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International scientific and practical law journal
Eurasian Journal of International Law
Historical experienceYerofeev K.B.Image of the advocate in the Soviet cinema: continuationPurpose: Consideration of an image of advocate in the Soviet cinema.Methodology: The author applied a historical and legal method and a method of the kultorological analysis.Results: In article earlier begun author’s research of a question of an image of advocate in the Soviet cinema was continued. On the basis of the analysis of images of advocates as cinema characters in movies of the Soviet era in comparison to historical stages of development of the organization of domestic advocacy profession a question of transformation of the relation of the state and society to a profession of advocate and procedure of criminal trial was considered.Novelty/originality/value: Article has a scientific value as contains the researches based on an original method and the author’s generalizations possessing scientific novelty aimed at the development of theoretical regulations on relationship of advocacy profession and the state.
Keywords: advocate, an image of advocate in a cinema, advocacy and the state, lawyer, attorney, counsel, barrister, advocacy, legal profession, bar.
1. Erofeev K.B. Obraz advokata v sovetskom kinematografe // Evraziyskaya advokatura. – 2013. – № 2 (3). – S. 20–22.
2. Zverev I. Zaschitnik Sedov. Povesti, rasskazy, publitsistika. — M.: Sovetskiy pisatel#, 1990.
3. Tendryakov V. F. Sobranie sochineniy v chetyrekh tomakh. M., 1978–1980.
4. Utevskiy B. Vospominaniya yurista. Yuridicheskaya literatura, 1989. – S. 123.
PRO BLEMS OF OR GANIZATION AND Advocacy PRO FESSION FUNCTIONINGShakirov T.R.International standards of independence and accountability of advocates
Objective: The review of the content of the international legal framework establishing standards of the independence and accountability of advocates.Methodology: The author used the comparative legal method, the formal legalistic method, the method of participant observation.Results: In this paper, based on the study of a wide range of international legal instruments and jurisprudence, it is substantiated that international standards of the organization of the advocacy profession contain a reference to the basic principles that should be adhered to in order to ensure the independence and integrity of the advocacy profession. The independence of is a fundamental principle, which ensures that the advocates, along with other citizens, enjoy all the rights including the right to establishing and maintaining independent, self-governing advocates associations. An important element of independence is ensuring that access to the profession is provided solely based on such criteria as knowledge, professional training, and skills. Codes of ethics should be adopted by advocates themselves or through legal acts developed with the participation of the representatives of the advocacy profession, while the system of disciplinary proceedings should aim to maintain professional standards of the advocacy profession and to ensure that the advocates act exclusively in the interests of their clients. States have an obligation to create the conditions in which advocates are able to perform their professional duties and functions, and to ensure the protection of their role and rights.Novelty/originality/value: The paper is of the scientific value as it contains generalizations and conclusions significant for the legal regulation of advocates activity.
Keywords: advocacy profession, advocate, independence of advocates, international law, International Commission of Jurists, lawyer, attorney, counsel, barrister, bar.
1. A. v. Norway, ESPCh, zhaloba № 28070/06, posta-novlenie ot 9 aprelya 2009 g. [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa:
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5. Oleksandr Volkov v. Ukraine, ESPCh, zhaloba № 55480/00, postanovlenie ot 9 yanvarya 2013 g., p. 166. [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:{«itemid»:[«001-115871»]}
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10. Assotsiatsiya mezhdunarodnogo prava. Parizhskie minimal#nye standarty v oblasti prav cheloveka v periody chrezvychaynykh polozheniy. 1984 god. [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
11. Distsiplinarnoe proizvodstvo v otnoshenii advokatov v stranakh SNG: analiz mezhdunarodnogo prava i standartov, 19 iyunya 2013 g. [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
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18. Kyrgyzskaya Respublika: pravitel#stvo dolzhno prinyat# srochnye mery dlya prekrascheniya napadeniy na advokatov, 21 avgusta 2013 g. [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
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21. Mezhdunarodnaya komissiya yuristov. Distsiplinarnoe proizvodstvo v otnoshenii advokatov v stranakh SNG: analiz mezhdunarodnogo prava i standartov. 19 iyunya 2013 g. [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
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24. Mezhdunarodnyy Pakt o Grazhdanskikh i Politi-cheskikh Pravakh. [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
25. Mirzoev G.B. Na puti k spravedlivomu pravosudiyu, ili o reformirovanii pravovoy sistemy // Uchenye trudy Rossiyskoy akademii advokatury i notariata. – 2013. – № 1 (28). – S. 5–9.
