EVENTSThe 8th International Forum on Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and Mining – Blockchain Life 2022 EVENTSBest digital lawyers 2021in the Russian Federation awarded
HISTORICAL EXPERIENCEBagreeva E.G., Sobolev K.V.The relevance of the ideas of Ch. Montesquieu on public administrationAbstract: Purpose of the study is to analyze the relevance of the political and legal doctrine of Charles Louis de Montesquieu in order to improve public administration. Methods of historical, comparative legal, logical and system analysis were used to analyze the socio-legal reality.It is argued that the theory of separation of powers developed by Ch. Montesquieu still acts as the main mechanism of «transparency» of power. Its advantages and disadvantages are analyzed in comparison with other theories of social structure. The authors give a reasonable assessment of its application in the context of the implementation of the modern approach of building a system of public authorities that meet the needs of citizens performing public administration tasks that affect the socio-legal progressive development of society.The article provides an up-to-date analysis of the theory of separation of powers by Ch. Montesquieu, formulated the problems of political and social structure in the history of the development of states, which are predictive in nature, anticipating problems in the future.Keywords: power, law, social structure, system of bodies, democracy, legal regulationReferences1.Makashova A.A. Princip razdeleniya vlastej kak osnova organizacii gosudarstvennoj vlasti // Pravo i pravoporyadok v fokuse nauchny`x issledovanij: sb. nauchn. trudov / pod obshh. red. S.E. Turkulecz, E.V. Listopadovoj. Xabarovsk: DGU putej soobshheniya, 2021. S. 248–252.2.Montesk`yo Sharl` de Lui. Izbranny`e proizvedeniya o duxe zakonov [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: S.O. K voprosu o stanovlenii konstitucionnoj yusticii v SShA. U. Me`rbe`ri protiv Dzh. Me`disona // Yuridicheskaya nauka. 2020. № 11. S. 112–116.4.Bronnikova Yu.A. Edinaya gosudarstvennaya vlast` i princip razdeleniya vlastej // Per aspera ad Astra – cherez ternii k zvezdam: sb. nauchn. st. Stavropol`: Fabula, 2021. S. 40–42.5.Sotnichenko K.A. Princip razdeleniya vlastej v Soedinenny`x Shtatax Ameriki // Alleya nauki. 2019. T. 3. № 5(32). S. 549–551.6.Xramushin V.V. Konstitucionno-pravovy`e funkcii institutov predstavitel`noj demokratii v RF: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. Saratov, 2020.7.Kozlovskaya V.I. M.M. Speranskij i sistema sderzhek i protivovesov v ego teorii razdeleniya vlastej // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo oblastnogo universiteta. 2014. № 2. S. 8–14.8.Barenbojm P.D. Koncepciya sderzhek i protivovesov v doktrine razdeleniya vlastej i v popravkax k Konstitucii Rossii. Otvetstvennost` institutov grazhdanskogo obshhestva v novoj konstitucionnoj vserossijskoj dejstvitel`nosti (NKVD) // Publichnaya politika. 2020. T. 4. № 1. S. 96–109.
PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGSachikhin A.V.The review of New Draft Law «On Amendments to the Federal Law «On Advocacy and the legal profession in the Russian Federation»Abstract: The article examines the legislative innovations proposed for adoption in the next Draft of the Federal Law «On Amendments to the Federal Law «On Advocacy and the Bar in the Russian Federation», prepared in 2021. The characteristics of the draft law are highlighted.Keywords: lawyer, legal profession, lawyer chamber, Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian FederationReferences1. PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGSavelyev M.V., Savelyeva M.M.The review New Draft Law «On Amendments to the Federal Law «On Advocacy and the legal profession in the Russian Federation»Abstract: Purpose of the study is to identify and assess the most significant features of the considered draft law. We used the method of system analysis, formal-legal method, method of studying documents, method of included observation, structural-functional method and other methods of knowledge.The article examines the legislative innovations proposed for adoption in the next Draft of the Federal Law «On Amendments to the Federal Law «On Advocacy and the Bar in the Russian Federation», prepared in 2021. The characteristics of the draft law are highlighted.The significance of the work lies in the fact that it formulates the provisions aimed stabilizing the regulatory and organizational development of the Bar in Russia.Keywords: lawyer, legal profession, lawyer chamber, Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian FederationReferences1. PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGKurjanovich N.V.Coronavirus as a mirror of Russian advocacyAbstract: The aim of the work was to identify and assess the most