podozrevaemomu i obvinyaemomu prava na zashhitu» // Nauchny`j portal MVD Rossii. 2009. № 1.4.Mal`czagov I.D., Nakaev B.R. Pravo podsudimogo na zashhitu v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Fundamen-tal`ny`e osnovy` pravovogo gosudarstva i aktual`ny`e voprosy` reformirovaniya sovremennogo zakonodatel`stva: sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii. Penza, 2018.5.Zajcev O.V., Emel`yanov D.V. Obespechenie podsudimomu prava pol`zovat`sya zashhitnikom v xode sudebnogo sledstviya po ugolovnomu delu // Rossijskoe pravosudie. 2018. № 5.6.Yunoshev S.V. O sootnoshenii prava obvinyaemogo na kvalificirovannuyu yuridicheskuyu pomoshh` i prava na zashhitu // Vektor nauki Tol`yattinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Yuridicheskie nauki. 2018. № 2 (33).7.Velikaya E.V. Pravo podsudimogo na zashhitu kak vazhnejshaya sostavlyayushhaya spravedlivogo sudebnogo razbiratel`stva // Aktual`ny`e problemy` yuridicheskoj nauki i praktiki: vzglyad molody`x ucheny`x: sbornik statej po materialam nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii molody`x ucheny`x / Akad. Gen. prokuratury` Ros. Federacii. M., 2011. S. 27.8.Tolkovy`j slovar` russkogo yazy`ka [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: 10107-ZLOUPOTREBLENIE.9.JUS EST: Yuridicheskaya e`nciklopediya. Seriya «Academia» / Akademiya General`noj prokuratury` Rossijskoj Federacii; pod obshh. red. O.S. Kapinus. T. 3. M.: OOO «Buki Vedi», 2017. S. 177.10.Velikaya E.V. Zloupotreblenie pravom na zashhitu v sudebnom razbiratel`stve i sposoby` ego preodoleniya // Vestnik Akademii General`noj prokuratury` Rossijskoj Federacii. 2017. № 5. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEManaenkov K.L.Legal problems of registration of ownership of shared construction objectsPurpose: The purpose of this article is to analyze the legal problems of registration of ownership of shared construction objects from the perspective of recent changes in the current legislation. The author uses the comparative legal method of existing legal acts and legal doctrine.Methodology: Various methods of scientific identification were used in the article. In particular, comparative, historical, analytical and other methods were used.Results: According to the results of the study the author made the following conclusions. Participation in equity construction of housing provided an opportunity for residents of the Russian Federation to purchase housing without the risks inherent in contracts of sale of secondary real estate. The Institute of state registration of the equity participation agreement deprived unscrupulous market participants of the possibility of re-sale of apartments.Novelty/originality/value: The Author comes to the conclusion that the constant improvement of legislation in the field of shared construction and similar areas, as shown by the analysis of recent changes in the field of registration of ownership of objects of shared construction, contributes to the proper legal regulation in this area.Keywords: equity construction, risks, legislation, developer, registration of property rights, real estate object, shareholder.References (transliterated)1.Avakyan K.S., Shumilina A.B. Zashhita prav grazhdan, uchastvuyushhix v dolevom stroitel`stve zhil`ya // Se-verokavkazskij yuridicheskij vestnik. 2018. № 2. S. 92–98.2.Lukova D.S. Nekotory`e voprosy` registracii dogovora dolevogo uchastiya v stroitel`stve // Aktual`ny`e voprosy` nauchny`x issledovanij: sb. statej. Ivanovo: Czvetkov, 2017. S. 42–45.3.Shulekin A.N. Analiz izmenenij zakonodatel`stva v sfere zhilishhnogo stroitel`stva: perexod ot dolevogo stroitel`stva k proektnomu finansirovaniyu // Sibirskaya finansovaya shkola. 2018. № 4 (129). S. 34–37. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICESultanov A.R.Lies, integrity in civil law and proceedingsPurpose: To consider the inadmissibility of lying in the process as a continuation of the principle of good faith in civil law.Methodology: Logical, systemic, formal-legal, as well as comparative-legal methods were used.Results: The principle of good faith does not allow the existence of a «right to lie.» Procedural law and practice should be amended to provide effective protection against lies in the process. In particular, according to the author, the judicial acts based on lies in the opening of new evidence of lies should be reviewed for newly discovered circumstances.Novelty/originality/value: The article has high scientific value and practical significance, as it addresses an important problem that is long overdue and requires its resolution. The author analyses the reasons for the lag in procedural legislation from material legislation with regard to the prohibition of lies and deception in legal relations. According to the author, the discovery of the fact of lies should lead to the possibility of reviewing the judicial act.Keywords: lies, integrity, ratio of material and procedural law, revision, justice.References (transliterated)1.Abushenko D.B Problemy` vzaimovliyaniya sudeb-ny`x aktov i yuridicheskix faktov material`nogo prava v civilisticheskom processe: monografiya. Tver`,2013.2.Azmi D.M. 