BAZAROV Pavel Rustamovich – post graduated student of Ural legal institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 620057, Russian Federation, Yekaterinburg, Korepin St., 66.

Byshkov Pavel Anatolyevich – candidate of of juridical sciences, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of chair of the land and ecological law of Legal institute of Russian university of friendship of the people, 117198, Russian Federation, Moscow, Miklukho-Maclay St., 6.

CHASHIN Alexander Nikolaevich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate Professor of the Theory and History of State and Law of Northeastern State University, chairman of the Bar Association of the Magadan region «Far East», 685000, Russian Federation, Magadan, pr. Lenina, 3, office 448.

CHECHKO Olga Leonidovna – post graduate student of chair of judicial authority, law-enforcement and human rights activity of the Russian university of friendship of the people, 117198, Russian Federation, Moscow, Miklukho-Maclay St., 6.

GAVRILOV Sergey Nikolaevich – candidate of juridical sciences, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, lawyer of JSC «DDK», 162600, the Russian Federation, Cherepovets, Gogol St., 43.

GAZIMAGOMEDOV Mahomed Aminovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of Chair of criminal and legal disciplines of Institute of advocacy, notariate and international relations, 367009, Russian Federation, Makhachkala, A.M. Magomedtagirov St., 39, Letters «A2».

HLYUSTOV Pavel Vitalyevich – advocate, candidate juridical sciences, partner of Moscow Bar «Barshchevsky and Partners», 119121, Russian Federation, Moscow, Ruzheyny Lane, 3.

IVANOV Alexey Valeryevich – advocate of Chamber of Advocates of Krasnodar Krai, 350000, Russian Federation, Krasnodar, Kostylev St., 27.

KOSTIUK Mikhail Fedorovich – doctor of juridical sciences, professor, professor of department of criminal law and process of Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics, 117997, Russian Federation, Moscow, Stremyanny Lane, 36.

LYSENKO Evgeny Sergeyevich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of chair of civil disciplines of the Ufa legal institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 450103, Russian Federation, Ufa, Muksinov St., 2.

MARKOVA Tatyana Yurevna – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of the Chair of criminal procedure law of the Moscow state legal university of O.E. Kutafin (MGYuA), advocate, 123286, Russian Federation, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya St., 9.

RAGULIN Andrey Viktorovich – doctor of juridical sciences, associate professor, head of the Center of research of problems of organization and activity of legal profession of the Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law, advocate, 450006, Russian Federation, Ufa, Lenin St., 102, office 24.

RAGULINA Indira Tagirovna – research employee of the Center of research of problems of organization and activity of legal profession of the Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law, advocate, 450006, Russian Federation, Ufa, Lenin St., 102, office 24.

RAKHIMOV Eldar Harisovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of chair of civil disciplines of the Ufa legal institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 450103, Russian Federation, Ufa, Muksinov St., 2.

Samusik Alexander Mikhaylovich – post graduate student of chair of judicial authority, law-enforcement and human rights activity of Legal institute of Russian university of friendship of the people, 117198, Russian Federation, Moscow, Miklukho-Maclay St., 6.

SERNOVETS Maria Nikolaevna – advocate of Chamber of Advocates of the city of Moscow, 119002, Russian Federation, Moscow, Sivtsev Vrazhek, 43.

SHAGIYEVA Rozalina Vasilyevna – doctor of juridical sciences, professor, professor of chair of the theory and history of state and law of the Russian customs academy, 140009, Russian Federation, Lyubertsy, Komsomolsky Avenue, 4.

SHEVCHENKO Svetlana Nikolaevna – notary of Moscow, 117405, Russian Federation, Moscow, Warsaw highway, 152.

SMORODINA Olga Sergeyevna – candidate of juridical sciences, the associate professor of state and legal disciplines of the Chelyabinsk branch of the Russian academy of national economy and public service at the President of Russian Federation, 456621, Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk, Komarov St., 26.

SOLOVIOVA Yuliya Ivanovna – teacher of the department of Criminal Law and Criminology North-West Institute (branch) University behalf of the OE Kutafin (MSLA), 160001, Russian Federation, Vologda, Mira St., 32.

YAKUBENKO Konstantin Yuryevich – candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor, head of the department of the theory and history of the right and the state of the East Siberian branch of the Russian state university of justice, 664074, Russian Federation, Irkutsk, Ivan Franco St., 23a.

YUSUPOV Timur Rinatovich – lecturer of the department of administrative and legal disciplines Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Interior of Russia, 450103, Russian Federation, Ufa, st. Muksinova, 2

ZHESTEROV Pavel Valeryevich – candidate of juridical sciences, doctoral candidat of All-Russian research institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 123995, Russian Federation, Povarskaya St., 25.

ZHIDKOVA Taisiya Konstantinovna – teacher of legal disciplines of Pyatigorsk technical school of trade, technologies and service, 357500, Russian Federation, Pyatigorsk, Universitetskaya St., 41.