significant features of the impact of coronavirus infection on the organization and activities of advocacy. The method of system analysis, historical method, formal and legal method, method of studying documents, method of included observation, method of structurally functional method and other methods of knowledge were used. The author examines organizational aspects of the Russian Federation Bar Association and Chambers of Advocates that resulted in degradation of the Bar in the context of the problems under consideration.Keywords: lawyer, legal profession, lawyer chamber, Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian FederationReferences1. PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGSotnikov D.V.Federal Union of Lawyers of Russia and trends in the legal profession influencing itAbstract: Purpose of the study is the phenomenon of the Federal Union of Lawyers of Russia through trends affecting consolidation in the legal community. We used the formal legal method, situation analysis, information synthesis.4 periods (stages) were identified: origin, formation, flowering and withering of FSAR; and at each stage – independent trends; substantiated the hypothesis why today the law firm does not have the appropriate registration in the form of a separate subject of law.Currently, there is no scientific research of specific public associations of lawyers. Meanwhile, the "ward" system of organizing the legal profession has shown its ineffectiveness, and among lawyer's public associations there was a natural selection, during which from the numerous associations and unions created since the mid-90s. Until the beginning of the 2000s, only associations of social value for the legal profession remained. These associations should be carefully studied as a way of self-organization of the Bar in a natural way, in order to formulate proposals for creating a system more effective than the one available today.Keywords: advocacy, advocacy, chamber of law, the rights of advocates, public associations of advocates, the system of advocacy, Federal Union of Lawyers of Russia, FSARReferences1.Advokatskaya deyatel`nost` i advokatura v Rossii: v 2 ch. Ch. 1: uchebnik dlya vuzov / I.L. Trunov i dr.; pod red. I.L. Trunova. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Yurajt, 2020.2.Advokatura v Rossii: ucheb. posob. dlya studentov vuzov, obuchayushhixsya po napravleniyu «Yurisprudenciya» / G.B. Mirzoev i dr.; pod nauch. red. G.B. Mirzoeva, N.D. E`riashvili; pod obshh. red. A.P. Galoganova. 6-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: YuNITI-DANA: Zakon i pravo, 2020.3.Smirnov V.N. 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M.: Knizhny`j dom «LIBROKOM», 2015.30.12 dekabrya sostoyalos` zasedanie Prezidiuma Federal`nogo soyuza advokatov Rossii (FSAR) // Vestnik Federal`noj palaty` advokatov RF. 2008. № 1 (19). S. 12–13.31.Pavlova Z. Schetnaya palata postavila pod somnenie kachestvo yurpomoshhi, okazy`vaemoj zashhitnikami po naznacheniyu [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:`ny`j soyuz advokatov opredelil prioritety` // Vestnik Federal`noj palaty` advokatov RF. 2008. № 3 (21). S. 79–81.33.Kroxmalyuk A. Forum projdyot pod e`gidoj FPA [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: palaty` [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: nameren razvivat` vzaimodejstvie s FPA [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL:`naya zapiska k proektu federal`nogo zakona «O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal`ny`j zakon «Ob advokatskoj deyatel`nosti i advokature v Rossijskoj Federacii» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Advokatov Rossii – Vy`bory` Prezidentov Palat [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Lefortovskogo rajonnogo suda g. Moskvy` ot 17.06.2015, grazhdanskoe delo № 2-2095/2014 po isku Trunova I.L. k Advokatskoj palate Moskovskoj oblasti ob osparivanii resheniya Soveta APMO ot 21 yanvarya 2015 goda ob izbranii Prezidentom APMO Galoganova A.P. [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: https://lefortovsky— o proekte federal`nogo zakona № 8388876 «O vnesenii izmenenij v Federal`ny`j zakon «Ob advokatskoj deyatel`nosti i advokature v Rossijskoj Federacii» [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: status advokata [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: 680s.41.Rabochie voprosy` [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEAgibalova E.N., Golubev A.E.On the question of the legal nature of a domain name:theoretical and practical aspectsAbstract: The author's understanding of the term «domain name» is proposed in the article, the approaches existing in the scientific community to determining its legal nature through the prism of services, property, as well as means of individualization are considered. It