26. Nezavisimost# yuridicheskoy professii v Tsentral#noy Azii, 10 sentyabrya 2013 g. [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
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28. Osnovnye printsipy, kasayuschiesya roli yuristov (prinyaty vos#mym Kongressom OON po preduprezhdeniyu prestupnosti i obrascheniyu s pravonarushitelyami, Gavana, 27 avgusta - 7 sentyabrya 1990 g.) // Sobranie mezhdunarodnykh dokumentov «Prava cheloveka i sudoproizvodstvo». – M., 2002.
29. Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo № 1. Mezhdunarodnye printsipy nezavisimosti i podotchetnosti sudey, advokatov i prokurorov [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
30. Proekt vseobschey deklaratsii o nezavisimosti pravosudiya (Deklaratsiya Singvi). [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL:
31. Ragulin A.V. Reglamentatsiya i realizatsiya professional#nogo prava advokata-zaschitnika na soblyudenie osobogo poryadka ugolovnogo presledovaniya // Evraziyskiy yuridicheskiy zhurnal. № 1 (56), 2013. – S. 139–142.
32. Ragulin A.V. Problemy reglamentatsii prava advokata-zaschitnika na zayavlenie vozrazheniy protiv deystviy predsedatel#stvuyuschego // Uchenye trudy rossiyskoy akademii advokatury i notariata. – 2012. – № 3 (26). – S. 21–24.
33. Ragulin A.V. Pravo advokata-zaschitnika na privlechenie spetsialista: problemy realizatsii i puti ikh resheniya // Vestnik Volzhskogo universiteta imeni V.N. Tatischeva. – 2012. – № 2 (76). – S. 57–66.
34. Ragulin A.V. Pravo advokata-zaschitnika trebovat# zapreta na vmeshatel#stvo v advokatskuyu deyatel#nost# libo prepyatstvovanie ey kakim by to ni bylo obrazom: problemy zakonodatel#noy reglamentatsii i prakticheskoy realizatsii // Evraziyskiy yuridicheskiy zhurnal – 2012. – № 4 (47). – S. 136–143.
35. Ragulin A.V. Problemnye voprosy pravovoy reglamentatsii i realizatsii professional#nogo prava advokata-zaschitnika na obzhalovanie deystviy (bezdeystviya) dolzhnostnykh lits gosudarstvennykh organov, osuschestvlyayuschikh proizvodstvo po ugolovnomu delu // Obrazovanie i pravo. – 2012. – № 3 (31). Mart. – S. 202–217.
36. Ragulin A.V. Reglamentatsiya professional#nykh prav advokata-zaschitnika i ikh obespecheniya po zakonodatel#stvu Respubliki Turkmenistan // Evraziyskiy yuridicheskiy zhurnal – 2012. – № 2 (45). – S. 124–126.
37. Rekomendatsiya № R (2000) 21 Komiteta ministrov Soveta Evropy «O svobode osuschestvleniya professii advokata» // Sobranie mezhdunarodnykh dokumentov «Prava cheloveka i sudoproizvodstvo». - M., 2002.
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Kudryavtsev V.L.
Protection in the mechanism of purpose in criminal justice of Russian Federation
Purpose: Consideration of a question of protection in the mechanism of purpose of criminal justice of Russian Federation.Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal method and a method of theoretical modeling.Results: It is proved that in Part 1 of Article 6 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, «The purpose of criminal proceedings», «protection» is used as the constitutional-legal category, as well as the fact that the power to achieve the purpose of the criminal proceedings have competent state bodies and their officials person and the court, the same participants in criminal proceedings as a advocate-defender, exercise their rights through their actions and decisions, and thereby contribute to the purpose of criminal proceedings. In this context deals with the right of advocate – defender to collect evidence and to challenge the admissibility of the properties give them as a means of protection in the mechanism of purpose of criminal proceedings.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the important scientific value as contains possessing scientific novelty author’s generalizations and conclusions aimed at the development of theoretical regulations on purpose of criminal justice.
