Интервью с членом Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации, Президентом Адвокатской палаты Республики Башкортостан Б.Г. Юмадиловым.: Интервью с Председателем Президиума Саратовской специализированной коллегии адвокатов, заслуженным юристом Российской Федерации, кандидатом юридических наук, профессором Н.П. Царевой: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, председателем Научно-консультативного и экспертного Совета Гильдии российских адвокатов, членом Научно-консультативного Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов РФ, членом Научно-консультативного Совета при Ве: Интервью с вице-президентом Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации С.И. Володиной: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, президентом Гильдии российских адвокатов, ректором Российской академии адвокатуры и нотариата Гасаном Борисовичем Мирзоевым:


Аbout the authors

ADILOV Nadir Adil Oglu – doctor of philosophy on jurisprudence, adviser to the chairman of the State Agency on rendering services to citizens and social innovations at the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, Az1066, Azerbaijan Republic, Baku, «Presidential palace», Istiglaliyat St., 19.

AKHMEDOV Salimkhan Magomedbegovich – candidate of juridical sciences, teacher of chair of civil and administrative legal proceedings of the Moscow state legal university of O.E. Kutafin (MGYuA), CEO of law firm of LLC «LANS Alyans», 125993, Russian Federation, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya St., 9.

AYRAPETYAN Yury Vitalyevich – the teacher of chair of civil law and a civil procedural law, the head of Legal clinic of Russian-Armenian (Slavic) University, 0051, Armenia, Yerevan, Ovsep Emin St. 123.

BESEDIN Gleb Evgenyevich – student of law faculty of Moscow State University, 119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, GSP-1, Lenin mountains, 1, p. 13–14.

DALAKIAN Lilith Georgiyevna – candidate of juridical sciences, the senior teacher of chair of the theory and history of state and law of the Russian-Armenian (Slavic) university, 0051, Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, Ovsep Emmin St., 123.

DENG Sheng Min – doctor of juridical sciences, associate professor of Legal institute of the Wuhan university, the chief of the Center for studying of Russian law and the law of Central Asia, 430072, P.R.China, Hubei Province, Wuhan, Wuhan University.

DYADYUN Christina Vladimirovna – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of chair of criminal-legal disciplines of the Russian customs academy (The Vladivostok branch), doctoral candidate of St. Petersburg State University, 690034, Russian Federation, Vladivostok, Fadeyev St., 31, to. 207.

GALANTSEV Dmitry Aleksandrovich – head of practice of settlement of disputes of MGKA «Russkiy Dom Prava», 125047, Russian Federation, Moscow, Bolshaya Sadovaya St., 10, office 39.

GAMBARYAN Artur Sirekanovich – doctor of juridical sciences, associate professor, head of the chair of the theory and history of state and law of the Russian-Armenian (Slavic) university, 0051, Republic of Armenia, Yerevan, Ovsep Emmin St., 123.

HAMDAMOVA Firuza Urazaliyevna – master of law, teacher of UNESCO chair of international law and human rights of University of world economy and diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 100077, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Mustakillik Ave, 54.

KAZACHENOK Olesya Pavlovna – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of chair of civil and a private international law of the Volgograd state university, 400062, Russian Federation, Volgograd, Universitetsky Ave, 100.

KONYUKHOVA Anastasia Stanislavovna – chief of International legal department of the Moscow Bar «Mezhregion», 105120, Russian Federation, Moscow, Maly Poluyaroslavsky Lane, 3/5.

KRITENEV Alexey Sergeyevich – cadet of the St. Petersburg university Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 198206, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, st. of the pilot Pilyutov, 1.

KURBANOV Deni Abassovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, the associate professor of chair of civil disciplines of the Ufa legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 450103, Russian Federation, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Muksinov St., 2.

LAGODZINSKAYA Yulia Sergeyevna – adviser to the president of Fund of legal development, 123060, Russian Federation, Moscow, Raspletin St., 12, building 1.

MAKAROVA Elena Nikolaevna – teacher of the St. Petersburg university Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 198206, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, st. of the pilot Pilyutov, 1.

MARCHENKOV Ivan Gennadevich – post graduate student of chair of legal profession and a notariate of the Moscow state legal university of O.E. Kutafin (MGYuA), 125993, Russian Federation, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya St., 9.

MARTYSHKIN Vasily Nikolaevich – deputy chairman of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Mor-dovia, Honoured Worker of Judicial System of the Russian Federation, Honoured Lawyer of the Republic of Mordovia, 430005, Russian Federation, Saransk, Tolstogo St., 21.

MUTALIYEVA Aza Abukarovna - candidate of juridical sciences, teacher of Northeast federal university, 677000, Russian Federation, Yakutsk, Belinsky St., 58.

RAGULIN Andrey Viktorovich – doctor of juridical sciences, associate professor, head of the Center of research of problems of organization and activity of legal profession of the Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law, advocate, 450006, Russian Federation, Ufa, Lenin St., 102, office 24.

Ryabtseva Ekaterina Vladimirovna – candidate of juridical sciences,, associate professor, advocate, associate professor of department of organization of judicial and law-enforcement activity of the Russian state university of justice, 117418, Russian Federation, Moscow, Novocheremushkinskaya St., 69.

SERNOVETS Maria Nikolaevna – advocate of Chamber of Advocates of the city of Moscow, 119002, Russian Federation, Moscow, Sivtsev Vrazhek, 43.

SHPAK Vladimir Vladimirovich - post graduate student of chair of civil process of the Saratov state legal academy, 410056, Russian Federation, Saratov, Volskaya St., 1.

STANKOVIC Ksenia Andreevna – undergraduate student of the Russian state university of justice, court clerk, 117418, Russian Federation, Moscow, Novocheryomushkinskaya St., 69.

SULEYMANOVA Sabina Abdulgametovna – post graduate student of chair of criminalistics of the Moscow state legal university of O.E. Kutafin (MGYuA), 125993, Russian Federation, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya St., 9.

TESLENKO Anton Viktorovich – post graduate student of chair of penal law of the Volgograd state university, head of department of personnel and organizational development of LLC Law Firm «Veritas», 400061, Russian Federation, Volgograd, Universitetsky Ave, 100.

TILLABAYEV Mirzatillo Alisherovich – candidate of juridical sciences, the first deputy director of Training center of lawyers at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 100027, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistansky Ave, 15.

USKOVA Marina Sergeyevna – senior teacher of chair of civil and a private international law of the Volgograd state university, post graduate student and senior teacher of chair of civil law of the Volgograd institute of business, 400062, Russian Federation, Volgograd, Universitetsky Ave, 100.

VANYUSHEVA Yana Vladimirovna – teacher of chair of history and the theory of the state and law of the Ufa legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 450103, Russian Federation, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Muksinov St., 2.

YAROSH Arthur Valerievich - applicant of department of private-law disciplines of Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, 117218, Russian Federation, Moscow, Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya St., 34.

YUREV Sergey Sergeyevich – doctor of juridical sciences, professor of chair of international law and public disciplines of the Russian academy of legal profession and a notariate, 105120, Russian Federation, Moscow, Maly Poluyaroslavsky Lane, 3/5.

ZABOROVSKYY Viktor Viktorovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of Civil law chair of Uzhgorod national university, advocate, Uzhgorod branch secretary of the Association of Ukrainian civilists. 88000, Ukraine, Uzhgorod, st.Zolotistaya, 11.