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HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE EURASIAN SPACEShvets Yu.Yu.Contents of the human constitutional right to healthPurpose: The clarification of the content of the constitutional human right to health protection from the standpoint of national and international legislation and legal science.Methodology: Concretization, by linking the normative formation of legal thought.Results: The article is devoted to the coverage of the problem of clarifying the content of the category «right to health protection». The substantial and essential correlation of the right to healthcare with other constitutional rights is analyzed. Based on the analysis, it was concluded that the «right to health» is semantically broader than the concept of «right to health care»; they are correlated as general and separate; The «right to health care» swings specific health problems. The use of this approach determines the relationship of the system of constitutional rights depending on the political situation in the country.Novelty/originality/value:Highlighting the full stages of the development of a system of approaches to determining part of constitutional law.Keywords: right to health care, constitutional rights, constitution, abstract.References (transliterated)1.Konstituciya Ukrainy` ot 28 iyunya 1996 g. № 254k/96-VR [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:` zakonodatel`stva Ukrainy` o zdravooxranenii: Zakon Ukrainy` ot 19 noyabrya 1992 g. № 2801 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: N. Razdum`ya o zdorov`e. M.: Mol. gvardiya, 1978.4.Stefanchuk G. Grazhdanskoe pravo Ukrainy`: ucheb. posob. Kiev: Precedent, 2005.5.Punda O. Ponyatie i soderzhanie prava na zdorov`e // Vestnik Xmel`niczkogo instituta regional`nogo upravleniya i prava. 2003. № 3–4 (7–8). S. 79–84.6.Begun V. Sudebnoe pravo ponimaniya v mexanizme obespecheniya prav cheloveka [E`lektronny`j resurs]. 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JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEKurcheev V.S., Belyaev A.D.The linguistic aspect of anti-corruption expertise in the context of protecting constitutional right of citizensPurpose: The searching of methods to improve the protection of citizens’ rights by introducing linguistic analysis tools into the concept of anti-corruption expertise.Methodology: Formal-legal, comparative-legal, and systemic legal methods were used in the study.Results: The concepts of clarity and ambiguity in the law have been investigated, an analysis of scientific theories has been carried out, ways to improve the protection of constitutional rights of citizens by introducing linguistic tools into the anti-corruption analysis have been proposed.Novelty/originality/value: Proposals have been formulated to introduce the concept of clarity and ambiguity in the law into the system of legislation to protect the interests of citizens. The article makes proposals to consolidate the mandatory linguistic examination at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including it into the «Typical Regulation on the Commission for Coordination of Work on combating corruption in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation». It is recommended to adopt the corresponding amendments to the provisions on the commission in the constituent entities, having assigned the duty to the commissions in the subjects to conduct a linguistic examination in the process of conducting an anti-corruption examination, as the part of the latter.Keywords: legal examination, linguistic examination, constitutional rights.References (transliterated)1.Belokon` N.V. Ponyatie lingvisticheskoj e`kspertizy` proektov normativny`x pravovy`x aktov // Konstitucionalizm i gosudarstvovedenie. 2018. № 1 (11). S. 5–13.2.Galyashina E.I. 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JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEUryadov Yu.Yu., Zhirnov Y.N.Organization of international cooperation of bodies of the internal affairs of the Russian Federation in confiscation of material values obtained by criminal wayPurpose: Study of problematic issues in the organization of cooperation between the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the competent authorities of foreign states in the confiscation of material assets obtained by criminal means.Methodology: Systemic and regulatory research methods were used.Results: The article deals with the analytical study of the current situation in the development of international agreements between the countries participating in these contractual relations, which testify to the development of technical and technological improvement of mankind in the framework of the comprehensive and everyday use of telecommunications that go beyond the borders of states. For this reason, it can be concluded that modern crime has acquired a transnational and international character, which allows evading responsibility for committing crimes on the territory of various states, as well as allowing the withdrawal of money and material assets received illegally, their legalization and subsequently financing ofterrorist and extremist activities.The socio-legal pattern of the need for resolving issues of differences in the laws of various states on criminal and criminal procedure law aimed at combating crime of all types of unlawful attacks was revealed.Novelty/originality/value: The relevance and value of the issues investigated in the article is due to the importance of resolving regulatory conflicts that make it difficult for the competent law enforcement authorities of various states to carry out functions related to the disclosure of transnational crimes, establish (identify), and seize and subsequently confiscate money and other property received from such illegal activities. The article contains information about the author’s analysis of established international relations, the novelty and relevance of which are of scientific and practical importance for the further improvement of international law.Keywords: interstate cooperation, international cooperation, international agreements, transnational crime, international crime, operational-search activity, legalization of proceeds of crime.References (transliterated)1.Sergeev S.M. Nekotory`e problemy` protivodejstviya v prestupnoj deyatel`nosti sredstv obespecheniya anonimizacii pol`zovatelya v seti internet // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2017. № 1 (73). S. 137.2.`-anonimnost`-v-seti-poln.3.http://`-v-seti-Polny`j-faq.28476.4.Ivashhuk V.K. Klassifikaciya mezhdunarodny`x standartov bor`by` s prestupnost`yu: monografiya. M.: Akademiya upravleniya MVD Rossii, 2017. S. 100.5.Gavrilin Yu.V. 