Keywords: criminal justice, the purpose of criminal proceedings, defense, advocate – defender, to collect evidence, admissibility of evidence, the legal position of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, lawyer, attorney, counsel, barrister, advocate, advocacy, legal profession, bar.
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PRO BLEMS OF OR GANIZATION AND Advocacy PRO FESSION FUNCTIONINGKantyukova I.T.To a question of improvement of provisions of the Russian legislation of legal status of the assistant and the trainee of the advocate
Purpose: Consideration of a legal regulation of institutes of the trainee and the paralegal assistant of advocate for establishment of accurate distinctions between these persons and development of suggestions for improvement of provisions of the current legislation about advocate’s activity and advocacy profession.Methodology: The formal-legal method, method of the included supervision, method of theoretical modeling were used.Results: The author comes to a conclusion that the main differences between trainee of the advocate from the paralegal assistant consist in requirements to an education level, work term in the corresponding quality and in functional purpose of their activity. As a result of consideration of these provisions the conclusion that the trainee of advocate is the person passable inservice and theoretical training under the direction of the advocate for receiving professional experience, necessary for independent implementation of advocate activity is formulated. The paralegal assistant is the person promoting implementation of professional activity of the advocate, carrying out his personal errands.Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses the high scientific value as is one of the first attempts in a complex to consider distinctions in legal status of the trainee and the paralegal assistant of advocate. It contains scientific and reasonable suggestions for improvement of provisions of the Russian legislation about advocate`s activity and advocacy profession.
Keywords: trainee of the advocate, paralegal assistant, lawyer, attorney, counsel, barrister, advocate, advocacy, legal profession, bar.
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ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEPozdnyakova E.A.The theory and practice of realization of the rights and duties of the person acting as the representative by power of attorney
Цель: Рассмотрение ряда проблемных вопросов, связанных с деятельностью представителя стороны в гражданском процессе, при оформлении его полномочий путем выдачи доверенности.Методология: Автором применялись формально-юридический метод, метод изучения документов и метод включенного наблюдения.Результаты: В статье приведено понятие доверенности, формулируется перечень полномочий, обычно указываемых в доверенности, обозначаются требования к ее составлению, рассмотрены проблемные вопросы передоверия полномочий, исследованы особенности оформления доверенности, выданной на представительство интересов работника, обозначены проблемы, связанные со злоупотреблением полномочиями со стороны представителя, и сформулированы основные подходы к их разрешению.Новизна/оригинальность/ценность: Статья имеет высокую научную и практическую ценность, поскольку содержит обладающие научной новизной авторские обобщения, выводы и практические предложения, которые могут быть использованы в адвокатской деятельности.
Ключевые слова: доверенность, полномочия представителя, реализация полномочий, возврат доверенности доверителю.
References1. Boykov A.D. Problemy sudebnogo predstavitel#stva i advokatura // Uchenye trudy Rossiyskoy akademii advokatury i notariata. – 2011. – № 4. – S. 5–11.2. Luk#yantsev A.A., Burov V.S. Protsessual#naya doverennost#: trebovanie protsessual#nykh reglamentov // Advokat. – 2011. – № 1. – S. 15–18.3. Minnigulova D.B. Primenenie analogii zakona v regulirovanii gosudarstvennoy grazhdanskoy sluzhby // Gosudarstvennaya vlast# i mestnoe samoupravlenie. – 2010. – № 8. – S. 17–22.4. Pozdnyakova E.A. Ustanovlenie lichnosti i proverka pravomochiy uchastnikov sdelki pri registratsii zaloga nedvizhimogo imuschestva kak obyazannosti organov, osuschestvlyayuschikh gosudarstvennuyu registratsiyu prav na nedvizhimoe imuschestvo i sdelok s nim // Aktual#nye problemy realizatsii Osnov gosudarstvennoy politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii v sfere razvitiya pravovoy gramotnosti i pravosoznaniya grazhdan: Sbornik nauchnykh statey. – Vyp. 20. – M., 2012. – S. 306–312.