is determined that a domain name can exist within the framework of such an object of civil rights as property, the right to which will be subject to appropriate legal protection. It is established that in cases where a trademark or geographical designation is placed in a domain name, only that part of it that consists of the corresponding object of exclusive rights will be protected.The article has a high scientific value, since it includes a consistent and detailed analysis of the properties of a domain name, which is a fundamental element in the active process of digitalization of society. A reasoned and unambiguous conclusion is formulated about the place of this category in the context of the existing classification of objects of civil rights.Keywords: domain name, legal nature, service, property, means of individualization, property rights, object of exclusive rightsReferences1.Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast` pervaya) ot 30.11.1994 № 51-FZ (red. ot 28.06.2021, s izm. ot 26.10.2021) // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 1994. № 32. St. 3301.2.Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast` vtoraya) ot 26.01.1996 № 14-FZ (red. 01.07.2021, s izm. ot 08.07.2021) // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 1996. № 5. St. 410.3.Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast` chetvertaya) ot 18.12.2006 № 230-FZ (red. ot 11.06.2021, s izm. ot 01.08.2021) // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2006. № 52. St. 5496.4.Kazachenok O.P. Sredstva individualizacii xozyajstvuyushhix sub``ektov v mezhdunarodnom oborote // Evrazijskaya advokatura. 2021. № 2 (51). S. 89–92.5.Nagorny`j R.S. Domennoe imya kak ob``ekt grazhdanskogo prava // Zhurnal rossijskogo prava. 2008. № 2. S. 122–132.6.Bobrov M.E. Sredstva individualizacii tovarov, rabot i uslug kak ob``ekty` intellektual`ny`x prav: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2014.7.Kozhemyakin D.V. Domennoe imya v sisteme ob``-ektov grazhdanskix prav: dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. M., 2017.8.Fedotov D.V. Bestelesnoe imushhestvo v grazhdanskom prave: avtoref. dis. … kand. yurid. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2012.9.Opredelenie Sudebnoj kollegii po e`konomicheskim sporam Verxovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 17.11.2020 po delu № 305-E`S20-16127 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Arbitrazhnogo suda Samarskoj oblasti ot 23.09.2021 po delu № A55-28753/2020 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii ot 23.04.2019 № 10 «O primenenii chasti chetvertoj Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii» // Byulleten` Verxovnogo Suda RF. 2019. № 7.12.Pravila registracii domenny`x imen v domenax .RU i .RF (utv. resheniem Koordinacionnogo centra nacional`nogo domena seti Internet ot 05.10.2011 № 2011-18/81) [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: Arbitrazhnogo suda goroda Moskvy` ot 31.07.2015 po delu № A40-7572/15 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: My`tishhinskogo gorodskogo suda Moskovskoj oblasti ot 30.11.2011 po delu № 2-4006/2011 [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: domenov .RU i .RF za oktyabr` 2021 [E`lektron-ny`j resurs]. URL: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEBratukhina E.V.Comparative legal analysis of will and inheritance contract as a basis of inheritance under civil lawAbstract: Purpose of the study is to conducting a comparative legal analysis of the substitute of the will and the novels of civil law - the inheritance contract, as grounds for inheritance under civil law. We used the formal legal, comparative legal, logical methods.The author analyzes the procedure for the adoption and entry into force of the rules on the inheritance contract, their common and distinctive features, which make it possible to distinguish between adjacent legal phenomena.Introduction into scientific circulation of the criteria for delimiting two similar legal subinstitutions of inheritance la – will and inheritance contract as grounds for inheritance under civil law.Keywords: will, inheritance, inheritance contract, inheritance fund, joint will of spousesReferences1.Karxalev D.N. Nasledstvenny`j dogovor // Notarius. 2020. № 2. S. 32–35.2.Osipov M.Yu. K voprosu o grazhdansko-pravovoj prirode nasledstvennogo dogovora // Nasledstvennoe pravo. 2019. № 2. S. 15–17.3.O vnesenii izmenenij v stat`yu 256 chasti pervoj i chast` tret`yu Grazhdanskogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii: Federal`ny`j zakon ot 19.07.2018 № 217-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva RF. 2018. № 30. St. 4552.4.Tuzhilova-Ordanskaya E.M., Atnabaeva Yu.V. Nas-ledstvenny`j dogovor i dogovor pozhiznennogo soderzhaniya s izhdiveniem: sootnoshenie ponyatij // Nasledstvennoe pravo. 