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S. 176.10.Informacionnoe soobshhenie o klyuchevy`x itogax plenarnogo zasedaniya Gruppy` razrabotki finansovy`x mer bor`by` s otmy`vaniem deneg (FATF) 16–21 iyunya 2019 goda v g. Orlando (SShA) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: http://www. JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEEgorysheva E.A.Methods of committing thefts from premises committed by minors in the groupPurpose: Consideration of problematic issues related to the Commission of crimes by minors, in particular thefts from premises.Methodology: Formal-legal, comparative-legal methods were used, results of study of criminal cases and court practice were studied.Results: The article describes the main methods of preparation, Commission and concealment of thefts committed by minors in the group. Classification of criminal groups of minors and features of interaction in them is given.Novelty/originality/value: The Article has a high scientific value and carries practical significance. The research results and conclusions contained in the materials of the article can be used by law enforcement practitioners.Keywords: crimes of minors, theft, group crimes, investigation of crimes.References (transliterated)1.Vasil`ev A.N., Yablokov N.P. Predmet, sistema i teoreticheskie osnovy` kriminalistiki. M., 1984. S. 118.2.Belkin R.S. Kriminalistika: problemy`, tendencii, perspektivy`. Ot teorii k praktike. M.: Yurid. lit., 1988. S. 80–81.3.Kanevskij L.L. Razrabotka kriminalisticheskix xarakteristik prestuplenij i ix ispol`zovanie v processe rassledovaniya // Rossijskij yuridicheskij zhurnal. 2000. № 2. S. 102.4.Slepnev A.E. Rassledovanie moshennicheskix posyagatel`stv, sovershenny`x gruppoj licz: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Ufa, 2001. S. 56.5.Brazhnikov D.A., By`chkov V.V. Ugolovno-pravovoe i kriminologicheskoe protivodejstvie krazham, sovershaemy`m s nezakonny`m proniknoveniem v zhilishha organizovanny`mi prestupny`mi gruppami. M.: Yurlitinform, 2014. S. 26.6.Egory`sheva E.A. 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JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEKononykhina T.S.Criminological characteristics of female criminalPurpose: The article analyses some aspects of the criminological characteristics of the identity of a female criminal on the materials of the Transbaikal region, Irkutsk territory and Buryat Republic.The article considers the socio-demographic, socio-role, moral-psychological and criminal-legal characteristics of women who have committed crimes. The author made the analysis of the statistical data characterizing such elements of social and demographic characteristics of the personality as age, education, marital and financial status.Methodology: Formal legal and historical - legal methods were used in this work.Results: It is noted that in the studied regions mercenary crimes still occupy a leading place in the structure of women’s crime, which causes a number of highlighted features of the criminal’s personality. A steady trend of increasing recidivism of female crime is highlighted, as well as a close relationship with the socially negative phenomena of society – alcoholism and drug addiction.Novelty/originality/value: On the basis of the analysis a profile of a typical female criminal is formulated who the most often commits a crime in the territories of the regions under consideration.Keywords: female criminal identity, regional crime, socio-demographic characteristic, socio-role characteristic, moral-psychological characteristic, criminal-legal characteristics, portrait of a female criminal.References (transliterated)1.Kriminologiya: uchebnik / pod red. prof. N.F. Kuzneczovoj, prof. V.V. Luneeva. M.: Volters Kluver, 2004. S. 460.2.Repeczkaya A.L., Ry`bal`skaya V.Ya. Kriminologiya: Obshhaya chast`: ucheb. posob. Irkutsk: Izd-vo IGE`A, 1999. S. 127.3.Antonyan Yu.M. Lichnost` prestupnika / Yu.M. Antonyan, V.N. Kudryavcev, V.E. E`minov. SPb.: Yuridicheskij centr Press, 2004. S. 25.4.Shvecz A.V. Preduprezhdenie moshennichestv, sovershaemy`x zhenshhinami: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2015. S. 77.5.Sin`kov D.V. Prestupnost` zhenshhin: sostoyanie, prichiny` i preduprezhdenie (regional`naya xarakteristika): dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Irkutsk, 2003. S. 56.6.Demina K.A. Lichnost` prestupnicy v aspekte osobennostej ee social`no-rolevoj xarakteristiki // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2010. № 331. S. 113.7.Antonyan Yu.M. Prestupnost` sredi zhenshhin. M.: Rossijskoe pravo, 1992. S. 81.8.Sazonova N.I. Kriminologicheskaya xarakteristika zhenshhin s rasstrojstvami psixiki, sovershivshix nasil`stvennoe prestuplenie // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2010. № 5. S. 175.9.Ly`sova A.V., Romanova L.I. Social`no-psixologicheskie xarakteristiki zhenshhin, sovershivshix prestupleniya (po rezul`tatam issledovaniya v zhenskoj ispravitel`noj kolonii v Primorskom krae) // Kriminologicheskij zhurnal Bajkal`skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta e`konomiki i prava. 2016. T. 10. № 2. C. 257. JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACESarfarozzoda K.A.On some theoretical aspects of ensuring the protection of the human right to life andhealth by judicial authorities of TajikistanPurpose: To study of some theoretical aspects of ensuring the protection of the human right to life and health by the judicial authorities of Tajikistan.Methodology: Formal legal and comparative legal methods were used.Results: This article concludes that the activities of the judiciary in Tajikistan, acts as the main state mechanism to ensure the protection of the human right to life and health.Novelty/originality/value: The novelty of the article is that the author for the first time conducted a study of the main theoretical aspects of the activities of the judiciary in Tajikistan to ensure the protection of the human right to life and health.Keywords: Tajikistan’s judiciary, human right to life and health, justice, the activities of the judiciary, judicial protection of human rights and freedoms.References (transliterated)1.Steczovckij Ju.I. Cudebnaya vlact`. M., 1999. C. 67, 78.2.Boboev A.X. Konstitucionno-pravovoe regulirova-nie statusa cheloveka i grazhdanina v Respublike Tadzhikistan: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2011. S. 154.3.Lebedev V.M. Sudebnaya vlast` v sovremennoj Rossii, problemy` stanovleniya i razvitiya: monografiya. SPb.: Lan`, 2001 S. 5.4.Lebedev. V.A. Konstitucionno-pravovaya oxrana i zashhita prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v Rossii (teoriya i praktika sovremennosti): monografiya. M.: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 2005.5.Levin S.V. Sudebny`j kontrol` nad ispolnitel`noj vlast`yu v Rossijskoj Federacii // Rossijskaya yusticiya. 