PROTECTION OF THE PROFESSIONAL RIGHTS OF ADVOCATeZakomoldin A.V.Advocate’s secret and realization of the right to the qualified legal aid in criminal procedure of Russia
Purpose: Consideration of advocate’s secret as implementers of the right to a legal aid by criminal cases productionMethodology: The author applied formal-legal and comparative-legal methods.Results: In article features of realization of advocate’s secret are investigated and possibility of its violation for the good of public concerns is considered. It is established that the advocate’s secret is the particular legal regime which contents is the ban on illegal receiving and use by the third parties of any data connected with rendering by the advocate of a legal aid to the principal, and also a ban on a misuse of these data contrary to will of his
committed crime is inadmissible under no circumstances, and the decision on disclosure of data on a preparing crime to the advocate should be made on the basis of own moral and ethical ideas of a measure of the due.Novelty/originality/value: Article has a certain scientific value as contains author’s generalizations possessing scientific novelty.Keywords: advocate’s secret, the qualified legal aid, protection, criminal procedure, lawyer, attorney, counsel, barrister, advocate, advocacy, legal profession, bar.
References1. Burobin V.N., Pletnev V.Yu., Shubin D.A. Advokatskaya tayna / Pod red. V.N. Burobina. – M.: Statut, 2006.2. Kuznetsov A.V. Osnovnye napravleniya razvitiya pravovogo regulirovaniya instituta advokatskoy tayny v Rossiyskoy Federatsii // Obrazovanie i pravo. – 2012. – № 1 (29). – S. 176–185.3. Kuznetsov A.V. Osobennosti i predely ogranicheniya advokatskoy tayny v Rossii (sravnitel#nopravovoy opyt SShA, Frantsii, Germanii) // Ekonomika i pravo. XXI vek. – 2012. – № 1. – S. 184–193.4. Pilipenko Yu.S. Otechestvennaya doktrina ob absolyutnosti ili otnositel#nosti advokatskoy tayny // Advokatskaya praktika. – 2009. – № 6. – S. 16–22.5. Pshukov A.M. Advokatskaya tayna: Dis. ... kand. yurid. nauk. – M., 2008. – S. 8.6. Ragulin A.V. K voprosu o neobkhodimosti usileniya garantiy nezavisimosti advokata i sokhraneniya advokatskoy tayny // Uchenye trudy rossiyskoy akademii advokatury. – 2008. – № 3 (8). – S. 10–15.7. Ragulin A.V. O prave advokata-zaschitnika otkazyvat# v predostavlenii svedeniy, svyazannykh s okazaniem yuridicheskoy pomoschi // Advokatskaya praktika. – 2012. – № 3. – S. 36–39.8. Reznik G.M. K voprosu o konstitutsionnosti soderzhaniya ponyatiya «kvalifitsirovannaya yuridicheskaya pomosch#» // Advokat. – 2007. – № 4. – S. 26.9. Taran A.S. Advokatskaya tayna i interesy obschestva // Vestnik Samarskoy gumanitarnoy akademii. – 2005. – № 2. – S. 156–157. – (Pravo).
PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND DISCIPLINARY RESPONSIBILITY OF ADVO CATeStepanova A.V.Ethics and morals problems in activity of advocate (on the example of activity of advocate A.I. Urusov)
Purpose: Consideration of problems of value of ethics and morals for activity of advocate on the example of activity of advocate A.I. Urusov.Methodology: The author applied a historical-legal method and a method of the analysis of biographic data.Results: In article on the basis of the analysis of the facts from the biography of known Russian advocate A.I. Urusov (02.04.1843–16.07.1900) the conclusion that realization of the importance of a profession of advocate is directly connected with the general condition of freedom and legality in the state is formulated. Thus, the state and civil society has to be interested in advocacy activity. Also in article the high importance of establishment and observance of ethical standards is proved at the organization and advocacy profession activity.Novelty/originality/value: Article contains author’s conclusions and the generalizations having the scientific and practical importance for activity of the advocates.Keywords: advocate, professional honor, personal freedom, morals, corporationism, A.I. Urusov, lawyer, attorney, counsel, barrister, advocate, advocacy, legal profession, bar.
