Аbout the authors № 6 (7) 2013

BILOZIR Oksana Vladimirovna – post-graduate student of Institute of the legislation of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Ukraine Republic, 04053, Kiev, Nesterovsky Lane, 4.

DEKHANOV Sergey Aleksandrovich – doctor of juridical sciences, associate professor, advocate, Russian Federation, Moscow, Academician Anokhin St., 7.

GRECHUHA Nikolay Mikhaylovich – doctor of economical sciences, professor, Director of Association of educational institutions «Forensic examination», Russian Federation, 127018, Moscow, Skladochnaya St., 1, build. 15.

Kantyukova Indira Tagirovna – advocate, research employee of the Center of research of problems of organization and activity of legal profession of the Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law. Russian Federation, 450059, Ufa, R. Zorge St., 20, office 7.

KUDRYAVTSEV Vladislav Leonidovich – doctor of juridical sciences, leading research associate of the Research center of the Moscow academy of economy and Law, Russian Federation, 117105, Moscow, Varshavskoye Highway, 23.

MAMEDOV Vugar – doctor of medical sciences, professor, Institute on human rights of National academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Republic, AZ 1143, Baku, G. Jaweed Ave., 31.

MUSTAFAYEVA Ayten – doctor of philosophy by juridical sciences, Director of institute of human rights of National academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan Republic, AZ 1143, Baku, G. Jaweed Ave, 31.

Osin Vladimir Vladimirovich – candidate of juridical sciences, senior research associate, advocate of the Moscow city Bar, Russian Federation, Moscow, Old Basmannaya st., 6.

PASHENTSEV Dmitry Alekseevich – doctor of juridical sciences, professor, professor of Civil law chair of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation, 125993, Moscow, Leningradsky Avenue, 49.

POZDNYAKOVA Elena Aleksandrovna – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor of the chair of Theory of law and comparative jurisprudence of Faculty of law of NIU «The Higher School of Economy», advocate, Russian Federation, Moscow, Malaya Ordynka St., 17.

RAGULIN Andrey Viktorovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, advocate, head of the Center of research of problems of organization and activity of legal profession of the Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law. Russian Federation, 450059, Ufa, R. Zorge St., 20, office 7.

SHAYKHULLIN Marat Selirovich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, Director of the Eurasian Scientific Research Institute of Problems of Law. Russian Federation, 450059, Ufa, R. Zorge St., 20, office 7.

Shakirov Timur Ravilyevich – magister of law, legal adviser of program for Europe of International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), Switzerland, 1211, Geneva, Geneva, Rue des Bains 33. P.O. Box 91.

Sinn Arndt – doctor of law, professor, head of Institute of Economic criminal law and the head of chair of German and European criminal law and criminal trial, international criminal law and comparative jurisprudence of University of Osnabruck, director of Center of the European and international researches of criminal law (ZEIS), Federative Republic of Germany, Osnabruck, Deutschland, 49078, Osnabruck, Universität Osnabrück, Heger-Tor-Wall, 14.

STEPANOVA Angela Vladimirovna – candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the chair of History of the fatherland and culture of the Saratov state technical university, Russian Federation, 410054, Saratov, Politekhnicheskaya St., 77.

YEROFEEV Konstantin Borisovich – advocate, the member of Advocate Chamber of St. Petersburg. Russian Federation, Sankt-Petersburg, Rubenstein St., 3.

ZAKOMOLDIN Alexey Valeriyevich – candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, Deputy director of branch of Russian State Social University in Tolyatti, Russian Federation, 445057, Tolyatti, Stepan Razin Ave, 78.