2007. № 6. S. 53–55.6.Maslikov I.S. Sudebnaya vlast` v gosudarstvennom mexanizme Rossijskoj Federacii: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. M., 1997.7.Materialy` obobshheniya sudebnoj praktiki Verxovnogo Suda Respubliki Tadzhikistan, svyazanny`e s delami po prichineniyu vreda zhizni i zdorov`yu grazhdan, rassmotrenny`e sudami za 2010–2011 gg. // Arxiv Verxovnogo Suda Respubliki Tadzhikistan. Dushanbe, 2012.8.Matuzov N.I. Pravo na zhizn` v svete rossijskix i mezhdunarodny`x standartov // Pravovedenie. 1998 № 1. S. 198.9.Mezhdunarodnoe pravo / pod red. A.A. Kovaleva, S.V. Chernichenko. M.: Omega-L., 2006. S. 306.10.Rukavishnikova T.A. Obespechenie prav cheloveka v kontekste sudebnoj reformy` v Rossijskoj Federacii: Voprosy` teorii: avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Chelyabinsk, 2006.11.Ryabzin R.A. Pravovy`e osnovy` deyatel`nosti sudov obshhej yurisdikcii v Rossijskoj Federacii: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2009.12.Savel`eva T.A. Sudebnaya vlast` v grazhdanskom processe: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. Saratov, 1996. S. 181.13.Sudebnaya zashhita prav i svobod grazhdan / pod red. V.P. Kashepova. M., 1999.14.Sulejmanov B.B. Sud v sisteme gosudarstvennoj vlasti (metodologicheskie aspekty`) // Aktual`ny`e problemy` rossijskogo prava. 2013. № 3. S. 239–244.15.Tumanov V.A. Teoriya gosudarstva i prava. M., 1998.16.Ugolovny`j kodeks Respubliki Tadzhikistan ot 21.05.1998 № 575 // Axbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan. Dushanbe, 1998. № 9. S. 149, 167.17.E`l`nazarov D.X. Osobennosti administrativnogo i grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva po zashhite prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v Respublike Tadzhikistan // Vestnik rossijsko-tadzhikskogo (slavyanskogo) universiteta. 2013. № 3 (42). S. 23. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF LAW SCIENCE AND PRACTICEKanatov T.K.Authority of the holder of the exclusive right to dispose of the right in the countries of the Eurasian Economic UnionPurpose: To Investigate the actual problematic issues of the right of the owner of the exclusive right to dispose of the right, in particular legal entities and the state as subjects of the right of the owner of the exclusive right in the EAEU countries.Methodology: System-structural, concrete-sociological, historical-legal, social-legal, comparative-legal, statistical methods of work were used in writing the article.Results: Proposals and conclusions based on the analysis of international legislation, as well as regulatory legal acts of the EEU countries in force at the moment. The high relevance and practical significance of this article lies in the analysis of the competence of the owner of the exclusive right to dispose of the right in the EEU countries. The special significance of this study lies in the fact that the developed theoretical provisions of this work in the future can be used for further study and consideration of issues, problems of legal regulation of the right of the owner of the exclusive right to dispose of the right in the EEU countries. Therefore, the author invests a significant resource in the theoretical part of civil law.Novelty/originality/value: The Article has a high scientific value, as it is one of the first attempts to consider topical issues of legal regulation of the right of the owner of the exclusive right to dispose of the right in the EAEU countries. At the moment, the science of civil law has not developed a single concept of the concept of the subject of law, in this regard, the article discusses the theoretical views of pre-revolutionary and modern scientists. In legal theory, these issues have been discussed for several centuries, the article reflects the most significant theoretical calculations of outstanding scientists on these legal controversial issues of different eras.Keywords: exclusive rights, disposal of rights, state, legal entities, EEU.References (transliterated)1.Bozhenok S.Ya. O grazhdanskoj pravosub``ektnosti organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2018. № 1. S. 47–54.2.Dozorcev V.A. Pravo na fil`m kak slozhnoe mnogoslojnoe proizvedenie // Intellektual`ny`e prava. Ponyatie. Sistema. Zadachi kodifikacii: sbornik statej. M., 2003. S. 144–179.3.Kanatov T.K. Zashhita sub``ektivny`x avtorskix prav (na primere zakonodatel`stva Respubliki Kazaxstan, Rossijskoj Federacii i Germanii). Astana, 2011. S. 48.4.Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya o gosudarstvennoj akkreditacii organizacij, osushhestvlyayushhix kollektivnoe upravlenie avtorskimi i smezhny`mi pravami: postanovlenie Pravitel`stva RF ot 29.12.2007 № 992 [red. ot 30.12.2018].5.O nekotory`x voprosax, voznikshix v svyazi s vvedeniem v dejstvie chasti chetvertoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: postanovlenie Plenuma VS RF i Plenuma VAS RF № 5/29 ot 26.03.2009.6.Perechen` osobo cennogo dvizhimogo imushhestva, zakreplennogo Rosimushhestvom za FGBOU vy`sshego professional`nogo obrazovaniya «Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvenny`j universitet»: rasporyazhenie Pravitel`stva RF ot 25.12.2013 № 2536-r.7.Reshenie Arbitrazhnogo suda Ul`yanovskoj oblasti ot 11 marta 2019 g. po delu № A72-21274/2018. POLICY AND ECONOMY OF EURASIAYakovlev A.Yu., Chebotnikov I.V.Formation and realization of the state assignment by the Moscow city budgetary institutionsPurpose: To study of the legal norms related to the formation of the state task by the city of Moscow budgetary institutions and law enforcement practice for its implementation.Methodology: The methods of systemic, situational, comparative analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization, as well as the formal legal method were used.Results: The procedure for the formation of the state assignment for the next financial year and the planning period to the state budgetary institution of the city of Moscow, the main approaches to determining the standard cost of a unit of public service (works), the principles of calculating the amount of subsidies for financial support for fulfilling the state assignment are considered.Novelty/originality/value: The results of the study can be used to solve pressing theoretical and practical problems of forming the state task of state budgetary institutions of the city of Moscow, as well as to create a more effective legal basis for their support.Keywords: state institution, state budget institution, state task, state services and works, subsidy.References (transliterated)1.Prikaz Minfina Rossii ot 21.07.2011 № 86n (red. ot 17.12.2015) «Ob utverzhdenii poryadka predostavleniya informacii gosudarstvenny`m (municipal`ny`m) uchrezhdeniem, ee razmeshheniya na oficial`nom sajte v seti Internet i vedeniya ukazannogo sajta» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Pravitel`stva Moskvy` ot 05.12.2017 № 941-PP (red. ot 04.12.2018) «O formirovanii gosudarstvennogo zadaniya na okazanie gosudarstvenny`x uslug (vy`polnenie rabot) gosudarstvenny`mi uchrezhdeniyami goroda Moskvy`» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Pravitel`stva Moskvy` ot 21.12.2010 № 1076-PP (red. ot 14.11.2017) «O poryadke osushhestvleniya organami ispolnitel`noj vlasti goroda Moskvy` funkcij i polnomochij uchreditelya gosudarstvenny`x uchrezhdenij goroda Moskvy`» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Pravitel`stva Moskvy` ot 21.03.2013 № 154-PP (red. ot 22.05.2018) «Ob avtomatizirovannoj sisteme upravleniya gorodskimi finansami goroda Moskvy`» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Pravitel`stva Moskvy` ot 26.12.2012 № 836-PP (red. ot 21.11.2017) «O sovershenstvovanii poryadka formirovaniya gosudarstvennogo zadaniya dlya gosudarstvenny`x uchrezhdenij goroda Moskvy`» (utratilo silu s 05.12.2017) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Departamenta finansov goroda Moskvy` i Departamenta e`konomicheskoj politiki i razvitiya g. Moskvy` ot 22.11.2013 № 253/129-PR «Ob utverzhdenii metodicheskix rekomendacij po opredeleniyu normativny`x zatrat na okazanie (vy`polnenie) gosudarstvenny`x uslug (rabot) i soderzhanie imushhestva gosudarstvenny`x uchrezhdenij goroda Moskvy` v ramkax gosudarstvennogo zadaniya» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Departamenta finansov g. Moskvy` ot 10.12.2012 № 219 (red. ot 04.04.2018) «Ob utverzhdenii primerny`x form Soglashenij o poryadke i usloviyax predostavleniya iz byudzheta goroda Moskvy` subsidii na finansovoe obespechenie vy`polneniya gosudarstvennogo zadaniya» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:`ny`j portal «Gosudarstvennoe i municipal`noe upravlenie» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: REVIEWSReview on the monograph «treatise on the treatment of 32, principles, discrimination and democracy in the russian advocacy» (preface.: G.B. Mirzoev, epilogue: A.V. Vorobyov). Moscow: Russian academy of advocacy and notaries: Eurasian research institute of law, 2019. 584 p.), prepared by a lawyer, doctor of law, associate professor Andrey Viktorovich Ragulin
JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEKurcheev V.S., Belyaev A.D.The linguistic aspect of anti-corruption expertise in the context of protecting constitutional right of citizensPurpose: The searching of methods to improve the protection of citizens’ rights by introducing linguistic analysis tools into the concept of anti-corruption expertise.Methodology: Formal-legal, comparative-legal, and systemic legal methods were used in the study.Results: The concepts of clarity and ambiguity in the law have been investigated, an analysis of scientific theories has been carried out, ways to improve the protection of constitutional rights of citizens by introducing linguistic tools into the anti-corruption analysis have been proposed.Novelty/originality/value: Proposals have been formulated to introduce the concept of clarity and ambiguity in the law into the system of legislation to protect the interests of citizens. The article makes proposals to consolidate the mandatory linguistic examination at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including it into the «Typical Regulation on the Commission for Coordination of Work on combating corruption in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation». It is recommended to adopt the corresponding amendments to the provisions on the commission in the constituent entities, having assigned the duty to the commissions in the subjects to conduct a linguistic examination in the process of conducting an anti-corruption examination, as the part of the latter.Keywords: legal examination, linguistic examination, constitutional rights.References (transliterated)1.Belokon` N.V. Ponyatie lingvisticheskoj e`kspertizy` proektov normativny`x pravovy`x aktov // Konstitucionalizm i gosudarstvovedenie. 2018. № 1 (11). S. 5–13.2.Galyashina E.I. 