2018. № 4. S. 38–40. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEKiselev P.P., Fayzullina L.R.Overview of some provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia:human rights aspectAbstract: To familiarize with the peculiarities of the legal system of the Republic of Armenia through an educational program and exchange of experience between the subjects of human rights activities of Armenia and Russia.The study used an overview method of accumulating information suitable for comparative legal analysis, as well as a method of educational and cultural exchange of experience in human rights.The human rights potential of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Republic of Armenia in regulating the jurisdiction of disputes between citizens and the authorities to the administrative court was revealed, a comparative analysis of these legal provisions was carried out with similar provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation, and positive provisions of the Federal Law «On the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation» were announced in comparison with the status of the Defender of human rights in the Republic of Armenia.As a result of an overview of relevant legal practice through a special development program, the authors for the first time formulated legislative amendments to consider in administrative proceedings any claims about the illegality of acts of public authorities that violated human rights.Keywords: Russian Federation, Republic of Armenia, human rights, legal system, comparative analysis, human rights potentialReferences1.Grazhdanskij processual`ny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14.11.2002 № 138-FZ. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».2.Kodeks administrativnogo sudoproizvodstva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 08.03.2015 № 21-FZ. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».3.Kodeks administrativnogo sudoproizvodstva Respubliki Armeniya ot 05.12.2013 № ZR-139-N. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».4.Postanovlenie Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 25.06.2019 № 19 (red. ot 29.06.2021) «O primenenii norm glavy` 47.1 Ugolovno-processual`nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii, reguliruyushhix proizvodstvo v sude kassacionnoj instancii». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».5.Postanovlenie Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 29.06.2021 № 22 «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel`ny`e postanovleniya Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii po ugolovny`m delam». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus». HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE EURASIAN SPACEVinogradova E.V.The death penalty. The contre force of Russian constitutional identity and international legal obligationsAbstract: Purpose is to study the influence of Russian and international principles, rules of law, constitutional va-lues on the refusal to use the death penalty in modern Russia. Historical-legal and formal-legal methods were used. The refusal to impose death sentences in the Russian Federation is conditioned not only by the adoption of international obligations but also by the legal area that has formed over the past decades, which creates a solid basis for strengthening the guarantees of human rights. The article has scientific value, since it examines the death penalty in the aspect of opposition and interaction of the Russian constitutional identity and the international obligations of the Russian Federation.Keywords: Constitution, constitutional identity, international obligations, contre force, death penaltyReferences1.Bunin I.A. Publicistika 1918–1953 godov. Sup iz chelovecheskix pal`cev. 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HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE EURASIAN SPACEKlyukov V.D.Constitutional system for the protection of human and civil rights in the Russian FederationAbstract: Scientific research of the constitutional system of human rights protection in the Russian Federation, the peculiarities of the interaction of its constituent elements. Formally legal and comparative methods were used.In the article, the main components of the structure of the constitutional system for the protection of human and civil rights are internally reasonably distinguished, revealing the nature and essence of the phenomenon under consideration: legal norms (recognition); actors who recognize, respect and protect human rights; human rights activities, including self-defense of rights.The article has scientific value, since it is the first attempt to consider the constitutional system of human rights protection through the prism of Art. 