Интервью с членом Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации, Президентом Адвокатской палаты Республики Башкортостан Б.Г. Юмадиловым.: Интервью с Председателем Президиума Саратовской специализированной коллегии адвокатов, заслуженным юристом Российской Федерации, кандидатом юридических наук, профессором Н.П. Царевой: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, председателем Научно-консультативного и экспертного Совета Гильдии российских адвокатов, членом Научно-консультативного Совета Федеральной палаты адвокатов РФ, членом Научно-консультативного Совета при Ве: Интервью с вице-президентом Федеральной палаты адвокатов Российской Федерации С.И. Володиной: Интервью с доктором юридических наук, профессором, президентом Гильдии российских адвокатов, ректором Российской академии адвокатуры и нотариата Гасаном Борисовичем Мирзоевым:


BATANOV Andrey Nikolayevich – candidate of juridical sciences, assistant professor of the chair of criminal law and procedure of the law faculty of Ulyanovsk State University, advocate of the Ulyanovsk Regional Bar Association, 432017, Russian Federation, Ulyanovsk, Leo Tolstoy St., 42.

BOCHKOVSKY Anton Feliksovich – advocate of Bar «Legal Center «VIK» of Chamber of Advocates of Krasnodar Krai, 353560, Russian Federation, Slavyansk-na-Kubani, Krasnodarskaya St., house 259 A, office 211.

GROMOV Ilya Alekseyevich – student of a magistracy of the Russian academy of legal profession and notariate, 105120, Russian Federation, Moscow, Maly Poluyaroslavsky Lane, 3/5, p. 1.

HODUSOV Alexey Aleksandrovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, head of chair of criminal and legal disciplines of the International legal institute, 127427, Russian Federation, Moscow, Kashenkin lug, h. 4.

INSHAKOVA Agnessa Olegovna – doctor of juridical sciences, professor, head of chair of civil and international private law of the Volgograd state university, 400062, Russian Federation, Volgograd, Universitetsky Avenue, h. 100.

KAURAKOVA Maria Viktorovna – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of chair of civil disciplines of Russian economic university, employee of scientific research of institute of legal researches and regional integration, 117997, Russian Federation, Moscow, Stremyanny Lane, 36.

KAZANINA Tatyana Vladimirovna – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, the scientific secretary of the Russian customs academy, 140009, Russian Federation, Lyubertsy, Komsomolsky Avenue, 4.

KOSAREV Ivan Aleksandrovich – student of a magistracy of the Russian academy of legal profession and notariate, 105120, Russian Federation, Moscow, Maly Poluyaroslavsky Lane, 3/5, p. 1.

LISITSKAYA Aleksandra Yurevna – post graduate student of chair of civil law of Institute of law of the Bashkir state university, 450005, Russian Federation, Ufa, Dostoyevsky St., 131.

MELKONYAN David Araikovich – director and the founder of the Moscow Legal Center «Vektor», 127055, Russian Federation, Moscow, Novoslobodskaya St., 26/1, office 233.

MERKULOVA Anna Yurevna – post graduate student of chair of legal profession and a notariate of the Moscow state legal university, 125993, Russian Federation, Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya St., h. 9.

MOISEEV Aleksander Aleksandrovich – master of jurisprudence, master of pedagogical education, advocate of the Advocate Chamber of the Leningrad Region, 195027, Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Box 36.

MOLIBOGA Nikita Olegovich – post graduate student of chair of economic and financial investigations of the Higher school of the state audit of Lomonosov Moscow State University, 119992, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lenin mountains, house 1, str. 13.

NESMEYANOV Alexey Aleksandrovich – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of chair of autotechnical expertise and auto preparation of the East Siberian institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 664074, Russian Federation, Irkutsk, Lermontov St., 110.

OLENEV Alexander Borisovich – advocate, research associate of the Center of research of problems of organization and activity of legal profession of the Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law, 450006, Russian Federation, Ufa, Lenin St., 102, office 24.

PONOMAR Svetlana Panteleevna – candidate of political sciences, deputy CEO for legal and economic development of LLC «Magnit», 142134, Russian Federation, Moscow region, Podolsk district, settlement Znamja Octjabrja, 31, 2.

POSTANYUK Vladimir Dmitriyevich – advocate, 117105, Russian Federation, Moscow, Varshavskoye Highway, 1, p. 6, office A422.

RAGULIN Andrey Viktorovich – doctor of juridical sciences, associate professor, head of the Center of research of problems of organization and activity of legal profession of the Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law, advocate, 450006, Russian Federation, Ufa, Lenin St., 102, office 24.

RAKHIMOV Eldar Harisovich – candidate of juridical sciences, the associate professor of chair of civil disciplines of the Ufa legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 450103, Russian Federation, Ufa, Muksinov St., 2.

RASHIDHANOVA Aida Abdulmutalimovna – teacher of chair of civil law of the North Caucasian institute (Branch) of the All-Russian state university of justice, 367013, Russian Federation, Makhachkala, brothers Nurbagandov st., 22/33.

RUDENKO Maxim Borisovich – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, associate professor, of chair of fire investigation of the East Siberian institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 664074, Russian Federation, Irkutsk, Lermontov St., 110.

SANEEV Stanislav Olegovich – post graduate student of department of criminal law, criminal trial and criminalistics of Legal institute of Russian university of friendship of the people, 117198, Russian Federation, Moscow, Miklukho-Maclay St., 6.

SEDOV Dmitry Vladimirovich – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of chair of autotechnical expertise and auto preparation of the East Siberian institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 664074, Russian Federation, Irkutsk, Lermontov St., 110.

SHAGIYEVA Rozalina Vasilyevna – doctor of juridical sciences, professor, professor of chair of the theory and history of state and law of the Russian customs academy, vice-rectir of the Russian academy of legal profession and notariate, 105120, Russian Federation, Moscow, Maly Poluyaroslavsky Lane, 3/5, p. 1.

SHCHENNIKOV Vadim Andreevich – applicant of chair of the labor law of law faculty of Moscow State University, 119992, Russian Federation, Moscow, Lenin mountains, house 1, str. 13.

TKACHENKO Olga Yurevna – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of chair of civil disciplines of the Southern institute of management, 350040, Russian Federation, Krasnodar, St. Stavropol, 216.

USKOVA Marina Sergeyevna – senior teacher of chair of civil and a private international law of the Volgograd state university, post graduate student and senior teacher of chair of civil law of the Volgograd institute of business, 400062, Russian Federation, Volgograd, Universitetsky Avenue, 100.

VATRUSHKIN Andrey Andreevich – applicant of chair of the international and european law of the Kazan (Volga) Federal University, legal adviser of LLC «Bestransheynye Tekhnologii», 117587, Russian Fede-ration, Moscow, Varshavskoye Highway, 114, building 1.

ZATOCHNAYA Anastasia Dmitriyevna – lawyer, the expert in the sphere a blockchain and smart contracts, director of the consulting company LLC «Consulting Group», 123112, Russian Federation, Moscow, Presnenskaya Emb., 12.