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JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEUryadov Yu.Yu., Zhirnov Y.N.Organization of international cooperation of bodies of the internal affairs of the Russian Federation in confiscation of material values obtained by criminal wayPurpose: Study of problematic issues in the organization of cooperation between the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the competent authorities of foreign states in the confiscation of material assets obtained by criminal means.Methodology: Systemic and regulatory research methods were used.Results: The article deals with the analytical study of the current situation in the development of international agreements between the countries participating in these contractual relations, which testify to the development of technical and technological improvement of mankind in the framework of the comprehensive and everyday use of telecommunications that go beyond the borders of states. For this reason, it can be concluded that modern crime has acquired a transnational and international character, which allows evading responsibility for committing crimes on the territory of various states, as well as allowing the withdrawal of money and material assets received illegally, their legalization and subsequently financing ofterrorist and extremist activities.The socio-legal pattern of the need for resolving issues of differences in the laws of various states on criminal and criminal procedure law aimed at combating crime of all types of unlawful attacks was revealed.Novelty/originality/value: The relevance and value of the issues investigated in the article is due to the importance of resolving regulatory conflicts that make it difficult for the competent law enforcement authorities of various states to carry out functions related to the disclosure of transnational crimes, establish (identify), and seize and subsequently confiscate money and other property received from such illegal activities. The article contains information about the author’s analysis of established international relations, the novelty and relevance of which are of scientific and practical importance for the further improvement of international law.Keywords: interstate cooperation, international cooperation, international agreements, transnational crime, international crime, operational-search activity, legalization of proceeds of crime.References (transliterated)1.Sergeev S.M. Nekotory`e problemy` protivodejstviya v prestupnoj deyatel`nosti sredstv obespecheniya anonimizacii pol`zovatelya v seti internet // Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2017. № 1 (73). S. 137.2.`-anonimnost`-v-seti-poln.3.http://`-v-seti-Polny`j-faq.28476.4.Ivashhuk V.K. Klassifikaciya mezhdunarodny`x standartov bor`by` s prestupnost`yu: monografiya. M.: Akademiya upravleniya MVD Rossii, 2017. S. 100.5.Gavrilin Yu.V. E`lektronny`e nositeli informacii v ugolovnom sudoproizvodstve // Trudy` Akademii upravleniya MVD Rossii. 2017. № 4 (44).6.Yakimov O.Yu. Legalizaciya (otmy`vanie) doxodov, priobretenny`x prestupny`m putem: ugolovno-pravovy`e i ugolovno-politicheskie problemy`. M.: Izd-vo R. Aslanova «Yuridicheskij centr Press», 2005. S. 78.7.Volevodz A.G. Mezhdunarodny`j rozy`sk, arest i konfiskaciya poluchenny`x prestupny`m putem denezhny`x sredstv i imushhestva (pravovy`e osnovy` i metodika) / nauch. red. prof. A.B. Solov`ev. M., 2000. S. 31–33.8.Batoev V.B., Semenchuk V.V. Ispol`zovanie kriptovalyuty` v prestupnoj deyatel`nosti: problemy` protivodejstviya // Trudy` Akademii upravleniya MVD Rossii. 2017. № 2 (42).9.Rekomendacii FATF. Mezhdunarodny`e standarty` po protivodejstviyu otmy`vaniyu deneg, finansirovaniyu terrorizma i finansirovaniyu rasprostraneniya oruzhiya massovogo unichtozheniya: per. s angl. M.: Veche, 2012. S. 176.10.Informacionnoe soobshhenie o klyuchevy`x itogax plenarnogo zasedaniya Gruppy` razrabotki finansovy`x mer bor`by` s otmy`vaniem deneg (FATF) 16–21 iyunya 2019 goda v g. Orlando (SShA) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: http://www. JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEEgorysheva E.A.Methods of committing thefts from premises committed by minors in the groupPurpose: Consideration of problematic issues related to the Commission of crimes by minors, in particular thefts from premises.Methodology: Formal-legal, comparative-legal methods were used, results of study of criminal cases and court practice were studied.Results: The article describes the main methods of preparation, Commission and concealment of thefts committed by minors in the group. Classification of criminal groups of minors and features of interaction in them is given.Novelty/originality/value: The Article has a high scientific value and carries practical significance. The research results and conclusions contained in the materials of the article can be used by law enforcement practitioners.Keywords: crimes of minors, theft, group crimes, investigation of crimes.References (transliterated)1.Vasil`ev A.N., Yablokov N.P. Predmet, sistema i teoreticheskie osnovy` kriminalistiki. M., 1984. S. 118.2.Belkin R.S. Kriminalistika: problemy`, tendencii, perspektivy`. Ot teorii k praktike. M.: Yurid. lit., 1988. S. 80–81.3.Kanevskij L.L. Razrabotka kriminalisticheskix xarakteristik prestuplenij i ix ispol`zovanie v processe rassledovaniya // Rossijskij yuridicheskij zhurnal. 2000. № 2. S. 102.4.Slepnev A.E. Rassledovanie moshennicheskix posyagatel`stv, sovershenny`x gruppoj licz: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Ufa, 2001. S. 56.5.Brazhnikov D.A., By`chkov V.V. Ugolovno-pravovoe i kriminologicheskoe protivodejstvie krazham, sovershaemy`m s nezakonny`m proniknoveniem v zhilishha organizovanny`mi prestupny`mi gruppami. M.: Yurlitinform, 2014. S. 26.6.Egory`sheva E.A. 