References1. Andreeva A.A. Knyaz# A.I. Urusov. K kharakteristike literatora i cheloveka // Knyaz# Aleksandr Ivanovich Urusov. – M., 1907. – T. 2–3.2. Koni A.F. Vospominaniya o knyaze A.I. Urusove // Knyaz# Aleksandr Ivanovich Urusov. – S. 195–196.3. Pravitel#stvennyy vestnik. – 1871. – 13 iyulya. – S. 2–4.4. Petrov D.V. Pravovye i organizatsionnye aspekty obespecheniya lichnosti i professional#noy deyatel#nosti advokata // Uchenye trudy Rossiyskoy akademii advokatury i notariata. – 2012. – № 3. – S. 16–20.5. Pushkin E.A. Vospominaniya o knyaze Urusove // Knyaz# Aleksandr Ivanovich Urusov. – S. 96–97.6. Ragulin A.V. Osnovnye organizatsionno-pravovye sredstva obespecheniya realizatsii i zaschity professional#nykh prav advokata // Uchenye trudy rossiyskoy akademii advokatury i notariata. – 2011. – № 4 (23). – S. 12–17.7. RGALI, f. 514, op. 1, d. 38.8. RGALI, f. 514, op. 1, d. 64.9. RGB RO, f. 311, op. 11, d. 20.10. RNB RO, f. 311, p. 1, d. 1, l. 12.
PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND DISCIPLINARY RESPONSIBILITY OF ADVO CATeSinn A.Avoiding conflicts of criminal jurisdiction in the European Union: present and future
Purpose: Research of problems of conflicts of criminal jurisdiction in the European Union and development of legal ways on their prevention and permission.Methodology: The authors used the comparative legal method, the formal legalistic method, the method of participant observation.Results: In this paper, based on the study of a wide range of international legal instruments and scientific materials, it is substantiated that the Member States of the European Union have agreed to harmonize their criminal law, bringing about a Europeanization of national criminal law. In return, they have promised the citizens of Europe that they will live in an «area of freedom, security, and justice». It should be obvious that this area is not intended to be a first-class lounge for the ideal EU citizen. And we are still a long way from this ideal: even the question of which legal system should apply to a criminal offence that touches multiple Member States has not been adequately addressed. Instead, the EU consists of 27 areas, each representing a courtroom where a court can convict a defendant within the bounds of its own law’s criminal jurisdiction.Avoiding conflicts of criminal jurisdiction requires a European solution. The Council Framework Decision 2009/948/JHA of 30 November 2009 on prevention and settlement of conflicts of exercise of jurisdiction in criminal proceedings missed a chance to propose a solution that does justice to the idea of a common area. In this article were analyzed the Framework Decision, highlights its weaknesses, and focuses on the actual problem: the criminal jurisdiction statutes of the member states. It proposes two new models of a possible solution that have emerged from a sweeping comparative law project initiated by the author.Novelty/originality/value: The paper has very high scientific and practical value as it contains author’s offers, generalizations and conclusions significant for avoiding conflicts of criminal jurisdiction in the European Union.Keywords: European Union, comparative criminal law, comparative criminal procedural law, conflicts of criminal jurisdiction.
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PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND DISCIPLINARY RESPONSIBILITY OF ADVO CATeGrechukha N.M.Counteraction to illegal merger of the enterprises: economical-legal aspect
Purpose: Consideration of the main economical and legal aspects of counteraction to raiding.Methodology: The author applied historical-legal and economical-legal method.Results: In article it is proved that raiding interferes with normal economic development of the Russian society, increase of efficiency of national economy, compromises economic policy of the state, reduces trustof society to government bodies and undermines authority of Russia on the international scene. The author revealed the concrete factors characterizing public danger of raiding and is noted that the assessment of concrete act as raiding and for fight against it requires application of economical and legal approach.Novelty/originality/value: The position having scientific novelty about need of use of economical and legal approach to the analysis of a phenomenon of raiding and to a technique of fight against it locates.Keywords: raiding, economy, policy, state.
