Content of journals
Аbout the authors № 5 (6) 2013
AVDEEV Mikhail Yuryevich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, advocate, associate professor of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
CHAGAVA Konstantin Lavrentyevich – chairman of Sukhumi city Bar, member of council of Chamber of advocates of the Republic of Abkhazia. Republic of Abkhazia, Sukhumi, Konfederatov St., 37.
DUBROVIN Oleg Vladimirovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of the constitutional and administrative law chair of the Southern Ural state university. Russian Federation, 454080, Chelyabinsk, Lenin Avenue, 76.
EGOROVA Maria Aleksandrovna – senior specialist of Department of contractual work and legal support of business of JSC «Finansy, Tekhnologii i Pravo». Russian Federation, 127473, Moscow, Krasnoproletarskaya St., 16 of p. 2.
GRUDTSYNA Lyudmila Yurevna – advocate, doctor of juridical sciences, associate professor, professor of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
ISAEV Pavel Anatolyevich – competitor of Kislovodsk humanitarian and technical institute. Russian Federation, Kislovodsk, Pobedy Avenue, 37 ”A”.
KAZAKOVA Vera Aleksandrovna – doctor of juridical sciences, professor, managing chair of criminal and legal disciplines of law department of Institute of the right, economy and management of information of the Moscow state linguistic university. Russian Federation, 119034, Moscow, st. Ostozhenka, 38.
KUZNETSOV Victor Nikolaevich – candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of civil law of the Ural state economic university. Russian Federation, 620144, Yekaterinburg, st. on March 8 / National Will, 62/45.
NIKITIN Sergey Gennadevich – head of department of special examinations of the Head expert department of Chelyabinsk region, the state Forensic expert. Russian Federation, 454091, Chelyabinsk, Lenin Avenue, 59.
Pominov Andrey Viktorovich – candidate of pedagogical sciences, consultant of department of special examinations of the Head expert department of Chelyabinsk region, the state Forensic expert. Russian Federation, 454091, Chelyabinsk, Lenin Avenue, 59.
RAGULIN Andrey Viktorovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, advocate, head of the Center of research of problems of organization and activity of legal profession of the Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law. Russian Federation, 450059, Ufa, R. Zorge St., 20, office 7.
SHAYKHULLIN Marat Selirovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, Director of the Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law. Russian Federation, 450059, Ufa, R. Zorge St., 20, office 7.
TIMOFEEVA Alla Valeriyevna – research associate of chair of international law of law department of Karlov of university in Prague. Czech Republic, Prague, OvocnýTRH3-5.
VASHCHENKO Yury Sergeyevich – candidate of juridical sciences, assistant professor, chief of chair of civil law and process of the Volga university named by V.N. Tatischev. Russian Federation, 445020, Tolyatti, Leningradskaya St., 16.
Voronov Alexander Alekseevich – doctor of juridical sciences, professor, advocate of Advocate chamber of the Voronezh region, professor of chair of state and legal disciplines of the Voronezh branch of the Russian new university. Russian Federation, 394043, Voronezh, Lenin St., 73 «А».
ZABOROVSKYY Viktor Viktorovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of Civil law of Uzhgorod national university, advocate. Ukraine, 88000, Uzhgorod, Zolotistaya St., 11.
ZARANDIYA Astamur Ivanovich – advocate of the Sukhumi city Bar № 1. Republic of Abkhazia, Sukhum, Konfederatov St., 37.
ZARANDIYA Ivan Chantovich – chairman of the board of Advocates chamber of the Republic of Abkhazia, Honourable advocate of Russia. Republic of Abkhazia, Sukhum, Konfederatov St., 37.
Zhidkova Taisiya Konstantinovna – teacher of legal disciplines of Pyatigorsk trade and economic technical college. Russian Federation, Pyatigorsk, Universitetskaya St., 41.