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JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACEKononykhina T.S.Criminological characteristics of female criminalPurpose: The article analyses some aspects of the criminological characteristics of the identity of a female criminal on the materials of the Transbaikal region, Irkutsk territory and Buryat Republic.The article considers the socio-demographic, socio-role, moral-psychological and criminal-legal characteristics of women who have committed crimes. The author made the analysis of the statistical data characterizing such elements of social and demographic characteristics of the personality as age, education, marital and financial status.Methodology: Formal legal and historical - legal methods were used in this work.Results: It is noted that in the studied regions mercenary crimes still occupy a leading place in the structure of women’s crime, which causes a number of highlighted features of the criminal’s personality. A steady trend of increasing recidivism of female crime is highlighted, as well as a close relationship with the socially negative phenomena of society – alcoholism and drug addiction.Novelty/originality/value: On the basis of the analysis a profile of a typical female criminal is formulated who the most often commits a crime in the territories of the regions under consideration.Keywords: female criminal identity, regional crime, socio-demographic characteristic, socio-role characteristic, moral-psychological characteristic, criminal-legal characteristics, portrait of a female criminal.References (transliterated)1.Kriminologiya: uchebnik / pod red. prof. N.F. Kuzneczovoj, prof. V.V. Luneeva. M.: Volters Kluver, 2004. S. 460.2.Repeczkaya A.L., Ry`bal`skaya V.Ya. Kriminologiya: Obshhaya chast`: ucheb. posob. Irkutsk: Izd-vo IGE`A, 1999. S. 127.3.Antonyan Yu.M. Lichnost` prestupnika / Yu.M. Antonyan, V.N. Kudryavcev, V.E. E`minov. SPb.: Yuridicheskij centr Press, 2004. S. 25.4.Shvecz A.V. Preduprezhdenie moshennichestv, sovershaemy`x zhenshhinami: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2015. S. 77.5.Sin`kov D.V. Prestupnost` zhenshhin: sostoyanie, prichiny` i preduprezhdenie (regional`naya xarakteristika): dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Irkutsk, 2003. S. 56.6.Demina K.A. Lichnost` prestupnicy v aspekte osobennostej ee social`no-rolevoj xarakteristiki // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. 2010. № 331. S. 113.7.Antonyan Yu.M. Prestupnost` sredi zhenshhin. M.: Rossijskoe pravo, 1992. S. 81.8.Sazonova N.I. Kriminologicheskaya xarakteristika zhenshhin s rasstrojstvami psixiki, sovershivshix nasil`stvennoe prestuplenie // Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta MVD Rossii. 2010. № 5. S. 175.9.Ly`sova A.V., Romanova L.I. Social`no-psixologicheskie xarakteristiki zhenshhin, sovershivshix prestupleniya (po rezul`tatam issledovaniya v zhenskoj ispravitel`noj kolonii v Primorskom krae) // Kriminologicheskij zhurnal Bajkal`skogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta e`konomiki i prava. 2016. T. 10. № 2. C. 257. JUSTICE AND LAW-ENFORCEMENT ACTIVITY IN THE EURASIAN SPACESarfarozzoda K.A.On some theoretical aspects of ensuring the protection of the human right to life andhealth by judicial authorities of TajikistanPurpose: To study of some theoretical aspects of ensuring the protection of the human right to life and health by the judicial authorities of Tajikistan.Methodology: Formal legal and comparative legal methods were used.Results: This article concludes that the activities of the judiciary in Tajikistan, acts as the main state mechanism to ensure the protection of the human right to life and health.Novelty/originality/value: The novelty of the article is that the author for the first time conducted a study of the main theoretical aspects of the activities of the judiciary in Tajikistan to ensure the protection of the human right to life and health.Keywords: Tajikistan’s judiciary, human right to life and health, justice, the activities of the judiciary, judicial protection of human rights and freedoms.References (transliterated)1.Steczovckij Ju.I. Cudebnaya vlact`. M., 1999. C. 67, 78.2.Boboev A.X. Konstitucionno-pravovoe regulirova-nie statusa cheloveka i grazhdanina v Respublike Tadzhikistan: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2011. S. 154.3.Lebedev V.M. Sudebnaya vlast` v sovremennoj Rossii, problemy` stanovleniya i razvitiya: monografiya. SPb.: Lan`, 2001 S. 5.4.Lebedev. V.A. Konstitucionno-pravovaya oxrana i zashhita prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v Rossii (teoriya i praktika sovremennosti): monografiya. M.: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, 2005.5.Levin S.V. Sudebny`j kontrol` nad ispolnitel`noj vlast`yu v Rossijskoj Federacii // Rossijskaya yusticiya. 2007. № 6. S. 53–55.6.Maslikov I.S. Sudebnaya vlast` v gosudarstvennom mexanizme Rossijskoj Federacii: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. M., 1997.7.Materialy` obobshheniya sudebnoj praktiki Verxovnogo Suda Respubliki Tadzhikistan, svyazanny`e s delami po prichineniyu vreda zhizni i zdorov`yu grazhdan, rassmotrenny`e sudami za 2010–2011 gg. // Arxiv Verxovnogo Suda Respubliki Tadzhikistan. Dushanbe, 2012.8.Matuzov N.I. Pravo na zhizn` v svete rossijskix i mezhdunarodny`x standartov // Pravovedenie. 1998 № 1. S. 198.9.Mezhdunarodnoe pravo / pod red. A.A. Kovaleva, S.V. Chernichenko. M.: Omega-L., 2006. S. 306.10.Rukavishnikova T.A. Obespechenie prav cheloveka v kontekste sudebnoj reformy` v Rossijskoj Federacii: Voprosy` teorii: avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Chelyabinsk, 2006.11.Ryabzin R.A. Pravovy`e osnovy` deyatel`nosti sudov obshhej yurisdikcii v Rossijskoj Federacii: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2009.12.Savel`eva T.A. Sudebnaya vlast` v grazhdanskom processe: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. Saratov, 1996. S. 181.13.Sudebnaya zashhita prav i svobod grazhdan / pod red. V.P. Kashepova. M., 1999.14.Sulejmanov B.B. Sud v sisteme gosudarstvennoj vlasti (metodologicheskie aspekty`) // Aktual`ny`e problemy` rossijskogo prava. 2013. № 3. S. 239–244.15.Tumanov V.A. Teoriya gosudarstva i prava. M., 1998.16.Ugolovny`j kodeks Respubliki Tadzhikistan ot 21.05.1998 № 575 // Axbori Madzhlisi Oli Respubliki Tadzhikistan. Dushanbe, 1998. № 9. S. 149, 167.17.E`l`nazarov D.X. Osobennosti administrativnogo i grazhdanskogo sudoproizvodstva po zashhite prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v Respublike Tadzhikistan // Vestnik rossijsko-tadzhikskogo (slavyanskogo) universiteta. 2013. № 3 (42). S. 23. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF LAW SCIENCE AND PRACTICEKanatov T.K.Authority of the holder of the exclusive right to dispose of the right in the countries of the Eurasian Economic UnionPurpose: To Investigate the actual problematic issues of the right of the owner of the exclusive right to dispose of the right, in particular legal entities and the state as subjects of the right of the owner of the exclusive right in the EAEU countries.Methodology: System-structural, concrete-sociological, historical-legal, social-legal, comparative-legal, statistical methods of work were used in writing the article.Results: Proposals and conclusions based on the analysis of international legislation, as well as regulatory legal acts of the EEU countries in force at the moment. The high relevance and practical significance of this article lies in the analysis of the competence of the owner of the exclusive right to dispose of the right in the EEU countries. The special significance of this study lies in the fact that the developed theoretical provisions of this work in the future can be used for further study and consideration of issues, problems of legal regulation of the right of the owner of the exclusive right to dispose of the right in the EEU countries. Therefore, the author invests a significant resource in the theoretical part of civil law.Novelty/originality/value: The Article has a high scientific value, as it is one of the first attempts to consider topical issues of legal regulation of the right of the owner of the exclusive right to dispose of the right in the EAEU countries. At the moment, the science of civil law has not developed a single concept of the concept of the subject of law, in this regard, the article discusses the theoretical views of pre-revolutionary and modern scientists. In legal theory, these issues have been discussed for several centuries, the article reflects the most significant theoretical calculations of outstanding scientists on these legal controversial issues of different eras.Keywords: exclusive rights, disposal of rights, state, legal entities, EEU.References (transliterated)1.Bozhenok S.Ya. O grazhdanskoj pravosub``ektnosti organov gosudarstvennoj vlasti // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2018. № 1. S. 47–54.2.Dozorcev V.A. Pravo na fil`m kak slozhnoe mnogoslojnoe proizvedenie // Intellektual`ny`e prava. Ponyatie. Sistema. Zadachi kodifikacii: sbornik statej. M., 2003. S. 144–179.3.Kanatov T.K. Zashhita sub``ektivny`x avtorskix prav (na primere zakonodatel`stva Respubliki Kazaxstan, Rossijskoj Federacii i Germanii). Astana, 2011. S. 48.4.Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya o gosudarstvennoj akkreditacii organizacij, osushhestvlyayushhix kollektivnoe upravlenie avtorskimi i smezhny`mi pravami: postanovlenie Pravitel`stva RF ot 29.12.2007 № 992 [red. ot 30.12.2018].5.O nekotory`x voprosax, voznikshix v svyazi s vvedeniem v dejstvie chasti chetvertoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: postanovlenie Plenuma VS RF i Plenuma VAS RF № 5/29 ot 26.03.2009.6.Perechen` osobo cennogo dvizhimogo imushhestva, zakreplennogo Rosimushhestvom za FGBOU vy`sshego professional`nogo obrazovaniya «Sankt-Peterburgskij gosudarstvenny`j universitet»: rasporyazhenie Pravitel`stva RF ot 25.12.2013 № 2536-r.7.Reshenie Arbitrazhnogo suda Ul`yanovskoj oblasti ot 11 marta 2019 g. po delu № A72-21274/2018. POLICY AND ECONOMY OF EURASIAYakovlev A.Yu., Chebotnikov I.V.Formation and realization of the state assignment by the Moscow city budgetary institutionsPurpose: To study of the legal norms related to the formation of the state task by the city of Moscow budgetary institutions and law enforcement practice for its implementation.Methodology: The methods of systemic, situational, comparative analysis, synthesis, systematization, generalization, as well as the formal legal method were used.Results: The procedure for the formation of the state assignment for the next financial year and the planning period to the state budgetary institution of the city of Moscow, the main approaches to determining the standard cost of a unit of public service (works), the principles of calculating the amount of subsidies for financial support for fulfilling the state assignment are considered.Novelty/originality/value: The results of the study can be used to solve pressing theoretical and practical problems of forming the state task of state budgetary institutions of the city of Moscow, as well as to create a more effective legal basis for their support.Keywords: state institution, state budget institution, state task, state services and works, subsidy.References (transliterated)1.Prikaz Minfina Rossii ot 21.07.2011 № 86n (red. ot 17.12.2015) «Ob utverzhdenii poryadka predostavleniya informacii gosudarstvenny`m (municipal`ny`m) uchrezhdeniem, ee razmeshheniya na oficial`nom sajte v seti Internet i vedeniya ukazannogo sajta» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. 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URL: Departamenta finansov goroda Moskvy` i Departamenta e`konomicheskoj politiki i razvitiya g. Moskvy` ot 22.11.2013 № 253/129-PR «Ob utverzhdenii metodicheskix rekomendacij po opredeleniyu normativny`x zatrat na okazanie (vy`polnenie) gosudarstvenny`x uslug (rabot) i soderzhanie imushhestva gosudarstvenny`x uchrezhdenij goroda Moskvy` v ramkax gosudarstvennogo zadaniya» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Departamenta finansov g. Moskvy` ot 10.12.2012 № 219 (red. ot 04.04.2018) «Ob utverzhdenii primerny`x form Soglashenij o poryadke i usloviyax predostavleniya iz byudzheta goroda Moskvy` subsidii na finansovoe obespechenie vy`polneniya gosudarstvennogo zadaniya» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:`ny`j portal «Gosudarstvennoe i municipal`noe upravlenie» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: REVIEWSReview on the monograph «treatise on the treatment of 32, principles, discrimination and democracy in the russian advocacy» (preface.: G.B. Mirzoev, epilogue: A.V. Vorobyov). Moscow: Russian academy of advocacy and notaries: Eurasian research institute of law, 2019. 584 p.), prepared by a lawyer, doctor of law, associate professor Andrey Viktorovich Ragulin