References1. Global corruption report 2004. Transparency international. – 2004. – R. 246, 249.2. Astakhov P.A. Protivodeystviya reyderskim zakhvatam. – M., 2007. – S. 63. Bogatikov A.A., Grachev V.A., Faybusovich K.B. Protivodeystvie protivopravnym pogloscheniyam predpriyatiy v sovremennykh sotsial#no-ekonomicheskikh usloviyakh. – M., 2010.4. Zyblev VV., Shpakovskiy Yu.G. Bezopasnost# predprinimatel#skoy deyatel#nosti v Rossiyskoy Federatsii. – M.: Nauka i obrazovanie, 2007. – S. 42.5. Stenograficheskiy otchet o soveschanii Prezidenta Rossiyskoy Federatsii D.A. Medvedeva po voprosam snizheniya administrativnykh bar#erov dlya sub#ektov malogo i srednego biznesa. 5 avgusta 2009 g., Moskovskaya oblast#, Zvenigorod.6. Fedorov A.Yu. Sovershenstvovanie Federal#nogo zakona «O gosudarstvennoy registratsii yuridicheskikh lits i individual#nykh predprinimateley» v tselyakh protivodeystviya reyderstvu // Uchenye trudy Rossiyskoy akademii advokatury i notariata. – 2010. – № 2 (17). – S. 89–97.
ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF ADVOCACY PRACTICEDekhanov S.A.Claim as universal remedy of protection of the civil rights
Purpose: In article the legal phenomenon of the claim was considered.Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal method and a method of theoretical modeling.Results: In article legal properties of the claim are analyzed, classification of claims was given, the concept of the bases of the claim and a subject of action was opened, classification of claims depending on nature of encroachment, depending on body, competent to consider and resolve claims, depending on the procedural purpose, depending on nature of protected interests was investigated. Versions of the interconnected claims are established and their characteristic was given. Provisions of the main theories of an individualization of the claim (the theory of the actual individualization, the theory of a legal individualization, the theory of the mixed juridical-actual individualization) was analyzed. Theoretical questions of change of a subject of action, the basis of the claim, subject structure of the claim was investigated. In article the material and legal and procedural concept of abandonment of claim was considered.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the important scientific value as contains possessing scientific novelty of author’s generalizations and the conclusions aimed at the development of theoretical regulations on the claim as about a universal remedy of protection of the civil rights.Keywords: claim, classification of claims, subject of action, claim basis.
References1. Bol#shaya Sovetskaya entsiklopediya. Slovari. [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL: Dal# V. Tolkovyy slovar# zhivogo velikorusskogo yazyka. M., 1880–1882. [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL: http://vidahl.agava.ru3. Entsiklopedicheskiy slovar# Brokgauza i Efrona v 82 tt. i 4 dop. tt. — M.: Terra, 2001. [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL: Gorbunov M.A. Neiskovye sredstva zaschity interesa v sisteme Rimskogo chastnogo prava // Uchenye trudy Rossiyskoy akademii advokatury i notariata. – 2011. – № 2. – S. 59–65.5. Dobrovol#skiy A.A., Ivanova S.A. Osnovnye problemy iskovoy formy zaschity prava. – M., 1979. – S. 39.6. Zheruolis I.A. Ponyatie iska kak protsessual#noy formy zaschity prava // Problemy garantii osuschestvleniya i zaschity prav grazhdan. – Tartu, 1977. – S. 267.7. Osokina G.L. Isk (teoriya i praktika). – M.: Gorodets, 2000.8. Sovetskiy grazhdanskiy protsess / Pod red. K.I. Ko-missarova, V.M. Semenova. – M., 1988. – S. 178.