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.Keywords: Constitution of the Russian Federation, human rights, system of protection of rights and freedoms, recognition, observanceReferences1.Buty`lin V.N. Osnovy` gosudarstvenno-pravovogo mexanizma oxrany` konstitucionny`x prav i svobod grazhdan. M.: Akademiya truda i social`ny`x otnoshenij, 2002. S. 73–74.2.Vitruk N.V. 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HISTORICAL EXPERIENCEBagreeva E.G., Sobolev K.V.The relevance of the ideas of Ch. Montesquieu on public administrationAbstract: Purpose of the study is to analyze the relevance of the political and legal doctrine of Charles Louis de Montesquieu in order to improve public administration. Methods of historical, comparative legal, logical and system analysis were used to analyze the socio-legal reality.It is argued that the theory of separation of powers developed by Ch. Montesquieu still acts as the main mechanism of «transparency» of power. Its advantages and disadvantages are analyzed in comparison with other theories of social structure. The authors give a reasonable assessment of its application in the context of the implementation of the modern approach of building a system of public authorities that meet the needs of citizens performing public administration tasks that affect the socio-legal progressive development of society.The article provides an up-to-date analysis of the theory of separation of powers by Ch. Montesquieu, formulated the problems of political and social structure in the history of the development of states, which are predictive in nature, anticipating problems in the future.Keywords: power, law, social structure, system of bodies, democracy, legal regulationReferences1.Makashova A.A. Princip razdeleniya vlastej kak osnova organizacii gosudarstvennoj vlasti // Pravo i pravoporyadok v fokuse nauchny`x issledovanij: sb. nauchn. trudov / pod obshh. red. S.E. Turkulecz, E.V. Listopadovoj. Xabarovsk: DGU putej soobshheniya, 2021. S. 248–252.2.Montesk`yo Sharl` de Lui. Izbranny`e proizvedeniya o duxe zakonov [E`lektronny`j resurs]. URL: S.O. K voprosu o stanovlenii konstitucionnoj yusticii v SShA. U. Me`rbe`ri protiv Dzh. Me`disona // Yuridicheskaya nauka. 2020. № 11. S. 112–116.4.Bronnikova Yu.A. Edinaya gosudarstvennaya vlast` i princip razdeleniya vlastej // Per aspera ad Astra – cherez ternii k zvezdam: sb. nauchn. st. Stavropol`: Fabula, 2021. S. 40–42.5.Sotnichenko K.A. Princip razdeleniya vlastej v Soedinenny`x Shtatax Ameriki // Alleya nauki. 2019. T. 3. № 5(32). S. 549–551.6.Xramushin V.V. Konstitucionno-pravovy`e funkcii institutov predstavitel`noj demokratii v RF: dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. Saratov, 2020.7.Kozlovskaya V.I. M.M. Speranskij i sistema sderzhek i protivovesov v ego teorii razdeleniya vlastej // Vestnik Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo oblastnogo universiteta. 2014. № 2. S. 8–14.8.Barenbojm P.D. Koncepciya sderzhek i protivovesov v doktrine razdeleniya vlastej i v popravkax k Konstitucii Rossii. Otvetstvennost` institutov grazhdanskogo obshhestva v novoj konstitucionnoj vserossijskoj dejstvitel`nosti (NKVD) // Publichnaya politika. 2020. T. 4. № 1. S. 96–109.
PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGSachikhin A.V.The review of New Draft Law «On Amendments to the Federal Law «On Advocacy and the legal profession in the Russian Federation»Abstract: The article examines the legislative innovations proposed for adoption in the next Draft of the Federal Law «On Amendments to the Federal Law «On Advocacy and the Bar in the Russian Federation», prepared in 2021. The characteristics of the draft law are highlighted.Keywords: lawyer, legal profession, lawyer chamber, Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian FederationReferences1. PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGSavelyev M.V., Savelyeva M.M.The review New Draft Law «On Amendments to the Federal Law «On Advocacy and the legal profession in the Russian Federation»Abstract: Purpose of the study is to identify and assess the most significant features of the considered draft law. We used the method of system analysis, formal-legal method, method of studying documents, method of included observation, structural-functional method and other methods of knowledge.The article examines the legislative innovations proposed for adoption in the next Draft of the Federal Law «On Amendments to the Federal Law «On Advocacy and the Bar in the Russian Federation», prepared in 2021. The characteristics of the draft law are highlighted.The significance of the work lies in the fact that it formulates the provisions aimed stabilizing the regulatory and organizational development of the Bar in Russia.Keywords: lawyer, legal profession, lawyer chamber, Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian FederationReferences1. PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGKurjanovich N.V.Coronavirus as a mirror of Russian advocacyAbstract: The aim of the work was to identify and assess the most significant features of the impact of coronavirus infection on the organization and activities of advocacy. The method of system analysis, historical method, formal and legal method, method of studying documents, method of included observation, method of structurally functional method and other methods of knowledge were used. The author examines organizational aspects of the Russian Federation Bar Association and Chambers of Advocates that resulted in degradation of the Bar in the context of the problems under consideration.Keywords: lawyer, legal profession, lawyer chamber, Federal Chamber of Lawyers of the Russian FederationReferences1. PROBLEMS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADVOCACY PROFESSION FUNCTIONINGSotnikov D.V.Federal Union of Lawyers of Russia and trends in the legal profession influencing itAbstract: Purpose of the study is the phenomenon of the Federal Union of Lawyers of Russia through trends affecting consolidation in the legal community. We used the formal legal method, situation analysis, information synthesis.4 periods (stages) were identified: origin, formation, flowering and withering of FSAR; and at each stage – independent trends; substantiated the hypothesis why today the law firm does not have the appropriate registration in the form of a separate subject of law.Currently, there is no scientific research of specific public associations of lawyers. Meanwhile, the "ward" system of organizing the legal profession has shown its ineffectiveness, and among lawyer's public associations there was a natural selection, during which from the numerous associations and unions created since the mid-90s. Until the beginning of the 2000s, only associations of social value for the legal profession remained. These associations should be carefully studied as a way of self-organization of the Bar in a natural way, in order to formulate proposals for creating a system more effective than the one available today.Keywords: advocacy, advocacy, chamber of law, the rights of advocates, public associations of advocates, the system of advocacy, Federal Union of Lawyers of Russia, FSARReferences1.Advokatskaya deyatel`nost` i advokatura v Rossii: v 2 ch. Ch. 1: uchebnik dlya vuzov / I.L. Trunov i dr.; pod red. I.L. Trunova. 3-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: Yurajt, 2020.2.Advokatura v Rossii: ucheb. posob. dlya studentov vuzov, obuchayushhixsya po napravleniyu «Yurisprudenciya» / G.B. Mirzoev i dr.; pod nauch. red. G.B. Mirzoeva, N.D. E`riashvili; pod obshh. red. A.P. Galoganova. 6-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: YuNITI-DANA: Zakon i pravo, 2020.3.Smirnov V.N. 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It is determined that a domain name can exist within the framework of such an object of civil rights as property, the right to which will be subject to appropriate legal protection. It is established that in cases where a trademark or geographical designation is placed in a domain name, only that part of it that consists of the corresponding object of exclusive rights will be protected.The article has a high scientific value, since it includes a consistent and detailed analysis of the properties of a domain name, which is a fundamental element in the active process of digitalization of society. A reasoned and unambiguous conclusion is formulated about the place of this category in the context of the existing classification of objects of civil rights.Keywords: domain name, legal nature, service, property, means of individualization, property rights, object of exclusive rightsReferences1.Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast` pervaya) ot 30.11.1994 № 51-FZ (red. ot 28.06.2021, s izm. ot 26.10.2021) // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 1994. № 32. St. 3301.2.Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast` vtoraya) ot 26.01.1996 № 14-FZ (red. 01.07.2021, s izm. ot 08.07.2021) // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 1996. № 5. St. 410.3.Grazhdanskij kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii (chast` chetvertaya) ot 18.12.2006 № 230-FZ (red. ot 11.06.2021, s izm. ot 01.08.2021) // Sobranie zakonodatel`stva Rossijskoj Federacii. 2006. № 52. St. 5496.4.Kazachenok O.P. 