JURISPRUDENCE AND EDUCATIONMustafayeva A. Mamedov V.The medical law– a component of bioethics and the new direction of jurisprudence politics and Economics of Eurasia
Purpose: Consideration of problems of interrelation of bioethics and medical law as new direction of jurisprudence.Methodology: Authors applied historical and legal, comparative and legal methods, a formal – legal method, a method of the included supervision, a statistical method.Results: The conclusion that the prompt growth of number of declarations and the documents of ethical character accepted by National and international professional medical Associations, is accompanied by formation of the medical legislation that, in turn, determines demand growth in the new direction of jurisprudence– the medical law – one of branches of the bioethics, urged to protect human rights in science and medicine is drawn. Key problems of the medical law correspond to the main questions of bioethics. Experiments with people, protection of the rights of patients, problem of abortions, various aspects of treatment of infertility, euthanasia problem, problem of use of genetically modified products, transplantology problems concern to them.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the high scientific value as in it the subject of the medical law in interrelation with bioethics provisions is reasonable, and the main perspective directions of development of legal regulation of medical activity are designated.Keywords: bioethics, medical law, transplantology, euthanasia, abortions, genetically modified products, infertility treatment, experiments with the person.
References1. Biomeditsinskaya etika / Pod red. V.I. Pokrovskogo. – M., 1997. – Vyp. 1. – S. 203.2. Blagaya smert#. Opyt legalizatsii evtanazii v drugikh stranakh [Elektronnyy resurs]. – Rezhim dostupa: URL: Mustafaeva A.I. «Bioetika: syanyadlyare, terminlyar...». – Baky: Elm, 2009.4. Peresada O., Lebed#ko A. Vspomogatel#nye reproduktivnye tekhnologii: eticheskie i yuridicheskie problemy // Meditsinskie novosti. – 2005. – № 6.5. Siluyanova I.V. «Vyzov bioetiki segodnya»: Katolicheskiy simpozium po bioetike segodnya // Al#fa i Omega. M., 1998. – № 4 (18).6. Trineva Ya.O. Ponyatie i perspektivy legalizatsii eytanazii i ortanazii: mnenie advokata // Evraziyskaya advokatura. – 2012. – № 1 (1). – S. 119–128.
JURISPRUDENCE AND EDUCATIONBilozir O.V.Problems of development of legal regulation of freedom of travel of labor within European Union
Purpose: Illumination of the main legal problems of regulation of movement of labor within European Union and search of ways of their decision.Methodology: It was applied historical and legal, comparative legal methods, formal-legal method.Results: In article provisions of the main normative legal acts of European Union and materials of the court practice are analyzed, freedoms of travel of labor devoted to regulation and scientific works on this perspective and the existing system of legal regulation of these questions are defined. The conclusion that the main problem which arises at all stages of expansion of EU in connection with labor migration is drawn, there is a problem of a considerable difference in a salary in old and new state members of EU. The author notes that it was authorized to EU member states to limit temporarily free movement of labor from the new states within 5 – 7 years for smoothing and minimization of risks for labor markets in the course of EU expansion.Novelty/originality/value: Article possesses a certain scientific and practical value as contains important author’s generalizations and the conclusions connected with an international legal regulation of a labor market in European Union.Keywords: labor, labor market, freedom of travel, European Union.
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EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCEOsin V.V.Who will protect if the accused and suspected rights of defense are deprived by the advocate elected by them?
Purpose: Consideration of a number of the problem questions connected with discharge of advocates elected clients from conducting their criminal cases.Methodology: The author applied a formal-legal method, a method of studying of documents and a method of the included supervision.Results: In article on the basis of the analysis of a number of the interconnected criminal cases, it was shown how the right to judicial protection against an arbitrariness of officials and the right to the appeal guaranteed by the Constitution of Russia in court of actions (or inaction) and decisions of authorities and public officials is ignored by judges of the first, appeal, cassation and supervising instances. The reason of this phenomenon, according to the author, long inaction of the President of Russia on establishment in Russia the Constitution and justice authorities is. Detailed legal justification of illegality of discharge of the elected advocate was also given in article from conducting criminal cases, in relation to concrete criminal case.Novelty/originality/value: Article has the important practical value as contains author’s generalizations possessing scientific novelty, conclusions and practical offers which can be used in advocate’s activity.
Keywords: judicial protection, the right to the qualified legal aid, order of criminal trial, court of appeal, lawyer, attorney, counsel, barrister, advocate, advocacy, legal profession, bar.
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