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URL: ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEBratukhina E.V.Comparative legal analysis of will and inheritance contract as a basis of inheritance under civil lawAbstract: Purpose of the study is to conducting a comparative legal analysis of the substitute of the will and the novels of civil law - the inheritance contract, as grounds for inheritance under civil law. We used the formal legal, comparative legal, logical methods.The author analyzes the procedure for the adoption and entry into force of the rules on the inheritance contract, their common and distinctive features, which make it possible to distinguish between adjacent legal phenomena.Introduction into scientific circulation of the criteria for delimiting two similar legal subinstitutions of inheritance la – will and inheritance contract as grounds for inheritance under civil law.Keywords: will, inheritance, inheritance contract, inheritance fund, joint will of spousesReferences1.Karxalev D.N. 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ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEKiselev P.P., Fayzullina L.R.Overview of some provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia:human rights aspectAbstract: To familiarize with the peculiarities of the legal system of the Republic of Armenia through an educational program and exchange of experience between the subjects of human rights activities of Armenia and Russia.The study used an overview method of accumulating information suitable for comparative legal analysis, as well as a method of educational and cultural exchange of experience in human rights.The human rights potential of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Republic of Armenia in regulating the jurisdiction of disputes between citizens and the authorities to the administrative court was revealed, a comparative analysis of these legal provisions was carried out with similar provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation, and positive provisions of the Federal Law «On the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation» were announced in comparison with the status of the Defender of human rights in the Republic of Armenia.As a result of an overview of relevant legal practice through a special development program, the authors for the first time formulated legislative amendments to consider in administrative proceedings any claims about the illegality of acts of public authorities that violated human rights.Keywords: Russian Federation, Republic of Armenia, human rights, legal system, comparative analysis, human rights potentialReferences1.Grazhdanskij processual`ny`j kodeks Rossijskoj Federacii ot 14.11.2002 № 138-FZ. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».2.Kodeks administrativnogo sudoproizvodstva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 08.03.2015 № 21-FZ. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».3.Kodeks administrativnogo sudoproizvodstva Respubliki Armeniya ot 05.12.2013 № ZR-139-N. Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».4.Postanovlenie Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 25.06.2019 № 19 (red. ot 29.06.2021) «O primenenii norm glavy` 47.1 Ugolovno-processual`nogo kodeksa Rossijskoj Federacii, reguliruyushhix proizvodstvo v sude kassacionnoj instancii». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus».5.Postanovlenie Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda RF ot 29.06.2021 № 22 «O vnesenii izmenenij v otdel`ny`e postanovleniya Plenuma Verxovnogo Suda Rossijskoj Federacii po ugolovny`m delam». Dostup iz sprav.-pravovoj sistemy` «Konsul`tantPlyus». HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE EURASIAN SPACEVinogradova E.V.The death penalty. 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HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE EURASIAN SPACEKlyukov V.D.Constitutional system for the protection of human and civil rights in the Russian FederationAbstract: Scientific research of the constitutional system of human rights protection in the Russian Federation, the peculiarities of the interaction of its constituent elements. Formally legal and comparative methods were used.In the article, the main components of the structure of the constitutional system for the protection of human and civil rights are internally reasonably distinguished, revealing the nature and essence of the phenomenon under consideration: legal norms (recognition); actors who recognize, respect and protect human rights; human rights activities, including self-defense of rights.The article has scientific value, since it is the first attempt to consider the constitutional system of human rights protection through the prism of Art. 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.Keywords: Constitution of the Russian Federation, human rights, system of protection of rights and freedoms, recognition, observanceReferences1.Buty`lin V.N. Osnovy` gosudarstvenno-pravovogo mexanizma oxrany` konstitucionny`x prav i svobod grazhdan. M.: Akademiya truda i social`ny`x otnoshenij, 2002. S. 73–74.2.Vitruk N.V. 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